From the other end of the spectrum

| July 21, 2010

Bobby Whittenberg is doing his best to undermine the IVAW from his end of the political spectrum.

Matthis expressed his support for Whittenberg and mentioned his desire to leave IVAW as well. Unfortunately, my ninja spy wasn’t fast enough to screen cap it – so you can believe me or not. I know it’s not likely Matthis will leave his latest abused girlfriend, the IVAW. He’s just butthurt because someone has been questioning his behavior – and he’s threatening to leave. The fact that he took his comment down shows all of the finger wagging is having an effect on him.

I wonder if the IVAW will ban Whittenberg for life like they did to Casey Porter?

Anyone who wants to greet Matthis, I guess he’ll be at Fort Hood soon;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Might Have Been Iraqi Veterans Against Iraqi Veterans against War?


If Matthis doesn’t have a diagnosis of PTSD yet, he’s likely to after he gets back from Ft. Hood. He’s likely to have nightmares and flashbacks, at the very least.

Junior AG

“If Matthis doesn’t have a diagnosis of PTSD yet, he’s likely to after he gets back from Ft. Hood.”

I’d wager Matthis has a long untreated case of syphillis he didn’t get treated that he caught in the Philippines…

Junior AG

“the revolution in our hearts..” Will be met by copper & lead if you attempt it. I will not suffer marxist-bureacracy, end of story.


Train wreck–horrifying–but can’t…turn…away…


In a strange way, I think Bobby has more stones than the entirety of IVAW for doing this. I still think his ideology is seriously flawed and he’s in for a gross disappointment if he thinks he can cull a substantial radical movement from the ranks of these slacktivists, but he makes some good points about the hypocrisy and spinelessness within the organization, things not unlike much of we’ve said here. And in light of his ridiculous designation of IVAW as a “right wing firing squad” this recognition of common ground with one that much further right of IVAW might well make his head explode.

I’ve already recounted elsewhere the pathetic showing of support from the membership of IVAW as seen in the correspondingly pathetic turnout (100 “members and allies”) at their first annual convention (Query why it took six years to get the first annual convention together). So, if Bobby can get 25% of those who cared enough to attend the convention and are actual veterans, of any sort, to join his cause, he’ll probably have about 12-15 people. I notice he stays mum on his specific plans for “radical action” but I can’t think of anything a group that small could do to have a significant impact, short of violence. Which, if that’s his plan, he deserves the full wrath of law.

Oh and let’s not let the irony of a self-proclaimed “anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist” using Facebook to start his revolution slip by unnoticed. Facebook is easily one of the biggest capitalist corporations around and their business practices are a perfect analogue for imperialism.

Southern Class

Idiotic Vermin And Wankers


#7 Southern Class:


Old Tanker

Here I was responding to ASH on another thread and called a buddy of mine who’s a CSM and I come back to see this…My buddy is in the 3rd ACR, I think I’ll call him back…

Casey J Porter

So Under The Hood Cafe allows rapists to show up over and over again? Oh, and those who lie about their service. Good job UtH, you are now right up there with IVAW for condoning a rapist.

As far as Bobby goes, well, if his idea of being radical is setting a flag on fire in a shed out of sight from everyone, I don’t think the corrupt government has much to worry about. What is radical to these people? So many elements of the anti-war “movement” call themselves radical, but don’t do much outside the holding signs and singing silly songs bit. That is what they plan to do at the East Gate at Ft. Hood. I also think spending some over-nighters in jail doesn’t really count as radical. Bobby rants about being radical, yet does not outline what radical is to him or to those who think like him. Would it be getting on to Ft. Hood and standing in the way of vehicles as they get loaded at the rail-head to deploy? Would it be an act of violence somewhere? I’m sure he is not going to tip his hand, but he doesn’t even give vague examples as to what radical measures he wants to enact. This just reads like more weak-sauce saber rattling about revolution from people who have no real intention of risking much of anything.

As far as what he points out within IVAW, he’s right. It is corrupt. Those people are making money off the war, effectively they are war profiteers. I never made a single penny from my films, and that was done that way on purpose. They may not be making billions from the war, but they are war profiteers just the same.


Any idea on how long it’ll be before he makes it to Hoodlum?

Ninja spies, execute!


I agree Casey. Bobby isn’t going to tell us what his idea of “radical” is, but he could at least give us a hint at what his meaning of “revolution” is. I have often heard the boilerplate pablum that included the word “revolution” stated many times, yet not once did they ever identify what that actually meant in their venacular. What is the “revolution” that Bobby is espousing? Maybe Carl can climb up out of the basement and clue me in on what the “revolution” is supposed to mean or accomplish?

Yes, IVAW is exactly what you said they are; war profiteers. I will take it a step further and say they are part of the military/industrial complex. They have no purpose outside of war (along with no income), so they really have no interest in seeing it end, which makes them no better than any other military contractor.

Casey J Porter

OldTrooper, you are right. They have no function outside of war. Being in their bogus movement is what has become to defined them. Without war, they have no place, no purpose. Sure, they can go a protest about other things, but they will just be anonymous protesters lost in the crowd.

They need the wars to continue so that they can make all the money they do. They would not be pulling down these size of paychecks if it weren’t for the war.

It’s one thing to make money from the war like KBR does and just call it business. But when you protest against the war and war profiteering, while at the same time making money from it, how the hell do you live with yourself?

Southern Class

Like this?:
Thanks for the inspiration.


#15 Southern Class:
I’ll have to check it when I get home (work access blocked, ahem…) but I’m sure it’s perfect!
Get back with you on it later!


A few months ago you attacked my friends Carl & his gf. Now, just like the IVAW blow-hards, you go after another friends.

@Southern Class – Ya really think “tweaking” IVAWs name for y’all’s own perverse sense of humor is going to phase them?

@OldTrooper – You, Casey, and fellow deadbeats relish attacking anyone you *think* is beneath you, but you cannot figure out why Bobby & Co won’t post “game plans” for you copy/paste over here for continued attack? Give it a rest..

It is clear you doubt a small group is incapable of accomplishing anything or perhaps not capable of surmounting any great tasks. That says you are not familiar with a lot of history.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead


It is clear you aren’t familiar with the semantics of simple grammar.

I don’t believe there’s any “doubt that these idiots are incapable.”


I have to ask, is Micheal Kern still on active duty or IRR?

Old Trooper

Well, Truth, let me ask you, since you decided to come here and mix up who is asking what; what is the “revolution”? What is the endgame of said “revolution”? It has nothing to do with posting “game plans”. All I want to know is WTF this “revolution” is. Mmmmmkay?

As I have said before, and what I was discussing with Casey, is of all the times I here some socialist/commie babble on about “revolution”, they never get around to explaining exactly what that is. I figured that since it is said so often that someone somewhere would be able to ‘splain it to da plainfolk, so we know what you’re talking about. Truth is; I don’t think any of you have a fucking clue what it is/means. You use it as a buzzword because it sounds cool to all the lost little hippies. Since I know a little about history; I can tell you what “revolution” meant to Lenin and Stalin; oppression and enslavement of an entire country. I can tell you what it meant to Mao as well; same thing it meant to Lenin and Stalin. I do believe that the Castro brothers and your hero Che would agree with that, since the Castro brothers are still practicing it to this day. Of course, let’s not forget that anyone they deemed “beneath them” was taken away and murdered, just for not agreeing with being a slave to the government.

Now; is your meaning for “revolution” the same as every dictatorial murdering scumbag in the past century? If it is, then you and Bobby are entitled to be ridiculed. If you want to live that way, head on down to Venezuela, because they are on the fast track to communism, or take a one way trip to Cuba, I hear there healthcare system is the bestest in the world.


“It is clear you doubt a small group is incapable of accomplishing anything or perhaps not capable of surmounting any great tasks. That says you are not familiar with a lot of history.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead”

Platitudes are terrific for proving a point.

I don’t doubt a small group of people can accomplish things, just THIS one specifically. All we ever see from IVAW is empty rhetoric, and now we’re seeing more extreme empty rhetoric from Bobby. If his strategy is going to be “keep plans super-secret from anyone who might criticize” his revolution is already sunk. I’m genuinely interested in what his plans are, and you underestimate me if you think I can’t have my mind changed. Any anti-capitalist with a Facebook account can churn out rambling missives about “radicalism” and “revolution” (doing his part to keep FB ad revenue coming). But if you believe in non-violence, and you roundly eschew taking any part in “the system” then really, what is left? More rambling missives, more standing around in places with a bullhorn, more gatherings held in “solidarity” to talk about rambling missives and congratulate each other for coming out to stand around with a bullhorn. Lather, rinse, repeat. Whee, anarchy is a great pastime!

Southern Class

?Truth b Told?wrote: @Southern Class – Ya really think “tweaking” IVAWs name for y’all’s own perverse sense of humor is going to phase them?

No dumbphuck, I don’t think it will phase them. It will however reinforce what we all feel about them. And, FYI, the only reason that I even open an IVAW post here is for the entertainment value. Nothing of substance within that worthless bunch of cowards who take the money offered to those in the military, and denigrate that same military. Membership consists of phonys, rapists, pogues claiming combat duty, and other slackers. For me, IVAW is nothing but humor, pure humor; so putting my words to their acronym serves only to further “entertain the troops”, and from the comments I read, it works.
If you are friends with Carl Webb, you are as low as the rest of the scum there, and claiming his friendship let’s us all see that you are no more significant than any other of the useless sorts who can find no better use for their time than being a member of Idiotic Vermin And Wankers.
Go suck a nut.

Army Sergeant

You know, I’m really tired of people trashing on IVAW for their supposed “high salaries”. First, they never quote accurate numbers, and second, you could make a higher salary than IVAW pays most employees just by utilizing the post 9/11 GI bill housing stipend. If people really wanted to just make decent money, they’d be going to college and working part time for the VA work-study, not working for IVAW.


Yeah, the salary thing is dumb. Actually, the Exec Dir makes a pittance compared to most similiar positions, so I have no problem with that side. Rather pay him than give the money to Matthis to send up his nose.


Well, AS, I haven’t trashed them on the salary thing, because there are so many other targets to drill them on.

Casey J Porter

Yeah, like flag burning, being co-oped by the ISO, having “allies” like Elaine Brower who call Marines murders and baby killers, passing resolutions that have zero to do with ending the war in Iraq, making excuses for the rape of prostitutes in other countries, allowing people who never even left the States to join, allowing people to stay who advocate killing Soldiers (until I went all out that is), board members telling people to not support the troops in any way, slander and in accurate statements, members and board members who have flat out lied about where they where deployed to, not doing jack shit for Active Duty resisters, I mean really, you want me to go on and on with this list?

Furthermore, you accused me of lying about what Seth said. But now you have two others, Kern and Bobby, confirming what I said as far as IVAW wasting money. Not exactly a pair of right-wing war mongers. Those numbers also might be off, but what has already been proven is that some jobs do pay around $30,000 a year.

Own up to it, you hang out with war profiteers.


#15 Southern Class:
About that T-shirt design:

PRICELESS!! I want one!!

Easily Amused

I have to say what a bunch of typical right wing cowards this website seems to have affiliated with it. First, you personally attack people based on hearsay. Second, you all consider yourselves to be “better” than most of the people that you defame in your blog. I for one think it’s beyond reason to call someone out without all the facts or just for the purpose of doing it for extra readers. Are you really at a lack for real news and issues that you take it upon yourself to spy on peoples facebook,twitter or myspace accounts? Sounds like a stalker thing to do. You can google search the email address I have posted and will not find out who I am, I’m not going to be part of your stalker agenda. I do know a few of the people you have written about including my comrade Bobby. He is a radical thinker as well as someone who cares about doing something to actually stop these occupations that our country is funding and taking pride in at the cost of american lives. I think you people are just jealous in a way that you cannot fathom yourselves being part of an actual change so you hide behind defaming others to make yourselves feel better about doing nothing…sound about fair? I usually consider myself a fair person, I will listen to anyone’s side even if I do not agree I still might learn something. I have yet to find something useful in your hateful displays of the overt singling out of radicals within the anti-war movement. The thing that makes me laugh is that you hide behind anonymity so no one can retort with defamation upon you. Epitome of cowardess! I stand behind Bobby and the radicals within the anti war movement 110%. To quote a great woman ” No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution… revolution is but thought carried into action. ” EMMA GOLDMAN I stand behind every single veteran who believes that without revolution all there are is empty promises of change.… Read more »


‘To quote a great woman “No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution… revolution is but thought carried into action.”‘

See above re: Platitudes

“I however will not waiver from the path of revolution!”

Again, what the hell does that mean? When I said I was genuinely interested, I wasn’t lying. I truly want to know, since Bobby has decried the passivity and laziness of IVAW, and likewise declared to stand for non-violence, what form is his “revolution” going to take? Seriously, tell me, because I’m clearly not as smart as you. You guys are all impassioned and gung ho to change the world, so what new and radical-but-non-violent tactics are you planning to utilize from outside the system you seek to bring down?


Easily Amused: PintoNag is not my real name, of course, but it refers to my favorite horse, named Paint. Paint died years ago, but the animal was loyal, honest, funny, smart, strong and a wonderful companion. Paint was brown, black, and white, in large bold splashes that made him look like he belonged on a Merry-Go-Round. I’m not famous, no one would recognize my name if I used it, so I chose to honor an old friend instead. That’s the story behind my pseudonym.
I won’t address your tirade; others here will do that, with pleasure. I will say this: you certainly know how to make a splash! Welcome aboard!

Casey J Porter

I would just like to see Bobby answer above question in regards to being a radical feminist, but still associating with a rapist like Matthis.

Army Sergeant

Casey-Just because socialists and anarchists think capitalists make too much money doesn’t mean money is being wasted. And to be honest, 30,000 in NYC is just-barely-covering-rent. It is not wasted money. Socialists who want our employees to sleep on couches and live in communes think it’s too much money, but in a place where rent is often over 24,000 a year for really small places…it’s really, really not. That’s not profiting off the war.

Most of us actually wind up losing money on IVAW. I know I do.


“You can keep cowering behind your anonymous posts and right wing conservatism I however will not waiver from the path of revolution! Solidarity to the radicals!”

Bwahahahaaaa! Bold statement from someone admitting they are going to hide behind their OWN pseudonym. Not. You’re a Hypocrite.
And god, “Solidarity to the radicals” ? Really? Can ya be anymore childish than that? It’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

AS, I have a simple question for you. Are you interested in helping veterans the best way possible? It’s yes or no, I’m not looking for an explanation or political talking points.

Casey J Porter

Then fucking relocate! If your base has overhead cost that are to high, move your business. Good grief that’s a weak excuse.

You know as well as I do IVAW has wasted money left and right. Probably well into the millions. Wasn’t VFP about to drop you guys?

So lets see, Seth, Mike, and Bobby are all completely wrong or over exaggerating? Also, we both know a former, at least I think he is, VFP Board member, who confirmed that they have given truckloads of money to IVAW and they just keep spending away, at least he admitted it. He still stands by IVAW, which I disagree with. I know you have seen the greed and corruption first hand too. Yet you stand behind them no matter how ridiculous they continue to get.

You now need to wear a shirt that reads: “Iraq Veterans” Against The War, Arizona’s Immigration Law, The Siege on Gaza, and Afghanistan.

Also, if you are loosing money on IVAW that is no ones fault but your own.



“ISO” would be shorter and more truthful.


In fairness, I think IVAW does see the writing on the wall that they are being rendered obsolete by the IVAW name that they were saddled with at its founding as opposed to something more lasting like ISO or VFP. This is why they are transitioning their focus to items such as supporting Hamas rule in Gaza. They need to do this gradual cozying up to ISO and gradual purge of those vets who do support and honor the troops and vets. Otherwise, they’re irrelevant.

Easily Amused

Easily amused is what I am in regards to the childish tactics that are being utilized by people on this site. Of course I am not going to use my real name as I mentioned in my previous post I do not want to be part of your stalker screenshot agenda. No thanks! I believe that true change will be brought with direct action not constant bitching. In regards to calling these “wars” occupations, that’s exactly what they are nothing more than occupying another country in order to gain control of its people and or resources. Plain and simple. Yes I started my post with right wing cowards because I feel that personally attacking a single person or people repeatedly for no other reason than to judge them is cowardly. My opinion. @JOHN, I do not advocate change for the sake of change that would be redundant wouldn’t it? It would inevitably be a repetitive cycle of meaningless bullshit. There has to be purpose for change to be a good and meaningful thing now doesn’t there? I also do not agree with your “revolution for the sake of revolution” statement either. I see many things that are wrong with this country,the government and the way people in general feel entitled to things. Our corporations exploit people in other countries for cheap labor and high profit margins. Our government needlessly spends money on the most ridiculous of things but gives hardly anything back to our veterans who are mentally, physically and emotionally damaged after the experiences that they have had in combat zones? Where should I hang my pride in that flag? Can someone tell me that? Corporate bailouts so that Joe CEO doesn’t have to have his BMW repoed? How is this something that I am supposed to take pride in? Which is why I don’t! I will not sit by and watch tv and pretend that everything is ok. Obviously it isn’t or organizations like IVAW would not have been formed in the first I right? again @ John you ask who is Emma Goldman take a few… Read more »


“Our government needlessly spends money on the most rediculous of things but gives hardly anything back to our veterans who are mentally, physically and emotionally damaged after the experiences that they have had in combat zones?”

Spoken like someone who has never served a day in uniform. Do people get overlooked in the VA system? Absolutely. Are there genuine problems facing returning vets? You bet. But “hardly anything” given back? You mean, except 5 years of free or low cost health care, unemployment benefits while transitioning, a massive chunk of money for an education, a cost of living stipend while in school, programs to help place vets in jobs, preference for those who have served in gov’t jobs, the VA home loan, and free assistance applying for all of this stuff and more, just off the top of my head. The government will not come knock on your door and ask you if you want these things, but they are there for the taking if vets are willing to pursue them. I ought to know; I have.

“I believe that true change will be brought with direct action not constant bitching.”

You and your ilk continually skirt the issue. Knock it off if you want to be taken remotely seriously. For the love of god, answer the question: What. Is. Your. Plan?

I want concrete examples of a method you think is going to effect change that hasn’t already been tried. I don’t want to hear anymore vague bullshit about “revolution” or “direct action” or “radical resistance” or any combination thereof.

Whittenberg’s methods so far seem to have been: Burn a flag in a warehouse and tape it, put out an album with a clever pun in the title, start a blog for ranting, and get a bunch of tattoos. Real groundbreaking stuff there.

So, what’s your answer?


He doesn’t have one Scott, he’s just in love with the ‘sound’ of his own ‘voice’. He’s the personality type that gets a strange gratification and validation by rubbing shoulders with those way out of the mainstream, not because they have value, but specifically because they’re ‘different’. His type also gets a strange satifaction from comming to places like this and ‘sounding off’. “Oooooo, look at me, I just bearded the lion in it’s own den”.
Meaningless drivel.


You say you won’t watch tv and pretend everything is ok… Fine, but what are YOU doing about it other than being an Internet commando? I would never be considered a right winger, but I volunteer with the VFW and actively assist vets on various issues. I also chose a military mission that I believe in and does have an impact. That’s my little part in trying to help. It may not be much, but I am actively doing something in public and unabashadly and not limited to the Internet and like-minded people. What about you?

Army Sergeant

Jacobite: Hands down, yes, though I’d expand that to “servicemembers and veterans”

CPT Me: I would love more than anything else to be irrelevant because all the troops were home and well cared for.

Scott: I just want to remind you that those benefits weren’t things that we got given out of the goodness of the politician’s hearts. Vets had to lobby like hell for most of them-they were hard fought for, especially the awesome Post 9/11 GI Bill.


Which brings us to the main point being constantly made on these posts. At what point has IVAW actually doing any lobbying for those benefits you mention.

If IVAW was focused on actually helping veterans instead of focusing on the peace in Gaza, burning flags, and other non-veteran issues I do believe there would be less issues with the organization.


“I just want to remind you that those benefits weren’t things that we got given out of the goodness of the politician’s hearts. Vets had to lobby like hell for most of them-they were hard fought for, especially the awesome Post 9/11 GI Bill.”

I’m aware. But since Bobby is firmly opposed to “whimpering to the state to validate us” that would pretty much rule out lobbying as one of his methods. Even though it is far more “direct action” than singing a song about Palestine.

Easily Amused

@ Jacobite I for one am NOT a male even though you made that assumption. I actually do have a plan and am active in the things I believe will change the world for the better. First of all my beliefs are not centered around lobbying or anything to do with reform as fixing something with tape so it can break again later on does not and never will appeal to me. My ideas and actions are not about politics either as well I do not believe that any one person should hold a higher power over anyone else as that is just an excuse for the majority of people to not take responsibility for their own action,safety and well being. By having a “government” there is a hierarchy a structure upon which blame plays a huge part of. Blaming someone else for the state of things in our country and around the world is a cop out. My ultimate goal is to be dependent on no one and do for myself as much as possible. I am very interested in earthships and a sustainable life. To many it seems too difficult but when these modes of transporting imported goods are exhausted and you can’t get your vegetables from across the country to your local walmart where will you be? There is alot of opression going on inside our country i.e the police,local government ect. I think that that needs to be overthrown, the people need to take back the means that rightfully belong to them. The factories,the farms and everything in between. I am taking part in the things that I believe in. I am well aware of these “benefits” that you speak of for veterans (my husband is one) we have to fight tooth and nail for every “benefit” it is by no means an easy process even though its made out to be. I believe that many veterans are offput by how difficult some of these “benefits” are to attain and that is possibly one of the reasons why there are so many homeless veterans. I am… Read more »


The people need to take back everything that belongs to them? Factories, farms, etc? Well, that certainly worked for Zimbabwe and the USSR. I oppose this ideology because I value civil liberties and modern history is a good guide. Meaningful change through the system can be accomplished, but I’m not a fan of violent insurrection as you are advocating.

Easily Amused

I never mentioned violence. But I am not a fan of violent police killing innocent people. The system is fundamentally flawed and cannot be fixed as it is based on power and violence. So you advocate violence but only if portrayed by an official figure?


“My ideas and actions are not about politics either as well I do not believe that any one person should hold a higher power over anyone else as that is just an excuse for the majority of people to not take responsibility for their own action,safety and well being.”

Except how do you plan on making this idea work? How are things going to get done that requires coordination from many different groups? Can you offer a few examples of how this idea would be applied to everyday life. If you cannot then how do you expect it to work?

“There is a lot of oppression going on inside our country i.e the police,local government etc. I think that that needs to be overthrown, the people need to take back the means that rightfully belong to them. The factories,the farms and everything in between. I am taking part in the things that I believe in.”

That has been tried already that ended badly. Because “The People” was just a catch word for the State that has been used by Communist governments.

“I believe that many veterans are offput by how difficult some of these “benefits” are to attain and that is possibly one of the reasons why there are so many homeless veterans.”

Which is what Veteran groups are there for like the American Legion helps out with. Something that the IVAW does not considering their past actions.


“There is alot of opression going on inside our country i.e the police,local government ect. I think that that needs to be overthrown, the people need to take back the means that rightfully belong to them. The factories,the farms and everything in between. I am taking part in the things that I believe in.”

So, a non-violent “overthrowing” eh? I notice you are still silent on specifically how that is going to begin.

“I am well aware of these “benefits” that you speak of for veterans (my husband is one) we have to fight tooth and nail for every “benefit” it is by no means an easy process even though its made out to be.”

And yet you still assert you’ve received “hardly anything.”

“I am in the process of trying to start a homeless veterans shelter in the area where I live. That also is by no means an easy process but well worth it I do believe as a substantial number of homeless people are veterans.”

Good idea. I hope you verify their status though. Lots of homeless people know lots of homeless shelters are more sympathetic if they say they’re a veteran.

Easily Amused

CNT/FAI during the Spanish Civil War is a good example of intricate networking could work. What groups are you talking about that need intricate networking?
I do not advocate for communism or socialism so what is with the constant references to specific events?
I said that I didn’t say anything about violence, that is that I don’t put it as a means of getting what needs to happen done. I however do not consider self-defense a violent act.
I think that we should just have a massive overthrow the masses of people far outnumber those in power and just walk in and take it over. It may turn out that this needs to be a more violent thing but that cannot be determined until it actually gets to the point where it is happening. Alot of effort is going into planning how these actions will occur and its only a matter of time before more people start realizing that there rights are being taken away right under their noses.


This is where your biases and reliance on typical and unoriginal rhetoric shines through. You are the type that will cite isolated incidents of recent police or military killings and use that as “evidence” as to why the system should be “overthrown.” And since I live in the real world, I have no illusions that overthrow is synonymous to violence, no matter how you try to shape it. But again, you base your argument in favor of this theoretical non-violent overthrow of businesses and property on this notion of police apparently running rampant killing people. In order to continue this, I ask that you provide some recent, credible and unbiased statistics that back your contention and therefore the basis for this necessary overthrow. So please don’t backpeddle and say it’s not just about the police, because that’s the rationale that you just relied on… I’m open minded, so present the stats and I’ll consider it.