Weekend Open Thread

| March 14, 2025 | 49 Comments

Many on the left like to accuse Trump supporters as “being in a cult”. However, the examples of cult behavior is actually coming from the left. Let’s take their arguments about clean energy and the need to focus on things like electric vehicles. Fast forward to President Donald Trump’s second term and what do you get? Leftists attacking electric vehicles. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched



Well, the late drop got me because I had to pull out of the parking lot getting the kids at school . I tried.
Well, at least it’s not KoB, so there’s that good job CW.
Maybe you can help encourage the release of the JFK documents the MLK documents the Epstein documents, the area 51 UFO alien disclosure, documents and cold beer

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

I hung around for as long as I could, but then I had to make like being a productive worker.
Oh, well.
Cong of the Rats to ya, CW.
Long may you rule as a benevolent dictator.
Now where’s the grub & drinks?


A Great Big Ol’ CongRats on your FIRSTNESS, CW. You musta paid attention to my comment of today’s FGS that The Gun Bunny would be on escort duty today and not around for the dropping. I purposely scheduled the escort duty to NOT be around since for the next few weeks, I’ll not be in contention. Maybe it will make the haters back off a bit, yeah Gun Bunny, that will be a resounding NO! I do hope you find the Throne Room in the condition it should be, took me long enough to clean up the mess that The Stoned Hacker left. Due to the longevity of my current reign I had to change the codes on the food pantry and class VI Supplies. Danged if the d’weeded miscreants ’bout ate and drank me out of house and home. The codes are as follows…OCHIP81 for the victuals and H8RS812 for the Class VI Locker.

Do mention me to Lois…tell her I’ll be late stopping by, I still got to unload the Prime Mover, feed the fur babies, and play catch-up on today’s threads.

Slow Joe

Lame. You musk be cheating!

Hack Stone


Hack Stone

Shit! It so frigging long to drop that Hack’s Cut & Paste disappeared.







Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says…

Green Thumb

Oh, wise and all-knowing Magic 8 ball: Is Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) still a turd?

Commissioner Wretched

Hey, look who’s back in the FIRST saddle again! (Hope I remember how this works.) Just sit right back and enjoy the week of my benevolent rule, fellow deplorables. I start things off with making sure all the good stuff is available for everyone, and add to it a dash of silly trivia. Here you go!

Does the cast of a popular series, off network TV since 2004, still make millions of dollars a year from the series?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2025

Sometimes, it just doesn’t pay to get up in the morning.

Fortunately, today isn’t one of those days.

I hope all is well in your world as we move inexorably toward the dawn of spring and the renewal of the world, as a poet once put it. I do love spring, and am more than happy to see winter disappear in my rear-view mirror.

Up ahead, though, is spring … and that’s a good thing.

Trivia is up ahead too! Let’s take that off-ramp and see what’s waiting for us.

Did you know …

… a famous cookie maker also made some celebrities famous? Wally Amos (1936-2024), founder of the much-loved Famous Amos cookies, was a talent agent before becoming an entrepreneur. Amos discovered the folk duo of Paul Simon (born 1941) and Art Garfunkel (born 1941), and represented singers Diana Ross (born 1944), Sam Cooke (1931-1964), and Marvin Gaye (1939-1984). (Sweet entertainers and sweet cookies … Wally Amos was the man!)

… you may be comfoozled? In fact, chances are very good that at least at one point in your life, you have indeed been comfoozled. The word “comfoozled” is an archaic slang term for being exhausted. According to Mental Floss, the term was likely coined by author Charles Dickens (1812-1870) in The Pickwick Papers. (If you’ve been conned and become exhausted, you’re bamboozled and comfoozled.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the dwarf planet Pluto is a long, long way away? Putting it in miles, Pluto is between 2.66 billion and 4.67 billion miles from us here on Earth. If you have trouble imagining that kind of a number, look at it this way: the New Horizons spacecraft, which sent back the first photos of Pluto’s surface in 2015, was launched in 2006. It took nine years for the spacecraft to get to Pluto. But if you wanted to travel in, say, a commercial aircraft, settle in – it would take 800 years for an airplane to fly to Pluto, if indeed it could. (All aboard!)

… more than 50% of the genes of humans and slugs are identical? (I can guess which 50%, too.)

… members of the British royal family are required to keep a black outfit packed whenever they go on a trip? The reason, of course, is the possibility of a death in the family. The rule came about in 1952, when King George VI (1895-1952) died of cancer. His daughter, the crown princess Elizabeth (1926-2022), was on a holiday in Kenya when the news of His Majesty’s death was released, and upon her return to London as queen she had to stay on her aircraft a while until a suitable black ensemble could be brought to her.

… the cast of a popular television program still make millions of dollars each year, even though the show has been off the air since 2004? The members of the cast of Friends, which ran on NBC from 1994 to 2004, negotiated syndication rights for themselves as part of their contracts. Since Friends still rakes in almost $1 billion a year in revenue via syndication, the cast – Jennifer Aniston (born 1969), Courteney Cox (born 1964), Matt LeBlanc (born 1967), Lisa Kudrow (born 1963), Matthew Perry (1969-2023), and David Schwimmer (born 1966) – splits a total of $20 million per year. (I guess it really does pay to have Friends.)


Wow, that is a nice royalty. Too bad one for them one can buy the entire series on DVD. My daughter has the complete set. That means they collect over $3.3 million apiece.

Commissioner Wretched

… a “Bridge to Nowhere” actually exists? It’s in the European nation of Latvia. Built in 1940, the bridge near Irlavas was intended to be part of a new rail line. The outbreak of World War II brought the work to a halt, and Latvia becoming part of the Soviet Union following the war kept the work stopped. The bridge is now in the middle of a meadow and is not connected to any rail lines. (The textbook example of a government project.)

… you are very likely in possession of a supercomputer? While you may not think your desktop or laptop is all that great shakes, it is very much a supercomputer compared to the first automatic computing devices built in the 1940s. The very first actual computer, ENIAC, which was constructed in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania, weighed 60,000 pounds. It used as much floor space as a medium-sized house, 1,500 square feet. And all it could do was solve math problems – specifically, ones concerning trajectories for missiles. (Now you can do that and much more with a device in your pocket.)

… the abbreviation “OMG” is older than you may think? Along with many other sayings in this age of text messaging, “OMG” – meaning Oh My God or Oh My Goodness – seems like a new-fangled saying. But it isn’t. The earliest recorded use of “OMG” as it is currently used can be found in a 1917 letter from one Lord Fisher (John Fisher, 1841-1920) to Winston Churchill (1874-1965). (OMG indeed!)

Commissioner Wretched

… fear of a Soviet ruler led to the ruler’s demise? When Soviet dictator Josef Stalin (1878-1953) did not come out of his bedroom on March 4, 1953, his guards did not knock on the door or try to see if he was all right, because they were so afraid of him. What they did not know was that Stalin had suffered a massive stroke, and not until other members of the Soviet Politburo, or ruling council, arrived and broke into his bedroom did they discover him. He died a short time later. The guards feared he would recover and execute them for breaking his orders. (Darned if you do, and darned if you don’t.)

… the modern flush toilet has been around for almost 500 years? The toilet as we know it was invented in 1596 by British poet Sir John Harington (1561-1612). It was not, as many people believe, invented by a fellow named Thomas Crapper (1836-1910), though one must admit the idea is pretty funny. Crapper did develop and patent the floating ballcock, the piece of the toilet that makes it much more reliable … but he didn’t invent the whole thing. (The jokes sometimes just write themselves, don’t they?)

Now … you know!

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says…


Put me down as present.


The Army Helicopter/Airliner crash seems to have drifted off the news.

The latest from a few days ago from The Aviation Herald:

Crash: PSA CRJ7 at Washington on Jan 29th 2025, midair collision with helicopter on final; Thursday, Jan 30th 2025 05:00Z, last updated Tuesday, Mar 11th 2025 20:37Z


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Based upon my read and experience as a pilot, I believe the pilots will be found primarily at fault for the collision. Especially the female officer pilot who appears to have failed to reset her altimeter. That is the only thing that would explain the 100-foot discrepancy between what her altimeter read and the 100-foot lower reading she had than the instructor pilot. Had she descended to the 200′ AGL required for that section of the route, there would have been no impact.


Happy weekend.


They all looked happy to be seen together.


Well, the fellow on the right got paid about $1 million by the Ruskies for two twenty-minute speeches. Proof the Clintons never do anything for free.

Lurker Curt

I’m here good and late- where the hell is KoB???

RGR 4-78

I just lost all faith in AI.

Green Thumb

Nothing about his “covert” employment at All-Points Logistics?

Phil Monkress and his batch of Phildo supporters would be disappointed, I am sure.

Hack Stone

Or that one man commando raid where he dispatched with extreme prejudice a 5 pound block of Costco Cheese.

Dennis - not chevy

Is that cheese eating grape steeling multi-level divorcer who thinks being an officer in the Civil Air Patrol makes him a Desert Storm veteran still around? I told him not to use the name Dennis.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ahh yes, old “Blobfish” himself.


A quick deployment of the Fu of Google….
and it turns out, Dennis has/had a TWIN.

Two matching heads. Until 2021.


Dennis - not chevy

‘and now you’ve got me wondering about William Derek Church – the Round Ranger.

Green Thumb

Forgot about that loser.

Hack Stone

Will a Chamberlain saved his life. He used a condom when they were recreating the love scene from Deliverance.

Hack Stone

Let’s not leave out Ronald Mailahn, Hack’s favorite South Jersey poser. For some reason, his Missing Linked In profile is no longer available for viewing (to Hack at least), so if you need medical paint driven around South Jersey, you’re on your own.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

FIRST TWENTY FIRST after going sixty in my jalopy

Green Thumb

I went through Rigby, ID a while back.

Saw a barbershop but no Matthew Beck.

A Proud Infidel®™

Twenty-something as I announce myself Present and unaccountable while i award myself yet another Honorary First.


The left is going extra-berserk, not from fears of DJT failing and burning it all down, their true fear is of his SUCCESS which will burn every bit of their beliefs and ideology to ashes.

RGR 4-78

I believe their beliefs and ideologies are on the back burner as 45-7 burns down their slush funding grifts.


They have stirred up their full-on looneys into committing SWAT swatting attacks on Trump supporters/conservatives, especially podcasters. The DOJ/FBI is supposedly going after these political criminals.


Long my they both live.

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Pentagon critical of Milley’s weight as it kicks off review of fitness/grooming standards:
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Last edited 51 minutes ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb



Talk about a bad comb over.
In Congress !?!


Last edited 48 minutes ago by MarineDad61

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Amateur Historian

Anyone watch the SpaceX launch? The senate passing the CR minutes before this launch makes me feel that we’re finally winning again. 😁🇺🇸