Harris County Gem

| March 4, 2025 | 11 Comments

We all know what regular visitors the miscreants of Harris County (Houston, TX) are here – but this fella is special.

On March 1, 2025, at approximately 12:05 p.m., the Harris County Precinct 8 Constable’s Office responded to a call regarding an aggressive driver near the Lynchburg Ferry located at 4406 Independence Parkway. The caller alleged the suspect vehicle was ramming other vehicles to force his way onto the ferry.

That right there tells you something – committing a crime to get onto a ferry. Ferries are slow, so the po-po has plenty of time to set up at the far end – and they know exactly where you’re gonna be, right?

Upon arrival, deputies were directed by the ferry captain to a maroon Ford Expedition. Deputies attempted to contact the driver, who was later identified as Dana Allen Williams, a 50-year-old black male from Houston, who refused verbal commands and attempted to evade deputies by maneuvering his vehicle toward the ferry boat.
As deputies worked to contain the vehicle, Williams reversed into a marked patrol unit and subsequently drove over deployed stop sticks, boarding the ferry despite repeated commands to stop. Williams then reversed off the ferry, narrowly avoiding deputies and patrol vehicles, and continued southbound on Independence Parkway with multiple flat tires.
Corners better on the rims, you say?
Deputies initiated a short pursuit, and Williams’ vehicle became disabled by extensive tire damage. The pursuit concluded in the 3500 block of Independence Parkway when Williams’ vehicle came to a stop. Despite numerous commands to surrender, Williams remained noncompliant, revving the vehicle’s engine in an effort to flee, spinning his wheels and causing damage to the roadway.
Deputies were forced to breach the vehicle after Williams continued to refuse to exit. Following the deployment of a Taser, Williams was removed from the vehicle and was safely taken into custody.
Had him a loaded 9mm (Taurus G2S if you care) and some crack. Now, I am guessing had he waited in line at the ferry, he would have saved him a tasing, four tires, an unpleasant official interlude with the cops – and numerous charges.

After consultation with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, the following charges were accepted against Dana Williams: Evading Arrest in a Motor Vehicle, Possession of a Controlled Substance, and Felon in Possession of a Firearm.

Some felonious property damage and assault on the cop driving the car he hit missed.  So far, more or less so good….but:

For unknown reasons, the charges filed on Williams were dismissed by the 248th Harris County District Court early this morning citing “No Probable Cause”.   Harris County Precinct 8

What the actual heck? Commentary is excoriating the judge. One commenter said:

The now discharged suspect has 12 Felony and 9 Misdemeanor Convictions. He was recently given an Unsatisfactory Termination of Probation August 2024. He failed to abide by his probation conditions and instead of revoking him and sending him to prison they simply allowed him to discharge
Okay, we’ve now had our fun…the judge is not involved yet. The magistrate, name of Ungar, is who let him go. This will go to a grand jury (which in Harris County means he WILL be indicted eventually). According to another commenter:
And the Irony of the police stating “for unknown reasons, the charges were dismissed” is that when no PC is found it is because the police didn’t describe the legal reasons the person was arrested in their police reports.
And the cases aren’t “dismissed”…it’s merely a finding of “no PC” at the moment. The DAS office will have the police fix their errors and then present to a grand jury and get these cases indicted. The same way they do to virtually every other felony that is no PCd for police errors.
This may be normal…but the optics of letting Williams walk are terrible. But, the DA’s office is led by a new fella who was supported by a $500,000 contribution from a familiar name. You know, five letters, sounds like those Filipino Moros… just with I could remember his name…
Kinda hard to say WHAT this is. Definitely stupid, but SPOTW?  Mighta been a feel-good story…but nothing other than a tasing to show for it.
Hat tip to my wife for entertaining us over coffee with this one.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime

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He wanted to get on the ferry, now someone in the slam will turn him into a fairy.

Daisy Cutter

Now, *why* couldn’t we see a helicopter bird’s eye view of the pursuit in real time?


Cops need some lessons in paperwork?

DA is a whole other story.. Anyone taking money from that old nazi or his son is a treasonous POS anyway..

Old tanker

More likely the magistrate just decided to ignore the paperwork. Otherwise the DA has zero to go to a grand jury on because the paperwork is what the DA has to work with to state the offenses committed by the miscreant.


Now boarding, the Good Idea Ferry.

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


Seems to me that we have “Probable Cause” to lock up the perp, the magistrate, the judge, the DA, AND the POS “…sounds like Moros” that is contributing to them.

Home boy took the ferry ’cause a bridge was too far?

Hack Stone

Time for a Casey Kasem long distance dedication. Ponderous, man.

Hack Stone

He didn’t want to pay the ferryman.

Hack Stone

He was on his way to the corporate headquarters of All Points Logistics to interview for that open position in their Reston Virginia branch. Taking the ferry would avoid all of the Mardi Gras traffic.

Green Thumb


I wonder what would have happened if he killed someone. And probably a miracle that he did not.