Thursday tidbits

| August 8, 2024


First up, the 4th Circuit Court upheld Maryland’s assault weapon ban

“The assault weapons at issue fall outside the ambit of protection offered by the Second Amendment because, in essence, they are military-style weapons designed for sustained combat operations that are ill-suited and disproportionate to the need for self-defense,” the opinion stated.   The Center Square

Someone please name a major (or minor) national military using AR-15s? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

There have been varying decisions at different circuit courts on different appeals – this should hit the Supreme Court, hopefully in the upcoming session. It needs a Supreme decision.


Also in court – remember the round red buoys Gov. Abbott had strung up in the Rio Grande?

“This case will end up in the Supreme Court,” Senior U.S. District Judge David Allan Ezra told the lawyers during a pretrial conference at the federal courthouse in Austin.

The conference to bring the parties up to date in the lawsuit brought by the federal government that names Gov. Greg Abbott as the defendant was scheduled after the trial that had been scheduled to start Tuesday was postponed at least until November. The delay was made necessary after last week’s split ruling by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that said the 1,000-foot chain of buoys floating for the past year near Eagle Pass may remain in place while the legal wrangling continues.

The judge and the lawyers for both sides in the case must now comb through the several written opinions from the appeals court judges and decide how they will affect the way they plan to try the case.Austin American Statesman

They’re legal, they’re not…there’s the other factor – don’t try to swim through them, and you don’t have to worry about not making it through, right?

Hopefully you are familiar with Boeing’s Starliner, the spacecraft so successful that its crew has been stranded on the International Space Station for over a month, while the craft itself is blocking one of the two ISS docking ports. Seems it can’t be deorbited without a crew, and it can’t safely carry a crew to land successfully. So the crew AND the craft are both counting their toes in space. It’s even messing with a scheduled SpaceX mission:

According to Ars Technica‘s insider sources, NASA is now planning to push back its upcoming Crew-9 mission from August 18 to September 24, a considerable delay.

The SpaceX Crew Dragon mission is currently scheduled to carry a crew of three NASA astronauts and one Rocosmos astronaut to the space station. But if Starliner ends up returning to Earth without any crew on board, NASA may send up the SpaceX spacecraft with just two astronauts to make space for Williams and Wilmore’s return

We screamed for years that private industry can make space craft cheaper and faster than NASA – now we have a prime NASA contractor demo-ing that in at least some cases, it ain’t NASA that has the problem. Maybe they should call it the Boeing Dildo – certainly looks the part.  Whatever happened to the invincible Boeing of my youth?

Seems the B-1 bomber is testing a new external hard point called a Load Adaptable Module, with the Pentagon thinking up to six of these LAMs could be mounted to make a B-1 carry a substantially higher payload.

Boeing has said in the past that the B-1 will eventually be fitted with six LAMs, each of which can carry two missiles, and the company has said these will include two distinct types: boost-glide vehicles and air-breathing missiles.   The Warzone

Each hard point could carry a number of weapons, up to 12 pound additional hypersonic missiles to supplement its internally carried complement of 24. Think of that…one plane, up to 36 missiles?

Getting some SERIOUS wood reading the article… oh, baby…

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns, Illegal Immigrants, Science and Technology

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Sustained combat operations??!!



Only like all folk w/ weapons did back in the day.


Tim Walz carried an AR-15 when playing Call of Duty at his home in Nebraska during the Iraq War.


Our side makes the BEST memes…


Going to space is really hard.


Apparently coming back from space is just as difficult.


Coming back is easy, coming back alive, not as much.

681 people have gone to space and returned safely. 19 have died in the attempt. This makes the fatality rate 2.8%. I can’t think of any form of transportation I have taken in my life that is that dangerous. Even parachuting is much safer.


Makes one wonder how they’re set for food and water.

Trapped Miners got more press coverage than a space crew who may, or may not be, running out of supplies. With the miners, the media was able to set up nearby. Can the same media not be camped out at NASA dogging the crap out of the media relations guy/gal for answers? I imagine that`s not a very desirable job at the moment.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

How’s about we send some of the DeMSM Presstitutes up to the ISS to cover the story of the stranded astronauts?
And then let THEM figure out how to get back down? Or to pay for a ride back to Earth?


Bad news only happens in an election year if the incumbent is a repub


You have to go up. Coming back down can get interesting.

AW1 Rod

“Military-style weapons designed for sustained combat operations”? Really? When did this happen, and where are all of the M4s they replaced, because I want one!

4th Circuit Court = Fucking Morons.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

We, the People, need to rush into the 4th Circuit offices and remove their computers, laptops, printers, ball point pens, phones, internet & wifi, and all other modern forms of communications.
Give them parchment, gall ink, sand (to blot the ink), and quill pens to write out and make public their legal opinions.
If they want a movable type printing press, they can buy that out of their own pockets. Oh, and hire a typesetter as well.


Left/libtards, you know.


We screamed for years that private industry can make space craft cheaper and faster than NASA – now we have a prime NASA contractor demo-ing that in at least some cases, it ain’t NASA that has the problem.

I would refrain from ‘NASA ain’t the problem’ until we find out what they asked Boeing to make. SpaceX seems to thrive because (it seems to me) they are making what they want. Boeing is making their craft for the USG. I have no idea if the USG gave them a bad initial capabilities document, but experience makes me think that is likely the case.

The Boeing of our youth? Good question. They seem to have shot themselves in the foot many, many times over the last decade or so. Stagnation of something that has been at the pinnacle for so long, perhaps.


Look hard enough, and I’ll bet ya find DEI hires / promotions..


“It looks like a giant…”

Last edited 5 months ago by Eggs

Elon Musk will send a mission up to rescue the crew for NASA, watch.


By the way, IMHO a traditional “carry” handle sites are the best looking – if underused – look for an AR. If you have to use a site, a simple combat sight or ACOG should do. If you have to look like some lieutenant straight out butter-bar school who has to trick out is rig with all the latest gadgetry, then you aren’t in it for shooting. I think you’re in it for looking cool. And you probably aren’t succeeding at that, either.


I would post photos of mine, but there was that tragic boat accident.

Last edited 5 months ago by FuzeVT

Some people lousy luck with boats.


Those people who lost stuff because of boating accidents, would it possibly be the boats were made by boeing?

Wrench Turner

I’m trying to remember how long ago it was that Grumman made aluminum canoes.


I had one in the late 70’s but the Snake River ate it. Looked like a crushed beer can.


Just like the beers that were being transported in it.


I remember those Grumman canoes from summer camp as a kid.


In Medford, NJ, there is a Grumman canoe that is wrapped around a pine tree about 20′ in the air. Dam burst about 30 years ago. Short of it looking like a ‘U’, it is still in great shape.


Simple AR w/carry handle sites would be my go to weapon.
Quick target access and no uneeded shit to get in the way.
Not that I have one mind you….just an opinion….


Spitfire prism at Midway USA on sale for 199.00 mounted to a rail is hard to beat.


Like that shooter at the Olympics recently (Greece?turkey?). No unneeded crap, it looked like they just drug him from a chair somewhere, put him in a clean shirt and told him to shoot the targets. I think he won Bronze. The only thing missing was a couple empty beer cans and a smoke of some kind.


Was quite happy with the “A2” layout. “A1” was good enough.

lawrence todd

Ban all AR-15’s because they name sounds dangerous

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

AR-15s are Eeeeee Beeeee Arrrrr’s……


Don’t forget there black and that makes them doubly dangerous!


Only if it has that thing on the back that goes up.


Don’t forget…ya gotta have a chain saw bayonet attachment. “…shall not be infringed.” Duh huh!

“Hey Fed Bois…it’s in your rule book!” “…provide for the common defense…”

I’ll go ahead and let my inner 12 yo get this out of the way. I didn’t need any magnified optics to see that lovely lass’s attributes.

Remember all the hoopla about the calculations it took to do the lunar launches? And the Ms Thang that supposedly did it all? News flash. A departed Compatriot of mine and his brother (both Sheldon Cooper level smart) actually wrote those formulas and figured it all out. His widow still has the original copy. She’s gonna try to hunt it up for me. I reckon Boeing figured if a movie would make money showing the stunning and brave DEIs, then so should a rocket ship. Shoulda given that job to Lockheed…at least Lockheed realized that the C-130 worked more better when the wings and motors were on top.

Full disclosure…reading about the new weapons array loadout for The Bone kinda sorta gave me a…well…you know…


Gotta have:
comment image

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Black Rifles Matter


To non-gunowning beta males, they look really scary, as well.


Sorry, common military weapons were what folk had at the time 2nd Amend was written– 4th Circuit’s decision”s getting overturned at SCOTUS.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thank God they didn’t have these shitheads that we have now back in 1776 or I would be saying call blimey love a duck and I’ll light up a fag while I’m in the loo …..


Here is another tasty morsel. A US Congress woman and military reservist placed on the terror watch list because she supports Trump. Really there is no level they won’t stoop to, including compromising the security of our airlines by wasting resources on loyal and patriotic citizens who are opposed to their dictatorship.

Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I wonder what would happen if you took a black marker and wrote “SSSS” on your own ticket? hehehehehehe
Yeah, it might be a pain in the ass. But think of the scramble when a TSA (Tits/Testicles Squeezing Agency) agent first reads that on your ticket, and realizes that there’s no fellow agents/sniffer dogs around that should be there.
Your tax dollars at work.

All I can hope is that when (not “if”, but “when”) PDJT becomes POTUS 47, that he cuts the FedGov budget in half, including TSA.



To Bear Arms, the term the founders used in the 2A meant to be equivalent to a man under arms : a soldier. So the second amendment protects the right of civilians to be armed not with military “style” weapons but to have actual military equivalent weapons.

Last edited 5 months ago by Cosda

“Regulated” is “made regular”. Armed, equipped, trained, and provisioned as Regulars (professional infantry).

So the government should be issuing M-4s, M9s, bayonets, LBE, and cans of ammo, to civilian millitiamen subject to 11B OSUT plus recurring Infantry training and musters.

And would that not fix much ass-hattery? Folks could clean up Chicago in a couple of months. Actually, Shit-cago would never have happened, nor Klan 2.0.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Can you say “Switzerland”?
i knew you could.