Millard explains Webb’s expulsion

| December 5, 2009

A couple of our resident IVAW refugees sent me screen shots of the entire statement that Geoff (Stolen Valor) Millard wrote and posted (somewhere) on their website explaining why the board voted to expell Carl Webb. Here’s the first part;


Millard goes on to explain why they banned Casey Porter for the remainder of his lifetime for advocating for the expulsion of Webb. I guess Millard doesn’t realize that Porter taking the extreme actions that he took were necessitated by the board’s inability to take decisive action against Webb.

Millard is steeped in the mantra of “racist Americans” – if I remember correctly, his major in college was African-American studies. In his typical liberal fashion, Millard, like the Army in the case of Fort Hood murderer Major Hasan, bent over backwards to excuse Webb’s behavior based solely on Webb’s race. Um, Geoff, there are other Black members of IVAW who don’t advocate for killing our troops.

It’s as if the Little Rascals grew up and formed a club.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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IVAW= Assmonkeys


And Millard is possibly the assmonkiest.

Still peeved he lied to my face at WSI. Not that it wasn’t expected, since he lies about damn near everything.


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. Me and Carl “The Couch Warmer” Webb was tagged by The Man to take an experimental urban assault vehicle deep into Eastern Europe for a shake down run. Everything went fine until we hooked up with these two smokin’ hot MP chicks. That’s when shit got all haywire and this crazy old DI from back in basic though we had gone over the wall and was gonna give the Ruskies the RV. While Carl kinda wanted to, since he’s all hardcore with the social justice commie thing, I decided that the best way for me to finally earn that CIB was to get drunk, run off the road and have sloppy sex with a seat cushion. I’m not proud of that last part, but I blame Bush’s failed Middle East policies. FYI, if anyone has seen my copy of ‘Showgirls’, I’d like that back please.

CSM/1LT/CPL Jesse “Assman” McMillard
101st Combat Escort Bridge Signal Regimental Brigade (Mech)
St. Nicholas, Germany


Here is some vintage Millard :

Check out AWOL … the rapper … LOL what a fkng joke !!!!


dang Claymore! laughing hard, thanks bro!

Sgt. Hulka

Your a$$ is mine McMillard…ain’t you ever heard of OPSEC? I’ll get you yet my pretty…


Sean – Please don’t generalize about IVAW. Don’t judge the good with the bad – and this is not to say that Geoff is a bad dude. Most of the guys I’ve met in IVAW are veterans who don’t agree with the war(s). What’s wrong with that? If you want to call someone an “assmonkey” then call them out by name.

amazing stuff here

Assmonkey = Millard

Assmonkey = Kinne

Assmonkey = Meija

Assmonkey = Chiroux

Assmonkey = anyone who wears a shirt “Iraq Veterans Against the War” and has never stepped foot into Iraq.

Assmonkey = anyone who wears a shirt “Iraq Veterans Against the War” and hasn’t even served nor served during this Iraq War.

and lastly…. Biggest Assmonkey = Carl Webb


Jesse, “lie down with dogs and you’ll come up with fleas.” The organization would not be nearly as assmonkeyish if they did a better job of policing themselves. Maybe make the organization more just an antiwar organization and less of an antiamerica left wing nutjob organization.


Sorry for the double post, but…
Jesse I just read one of your posts on another topic. We pretty much said the same thing. Sorry if I sound a bit condesending or insulting.


“Please don’t generalize about IVAW. Don’t judge the good with the bad”

Too many REDs helped found IVAW. Bone up on some history, commies can’t be trusted ever and they will always stab you in the back when you are no longer a “useful idiot” to them.

I have a beef with how the Afghan war was managed instead of waged. Don’t believe we should have went into Iraq nor should we ever engage in “nation building”, but I’ll never join forces with a communist front group.


Too many Frauds, too many Lies, too much impugning my brothers who fought with me. Until IVAW comes clean (“Self-Criticism” if it makes your Marxist/Socialist hearts feel better) rids itself of the platoons of Frauds (Millard prime example, wearing a CIB he wasnt awarded), Traitors (Webb types who advocate sabotage of American Equipment, and Violence perpetrated on American Soldiers), Persons who encourage Mutiny & AWOL/Desertion,Hardcore Socialists and those who’ve NEVER served (In general and in Iraq & Afghanistan) why would I Cut them a Huss?

SO far as an Iraq Veteran (2004-2005 CIB & PH Baghdad TAOR)

I have been accused of being a War Criminal, Fascist, Victim, Torturer, Rapist, Murderer- All from IVAW events like the bullshit “Patrol” theaters(or whatever the fuck you call them) and WSI agitprop.
Why the Fuck would I give them a Break after that? You’ve insulted Myself, My Comrades (alive & dead), My Country, My Army and I’m supposed to sing Kumbaya with y’all???

Fuck that


Hard to ever beat what Sean just said, and I would love to hear a response to that from AS or anyone else on that side.

amazing stuff here


Selena will never respond to that. She is part of the problem with “IV”AW. Selena wears the shirt “Iraq Veterans Against The War” but has she even been to Iraq? NO!

She uses the “stories” of her fellow “IV”AW members and without verifying them she spreads these “stories” as if they are true of every American who has served over there.

Selena is “IV”AW’s biggest supporter, she will never say anything bad about it. “IV”AW is her “ugly baby”.


Sean, well said.
TSO- I’d like to hear AS say something on that matter as well. I don’t understand why she continues to associate herself such turds.

Taking a Guess

I’d say that AS is just another one of those bulldkyish females we come to know in the Army. The men and women she serves with do not respect her because they see she’s a shitty soldier. She has to come to an organization that will accept everyone, no matter how much of a turd they are, just so she can get hugs and feel loved.

She’s another problem I’d say. A worthless soldier taking up an NCO spot that a well deserving, hard working soldier should have.

A Heros Friend

Sean…Wow, Just Wow…NEVER have I heard such an acurate description to describe these a$$hats…very well put sir!

Casey J Porter

You guys need to lay off AS. Yeah, she needs to leave IVAW, but you think she would listen to any of you after you rip on her again and again. True, she has not been to Iraq, but she also never lied about it. Oh, and she is not bulldyk-ish at all.


Casey … I get it. I have respect for you. And I did respect AS to certain degree until I found out she was never even in Iraq. I’ll always resent IVAW for the Iraq Veterans Against The War who have never been to Iraq. Its a farse .. the whole thing .. a fking joke.


I was waiting for AS to defend herself, since others attacked me the other day with something she knew to be untrue, and didn’t defend me. But, nonetheless, no, AS is not bulldykey (whatever that is) at all. She isn’t this way because she wants to be big and tough or any similiar thing, she actually believes somehow that this horseshit would do any good.

But, I swear to you, AS is shockingly normal.


TSO said: But, I swear to you, AS is shockingly normal.

In the sense that she is confused… sure.

In the sense the she feels obligated to defend her position… sure

But… obstreperous would be a better description.

I’ll join you in defending her. But let’s not pretend that she is not a whole lot of silly.


FTR, I have not jumped in AS’s shit or called her out for her beliefs…it’s the lameness of comparisons she uses to defend her position with IVAW. I could care less if she has been to sandbox. I care about the not so strack way that the people were allowed into an organization that has proven itself to be worthless.

Hence all the defections and thinking that it was acceptable to boot/reprimand others for calling out the liars, or those who reflect nothing on the covenants in the IVAW.

She might be completely normal, but JHC, please get a grip on what BS that organization is. She could do so much more in a better environment where people don’t try to lie/one-up each other on what they did or didn’t do so they can feel important or less like fuck-ups. She definitely doesn’t strike me as that type. Save yourself is what my mother always said…then you can help others, for real.

Army Sergeant

I haven’t responded because the only internet access I have right now is from my Blackberry, but if TSO requests, here goes.

First, none of you have any idea of what my contribution to the war was unless you served with me. Why? Because I don’t talk about it much at all. And why is that? Because intel soldiers get taught one thing. The less you say, total, the less your mouth will run away with you and you’ll say something classified. If it makes you feel better about my views on the war to think I had nothing to do with it, or to think that I was a shitty soldier or shitty NCO, enjoy.

TSO: I offered to defend you and you said no. And I still did somewhere.

It’s kind of funny, if awful, that the first assumption is that I must be this really butch woman to get involved in IVAW.

What I believe? I believe that IVAW is just another way of doing my job as an NCO-taking care of soldiers. At least, that’s what I do.

Army Sergeant

Also, for the record, amazingstuff is just really pissed that I defriended him on Facebook, and so has turned into a crazy attackmonkey. Way to prove to me I should let you back on my friends list and that you never say anything bad about me, Jeff.

Sean- I know that there are some jacked up people in IVAW (though less now that Webb is gone) who have said jacked up things. But that is the case for every vets organization. As for the patrols, can I ask what you don’t like about them? I haven’t seen any that were making wild accusations.

Sorry for the short response, again, I am typing this on my cellphone.


Less jacked up now that Webb is gone, AS? That’s like saying throwing the stupidest kid off the short bus is somehow an “improvement.”

Army Sergeant

If it isn’t, then all that time in juvie was for nothing…I kiiiiid, I kiiiiiid.

amazing stuff here

Oh Selena! I’m not pissed off at you for not being my “friend” on facebook. I don’t really give a shit.

Well now you have something in common with Lilyea and Seavey. All three of you booted me. Boohoo, far-lefties hate me and far-righties hate me. Ohh gee!

Attackmonkey??? Seriously? I just like to point out inconsistencies from all three of you. It’s too easy.


AS: Please don’t call IVAW a “Veterans Organization”, because hijacking that title diminishes true Veterans Organizations. Calling IVAW a Political Action Committee is more fitting, but Veterans Organization????? I think not.


I defriended you because you don’t seem to have an understanding of the basic tenants of behaving appropriately. When you started attacking my friends on my facebook page for no reason at all, it seemed time to let you go. I don’t know if you have rage issues or something, but it was scaring the straits.


That “you don’t know what I did” crap is getting old in reference to the war. Seriously. if it’s top secret, I personally do not give a shit. What matters is that these people don’t give a shit about your good intentions or your beliefs and you are letting it happen out of some absolutely displaced loyalty to an organization that is corrupt. It has done nothing good that I can see…unless you count ridiculous behaviors, lies, and arrests as furthering the cause of vets against the war.

Wake up. These people are taking you down with the ship. You’d get more respect somewhere else…why keep defending people who don’t really care? You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped.

Army Sergeant


The best way I can say it is: have you ever had a platoon, where the platoon was great but the company leadership was pretty shitty? Now imagine you were offered a chance to transfer out of the platoon. You would have a lot less stress, but what about your guys? Who would they have?
That in a nutshell is about my feelings for IVAW. Weirdly, my loyalty to it has a lot of ties to a lot of the reasons I kept re-enlisting in the Army.

OldTrooper: It’s an organization of vets who often get involved and fight for vets and often sit around drinking beer. Seems like every other vet organization I’ve been in.

amazing stuff here


That’s funny. I’m scary and have rage issues? Too freakin funny. That’s not exactly what happened. Could it have been this:

I said: Hey Republicans, the Taliban burned an effigy of President Obama in Afghanistan…wonder if your party and the so-called conservatives will applaud them???

Mark Seavey: DO you have any links to conservatives cheering over a effigy of Obama being burned? Is there a single source to back up your theory?

For myself, effigy’s are alway bad Ghey.
October 26 at 3:38pm

Then I said: Mark, please re-read what I wrote. I never said that Republicans or Conservatives have cheered this, I wrote “wonder if your party and the so-called conservatives will applaud them??”

Notice that it’s a question?
October 26 at 3:43pm

Within minutes of that post, you removed me as your “friend”. Is honesty a problem here?


You’re right; it’s an organization made up of Vets, however, the rest of what you said falls very short. Please list the activities in which your “veterans Organization” helps all Vets?

As for seeming like every other Vet Org you’ve been in; I guess you haven’t really been exposed to much of what goes on, then? I could take up an entire page listing the things the the VFW and American Legion do for Veterans, their families, and the communities.

Just off the top of my head; how much money/time/man-power has the IVAW given/done for Brain Sciences, to help with PTSD and TBI? How much time/money has IVAW given to helping out at Veterans Homes across the nation? Who is your liason with the VA in each state, to help Veterans get through all the red tape and work with the VA to make sure the Veteran is getting what they earned? How many times a month does your state representative sit down with the VA? How involved was IVAW with working on the latest GI Bill? Why didn’t I see IVAW as a signatory to the letter to DHS about the biased report, that was finally retracted? When was the last time that your “Veterans Organization” donated time/money doing fundraisers for school safety programs in the community? Does your organization even give a shit about the community and children here in this country? Does your organization have a fund set up to help the children of fallen troops, so that they can get a college education?

Get back to me with the list of all that your “organization” does to help the troops, families, and communities in a positive light.

amazing stuff here

Old Trooper,

Great Post. Awesome. Will a representative of “IV”AW please answer any of those questions?

Army Sergeant

Allow me to point out one thing that may be escaping everyone at the moment.

IVAW is a relatively new organization, and relatively poor. What are we supposed to make these scholarships with, air?

The VFW was formed in 1899 and in 1915 had a membership 5000 strong. During those formative years, they weren’t doing all the things they are known for now. They were mostly local and fighting for their own better treatment.

IVAW was formed only in 2004 and currently has around 1800 members. It is extremely unfair to compare it to organizations that have existed for over 100.


Ok what about the VFP?

Brown Neck Gaitor

Why didn’t I see IVAW as a signatory to the letter to DHS about the biased report, that was finally retracted?

Because the IVAW leadership agreed with the report?

AS, the majority of the items mentioned by OldTrooper requires only TIME.

The board of IVAW has time (and the cash) to go to a protest, but not to a Veterans supporting event.

BTW, the VFW was formed in 1914 by the combination of 3 regional groups, in 1915 there were 5K members and in 1916 they had the first essay contest.

March 15-17, 1919 Members of the American Expeditionary Force convene in Paris for the first American Legion caucus. Aug. 9, 1921 The American Legion’s efforts result in the creation of the U.S. Veterans Bureau, forerunner of the Veterans Administration

VFW – 2 years and dealing with national issues.

American Legion – 2 years and dealing with national issues.

IVAW – 5 years of navel gazing and still not even verifying members service records.


Yeah, I hear ya, AS, and in those formative years of both the VFW and American Legion, their mission statement and purpose included war protests, defending those that were deserters or expelled from the military; along with other nefarious activities that were negative in their scope. They basically formed in order to bitch about the military and the country, including rather harsh language against the President of the United States. In fact, I recall that part of the Congressional Charter included those types of things. Oh, could you tell me how your Congressional Charter activity is going? Have you guys gotten all the paperwork assembled for that? I mean, you good folks have had a national convention, or two, since you were first formed; right? I mean, the very first national convention of the American Legion was held in 1919 and the work was centered around the Congressional Charter and all that kind of stuff. It didn’t take long for others to join in, because the stated purpose and goals were “positive” towards the country and Veterans. See, when your stated purpose and goals are negative, it doesn’t make a very good recruiting tool to your “cause”. When your stated goals have nothing to do with really helping Veterans and everything to do with “anti-war”, nothing to do with helping the community and everything to do with tearing down long held beliefs and institutions; it kinda makes it difficult to get much support. I’m not rich, I don’t have a lot of money, but then again, I work for a living, contrary to most of the IVAW, which seems to collect those that couldn’t be bothered to do anything but bitch. Your group falls right in line with VFP and the other anti-war types in that you are marginalized by your own purposes and goals, which don’t really fall into place with the rest of the country. You are a fringe Political Action Committee and that’s all you’ll ever be, because your message isn’t positive and your actions prove that out on a regular basis. Your excuses don’t work, because… Read more »


Jeff- Be honest now, that isn’t even a little accurate. i didn’t “unfriend” you until you started making nasty comments to a friend of mine on the facebook page. In fact, why on earth would I delete the one you suggest I was deleting? That doesn’t even make sense.

But go ahead and keep using my real name. i think you must think that it causes me some sort of concern, but I assure you it does not.

Army Sergeant

TSO is deleting for now after talking to AS.

Let it drop guys, we can revisit later.


Let’s just drop this for now guys, AS is having a bit of a rough time right now, and might not be entirely comfortable ansering too much.

I’d take it as a personal favor if you would let it drop for now.



Brown Neck Gaitor

Checking fire.


I follow the leaders who lead by example. And if you keep re-enlisting because you are loyal to the Army as opposed to playing the martyr, good for you.

You are playing the martyr with those who are left in IVAW…the ship is sinking and nothing you do is going to change it. Get out, while the getting is good and go start or join another organization that does WORK and for the right reasons.

Look, I have had a crappy command, but I have never had a leader ask me to do something he wouldn’t do. It’s that simple.

amazing stuff here


where did I say “delete”? I have no idea what your talking about. Come on Mark…honesty is a good thing.

About using your real name. Seems to me that you must have an issue with it, since you wouldn’t have made the comment unless it bothered you just a little.

Carl Webb

Yes there are other Black members of IVAW like Margaret Stevens.

amazing stuff here

go away Webb. Are you seriously suggesting that only you and Margaret were the only black members of IVAW. Please stop, it’s actually pathetic.


Except for the part about not going by my first name, and certainly not to some douche who decided to be an asshole on facebook to my best friend, I pretty much have no problem. Shout it from the rafters. Not like I haven’t gotten death threats from it before, but at least now i don’t have kids in the house. So, go ahead, use my name, print my address, I really don’t give a shit.


Carl: What does color have to do with fucked up ideology? Ideology is colorblind. You don’t have to be a certain color to be a commie, just gullible. The only one making it about race is you. It’s a tired, pathetic argument, from a tired, pathetic little commie.


“You don’t have to be a certain color to be a commie, just gullible.”

You also have to ignore the life example of Karl Marx, a neer-do well who never held a job, never paid his rent on time,never had a job ‘cept for stints as a reporter or ran a business, sponged off Engels until he received his inheritance (BOURGEOIS!!!), and never did a damned thing once his royalties from Das Kapital & the stinkin’ commie manifesto began rolling in (BOURGEOIS X2!!! Has the hypocrisy kicked in yet Carl marx Webbsy-kins?? ). Geezus Carl marx Webb, if you fall for this communist crap, do you let the crackhead on the corner balance your checkbook?