(IV)AW-TX weighs in on Fort Hood shootings
Our reportage on the Fort Hood shootings wouldn’t complete if we excluded the (IV)AW view. The Under the Hood Cafe crowd takes Doug Zachary‘s advice and uses the incident as an excuse to raise money – and completely ignore the facts of the shooter;
Now, the part that I would point out as patently false is this;
…this shooting does not come as a shock. Eight years of senseless wars have taken a huge toll on our troops and their families. It’s time to admit that the wars in southwest Asia are in no one’s best interests. Bring the troops home now!
The Army has also repeatedly demonstrated that it is more interested in making soldiers “deployable” than it is in helping them fully recover from PTSD and other mental health issues. This often leaves soldiers with few options other than to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.
Yes, we’re not shocked because we’ve always fully expected that a doctor who had never been to the war, who didn’t “self-medicate with drugs and alcohol” would go berserk and it’s Bush’s fault. None of those soldiers who went to the war, have real PTSD as a result have gone berserk and shot scores of other soldiers – but we expected this. That’s what happens when you let Doug Zachary write your press releases. You’re all willing to perpetuate the “vet as a lunatic” image for own little selfish purposes – irrespective of the facts.
Of course, Texas’ own Carl Webb who sees racism behind every scrub oak doesn’t blame Hasan either – it’s you white people (who by the way persecute poor Carl Webb, who also fully supports Hasan’s murder of American soldiers as a means of resistance);
Now, I know of one instance of Hasan being persecuted a few months back, but it was off-base and being handled by local authorities.
John Van de Walker, allegedly keyed Hasan’s car and also removed and tore up a bumper sticker that read “Allah is Love.” Thompson said Van de Walker had been in Iraq and was upset to learn that Hasan was Muslim.
A report filed with Killeen police on Aug. 16 indicates that Hasan’s vehicle, a 2006 Honda Civic, had been scratched by an unknown object causing an estimated $1,000 worth of damage. The report indicates that Van de Walker, 30, was arrested on Oct. 21 and charged with criminal mischief. The matter has been referred for prosecution, according to the report.
It certainly doesn’t explain why Hasan went on-base and shot 40 people. But, then Carl Webb likes to blame all of his problems on racism, too. He called the IVAW decision to curb his verbal support of violent action against soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan racist, too. He tried to call us racists. It was probably racist of the Texas National Guard to expect him to deploy with them. TXNG sure dodged that bullet.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Oh Goody, according to gawker Hasan was on a Homeland Security presidential transition team.
“The Army has also repeatedly demonstrated that it is more interested in making soldiers “deployable” than it is in helping them fully recover from PTSD and other mental health issues. This often leaves soldiers with few options other than to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.”
Actually, that statement is spot on. I don’t agree with everything stated, but that really is the case. I’ve had guys on both deployments that had to business being there.
Casey, what were those guys doing in the army if they weren’t suited for deployment? This isn’t a CyberSpace Aviators Squadron. The military is expected to kill, disarm, and discombobulate the phucking enemy. If the sissies can’t hack that aspect of it, they belong home in the basement playing with daddy’s porno sites.
Thisprick, this Phucking muslim, chose to try for the 72 virgins at the expense of the US Army, and at the direction of his damned Qur’an. He is no case for a PTSD hustle, he is/was not a warrior, he did it in the name of allah, even planned it before he executed it. That he was not part of a card carrying, uniform wearing bin Laden cell, does nothing to make this less an act of terror. The common ground here is that it all comes from allah and the drug-addicted pedophile moHAMmed.
And my signoff has even more meaning today than wednesday:
“99.999% of Terrorists are Muslim!”
I wonder how the assmaggots of IVAW would feel if the Major had walked into the Under the Hood Cafe and started shooting, instead of on post…..
Have you seen the Veterans For Peace statement? I don’t know who wrote it, but I wasn’t very happy with it.
Here it is, copied and pasted below:
// VFP’s Statement on the Tragedies at Ft. Hood
October 6, 2009
Veterans For Peace extends our sympathies to the families and soldiers of Fort Hood. The pain and sadness felt by the community is shared by our members. Nearly every day in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places across the globe tragedy strikes as a result of war. On November 5th, tragedy struck close to home.
The nation will mourn and try to make sense of this awful day. VFP does not pretend to know the answers, nonetheless as veterans, all who have trained for war and some who have seen death or taken life, we know that violence begets violence. The trauma of war stays with us and is passed on to others.
This event makes visible the countless hidden and forgotten tragedies. It shows us those tragedies are not restricted to the combat zone, but in ways big and small effect us at home, in our communities and as a people. It motivates us to work harder to end the madness of war. //
is the long version, I’m sure I’ll write more before the end.
But Casey’s right.
FranklyOpinionated: Well, that would go back to military breakdown, and how they were letting people in in the first place who shouldn’t have been allowed in.
Debbie what didn’t you like about the Veterans For Peace statement?
PantoRant: Why is there Gun Control on Army Bases?
It’s not so much what is said in the Veterans For Peace statement that disturbs me, but what isn’t said. It’s written like as though from a pacifistic point of view as though representing the views of all Veterans For Peace members, when, in fact, not all members, or even most members, are pacifists. It states very unoriginally that, “Violence begets violence.” Duh? Is this church? It’s also the case that violence is sometimes justified, such as violence committed in self-defense, in defense of the innocent, or for moral retribution.
If the same act had taken place inside an abortion clinic, I’m sure there would be no hesitation to condemn the actions of the perpetrator. But here there is no such condemnation, not even remotely. That omission says a lot.
But why should I have this discussion with you — someone who most likely considers this killer to be a hero.
I’ve seen it all before – the defense of domestic terrorism under the cloak of PTSD. But I’ve said too much now, and, of course, I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.
The idea that Arab American soldiers might possibly have to deal anti-Arab racism in the military is just not possible according to some US military veterans. And that this could not be a factor in what drove Nidal Malik Hasan to do what he did. In fact since I pointed this out from a report I got from Wikipedia this makes me the real bigot.
Carl Webb,
It is possible but difficult to imagine that as an Army officer Hasan dealt with much anti-Arab slander. We’re talking about Pentagon policy after all, which is pretty damned PC these days. As for justifying mass murder it’s also morally depraved.
Let me lend you some more insight there Mr. Webb..
In the article below, the perp frequented a convenience store and could not carry on a conversation in Arabic with the store owner.
As for the “Under the Hood” cafe, I’ll hope like hell he didn’t frequent that quaint cozy lil cafe of safety, solitude and “peace”.
You made an excellent call on that VFP statement, Debbie. Keep standing your ground on that one. Pacifism leads to complacency, complacency can kill…smoke that one Carl Webb.
Just my .02 worth.
Are you justifying his actions because he was bullied, Mr. Webb?
Please, do tell.
ROS, either that, or Hasan was made to feel bad. And, for Webb’s information, one can be anti-Arab, or anti-Indian, or anti-anything and not be a racist. Just cuz you don’t like someone doesn’t make you a racist. And, yeah, Webb is justifying Hasan’s actions.
After reading Mr. Webb’s bio just now, I’ve surmised that not only is he an apologist prick, but also a waste of fucking oxygen.
You, sir, are the epitome of shitbaggery.
I got my car keyed for having a “W” sticker on it.
I would encourage anyone not to waste time arguing with Carl Webb. He simply wants to use his own poorly-thought out statements to arouse controversy.
“I got my car keyed for having a “W” sticker on it.”
Somehow, I doubt you went on a shooting rampage over that incident…. That one probably flew over karl marx webb’s head.
AS, have to disagree to a small degree. I doubt he’s capable of thought, poorly or otherwise.
“I would encourage anyone not to waste time arguing with Carl Webb. He simply wants to use his own poorly-thought out statements to arouse controversy.”
roger that, Sarge
Hi Athena,
Having had to deal with racism in the military I find it very easy to imagine that as an Army officer Hasan dealt with much anti-Arab slander. Since this has been reported in the Army Times I’m wondering if you think the military media is justifying mass murder.
What does his ability to carry on a conversation in Arabic have to do with anything?
ROS(shit bag),
What gives you the impression I’m justifying his actions because he was bullied.
Sgt. John Russell, Sgt. Joseph Bozicevich & Nidal Malik Hasan all killed fellow servicemen on American military bases. I don’t hear anyone proclaiming that Christians and Jews should be “purged” from the military as a result of these murders.
Carl Webb is like my chode (aka taint, gooch, “the most sourest patch of skin on my body”)
whenever it gets aggravated, because he’s got unwiped dried shit on him because you took a shit in the field and had to make do, or he’s got a swollen pimple, or whatever, he’s a super bitch to ignore. he’s always whining and making no sense and just really accentuating how fucking annoying he really is and how much you just wish that fucking pain in the gooch would go away. but normally, his pale, pube covered, stinky, sweaty, truly good for nothing reason for existing, is quite easily forgetful.
Carl Webb-That has to be the most twisted mode of thought I have ever encountered-None of us here would accept poor treatment of another soldier based on religion, ethnicity, race, etc. The reports in Army Times are pointing out what they had heard- not justifying murder as I feel you are.
Who the Hell said anything about a “purge” of Arabs from the military, Webb. Usually when a writer puts quotes around a word, he’s actually quoting someone in the conversation.
And if you had such a rough time in the military with racism, why’d you continually reenlist (and rocket to the grade of E-4)? I think you were dealing with people who didn’t like you because of you, not your race. I can see that.
He can’t see that, Jonn; that would be contradictory to his playing the victim.
Carl Webb: Should we call the waaaaaahmbulance for you?
Thank you Carl Webb. When ever I get a little weepy about only serving two tours so far, I just need to be reminded of you. Thank you for showing me where rock, fricking bottom is at.
Whenever Carl Webb has a problem with someone not liking him, he says it’s about race.
Let me make it crystal clear. Carl, I don’t dislike you because you’re black, despite what you say. Neither does anybody else. We dislike you because you MAKE OUR BRAINS BLEED.
The really funny part was when he once said that Jabbar Magruder, our black former co-chair of the board, was prejudiced against him because he was racist. Really, Carl? Really?
But again, I fall prey to your clever troll tactics. Stop making this about you and your constant claims of racism everywhere. Like that nonviolence is racist. That racist bastard, Martin Luther King! Man, and Ghandi! Those racist jerks.
I’m a little late on saying anything on this thread that would add, or detract anything from what has already been said.
Casey: In every war, since the beginning of time, there are those that have had PTSD. In the case of our own country’s history there are many many examples of such. Before Vietnam and the onset of the psyphological term PTSD it was called “shell shock”. That anyone who has gone to war returns as they were before they went, well, that doesn’t happen. If it doesn’t change a person, then that person wasn’t human. So, their statement may be spot on, but rather pedestrian in what it’s trying to point out; like saying that “the sun comes up in the East”. Although, the difference with thirt scum sucking POS is that he never was involved in any of it and for the doorknobs around the country and world to be putting him in the category of PTSD, or stress from multiple deployments is not only an out and out lie to try and forward a political agenda, it also detracts and dilutes the legitimcy of those that are suffering from it right now, or in the future.
Debbie: It good to see you posting, again, since I haven’t seen you on in a while. I miss your insight.
Carl, thanks for linking to my note! But maybe you missed a certain part of it that reads:
“I’m not saying he didn’t endure racism, he very well could have. But this is just being used to further Carl’s agenda. Carl, why not one word about the victims? Do you agree with Doug Zachary that it’s not that big of a deal?”
Your the one with the real race issues.
From the New York Times:
If it turns out that Major Hasan did in fact break partly under the stress of the job and impending deployment, many veterans would not be surprised.
“If this guy can go over the edge, imagine what it is like for the actual combat troops who have been through four or five deployments,” said Bryan Hannah, 22, a disabled Iraq war veteran from San Marcos, Tex., who was stationed at Fort Hood until he was discharged a year ago because of post-traumatic stress disorder and other injuries.
Everything I’ve posted has been from mainstream media including the military media. So how does it transform into some twisted mode of thought when I repeat it?
I guess you have heard about the calls to “purge” Arabs from the military. And I’m guessing if you saw them it wouldn’t matter.
You said “Usually when a writer puts quotes around a word, he’s actually quoting someone in the conversation.” But there are NO quotes in the post that says:
Sgt. John Russell, Sgt. Joseph Bozicevich & Nidal Malik Hasan all killed fellow servicemen on American military bases. I don’t hear anyone proclaiming that Christians and Jews should be “purged” from the military as a result of these murders.
How is this incident just being used to further my agenda? And exactly what do you feel my agenda is?
And yes since nonviolent tactics against a violent oppressive force is not a solution it is racist. So both Martin Luther King and Ghandi were jerks to promote it. But what’s your point anyway. You are in the military. You are not advocating nonviolence.
Carl Webb:
You are certified “brain-dead”! Your rants, especially #24 don’t add up to shit. you named two other shooters of Military personnel. Did they do this in the name of their God? Did they frequent radical churches of their religion?
No shooter of Military Personnel should live, not in war, not in peacetime. The Military Personnel of the United States are my personal property, to be used by me in the defense of my nation. This scum sucking Moslem stole their service from me!
Just as we who care, Remember 9/11/01, and do all possible to, in some way, make life miserable for the religion that beget this beast; we too will never forget Fort Hood, Texas and November 5/2009.
“99.999% of TERRORISTS are MUSLIM!”
Carl; why do you bring such convoluted thinking to the table?
You can’t get PTSD by osmosis; it’s not like the H1N1 or common cold. That the NYT thinks you can is stupid from the start. As I said in my post above, just because the agenda driven types out there want to categorize this dirtbag as a “victim” doesn’t make him one.
If you’re able to deal with civilian life, why do you spend so much time crashing on other people’s couches? To my way of thinking, you’re just another slacktivist who talks a pretty game so that he can get other people to support his lazy lifestyle.
I believe in nonviolence to bring about my political goals. I don’t believe in violence to bring about political goals. Surprising as it may be to you, being in the military does not involve simply “bringing violence”. Being in the military is a choice that many make in order to protect their nation and their homes. Many military members who oppose the war continue to serve proudly because they believe in that, or because they believe in protecting their fellow servicemembers.
But you’ve never sacrificed a day in your life, so I can’t expect you to understand that.
OldTrooper: I hate to say it, because it sounds like I’m justifying this guy, and I’m not. But I don’t want everyone everywhere to blow off contact PTSD just because this guy seems more and more like he didn’t have it.
They’ve done studies, and the children and spouses of Vietnam vets with heavy PTSD have often begun to show signs of mild PTSD after living with the vets and their reactions to trauma for many years. People can get PTSD from continued and sustained emotional trauma, not just physical-this is why POWs and kidnappees often get it even when they weren’t physically abused. This is one of the reasons why it is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to get help if you have severe PTSD-because you can in fact hurt your family simply by your presence if you don’t in a very major way. This was actually the number one reason I sought help, because even though I didn’t care about myself, I cared about my family enough to seek treatment.
Also, Carl, I have news for you. Even though you may think Martin Luther King was a racist, you are living in a world that his sacrifice, planning, and yes NONVIOLENT ACTION bought for you.
Athena, you’re talking exposure on a 24/7/365 basis over many years. Also, there is a big difference between family situations and talking with a shrink that sees you once a week, maybe twice a week.
I wonder who’s internet time and address Webb stole this time? Whose couch was he crashed on when he got up and tried to string his rambling, disjointed “thoughts” out on someone’s computer?
Hi all. I’m not from a military family and found this blog by accident, but have a few comments.
1. Carl Webb, a true instigator. You post very little, but ask lots of questions designed to stir the pot. The civilian world doesn’t much care for victim mentality either.
2. Why has no one commented on the fact that Nasan became disgruntled and sought to get out of the military, AFTER medical school was paid for. Did he suddenly have an epiphany after receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars of education, which sadly came at a very expensive price.
3. Thanks ya’ll for your service. Happy Veterans Day. We salute you.
I caught this link off of Twitter.
Isn’t this a lovely photo caption: “Army veterans Victor Agosto, left, and Jeremy Hamilton watch TV news about the shooting at Fort Hood on Thursday at Under the Hood, a gathering place for soldiers.”
They were all alone at 4:12 pm. Wonder where those hot Che lovin’ groupies of Agosto’s are? Not sure about Hamilton groupies:
Rather coldhearted to me that the first stop the “Austin American-Statesman” newspaper editor sends this photojournalist, Jay Janner, for “reaction photos in other places around Killeen,” is to “Under the Hood” cafe. Were anti-muslim liberation views needed at that time?
More unsettling as you scroll down: “Just outside the gate I stopped and photographed Iman Mahmood Hasan bin Hamad, a Killeen resident who was anxiously watching the scene. The shooting suspect is a Muslim, and bin Hamad said she was worried about the reaction from the community. It was now 5:06 pm.”
A female imam? WTF? The guy in the car looks familiar. Anyone know?
Maybe IVAW will kick me out now since Selena has revealed that I called Jabbar a racist.
Or maybe they’ll kick you out because you’re a big baby and don’t act your age.
Thanks Carl. Without your immature posting, not as many people would get to see that I condemn your tactics of falsely claiming racism whenever someone opposes your dubious “ideas”.
I think you’ve officially taken the Members Speaks to a new whiny low they’ve never gotten to before. Do you want a cookie?
If you ever need a screenshot of it, email me, AS.
Also, can you please tell me what the purpose of linking to mine and Jabbar’s facebooks are?
Carl, your an idiot, I am out of the Army now. I can afford flights because I am good with money. Guess that makes me an imperialist. You are lying and trying to back out a of a fight. Coward.