Holiday Open Thread
The calendar says that today is a federal holiday, when Columbus Day is observed. The last one seems like just a few days ago… Time has flown. If you’ve just returned from the post office after wondering why it was closed, you’re welcome (smile). Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Category: Open thread
I reckon everybody is getting ready for the mostly peaceful protests against the ebil sailor dood that bumped into some islands way back yonder. Ol Chris was the FIRST Flat Earth denier. He might not have been the FIRST to “discover” the Western Hemisphere, but he was the FIRST to show how illegal immigration is a good way to overthrow the existing population…
No mail running means no bills will arrive today so there is that.
The world being round was common knowledge in ancient times, in the Medieval Period, and through the Renaissance. The ancient Greeks used this knowledge to calculate the circumference of the Earth, and there is a page from a Medieval textbook explaining that if people started, with their backs touching each other, and they walked straight forward without stopping, turning, drifting, etc, they would eventually meet up and touch each other front to front. They explained this from a theoretical standpoint given the oceans, mountains, geography, etc.
Going to Asia by going west was something that people understood was doable, but the technology to do so wasn’t always around. It also broke the common habit at the time when it came to maritime travel. Columbus miscalculated the distance from Europe to Asia and assumed that the trip was doable given what existed.
The “flat earth belief” originated after the medieval period, and was a part of an effort to denigrate the period of time between the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Upper Medieval Period/Rennaissance. That period was anything but “dark.”
I’ve been round the world and everywhere I went the
ground was flat.
You clearly have never been to South Carolina. I walked all over fort Jackson when I went to basic training nearly 40 years ago. I never saw more than 50 yards of flat ground stitched together.
As a matter of fact I haven’t. Come to think of it Ft. Dix was as far south as I’ve been. Dix was all sand.
And the lovely Wrightstown did little to make it better…it was a shithole in the 70s…Benning was at least a nice base to be on in the 70s…I enjoyed infantry school immensely…
Because most of NJ and ALL of Delaware
were under and part of the Atlantic Ocean only a few thousand years ago.
That rascally climate change is always up to something.
Now, point this out to those who will argue that we’re causing the sea levels to rise. 😀
I saw all sorts of terrain while being all over the world, from flat to mountainous, to just water all the way to the horizon. Watching the radar signatures of the mountains “change” as we got closer to port or to the maneuver area was like watching the mountains “change shape” when travelling between Ogden and Wendover on Highway 80.
The above image was one I used when arguing against flat earthers on Gab. I explained that concept, with the mountains, above, as an explanation that they were “coming around a bend” as one got closer to them. They weren’t buying any of it, their eyes were “open” and they were not about to have someone like me “gaslight” them. One of the terms they use for atmosphere is “atmosflat.”
We took some photos while sailing of vessels whose upper masts and sails were visible while none of the hull because they were far enough away at that the curvature of the earth was clearly evident…
Brian Schull (sp?) takes about seeing the curvature of the earth at 80k+ altitude. He talks also of being able to see the California coast line while flying over Tucson.
LA speed check is an interesting story too. They shut the navy pilot up, and I’m sure air traffic controller was glad everybody got that out of their systems.
That is a damn funny story
Hell, I could see the curvature of the horizon from the cockpit of a C-141 at 60,000 feet.
Folks living on the coasts have noticed that… I took it for granted growing up… Ships sailing away (bottom to top disappearance) or arriving (top to down appearance).
I proposed one exercise to the flat earthers that involved a large beach ball and a pebble or similar sized object. Tape the smaller object to the beach ball, then place the line-of-sight tangent to the curvature of the beach ball. Follow up by rotating the object away from the eye, then back towards the eye. The ancients would’ve witnessed this same effect.
I remember, while on a Navy ship sitting off the coast and approaching the port, the appearance of calm sea surface “hovering” above the shoreline that had people on it. That section of the ocean showed the effects of the earth’s curvature.
When you point out the spherical moon’s appearance from the earth, and the “flat moon” appearance from the moon’s surface, you get creative responses from the flat earthers… Or other conspiracy theories.
Did you go around the world in 80 days
They don’t have time to protest The hypothetically motivated columbo. They will be too busy protesting the war mongering Jews, who used their false flag attack to suppress the mostly peaceful Hamas and Hezbollah.
Embrace the power of “and” 5… there’s plenty of morons to go around, some will be protesting both today.
“First” was conquered not stollen.
Now I want a stollen for breakfast.
Like this one? Make enough to share with us all!
Since you have the pic of one, I’m going to assume it’s yours. Did you make enough for all? And we need milk, tea and/or coffee to go with it. Lots of it.
2nd for the FIRST (h/t KoB) time in a long time.
You do mean Indigenous Peoples’ Day, don’t you? 😒😊
Hell yeah.
Any guesses as to what tribal affiliation Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) is claiming today?
He has already claimed Cherokee and Seminole. So maybe something new?
Happy Columbus Day from Randy Marsh.
Screw Columbus and the boat he rowed in on.
I still tip my hat to Columbus for talking a married woman out of money for a 3 boat vacation to see other women.
Gigalo of the Seas!
Does he lose points for giving all of Europe a case of the clap?
👏👏👏👏 well played.
It’s fascinating that Democrat liberal folks, who typically inhabit the halls of the US gummint bureaucracy, typically denounce Columbus, but gosh-a-rooney, don’t you dare take away their holiday.
They have other names that they use instead of “Columbus Day.”
Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
Steven Pinker wrote the archaeological evidence clearly indicates that the Americas were never a peaceful “kumbaya” singing feast of pleasantries…he said there were far too many skeletons with axe, arrow, and blunt force trauma injuries to substantiate that notion….
Kind of like the dipshits who try to make folks feel guilty that much of the US west was part of Mexico until we bad white folks took it….I like to point out that Spanish wasn’t spoken in the Central or Southern Americas until the Spaniards slaughtered the natives and took the land…
Trying to judge the past through the morality of today might be an interesting exercise for academics but it carries zero value for an entire society to attempt to rectify events of 300+ years ago through some silly re-naming attempts today.
True dat. Anyone who wants to see what life was like among the indigenous peoples needs to watch two movies, “The Robe” and “Apocalypto.”
…And read the book, “Death of the Fifth Sun,” a story told from the perspective of the Aztecs, but leverages what archeologists and historians have said about pre-Columbian America while adding artistic license.
There was also the Mississippian culture, or the mound builders, who were urbanized and were reported by some scholars to have engaged in human sacrifices.
Many tribes have also reported the existence of ancient tribes consisting of giant white people… These legends usually involve the ancestors of the Native Americans fighting them and taking the land.
Here’s the Apocalypto scene showing the arrival of the Juan de Grijalva expedition:
What’s a little human sacrifice and cannibalism between friends? Or are we not supposed to say the quiet part out loud?
Shh, “decolonization” is a hip, trendy thing among left/libtards who don’t know any better than their Starbucks latte.
I once again declare myself PRESENT as I award myself yet another Honorary First.
You should be on your 10th silver oak leaf cluster by now.
Nope, on my 12th!
And Phil Monkress knows where the meat pole goes…
In the US taxpayer’s collective asshole!
In the ships log book, Columbus mentions the craft coming down from the sky and into the water, which sounds like a UFO.
A reminder that on this day in 1967 Che Guevara met and appropriate end, shot dead and displayed like the piece of garbage he was throughout his miserable existence…
The best part is knowing he was a fucking coward at the end who begged to be spared and was shot anyway.
Fuck that guy.
Che Guevara became a GOOD COMMIE that day!
It appears that someone I previously caught
LYING about battlefield enemy kill claims in Afghanistan…
… may have just LIED about killing a bear last weekend.
3 weeks worth of online pump up and hype,
pictures of his son wearing new hunting gear,
ammo, a new weapon, more ammo,
then a pumpkin with 2 big holes.
Then 1st day of season father and son photos
sitting on a dead bear’s neck.
Wouldn’t someone who shot a bear
have MORE to post about,
since he was so public for weeks beforehand?
You know. Party. Taxidermy. Tag.
Or how about the trip back home and victory stories?
Nope, nada.
Instead, he’s back to politics, conspiracy theories, guns,
and selling his website cons.
Does anyone here know others who have LIED about hunting?
It’s claiming someone else’s bear kill as his own.
In this case, from a guy who already lies about Afghanistan.
Bear Hunter Stolen Valor?
That’ll go over big at deer camp, and next year’s bear camp.
What a tool.
A fitting Holiday Open Thread comedy bit and punchline,
considering this past weekend’s world news.
Daily Double.
I tested clicking the YouTube above,
and when it finished playing,
THIS came up!
We’re doomed
but some schools are seriously lacking in Civics and American History, as Jay Leno is really good at pointing out, for laughs.
Holiday? What holiday?
I’m at work. Where are a’y’all?
Plenty to choose from.
Columbus Day tops the list.
Oh, and it’s IP Day (only in certain states).
Columbus ain’t that important in Utah. Now, try and explain July 24 to folks from outside the state 😉
Easy. It is Mormon Pioneer Day, celebrating the founding of the State of Deseret. We spent a whole year in the fifth grade learning about the Mormon pioneers, but they called it Utah History.
Was that before or after they massacred non-mormon settlers who happened into the area?
Welp, IIRC our textbook didn’t mention the Mountain Meadow Massacre.
Today was a holiday? Then again, I don’t get Veterans Day off either, so.
Hack Stone is looking towards Friday for his Threepeat.
Oh Oh. Possible PHONY ALERT.
A local acquaintance told me on the phone today,
that while at a new local cafe this morning
(that serves cheap breakfast),
he encountered a guy wearing THIS ballcap,
claiming not 1, but 2 Purple Hearts,
and telling Double Rambo stories so different and strange….
Awaiting a last name for “Ed”, and any physical evidence.
This gets under my skin,
all these local cheapy open 1 day a week flea markets
with cap sellers running cap stands
selling not only this, but Silver Star and other high value ballcaps.
Be a hero. Price $13 to $16.
Atropia Veteran with impact AAM… naw, who’d get that?
It’s the “My phone was hacked!” excuse.
By Frank Biden.
Yes, Joe’s bro.
EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked’]
Frank and Beans photo, now public.
Amazing how dudes’ dick-pics keep mysteriously showing up in teen girls’ email attachments. Just ask Huma Abaden’s ex-husband.