Military Advising – Pfft! How Hard Can it Be?

| January 15, 2023

On an episode of ‘New Amsterdam‘ we see what we can only describe as a LtCol Navy Corpsman.

It is a highly rated and popular show.

Can’t speak for the budget, but they seemed to have saved money on hiring a military advisor.  After all, how hard can it be?

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I went down to watch them filming New Amsterdam, they have this blonde haired girl who I couldn’t keep my eyes off of. My friend Jonesy started talking to this dark haired beautiful Flamenco dancer named Maria. It made me rethink my life. I am going to buy a Grey guitar and play.


Well played, well played. And thanks for making me feel old. That song is 30 years old…


Every medical show that I’ve seen is a plethora of SJW misinformation. The most common being that poor people refuse to seek medical help because they can’t afford medical insurance (despite the existence of Medicaid for the lowest 21% of the population by income level for over 50 years)

A Proud Infidel®™

But COMRADE, the establishment’s message, propaganda and agenda MUST be constantly broadcast through the mass media!! At least the collidge perfessers indoctrinating young minds full of mush think so.

Last edited 2 years ago by A Proud Infidel®™

Refuse medical treatment? No. Just see the f*ckin’ illegal aliens– they just shrug (Pay?) and leave after gettin’ it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Absolutely, your best bet if you want 100% “free” medical care is to go ths hospital, give a fake name, show no ID, pretend to not speak any English, point to what is wrong and then leave immediately after treatment.

Also works great for voting.

Last edited 2 years ago by 5JC

Don’t even start on the misinformation about medical conditions, the forensic processes of police work, and nature of animal on these shows.
Or what happens when a vehicle catches fire in a wreck.

Daisy Cutter

Not to mention a grenade exploding. Lots of fire and smoke, even a fireball.

Real grenade explosions don’t seem to do this, but I guess Hollywood favors the dramatic.


Or “silencers” that don’t make any noise – etc.
It is like the folks filming these travesties have no clue…

I have had to deal with panicked – and usually young -drivers who thought their vehicle was about to become a fireball because of a water coolant leak.
Or some who expect a car legitimately on fire to go up in a fireball.

Panic kills. And Holly-weird is to blame.


There are silencers that don’t make any noise. And if the weapon itself is properly set up it won’t make any noise either. But the ones typically depicted are not capable of that.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Coupled with some subsonic ammo and you get some really, really, quiet firearms…

Hack Stone

Have you ever timed how long between tossing the first hand grenade into the cockpit and the simultaneous explosion of all of the hand grenades in Die Hard II? And why would a military transport land at Dulles instead of Andrews AFB, or any military installation closer to the Caribbean than a civilian airport? Of course, the bad guys had magic firearms that could fire live rounds and blanks without a BFA.


Don’t get me started. Poor people call an ambulance for EVERYTHING. Tooth pain was one of my favorites.

In every jurisdiction there are regulars that call an ambulance for a ride to the hospital purely because it’s closer to where they’re going. Straight up using it as a taxi. Why? They don’t have to pay for it.

RGR 4-78

There was a couple in my AO that called for an ambulance every week, they would take turns being sick.
They would go through the ER and be admitted, get fed supper and breakfast the next day, then walk out.

The joke amongst the fire fighters was “it must be pork chop night at the hospital again”.

They never paid.


It gets worse, the actor playing a character credited as “Marine LT Galatin” in that episode has this on IMDB

“Kevin Interdonato was born and raised in New Jersey, growing up in a hard-working, blue-collar family. He played many sports throughout his youth and high school, and joined the Army National Guard at 18”

How in the Blue Falcon Jebus does anyone who was even in the NG not call out this rank insignia not being accurate?


Stupidity all around. They hired a Lieutenant who couldn’t cut it (you know, the ones where Ranger Joe’s gets all those brand new utilities with 2LT rank after OBC for sale cheap) and didn’t know any better.
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A Proud Infidel®™

WTF was some purple-haired booger-munching SJW fresh out of college getting a four-year degree in six years thinking when he/she/ wauud-wompa/it thinking when they came up with that living abortion of a costume?


Stupid f*ckers unable to think beyond reguritating Leftist talking points who believe they’re smarter than everyone else because of that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Never seen it. Then again, I’ve never seen a LtCol Navy Corpsman Marine either. At least they didn’t refer to him as a Corpse Person. Might not mind some of them eye candy female doctors checking on my medical condition that they’re causing. You know, heart rate elevations, shortness of breath, and that swelling sensation. May as well have a fake doctor check out my faked symptoms.


Maybe ‘Commander Lieutenant Colonel Navy Corpsman Marine’ to touch all the bases. Gotta represent.


Is that the next grade up from Corporal Captain?


Don’t forget Private Major
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Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Command Private Major?
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Hey! My late brother once greeted a bus load of AIT soldiers arriving at Huachuca as “The Command Private Major of the Army”. Everything was going fine until Drill Sergeant Porter showed up…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

How come the Mil advisor in heartbreak ridge let the one Marine say that the Gunny won the MOH.

Hack Stone

The same Technical Adviser who found it entirely plausible that a SNCO in his Alpha uniform would be lugging a Seabag from the back gate of Camp Pendleton to Las Pulgas, or whatever Camp “Recon Platoon” was stationed at, and not one Marine offered him a ride. Damn shame that his best bud in the Battalion, Sgt Major, doesn’t have a phone on his desk that he could step out for a few minutes and pick him up.


Hack, the Quonset Huts the Recon Platoon was stationed at were at Camp Talega.


Jeff, the Mil Tech Advisor for Heartbreak Ridge in 1986 was an active-duty Marine (probably was a Staff Sergeant at the time, named James D. Dever) whom the Corps handpicked to do the job.

Overall, he (Dever) ended up doing 25 years (1973-1998), in the Corps and retired as a Sergeant Major.

Based on his resume/bio, he was a Force Recon Marine his whole time and graduated from all the Hoo-Ha schools of both the Corps and the Army.

But why he allowed the Marine (Stitch Jones) to say “Gunny Highway won the MOH”, we’ll never know. Eastwood was the director for the movie, so he may have just said “OK, we’ll do it my way or it’s the highway for you as the tech advisor”. / s

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks Claw and Hack for the info.

Prior Service

Because Soldiers (and Marines) often say stupid/uninformed things. I’ve been in the army for 33 years and it’s been a few years since I had a job with regular Soldiers (alas). I recently spent a bunch of time with a SPC and was amazed at how much he didn’t know. I can totally picture him saying “xxx won the MOH”. Not to bust on junior Soldiers, they’re the heart of the army; but sometimes they just don’t know.



Hack Stone

And sometimes, you get an NCO or SNCO who tries to impart his wisdom upon the troops, and he is completely out of his league. Case in point, Hack Stone is at the armory at 7th Comm Battalion cleaning his pistol. A Corporal has some of his crew cleaning their rifles, so he is drilling them on their Chain of Command. When Corporal “Old Salt” heard him ask the troops “Who is the 1st Sergeant of 7th Comm Battalion?”, Hack Stone asked him “Who is the 1st Sergeant of 7th Comm Battalion? I sure would like to know.”

Then of course, we have the Comm Chief at another unit Hack was assigned to who could not comprehend the meaning between “presidents” and “precedence”.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Years ago we had a company gunny who would say “…it would be who of you” instead of “…it would behoove you…”

That guy was a straight up idiot.


Liberal/media people are ignorant because nobody (<1%) serves any more. They’re not stupid enough to be “unable to get a job anywhere else,” you know.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Skivvy Stacker

And what do you want to bet that the character is a Marine Corps M.D.?

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) based in Merritt Island, FL could be the LCDR (Lieutenant Commander).

What a great fit!


I’m surprised you didn’t comment on the Merritt Island burglars in the Stupid People of the Week thread…🤣

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is funny as hell as are many of these shows where a generic “military character” needs to be “inserted into script” often without any thought beyond put a costume on him or her that resembles something military.

There’s a show with Dylan McDermott called “FBI’s Most Wanted”….if you can sit through twenty minutes let me know your secret, the lead character played by McDermott routinely has lines indicating his disdain for the rules of the Constitution and how he believes those rules shouldn’t have to be followed by his character….

In light of the lies told to the FISA court surrounding Carter Page perhaps it’s a more accurate show than I realized…


Whatsamatter? No one here’s ever seen a LT Colonel Navy Corpman before?

If his character applies himself and gets his FMF pin, he might just make Colonel by the next season.

Hack Stone

Those Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses really help on the cutting score.