Kris Goldsmith leaves IVAW

| May 13, 2009

Another of the big guns,one of the real veterans of the Iraq War has resigned from the Iraq Veterans Against the War citing many of the same reasons as others who have resigned before. Below is his resignation letter (Any emphasis is mine);

Kristofer Goldsmith Resigns from IVAW

To: The Board of Directors, Iraq Veterans Against the War

Herein lies my complete resignation and absolute disassociation from the organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War. In this document I will explain what has influenced my decision, and I hope that as a critic of IVAW and a Veteran that my suggestions will be taken seriously.

While my intent to resign came months ago, I have been holding on because of the protests of a few members and friends who still saw a sliver of chance to shape the organization into a more effective, more comfortable place for Iraq Veterans like myself. However, looking back over the majority of actions and conversations that I’ve been a part of or have seen since my last year of being involved in IVAW, it became overwhelmingly clear that there was no reason for hope. IVAW has proven to be more damaging than constructive to nearly everything that it touches, especially to some of it’s own Veteran Members.

Most of the problems that I see in IVAW existed far before the time I joined the organization, in the summer of 2007, while I was still on Active Duty. The first issue I saw, which I know makes a lot of active duty (especially combat) troops suspicious, is the fact that ANY service on or after September 11th 2001 makes you eligible for full membership. I know this suspicious feeling to be true because less than two years ago I was Active Duty, a full time Soldier, a Veteran of OIF (I spent about 60 times more than “6 days helping occupy a country”) and I remember what it feels like to be in uniform. Many of the guys I served with who are opposed to the war after 1-3 deployments to Iraq still feel the same way about IVAW because of it’s hardly-existent membership qualification standards. IVAW’s membership requirement and background checks were when I joined, and today remain, seriously flawed. When someone who’s never even showed up to Drill for National Guard or Reserve musters, let alone a single day on Active Duty, (Carl Webb, for example) is wearing a shirt that would lead most people who are able to read English to assume said person is an actual “Iraq Veteran” who is “Against the War” that they served in… That’s not only doing a disservice to the organization by presenting a face that isn’t true, but it’s also offensive to most people (I’m talking about the >1.3 million Veterans of OIF, not just IVAW members) who actually served in Iraq. Be it the feeling that Veterans volunteered and sacrificed for service in Iraq and are proud of it, or the feeling that they were duped and still sacrificed (their ability to sleep at night, at least) in Iraq, few Iraq Veterans in my experience, like the idea of poseurs wearing a shirt that says “Iraq Veteran” across the chest. My first recommendation as a new outsider from IVAW, is that you, the Board, seriously consider mandating uniform restrictions that prevent members from appearing as if they are something they’re clearly not. That means that non-Iraq Veterans would be required to wear shirts that read “I SUPPORT” before the words “Iraq Veterans”. I understand over 1000 black IVAW T-shirts have already been issued and thousands more have been sold to members, but it would be reasonable and simple to have non-Iraq-Veteran-members use the “stencil and spray paint” method that anyone who was really in the service should be familiar with.

Iraq Veterans Against the War currently claims 1,500 members. Lets say for a moment that only 1,000,000 service members have deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom since March 2003. That would mean that IVAW represents less than two Veterans out of every one thousand Veterans of OIF. Combining OIF and Operation Enduring Freedom Veterans means that pool expands to around 1.8 million, and that the 1,500 members of IVAW would represent less than one out of every 1,000 OIF-OEF Veterans. Yet membership requires only that you have served since 9-11-2001, so membership is open to many millions more. I’m clearly not a mathematician, and have no idea how many millions have served in the military and meet IVAW’s membership standards, but it seems pretty clear that IVAW as it stands today is not an organization that attracts every Veteran who’s against the war in Iraq. Yet it does attract sycophants and mentally deficient losers like the infamous Jesse MacBeth, and the hardly known James Morriss. MacBeth- I won’t go into, because that happened well before I was an active member, and I’ve never had the displeasure of meeting that scum. However, James Morriss, for those of you who don’t know, squatted in the DC IVAW house for a while before being discovered to be a fake and kicked out of the house and organization as a whole. He attended Winter Soldier on the Hill, and at least once, publicly told a story about being ordered by his commander to shoot an unarmed child in Afghanistan. While James Morriss claimed to have served in 101st Airborne, it was later discovered through record checks that he never made it out of Basic. I didn’t have to look up his record, let alone hear his “war-stories”, to figure out that this kid was a fraud. The day I met him, one thing flashed through my head- “CLASS-III DENTAL.” How anyone let him join IVAW when he claimed to have deployed to Afghanistan, and presented a laminated-green-newbie ID card as proof of service while he had teeth that looked like he’d been chewing gravel for sport… that just blows my mind. Anyone with dental problems as severe as him would be non-deployable until after some major surgery. Again, as a non-member, I would suggest that if IVAW seeks to retain any of it’s credibility at all, that the Board immediately file requests for the DD-214 of all “1,500+ current members” of IVAW using the Freedom of Information Act. Should a purge be necessary (as I imagine it probably will) for members having faked military service, make it public, so that the opposition has a little less to criticize you for and you may gain credibility in the eyes of anyone outside the most crazy of the moonbat crowd. (James Morriss can be found on facebook, in the Tampa Bay, FL network for those of you who may already be “friends” with this criminal.)

Since becoming involved in the online networks of IVAW I’ve heard rumors of people advocating sabotage against US Troops and equipment, and even support for the resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan. Carl Webb, a member in Texas, has admitted on-line to recommending sabotage to Sergeant Casey Porter, a then Active Duty Soldier. Specifically, he mentions damaging or rewiring electrical systems in vehicles, thus making them unfit for service. Not only is he trying to get an Active Duty Soldier to commit a serious crime (as it would be to advocate people going AWOL), but it’s a crime that could immediately have deadly results for Americans Troops and Iraqis. It doesn’t take a genius or much experience in combat to know that if a vehicle or weapon system goes down, the mission still continues. Troops patrolling out of the bases of Iraq with fewer vehicles, less armor and weaponry, forces them to compensate through the use of force in order to keep themselves safe. The result of a higher chance of American Casualties is the greater possibility for Iraqi Causalities, which enhances sympathy, support and recruitment for insurgent fighters. That increases the justification for the need for more American forces and equipment, therefore extending the duration of and damage incurred on both sides due to combat in Iraq. It’s clear that allowing such an advocate for death and destruction is paradoxical to the founding principals of IVAW. My recommendation to the Board of IVAW is that it immediately revokes the membership of anyone who has publicly (or otherwise online) made comments advocating for criminal action which would directly result in the death of American Troops and Iraqis. (Webb’s comments can be found on facebook under Casey Porter’s note “I am done with IVAW” and here:

One thing I’ve never been comfortable with is IVAW’s support for “Counter-Recruiting”. Something that seems to be done with the most noble of intentions, “saving the lives of American Youth,” also appears to have been initiated with little deep thought. While every potential recruit who’s convinced that the military is the devil is counted as a small success, and credited as possibly saving a life, not much rational thought is done beyond that. Few times have I seen “Counter-Recruiters” prepared to set up these potential recruits with a real job interview, training that could increase the likelihood of obtaining a job, or even help filling out school applications. Correction, it’d be more accurate to say I’ve never seen those constructive activities. The focus has remained on “don’t do that” instead of “you’d be better off doing this”. This is damaging to the individual potential recruit by further limiting their economic and educational opportunities- which is damaging to the nation as a whole. With the new Post-911 GI Bill, it’s clear that a full college education can be completely paid for and damn near profitable after just a short time in service, so half the argument I’ve seen “Counter-Recruiters” use is completely outdated. Another thing that seems to be lost on the mind of “Counter-Recruiters” is the fact that for every potential recruit that they steer away from the military, they’re locking some guy or gal who’s already done their time into Stop-Loss. While roughly only 16% of the Army’s Soldiers are in combat MOS’s, and the majority of the military (all branches) will never see a combat patrol, it’s clear that “Truth-In-Recruiting” would be a more constructive concept. For someone who’s decided that the military is right for them, it may be better for all parties to allow them to make their own choice after arming them with all the information they’ll need to have a comfortable career. Focus on information that can improve the lives of all in the Military, like “How to prevent military sexual assault” or “How to report Racism (File an Equal Opportunities Complaint)” and constructive education such as that. The problems that currently plague the Military would be lessened if activists worked to educate recruits on how to combat them as they’re enlisting.

The dream of “stopping the Military machine” from growing by preventing one 18 year old at a time from joining is clearly not working, because as the Army Times reported recently, the Army has been exceeding it’s recruitment goals- so they’re still getting the bodies. Taking qualified and competent potential recruits out of the pool is not damaging to this abstract thought- “the Machine”. What it is doing, however, is forcing the Army to lower it’s standards dramatically to allow the incompetent and criminally minded into it’s ranks. I’ve served with people with clear learning disabilities, which is a huge danger to anyone and everyone on or near a battlefield (this includes both American Troops and Iraqi Civilians). I’ve also witnessed gang-related shootouts between Active Duty troops in the barracks at Fort Stewart. Most disgusting is the fact that these were combat troops, and with over 150 expended rounds, there was not one casualty. At the very least these recent Basic Training graduates should have been skilled enough to hit their target at least 1% of the time. Anyone who’s been on Active Duty since 2003 could tell you how much the quality of the average Soldier has plummeted. The lowering standards, no-dropout-rule and lack of faith in the system is probably the leading cause of the recent spike in Drill Sergeant suicides, so, “Counter-Recruiters,” there’s blood on your hands too. And like I said before, for every potential recruit that is turned away from the military, the Army has put another troop under Stop-Loss orders, therefore increasing the likelihood that the Soldier will be injured, killed, contract PTSD, or have existing PTSD worsened. “Counter-Recruitment” is clearly part of the problem, making things far worse, and is far from a solution towards the goal of helping Veterans heal and get the treatment they deserve. It’s time for the Board of Directors to issue a clear statement disavowing such ignorant and destructive tactics as “Counter-Recruitment” and if anything- clearly express organization wide support, specifically for the more positive “Truth-in-Recruiting” which should have a goal of doing what’s best for each individual in each situation regarding enlistment in the military. IVAW as an organization which is supposedly concerned about the welfare of Active Duty troops, should educate civilian “Peace Organizations” about how to focus on participation in activities that while working against the Iraq Occupation are not damaging to the Troops.

Before any other loyalty, IVAW has an obligation to serve the best interests of Troops and Veterans. In theory, opposition to the war, serves the interest of Troops in that IVAW wants to keep Troops from getting hurt overseas. (While most people capable of critical thought understand the situation in Iraq is much too complex for an overnight withdrawal, in other words, “Immediate Withdrawal” taken literally is not a realistic solution). IVAW’s advocation for monetary and structural reparations to leave Iraq better than we found it is in following with basic human courtesy, fulfills America’s promise to the people who we invaded and is something that even the most young Boy Scouts could tell you is proper etiquette after you camp out on someone else’s land. Most conservatives could agree that it’s worth the investment to improve the country at the very least to lessen motivation for future acts of retaliatory terrorist attacks against America and her assets. Full benefits for all returning Veterans is obvious, although, there are Socialists who’ve loudly proclaimed their belief that Veterans are no more entitled to healthcare than the rest of the population, and that we shouldn’t get it until it’s available for all. These are the obligations of IVAW, and where loyalty to Troops and Veterans is rightly directed. However, what I find disturbing is when people on behalf of IVAW declare an action or an organizational vote to be done “in solidarity with the peace movement”. IVAW’s solidarity should remain with that of it’s members and focus on it’s founding points of unity before it reaches out to satisfy every moonbat organization such as Code Pink, the International Socialist Organization, Campus Anti-War Network, or any peace organization my morphing itself to look and function more like them. Such was done in the vote where a loud but small band of IVAW members tried to hurry a vote to declare an official Organization-wide stance against American Operations in Afghanistan without the entire membership being successfully notified or participating in the discussion or vote. This particular case is initially what made me realize that the rumors of an International Socialist Organization influence in IVAW was a real threat to the organization’s founding principles- focus on the Occupation of Iraq- the war that gave IVAW it’s name. The memberships’ lack of participation in this voting process should also indicate that only about 10-20% of IVAW’s membership is involved in the organization at all, therefore actions taken by the loudest minority shouldn’t be assumed to represent the beliefs of the entire membership.

Where I at most times admire IVAW’s general acceptance of people from all walks of life, it’s standards are sometimes clearly of the double-type. Where liberal views and lifestyle choices are obviously prominent and highly supported in IVAW, respect and tolerance simply does not exist for those who consider themselves Patriots, Conservatives, or otherwise anything right of left-center. I point to an issue the Board is already familiar with, an email from Camilo Mejia to Selena Coppa where he makes it clear that because of her love for things such as -The United States Constitution, The American Flag, and Patriotism- that she should consider leaving the organization because, in the words of Camilo, “IVAW is really not that place.” ( If IVAW is not a place where Patriotism is welcome, I recommend that the Board makes sure that fact is clear on the front page of the website, all press releases and all membership materials. After deploying to Iraq for a year and seeing the immediate direct results of it with my own eyes, I formed a personal belief that America is less safe as a result of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. It’s my love of Country and desire to continue my service to my Nation that led me to believe that IVAW was right for me to join. As Camilo has recently pointed out, I must have been mistaken to believe that IVAW is an organization of Veterans focused on what is best for the United States of America. If it’s not the case, there should be punitive actions taken against this type of rhetoric, and that action should be made public to clear up concerns that critics are having of the ISO taking control of IVAW (as Camilo is a member of the ISO and it seems he can get away with anything).

Any IVAW member who went to the Democratic or Republican National Conventions would probably know that I purchased about $200 worth of American Flags with my own money for use in the marches there. The symbolic nature of a national flag is clear to most five year olds, regardless of what country they may be from. From my experience, IVAW and most “Peace Groups” seem to lack the ability to understand that the presence of a few respectfully carried and displayed American Flags in a march or action can go a long way as to making said activist groups gain acceptance from the average American (the one’s you’re all trying to inspire and call to action). This is why the Gathering of Eagles was always a welcome addition to any event I ever attended, because they made IVAW look great with their flags, proper uniforms and “Support the Troops” signs (GOE NY realized this recently, and won’t be playing into IVAW’s hands any longer, as I’ve discovered on their forums). As an American, I’ve always respected the most recognizable symbol of my nation, and even with my membership with IVAW, I’ve paid the respect to the flag that I think most service members and Veterans would expect. I remember the night before the DNC, folding flags for the action and placing them carefully in a box, before being voted down “because people didn’t feel comfortable carrying the flag” and “it wasn’t democratic” for me to decide that it would improve our image without a 62 member debate. While I could accept that argument, I was upset the next day to find a large American Flag placed across the ground at the Denver house that some members made it a point to repeatedly walk over with boots. American, Iraqi, or anything else, that is conduct that is blatantly offensive to most people who’s home is represented by that particular flag, especially the overwhelming majority of Veterans. I admit to signing the flag with a permanent marker along with other members, but I did this the same spirit that many troops, who serve together in Iraq, sign a flag with the rest of their Company.

Fast forward a week or so to the RNC, after an action that did involve the American Flags. Having helped organize the march after three weeks of the Base Tour from which I was already exhausted, further draining myself from having called cadence for most of the action, I returned to the church where IVAW had set up a temporary “headquarters”. When I got there, one of the flags that I purchased was being used as a towel after a member took a shower. Although rather agitated by that, I only gave a slight verbal protest, but understood it was happening more out of necessity and without thought than for insult. While the flag was placed across a table to dry, members began talking about how they had lost all respect for the flag, and started making jokes about it. When someone (who’s name escapes me) started dry-humping the flag, I mumbled something to the extent of putting my boot through his face if he kept it up. At that time the apparently severely sensitive IVAW member approached me, teary eyed and with a “conflict mediator” in tow, and began to threaten to report me to the Board. Being quite surprised how a few days of RNC shenanigans had apparently softened this kid’s skin more than my weeks of working like crazy for IVAW 24/7, in combination with what the sleep deprivation and 400-miles-at-a-clip driving did to me, I assured him it was all in good fun and convinced him this incident wasn’t worth reporting to the Board.

Later in 2008 I received a series of emails from James Circello attempting to recruit me to his IVAW takeover on a “take back IVAW” crusade for the Socialist Agenda. From that point I started trying to get information from Circello’s plans and personality through his facebook profile and baited emails. I stumbled across a photo album titled something like “Sometimes hanging a flag upside down isn’t enough” that he had created showing an American Flag being tattered, torn, dragged on the street, and burned. When James M. Branum (a GI Rights Lawyer who’s traveled the country helping IVAW members) suggested that these pictures might be viewed as offensive, while Circello expressed he was simply observing and documenting, it was clear that Circello encouraged such activity. When I expressed the same concerns, I was told by Circello to “get over it” because the American Flag was just a symbol of tyranny or something to that extent.

What if someone, with the intent to be disrespectful, dry-humped a Gay Pride flag while representing IVAW? What if someone photographed and espoused support for the destruction and burning of religious symbols such as the Cross, Star of David, or Crescent? Anyone who made it through 6th grade history class could tell you those religions have caused some of the world’s most devistating wars, and resulted in the violent ending of countless human lives. While wars that activists call “a product of American empire” have ended countless lives, is there really that much of a difference? There’s certainly not a difference to me, as the closest thing I have to believing in a Bible/Torah/Kuran is my United States Constitution, and it’s symbol, as the Cross is to Christianity, is my American Flag, and that which embodies and represents my religion deserves respect. Flying a flag upside down has clear roots in the history, and is symbolic of a Nation in distress, so that is appropriate when calling on your Constitutional Right to display grievances to our government in protest. However the destruction of the American Flag is representative of the destruction of the Nation that I call home, and along with most Veterans, that is something I should not be expected to tolerate. The Board of IVAW should consider passing a protective order that prohibits members from publicly and/or while representing IVAW, including through public online profiles and blogs: the condoning of, advocation for, or participation in the vandalism and mistreatment of religious or other highly symbolic materials, effective immediately. Those who have already committed such an act clearly lack the the professionalism and level of respect for Veterans that should be expected from from a member of a Veterans Organization, and should have their membership revoked, immediately.

As a goal-specific oriented Veterans Organization, IVAW needs to remain autonomous from other groups. While providing speakers for debate and lectures to students and public forums is appropriate, “alliance” with organizations is not serving IVAW’s purpose. There is a specific niche that Iraq Veterans who are against the war fills, and that is the role of first-hand witnesses, reporting what we have seen in Iraq back to the people of the United States. Allowing favors and support from Peace Groups and Student Organizations to become debts which hold IVAW hostage to outside agendas weakens the credibility and effectiveness of it’s members. As a former member of IVAW, I never wished to be perceived as a “Peace Activist” or “Hippie”. Yet, to quote a man who shall forever hold my greatest respect, “in the eyes of the average crowd, if you can have twelve IVAW members on a stage, clean cut and wearing black Iraq Veterans Against the War t-shirts, and you’ve got a dozen Veterans… if you have twelve IVAW members on a stage, clean cut and wearing black Iraq Veterans Against the War t-shirts, and one guy wearing a tie-dye shirt, well, now you’ve got thirteen dirty hippies.”

I understand that IVAW was created through the direction of Veterans for Peace at their Convention in summer of 2004, and that VFP has donated tens of thousands (or more) of “Bail Out” dollars to help IVAW keep afloat. However, it was always my understanding that despite the financial and advisory assistance, IVAW was attempting to break away and obtain it’s own 501-c3 Non-Profit Status. My assumption was that this was so IVAW had the freedom to break away from outside influence to better maintain it’s course as focused solely on the Iraq War. Yet, as mentioned above, IVAW continues to perform activities in solidarity and in union with Peace Organizations, specifically VFP, violating and standing opposed to the beliefs of many current members, and many who were subsequently forced into resignation. Specifically, note the “Afhanistance” issue where ISO affiliated members of IVAW organized “debates” and “teach-ins” or as some might put it, more accurately, “indoctrination sessions” where a specific line of belief was pushed onto the membership to hurry a vote to further burden the organization with things to be against.

Counter-Culture may be the obsession of Progressive Activists, but toeing the line to that ideology does not serve IVAW’s purpose. The most obvious reason for this is the fact that the overwhelming majority of the United States Military is conservative, and for an organization to highlight the fact that it is -against- most conservative ideology, it destroys a huge portion of the organization’s Veteran and Active Duty sympathy and membership potential. While the decision to include the word “Against” in the name of the organization came for the obvious reason of mimicking the “Vietnam Veterans Against the War”, the name alone has forever condemned IVAW into a constant up-hill battle. The constant negativity and criticism of everything mainstream, which had been espoused through the organization throughout my entire membership, has further distanced it from it’s goals of gaining the support of mainstream America. The successes of other Veterans Organizations such as Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America should serve as an example to follow.

While the Point of Unity “full benefits, adequate healthcare (including mental health), and other supports for returning servicemen and women” is listed on the website, IVAW actions and words to support this have been few and far between. IVAW newsletters throughout my membership included information about various War-Resisters and peace rallies, but have not once included recommendations to urge members to rally local communities to support legislation which would benefit Veterans. While IVAW has joined IAVA in criticizing Members of Congress for their lack of support on specific votes, to my knowledge, never has there been a call to action initiated by IVAW to attempt to get Senators and Representatives to support specific legislation (see last year’s IAVA Congressional Report Card). An organization which is purely reactionary, and only participates in the debate when the wrong decision has already been made, is entirely counter productive. My recommendation to the Board is that they should seek to create a committee responsible for finding specific Pro-Veteran legislation, with which it will keep the membership informed of in order to maintain progress towards tangible, positive missions and goals.

—-DO NOT DELETE WHEN SHARING.– Due to the hospitalization of my father and a very serious condition stemming from liver cancer and his recent transplant operation, I must apologize because I will not be completing this letter. I hope that in the future I can lay out all my thoughts together, but at this time it’s impossible. I chose to send this e-mail out at this time, because I wish to end my affiliation with IVAW, effective immediately, and distance myself from it while I deal with more important and immediate issues in my life.–DO NOT DELETE WHEN SHARING.–


Kristofer S. Goldsmith
Former Army Sergeant
Operation Iraqi Freedom III

As long time readers of this blog may remember that Kris and I have had words here, but I admire him for making this statement and taking this stand.

These comments followed the letter. Again, Jason Lemieux wins the TAH prize for best comments.

As you can see, Bill Perry, the VFP/VVAW member is more focused on rescuing the party line from criticism than he is about rescuing Kris Goldsmith.

As I’ve written before, the REAL veterans of the war are leaving IVAW so that the only people left are the Matthis Chirouxs, the Carl Webbs and all of the other deserters and cowards who don’t have the gumption to do what they’re ordered to do. It’s probably time for them to change their name to Cowards Against the War since the only folks staying are the ones who never set foot outside of the States.

I’ll probably have more as the story develops further.

Added September 26th 2010 Sporkmaster:
Here is a video of James Morriss making the claims that Goldsmith was talking about at 17:39. He starts talking at 8:12 and you can see a good view of what his teeth look like.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Dave Thul

My first thought was that it was a long winded manifesto, but it is actually well written and gets across her frustration without being bitter.

Jonn wrote: his frustration” actually.


I usually can’t read more than 2 paragraphs without my eyes glazing over and going back to Spongebob, but this actually was quite well written. I agree with Dave.

Good show Kris.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

He actually gets it.

B Woodman

This young soldier has quite a career ahead of him, in anything he chooses to do, as far as he wants to go.

His letter was well written, with logical arguements based on fact and observation. He also presents well-thought-out solutions to the percieved problems (if anyone in IVAW will listen). No hysterical screeching.

All in all, even though we would have differences of opinion on many subjects, I would gladly welcome SGT (Ret) Kristofer Goldsmith to watch my back or work in my company any day of the week.

Army Sergeant

I do feel the need to point out one or two things here that I didn’t point out internal-IVAW because most folks know it. 1) The American flag was in fact laid on the floor at one point: however, the people that laid it on the floor did so for ease of signing. It was later placed against a wall to allow multiple people to sign at the same time. I will be honest and state that I was one of those also that signed the flag with a permanent marker, but my intention was much like Kris’s-to commemorate an occasion that I thought was groundbreaking, amazing, awe-inspiring, and successful. At that time, we all believed Obama had agreed to adopt our points of unity in his platform. I’ve said a lot about the brotherhood I feel towards those who participated in the DNC event with me on my own blog, but I’ll reiterate it: those people are my brothers. At one point a lot of us fully expected to be fired on. It was like a unit-and probably one of the high points of my IVAW time, at least until I realized that Phil Carter had just pacified us to tuck us out of sight. 2) James Morriss was indeed a fraud but his time of pretending to membership was very brief-less than two months. I had my suspicions about him simply because he was so…well, Kris puts it nicely when he says he was a Dental Cat III. I’ll simply say that his personal hygiene was not all that could be desired and I regretted agreeing to transport him to Winter Soldier after the fact. The only reason his story slid for as long as it did is that everyone was focused on Winter Soldier, and new member packets were delayed in processing for over a month and a half because of the flood of new member apps. Once he was discovered as a fraud, he was immediately kicked out. Also, before anyone claims that “IVAW” paid to have him sent anywhere, I stress that “IVAW” didn’t do… Read more »

Army Sergeant

Also, in case anyone can’t tell because the comments got cut off, I support Kris, though obviously I wish he hadn’t left I completely understand why he did.


Compelling stuff. I could actually see myself sitting down and taking what Kris Goldsmith says under consideration. He’s clearly credible, and has concerns that are backed by experience versus some mania-fueled, virulent hatred for his country. If the IVAW had a shred of character and honor, this is the kind of dude who should be leading their effort. Despite what leftists think, average Americans are fair minded and can reason when faced with facts. Watching Che worshiping shitbags burn flags while calling their opponents Nazis isn’t exactly going to win hearts and minds, no matter how compelling your facts are.


tl;dr – Iraq Veterans Against War are neither Iraq veterans nor solely against war. Discuss

Also, I wonder if Bill Perry is a 9/11 truther?


I just like that his patriotism is clearly not feighned, and further, that patriotism cost him some cred in the community he is in. It’s easy to be patriotic on our side, but Kris clearly had a tougher road to it than we did.

As for signing the flag AS, I’m pretty cool with it actually. I know it’s against the flag code, but one can clearly tell a difference in defacing it versus using it to commemorate something. I’d rather you sign it on say A TABLE than the floor which seems a bit jackass, but the signing doesn’t really fire me up. The boots walking on it though, I probably would have lost it if I had seen that.

Glad everyone is treating Kris with respect on this. Seriously.


I hope the Senior Mr. Goldsmith recovers fully


AS, I”m just curious about your statement about being “fired on” at the DNC. Who did you think was going to fire on you? As for Kris Goldsmith, he presented his case in a clear, rational way, and I agree with much of what he said. Too bad the organization that he joined, to oppose the organization that he thought was using him, actually turned out to be using him. Not sure if that makes sense. To put it another way, IVAW is using people like Kris, for their own Un-American purposes.

NYC Veteran

In an interesting twist Matthis Chiroux is lying in a New York Hospital with a shattered leg. Not sure what happened but it looks very serious and I hear multiple surgeries are involved. Apparently he is completely alone. The IVAW seems to have suddenly and totally abandoned him. Not that Matthis has earned any sympathy but this looks very suspicious.

Army Sergeant

TSO: Yeah, I and a couple others led the charge to lean it against the wall (I think over a butcher board but can’t remember exactly), I wasn’t around for the whole thing so can only speak to what I saw.

UpNorth: I wasn’t sure if the formation was going to be fired upon by the riot police: the IVAW formation was orderly, but the crowd behind had some people with reinforced shields and black masks and the police were getting a little nervous. To make it clear, I wasn’t expecting anything other than close-range rubber bullets and tear gas at worst. However, we had some really good relations with the Denver PD: the officers were mostly veteran and empathized with us. We weren’t concerned about their personal intentions, but being soldiers, understood that sometimes you get orders you don’t want to carry out. After everything calmed down, the police mingled a bit and we chatted. Some of them took pictures with us-they generally seemed relieved to be dealing with people with internal discipline. The DNC action had some of the best and brightest of IVAW.

NYC Veteran: As far as I am aware, no IVAW member was involved in the breaking of Matthis Chiroux’s leg.


NYC Veteran, please clarify, or provide a link to clarify your statement.


“In an interesting twist Matthis Chiroux is lying in a New York Hospital with a shattered leg.”

Well, NYC is chock full of tall buildings and Shit-roux is a bong hitter…


“NYC Veteran, please clarify, or provide a link to clarify your statement.”

Yeah, because I want to send him a pile of African Grey birdshit, oops I mean a “Get well card.”

NYC Veteran

Matthis Chiroux: No corroboration yet. NY grapvine mainly coming out of Brooklyn College. Trying to find which hospital. Rumors include IVAW & girlfriend took immediate powder and Matthis’ leg may go. Matthis is definitely MIA. No one has seen him since the weekend. Definite intrigue.


To put it another way, IVAW is using people like Kris, for their own Un-American purposes.

Those are usually known as “useful idiots”, but I’d shy away from describing Goldsmith in such a manner. He’s clearly no idiot. Used, yes…but no idiot.


Keep everyone updated!


Well, I for one think that this Kris character is still a piece of shit.

To side with, and be a member of an organization as harmful to the mission, the US, and the troops for as long as he was. And to support the asshats as long as he did that were lying, is still unforgiveable.

Its like being a member of the KKK for 2 years, and once the membership starts to be outed, to step away and say “my bad”.

Thanks for your ass-sucking Kris, but you stayed on the douche train long enough to stay there.

And AS, you keep waving your pride banner about driving the float in the traitor parade.


Where I’m not going to comment about any point on Afghanistan or 9-11, I have to comment about Bill Perry.

He opened his home a short while ago to me so that I could see a doctor in Philly for PTSD treatment and a statement to support my disability claim and Discharge Review. As some of you may know, I was kicked out of the Army (after completing my AD contract and being Stop-Lossed) for Misconduct- a suicide attempt related to my PTSD. Bill Perry remains among the few who’ve done something real to help my situation, and has gone far beyond talk.

The doctor he hooked me up with had multiple awards and certificates of appreciation from major, credible Veterans Organizations, and was no quack. Bill Perry has been a friend to me and I’ve witnessed the work he’s done (not just for myself) to assist and advocate for physically and mentally wounded troops. By anyone’s standards, he’s easily helped more Veterans than 99.999% of this country, and has never been paid for it.

Dave- Come on dude, there’s even a picture of me at the top. “Her”? Really? Thanks Jonn, for clearing that up right away.

For the record, I’ve been with someone nearly every hour since Sunday, so I’ve got an alibi. While many who know me to mention things about baseball bats and boots to the face, I had nothing to do with what ever happened to Moonbat Chiroux. [Jonn, please italicize and bold(icize? haha) that statement for me, because I know the accusations will be coming.]

Lastly, thanks for the warm wishes concerning my father.

Jonn wrote: I just noticed that Bill Perry is using a picture I took of him for his Facebook avatar. Hill-arious! I took it right before I fixed his camera for him.


Not a problem Kris, how is he doing?

Dave Thul

My apology on the gender swap, I can’t keep up with all the folks leaving IVAW recently.


Just a thought, but I think the perfect person to ask about matthis’ broken (everything) would be Jim “the New Jersey Right Wingers Done Fire Bombed My Bus In the Engine Compartment” Goodenow. He almost always has a sober, reality based explanation for things….

Know this idiot

Kris: Best wishes to you and your father.


Any rumors that GOE NY had anything at all to do with Mathis Chiroux’s current condition are wildly speculative.

We may be called thugs, but we’ve never payed the part.

Oh, and that bit about flag usage and support the troops signs? I still want to know which of the IVAW pukes stole my “Support Our Troops” sign at Hofstra University.

Dan Maloney
NY State Coordinator
Gathering of Eagles


I can’t believe I read the whole thing.

Army Sergeant

Dan NY:

I’d also like to know which counterprotesters stole American flags from vets at some of our protests. I don’t think that you can assume that vets were responsbible for your missing sign, however.


Wish I’d known Bil Perry was laying pipe line somewhere around Texas….



The sign is plainly visible in the videos when Mathis Chiroux and the other maroons marched across Hempstead Tpke to confront the mounted police. It disappeared from the windshield of my jeep when their group marched up Hempstead Tpke.

Circumstantial? I think not.



the traitors are now leaving the IVAW because the anti-america funding sources have been cut off, and the traitors can’t get paid to be treasonous pukes anymore.
the IVAW – traitors for hire – nothing more, nothing less.

Army Sergeant

….please tell me you’re not TSO’s Carolyn. I like to think that she has more intelligence than that.

DanNY: I think it unlikely, but will concede the possibility. However, I really am not kidding that American flags have been stolen by GoE folks and such at protests/counterprotests. Not sure what that’s about.

Jonn wrote: Apparently it’s another Carolyn.


army sarge
i’m not a tso (whatever that is) anything – i am a patriot.

it has been with disgust that i have watched the IVAW attempt to undermine our troops.
happily, your vile organization is falling apart – as a few of the posters above noted, many
members have already left.

so, sarge, you tell me why people are leaving? is it because your organization was never anything but an anti-america, anti-bush movement, funded by anti-america anti-bush organizations? me thinks so.

it seems to me that you are one of the last girls standing!! perhaps you missed the memo?


Carolyn…I am wounded beyond belief.

My girl is CAROLINE, like the song by Neil Diamond, I know this very well because on our second (ok, and third) date I screwed it up innumerable times.


I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
Mark Twain & “Uncle George”

As a retired Union Army Warrent Officer..Former SFC…I Stood at the gate in Silver Springs Md.”Winter Soldier Cluster Hump. waiting for IVAW to “Drop there pants & make me kiss there ass..Adam & Spawn were a “No Show. Your “Vietnam Vets”..”Security were pure T-Scum.

Your and your spawn..VVAW..Have shown nothing but disrespect to those brave troops who have fought & died in the war against the Islamic Jihadist attacks on the world.

As a Tet 68 Saigon..18th MP Brigade member..Bronze Star..I wish you nothing but what you have earned..I hope you carry your shame to your grave.

I have visited the Wounded Warriors @ Walter Reed..In my humble opinion your COGs are not fit to empty bed pans for them.

Please feel free to attack my post to you..I need the practice.

PS..Google “John Kerry gives vets the finger”..I am the Vet with the Bull Horn who disowned his sorry ass to his face.

You all can always regroup with..Code Pink..& Vets for Peace.

Army Sgt..Have a great day. Adam..Same to you.

“Uncle George”
Proud Vietnam Vet.



Let me clarify one point. I never said a vet stole the sign.
After all it is IVAW we’re talking about.

But it was definitely someone in IVAW’a little group that did it.



War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can’t smile, grin. If you can’t grin, keep out of the way till you can.
Winston Churchill & “Uncle George”..Two Tour Vietnam Vet.



If I were a doctor, I’d be able to give you a more clear answer. What I can say, is that the last few days I thought his heart was going to explode (watching the monitor) but today it was a lot less scary to watch. According to blood tests, the liver is doing well, and it’s the rest of his body that’s going through pretty severe shock. He’ll be kept under sedation throughout the weekend, as the pain is unimaginable. Typical post-operation pain killers can’t be used, let alone in high doses as would be normal for major surgery, because the liver is so vulnerable to poisons right now. Every time he’s woken up his heart rate jumps to 150+ beats per minute, and blood pressure goes higher than I’ve ever imagined… And the sedation makes it drop too low… So the doctors and nurses are doing a delicate dance on their tiptoes for him.

When I get the chance I’ll send out information about my father (probably just on facebook if TAH’s not interested). Only recently did he show me a newspaper article with a picture of him as a high school student during the Vietnam War, loading onto a Marine truck a ton (literally) of goods he collected to send to troops overseas. I’m proud to have a man like that as my father.

Thanks again for the warm wishes.


Not a problem Kris, know that, we may disagree on several points, but he is in my and my families prayers. He sounds like a pretty cool customer.

Army Sergeant

Okay, okay, I stand corrected and am much reassured. Your girl is still nice, TSO.

However, I do have to say that “i’m not a tso (whatever that is) anything – i am a patriot.” cracks me the hell up.

“Uncle George”: You’re a little disjointed, and I’m not sure what you’re talking about. The one guy who talked about confrontation was booted and not allowed to attend Winter Soldier, and I was heavily involved in that. I respect your service, but you’re not making too much sense as far as I can see. As far as wounded warriors…I think I probably spend a lot more time with wounded warriors than most, being that I’m still in the military and hang out with them every day. I’m glad you spend time with them, but it just doesn’t make sense to attack other soldiers and veterans because of their politics.

Debbie Clark

Very well-written, cogent explanation. Don’t think we’ve ever met – I’ve been inactive for the past couple years and no longer maintain membership in VFP. I mainly just know the earlier, original IVAW members. I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know I admire the honesty and integrity that shines through in your letter and appreciate your standing up.

I don’t see any chance of IVAW ever changing. It is the off-spring of VFP, which is through-and-through a progressive organization. It is a waste of time for anyone who is not a leftist to think that umbrella is wide enough for them. I speak both as a libertarian and as the founder of the Atlanta chapter of VFP. The progressives are going to be in control of these organizations no matter what and I don’t see any hope for change.

Thank you for serving your country and, again, for standing up for what you believe.


I am not surprised to hear of all this nonsense with the IVAW. Whiners, and like my Son said, they shouldn’t have signed up for college during a war!


Army Sgt..Thank you for your service My statement about IVAW may sound a bit harsh to you..If so, may I say I have seen first hand the ill effects of VVAW & there spin off..VFP..No DD-214 required for many ,on my fellow Vietnam Vets for over 49 years. I hope you will fight to insure this pain is not passed on to your new breed of military member. While your goals may be nobal your orginization has allowed itself to be used as political pawns by the anti war movement and you enjoyed the funding they provided, I hope you inderstand where VFP aquired the funding they passed on to you.The anti war movement is well funded..have you ever ask, by who?. I spent two years of my life standing up to the anti war movement who attacted your new breed of warror.& joined with you at the gates of Walter Reed to face Code Pink & the communist funded union paid anti war protesters. In respect to your Winter Soldier event, I would have expected your members to stand up and under oath provide whatever information to Congress they had to offer. I may be an old soldier Sgt but the UCMJ still requires a military member to report any and all war crimes to there commander..ASAP..not wait,,as did John Kerry.and many members of IVAW.intill they were discharged from active duty to make a report I have no personal fight with you or any specific member of IVAW..I must say to you Sgt that you share the after effects of your association with Vietnam Vets Against The War and Vets For Peace. I hope you will work hard to remove that stain. As a Vietnam Vet I offer this to you Sgt,a few can inflict mental pain on many, who served with honor & I do hope you will find those few and disown them and march on with your head held high, as did we Vietnam Vets. I hope you will also make an effort to insure a new Wall is constructed in Washington DC..Like our Vietnam Wall.… Read more »

Carl Webb

Looks like I forced another one out!

Jonn wrote: Yeah, get your bags packed, Webb, I’m coming for you next. I’m sure Castro has a nice place saved for lazy, ignorant, traitorous pedophiles like you in The True Workers’ Paradise.

Army Sergeant

Uncle George,

To be honest, I’ve seen that a lot of the antiwar funding is definitely political-it’s certainly slacked off a lot now that Obama is in office. However, we’re military, and used to doing with a shoestring budget, so I feel confident we’ll be okay. We are going to kick the fakes out wherever and whoever they might be and continue to stand strong.

What a lot of people don’t know is that IVAW offerd to provide their testimony to Congress under oath for the Winter Soldier event, but Congress said no. Something about a Congressional Caucus not having the power to put people under oath, which I didn’t really understand. It was something about the type of hearing it was. For what it’s worth I agree with you that people should report things at the time, but I also note that sometimes things don’t get handled right once you do. I reported some problems and while I did it the right way, I don’t know that anything got done.

I appreciate your vet-to-vet respect and reasoned discussion. We don’t have to agree on politics to love our country and want honorable things to take place.

Carl Webb,

You really are despicable.


Army Sgt.
May your God protect you and all who serve in combat. To all IVAW who have served with honor thank you for your service & may you enjoy a full & happy life. Remember to stop and remember you are also a part of the long gray line and you must always stand firm for those who will follow in your footsteps.

Rest assured we true Vietnam Vets stand behind the active duty military & we look over your shoulder with great pride and respect for all you do.

I hope to see that new Wall built in my lifetime to honor those who have given there life for America.

Respect breeds respect

With a soldiers Respect

“Uncle George”
Union Army Retired


Webb, way to accomplish something with your life. Really, man, there must be tons of people who envy you. Where do I sign up for the fan site again?

"Uncle George

This will be my last post on this subject..I wish to say to each of you that the very least you can do is honor your combat KIA’s.

The time is now to lobby President Obama and members of Congress for funding to build a new “War on Terror” Wall in Washington DC to insure there names will never become a part of American lost history.

As a Vietnam Vet I honor each drop of blood you new combat vets have shed and I ask you to focus on insuring this wall will stand beside the Vietnam Wall & become Holy Ground to you, as our wall has become to us.

You might not know this but members of the “Anti-War” movement splashed acid on the Vietnam Wall because we Vietnam Vets stood up to counter there protest against you while you were faceing forward toward the enemy.

With great pride I say we never backed down from you..and never will.

I served with many drafted soldiers for two years in Vietnam who did not want to go to war, but they served with honor and many of there names are now engraved on our black stone.

May all our KIA’a rest in peace and those who returned home never let them be forgoten or disrespected.

George Samek
“Uncle George”


It seems that the ISO does not really hide that well anymore.

The newest fraud goes by the name Victor Agosto. Seems that he does not want to deploy and has put this one paper.

Also check out the shirt on the person on his right.

The rest of the story.