
Uncle Jimbo goes to the source

| August 11, 2009 | 0 Comments
Uncle Jimbo goes to the source

There was a lot of chatter yesterday about a Wall Street Journal article that quoted General McChrystal as saying that the “Taliban Now Winning“ Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive didn’t believe it and went to the Army for the answer. The results of his diligence is at the link.

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Ackerman; Too bad Agosto wasn’t a birther

| August 7, 2009 | 2 Comments
Ackerman; Too bad Agosto wasn’t a birther

Spencer Ackerman, who has been fired from nearly every Leftist rag on the East Coast, takes up for Victor Agosto at his latest employment venture, the Washington Independent; Ackerman probably doesn’t understand the difference between a Reserve Officer who volunteered for duty, then changed his mind and a Regular Army soldier who was ordered and […]

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Agosto is just like Ali – only completely different

| August 6, 2009 | 0 Comments
Agosto is just like Ali – only completely different

I know it’s rough for a journalist to write something that everyone else has written about and give it a new twist – I try to do that every day here – but this is just poor research. Todd Wright at the NBC bureau in Miami wrote this yesterday; Miami Soldier Headed to Jail for […]

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How’s the economy doin’?

| July 31, 2009 | 4 Comments
How’s the economy doin’?

You tell me; Or;

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Beer Summit; flat, flavorless

| July 31, 2009 | 4 Comments
Beer Summit; flat, flavorless

So there ya go – that’s the extent of our Big Discussion On Race. The media was held at bay forty feet from the four guys at a table with some pale-looking beverage. More feel good window-dressing. What did it cure? What discussion have we had as a result? The Washington Post reports that there […]

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A compliment from Bill Maher

| July 28, 2009 | 10 Comments
A compliment from Bill Maher

At about 1:55, Bill Maher tells Wolf Blitzer, in reference to the possibility that Sarah Palin would run for President that he wouldn’t put anything past “this stupid country”. He expands on that empty thought at about 4:55. Of course, the election of Barack Obama was an aberration. Just because we accidentally elected a smart […]

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Castro calls for more sacrifice from Cubans

| July 26, 2009 | 7 Comments
Castro calls for more sacrifice from Cubans

On Cuba’s Revolution Day, president Raoul Castro celebrated by telling Cubans that they need to be prepared for for more sacrifices. In a country where bicycles and horse-drawn carts are more often used than automobiles and where citizens make about $20/month, It’s difficult to imagine what more they might be able to sacrifice. Castro already […]

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Stupid Bush news

| July 25, 2009 | 8 Comments
Stupid Bush news

The New York Times tries to make us believe that President Bush was tempted to send US troops into the streets to arrest the Lackawanna Six with this headline; Of course, according to the article, Darth Cheney advocated for the US of Federal troops to round up the terrorists. It was a proposal that was […]

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