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Fork You! Tales from the Submarine Service

| August 17, 2023 | 28 Comments
Fork You! Tales from the Submarine Service

Strange happing’s beneath the waves. Enjoy. ‘Guard the forks!’ — the Great Submarine Utensil Heist of 1988 By David Chetlain, The War Horse Editor’s note: This commentary was first published in The War Horse, an award-winning nonprofit news organization educating the public on military service. Subscribe to their newsletter. “Hey, Eeyore, we need to do […]

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We Don’t Understand Veterans

| April 16, 2023 | 45 Comments
We Don’t Understand Veterans

This is one in a series of short discussions of the myriad ways our society in general, and the mental health field in particular, fail to understand the veteran culture. That there is a such a thing as a “Veteran Culture” as something unique is itself a hotly contested when not summarily dismissed concept. The […]

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We love our sheep, we Dogs of War.

| April 6, 2023 | 64 Comments
We love our sheep, we Dogs of War.

A few weeks back I was talking with a young man who thought there was never a need to fight let alone go to war.  A slightly frame with soft and fragile hands. I quoted Orwell’s “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their […]

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Shame and Guilt

| April 2, 2023 | 24 Comments
Shame and Guilt

People often mistakenly think shame and guilt are the same thing, or two parts of a cohesive whole. The truth is these are two distinctly different things. Shame is the internal feeling of badness or wrongness and can exist with no just cause. Guilt can be an internalized feeling though it is more correctly the […]

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| March 26, 2023 | 22 Comments

Identity More than a decade ago, I discovered TAH while researching the issue of false claims of military service. Since then, one of the questions that comes up with everyone whose claims of service have been called in to question is, why? Why deposit a big ol’ steaming pile of excrement on otherwise honorable if […]

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