Tuesday riches

SanFranNan hits the news again… it hasn’t been a week since she was again named as one of the premier insider traders in Congress. Her defense at the time was that her HUSBAND is the trader. She doesn’t buy anything, and I guess the implication is that a) they don’t ever talk (with her as […]
Education DEI layoffs

NBC News reports that up to 55 Education Department employees have been placed on paid leave: Sheria Smith, president of American Federation of Government Employees Local 252, which represents hundreds of Education Department employees, said that at least 55 employees had been placed on leave as of Friday evening and that she expected the number […]
Monday shocker

The column I never thought I would write. No, not my resignation – until Ed tells me to pack my figurative stuff and hit the figurative bricks – well, takes away my login – I’m here until it ain’t fun any more. Nope, this is worse than that. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was right. There, I […]
Hump Day shorts

Sometimes a column needs 1000 words per topic, and sometimes a lot of little things crop up. Hopefully the major news of the week is the new administration, but here are a couple of other quick items. In good news for recruiting, in the first quarter of the fiscal year the Army signed up 30,000 […]
Nit-Pickin’ – Marine’s Cover Cocked Back

There was quite a stir on Social Media about the Marine sentry at the White House yesterday – wearing his cover tilted back like a baseball cap. Was this disrespectful? After much forensic analysis, it appears it was secured correctly on his grape minutes earlier. Videos show frame by frame that this Marine was swiped […]
Chuckie Pinocchio

Well, we always knew we could trust Chuck Schumer, right? Sorta reminds me of a book I once saw when I was younger, an anti-Communism screed named “You Can Trust the Russians” (whose subtitle was something like “to do what they always do whether you like it or not!” Have never seen another copy since.) […]
Justin Trudeau stepping down as party leader

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, announced that he will be stepping down as the Liberal Party’s leader. He will remain as Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister is chosen. Current polling shows that the Liberal Party is set to lose to the Conservative Party, headed by Pierre Poilievre. He is seen as a firebrand. […]
Saturday setback

Yeah, you can count on it – whenever there is an election that isn’t a Democratic landslide, we hear the predictable calls to eliminate the Electoral College, ‘cuz it isn’t working for our democracy. Go find that word in the Constitution. We’ll wait (at least till you leave the room, and then we’ll talk about […]
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