RSSUsual Suspects

To Paraphrase A Great Man: “There They Go Again . . . . “

| March 2, 2015 | 109 Comments
To Paraphrase A Great Man:  “There They Go Again . . . . “

Well, it looks like a couple of      tools     cretins     jackasses    everyone’s favorite individuals have been at it again.  A little birdie tells me that I’ve been identified! Yeah that little birdie tells me that SoMe GuY wHo WeArS pUrPlE-tIgEr-StRiPeD jUmPsUiTs and/or another guy in the Pacific Northwest (or SW Florida, if […]

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Interesting . . . .

| February 10, 2015 | 10 Comments
Interesting . . . .

Fox News’ psychiatrist and columnist Dr. Keith Ablow has written an interesting article today. If you’re interested, you can read it here. Yeah, it’s about Brian Williams and his apparent very public “liberties” with the truth. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t think of a few others we all “know and love” when I […]

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‘American Power’ blog at ANSWER protest in Anaheim

| July 20, 2014 | 40 Comments
‘American Power’ blog at ANSWER protest in Anaheim

Our buddy, Donald Douglas, from “American Power” blog sends us a link to his report on the annual ANSWER “March to End Police Terror” in Anaheim, CA. It seems that they don’t like publicity, you know, even though they’re marching in public. They tormented Donald while he took their pictures and Tweeted about their little […]

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Reid: Americans are too stupid to sign up for ACA

| March 27, 2014 | 48 Comments
Reid: Americans are too stupid to sign up for ACA

Harry Reid, well-known draft-dodger (using the left’s definition of the term) and the Senate Majority Leader said that you are too stupid to use the internet to sign up for the Affordable Care Act, well, if you’re not lying about it, according to the Washington Beacon; “We have hundreds of thousands of people who tried […]

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Hollywood supports Snowden

| July 2, 2013 | 29 Comments
Hollywood supports Snowden

David sends us a link to Just Foreign Policy which reprints a letter from the usual suspects who support Eddie Snowden, the NSA contractor who is in the process of releasing state secrets to encourage fellow traveler, Rafael Correa, the president of Ecuador, to accept Snowden as a refugee from American Justice; We have seen […]

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Abdo gets life

| August 10, 2012 | 11 Comments
Abdo gets life

Naser Abdo, the ambitious fellow who plotted to bomb and then shoot up a restaurant in Killeen, Texas, outside the gates of Fort Hood has been sentenced to life in prison by a federal judge, according to the Associate Press. Let’s recap, shall we; Abdo was AWOL from Fort Campbell after winning conscientious objector status […]

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Extremists worry FBI

| February 7, 2012 | 17 Comments
Extremists worry FBI

The FBI has put out another warning about extremists who threaten our nation’s security, but strangely enough, it’s not Muslim extremists who’ve been rather active the last few years. rather it’s those “anti-government” terrorists, you know – the folks who don’t trust government. I don’t know many of those people, do you? (Reuters link) Anti-government […]

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IVAW to march for Occupy Oakland again

| November 11, 2011 | 14 Comments
IVAW to march for Occupy Oakland again

So Ouccpy Oakland is going to be marching with IVAW today in protests against Oakland Police Force. It seems that Scott Olsen will be speaking at the event. As part of Veterans Day, veterans will be leading a march against police brutality on November 11th, 2011 in Oakland. We will start with a press conference […]

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