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Chavez not a McCainiac

| March 26, 2008 | 0 Comments
Chavez not a McCainiac

A few weeks ago, we read that the terrorists of FARC were hoping for an Obama victory, yesterday I wrote that a Democrat Congressman turned up in FARC computers as a collaborator with the terrorist organization. Today’s news brings word that Chavez, Venezuela’s terrorist-supporting, anti-American demagogue, announced he’s not supporting a McCain candidacy (Reuters link). […]

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NY Times; McCain and stuff that doesn’t matter

| March 24, 2008 | 1 Comment
NY Times; McCain and stuff that doesn’t matter

While Clinton and Obama are busy duking it out over which of them is more experienced to be president, John McCain is doing all of the things candidates who have their party’s nomination locked up can do – kissing babies, visiting the troops in Iraq, etc. But the New York Times doesn’t want to limit […]

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John Kerry: race trumps experience

| March 22, 2008 | 3 Comments
John Kerry: race trumps experience

John Kerry, who lost an easy election because he wouldn’t sign his Form 180, advises us to vote for Barak Obama because of the melanin levels in Obama’s skin in this interview with South Coast Today; ABC News’ Jack Tapper summarizes Kerry’s interview; …[H]e’s supporting Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is his belief that “it would […]

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Running on a record

| March 21, 2008 | 1 Comment
Running on a record

Back in Novemeber 2006, I predicted right before the election that the Republicans would lose in the midterm elections because of their greatest success – preventing further attacks against Americans on our own soil. Nearly two years later, nothing has changed – there have been no further successful attacks. The Left continues to use the […]

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I think NYTimes is after McCain

| March 9, 2008
I think NYTimes is after McCain

Well, maybe it’s just a bit of paranoia. First, as soon as he became the nominee of the party, they ran their story about his “affair” which turned to be nothing. Then Friday, they got bent all out of shape over the interview he gave in regards to the talks McCain had with Kerry back […]

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Doing McCain’s work for him

| March 6, 2008 | 2 Comments
Doing McCain’s work for him

I mentioned yesterday that the two Democrat candidates will spend the next several months hammering away at each other and today we get some good examples of how well they’re doing the heavy lifting for John McCain. From American Pundit, Hillary tells us that John McCain has a lifetime of experience to bring to the […]

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Bush/McCain lunch today

| March 5, 2008 | 3 Comments
Bush/McCain lunch today

Photo from Associated Press From Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire; Perino said Bush thanked the former candidates for setting a good tone for the race and raising interest in the Republican field. She said Bush has a “very favorable view” of McCain and plans to campaign on his behalf. “President Bush has never forgotten how […]

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“Little Mac”; McCain’s military service doesn’t count

| March 4, 2008 | 2 Comments
“Little Mac”; McCain’s military service doesn’t count

“Little Mac” Wesley Clark reportedly had an IVAW moment today – by that I mean that no one’s military service counts except what I (Clark, DeWald, Clifton Hicks, Adam Kokesh, et al.) say counts. With a hat tip to Hot Air, National Review’s Byron York recounts the conversation; Everybody admires John McCain’s service as a […]

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