
Valor Friday

| June 7, 2024 | 9 Comments
Valor Friday

For a time during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, many awards for combat valor were being awarded in secret. At one point it was nearly 20% of the service crosses and Silver Stars. This is done to protect the recipient and their family, most often while they’re deployed (or subject to likely subsequent and […]

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D-Day hero to receive posthumous DSC

| June 4, 2024 | 11 Comments
D-Day hero to receive posthumous DSC

We’ve talked about Staff Sergeant Waverly Woodson Jr before. I wrote about him last year for a Valor Friday piece. Click the link to refresh your memory. Ex-PH2 posted about him a few years previous. [Editor’s note: I don’t realize how much I miss some people like Ex until I’m going through old posts and […]

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Valor Friday

| May 31, 2024 | 8 Comments
Valor Friday

The above pictured flag has generated some controversy lately. It’s a Revolutionary War symbol, first flown aboard the first naval vessels commissioned by George Washington in his role as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. This was in 1775, before the Declaration of Independence. It’s therefore a symbol rooted deep in the legacy of the founding […]

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Valor Friday

| May 24, 2024 | 17 Comments
Valor Friday

We discussed yesterday the recent passing of Brigadier General Clarence “Bud” Anderson. He was the last American triple ace still living. He shot down 16 German Luftwaffe planes in the skies over Europe between 8 March and 5 December 1944. He earned five Distinguished Flying Crosses for his successes. Read them here. Post-war, Anderson remained […]

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Valor Friday

| May 17, 2024 | 10 Comments
Valor Friday

Earlier this week, Ed directed our attention to the valorous actions of Staff Sergeant Brett Meil (USMC). If he’d done what he did in combat, he’d more than likely be given a Medal of Honor. As I’ve discussed before, that’s about the only surefire way to get one, but your odds of living to receive […]

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Valor Friday

| May 10, 2024 | 14 Comments
Valor Friday

Kurt Chew-Een Lee was the child of Chinese immigrants. Growing up in Sacramento, when America entered World War II, Lee was only 15. As a participant in JROTC during those high school years, it should be no surprise that he enlisted as soon as he turned 18. The eldest son of six children (three boys, […]

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Valor Friday

| May 3, 2024 | 9 Comments
Valor Friday

Don’t let the bookish looks of this bespectacled man deceive you. This guy was a straight up badass. Benjamin Wilson enlisted in the Army before WWII. He was at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Schofield Barracks wasn’t a prime target of either of the two waves of Japanese aircraft. It was […]

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Valor Friday

| April 26, 2024 | 10 Comments
Valor Friday

August 1917. The US has now been a part of World War I for months. Vast numbers of men and war materiel have been mobilized. The US Army grows to a size unheard of in the history of the country. As part of that, whole new divisions were being created seemingly every day. Among the […]

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