RSSWinter Soldier II Live blogging

IVAW takes the Road Show to Congress

| May 15, 2008 | 46 Comments
IVAW takes the Road Show to Congress

Well, your intrepid blogger immersed myself once again in the IVAW backwash. Thus Spake Ortner live blogged the hearing off the radio from the comfort of his Playboy Manor so you can probably read a more coherent version there. I’ve cracked open a Saranac Traditional Lager and I’m uploading pictures and suds while I type […]

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IVAW and what I won’t do

| April 18, 2008 | 18 Comments
IVAW and what I won’t do

As most of my regular readers know, I went to the Winter Soldier theater and live-blogged from the National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland on March 15th. It was a pretty tough gig, pressure-wise, and I didn’t like being around a bunch of people who’d rather see me dead than there.I watched them tackle […]

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The last word on Winter Soldier II

| March 30, 2008 | 16 Comments
The last word on Winter Soldier II

Back on March 14th, Thus Spake Ortner and I live-blogged Winter Soldier II under the watchful gaze of the Stasi secret police of Veterans for Peace and Vietnam Veterans Against the War. They monitored what we sent out to the internet, they limited our contact with IVAW members and the media. They even followed us […]

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Winter Soldier II; my impressions, an AAR

| March 16, 2008
Winter Soldier II; my impressions, an AAR

I’ve been ruminating how I would close out this weekend after focusing on Winter Soldier for the last few days. I thought a point-by-point refutation of the testimony, but I figured that’d be disingenuous of me, since the testimony lacked context – there were no dates or times or places (other than general references) or […]

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Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part IV)

| March 14, 2008 | 31 Comments
Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part IV)

Rules of Engagement part II – we’re warned of graphic language and graphic images. Vincent Emmanuel (second from left in photo) complained that troops took “potshots” at “property, cars, people…I remember myself firing indiscriminately without knowing what I was shooting at…” “We punched, kicked and mistreated innocent Iraqis being released from interrogation” “It’s standard procedure […]

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Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part III)

| March 14, 2008 | 2 Comments
Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part III)

The third portion is has to do with the evil corporations and the evil contractors. Kelly Doughtery (a former MP, second from right in the photo above) testified that (Kellog, Brown and Root) contractors fired beanbag shotgun indiscriminately at Iraqi scanvengers while defending a broken down truck. She was then instructed to destroy the vehicle […]

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Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part II)

| March 14, 2008
Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part II)

The second part of the program this morning (you can get the names and personal info from TSO) is on veterans’ healthcare. The complaints are systemic of a large government bureaucracies running healthcare. Long waits between visits, difficulty in getting adequate diagnosis in a timely manner. Of course, what the panelists missed is that it’s […]

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Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part I)

| March 14, 2008 | 11 Comments
Live blogging Winter Soldier II (Part I)

There’s a blow-by-blow and more in depth profiles of the testimony at The Sniper by my battle buddy on this operation Thus Spake Ortner. Clifton Hicks and Stephen Casing ; buildings bulldozed is a crime? “I know of people who took advantage of the “free fire zone”, “collateral damage”, “I heard…” “I know for a […]

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