Iraq Veterans Against the War
Hot Chicks with Douchebags; TAH Edition
You’ve probably heard of the Hot Chicks with Douchebags blog. Well this is the This Ain’t Hell version. This was actually TSO’s idea, but the line and the picture are just too good to pass up, so here it is below the fold.
Oath Keepers and IVAW
I’ve been receiving emails over the last few months about Oath Keepers and my initial impressions of the organization were good. I mean, I’m all for military and law enforcement officers pledging to keep their respective oaths. And the Southern Poverty Law Center is scared by them, so that’s always good. A week or so […]
IVAW member complains that Army was good to him
Meet Josh Noehrenberg, a new IVAW member – so new that he doesn’t have a profile on IVAW’s website, yet. Or maybe it’s for a good reason he doesn’t have a profile. He’s another of the IVAW members who haven’t been to Iraq or Afghanistan, yet he’s in the IRAQ VETERANS Against the War. He […]
Evil doin’s at Fort Hood
Apparently Fort Hood has become the focus of the anti-war and “soldier resistance” movement. You’ll remember that we wrote about Victor Agosto who was shipped off to the Bell County jail in texas after he refused to deploy with his unit. When he finished his 30 day sentence, he was celebrated as a returning hero […]
Army Experience Center protest
Even though I was at the protest on Saturday, one of our operatives was at the Franklin Mills Mall near Philadelphia keeping an eye on the moonbats for us. According to their announcement, 32 groups were supposed to decend on the Army Experience Center, a recruiting station in the mall. You can tell that apparently […]
Josh Simpson: Live up to the creed, socialismo o muerte!
The folks at 9/11 Families for America sent a link to an interview of Benji Lewis and Josh Simpson (who I wrote about the other day) conducted by Eva Golinger, a Venezuelan-American lawyer who was nicknamed the “Sweetheart of the Revolution” by Hugo Chavez for her blind and undying support for the Chavezistas. Of course, […]
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