RSSCold War

So The Cold War Really Isn’t Over Yet?

| May 23, 2019 | 51 Comments
So The Cold War Really Isn’t Over Yet?

A Russian bomber is escorted by an F-22 off the west coast of Alaska on May 21. (NORAD photo) Are the Russians getting jiggy again? The Chairforce has been escorting Russia’s Bears and their fighter jet escorts back to their own space for about five months now. From the article:   For the second day […]

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B-52 resurrected from the Boneyard

| May 18, 2019 | 19 Comments
B-52 resurrected from the Boneyard

Col. Robert Burgess, 307th Operations Group commander, gives a thumbs up after flying a B-52 Stratofortress, nicknamed “Wise Guy,” to Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, May 14. The bomber had been at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, since 2008. It took a team of reserve and active duty airmen […]

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Those Darn UFOs Are On Again

| April 28, 2019 | 33 Comments
Those Darn UFOs Are On Again

An Irish airline pilot and another from a different airline, plus two pilots from Virgin Airlines reported a high-speed light off the Irish coast in 2018, all reporting that it turned right and  moved off twice the speed of sound, which is within the capabilities of military jets. Experimental aircraft are known to be able […]

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So Much For Russia/Trump Collusion, eh?

| April 24, 2019 | 8 Comments
So Much For Russia/Trump Collusion, eh?

I’ve always known that Vlad Putin was a butthead, but he’s been getting frisky for a while. His real interest lies in Venezuela’s oil. We all know that, and it is despite his having the largest shale oil reserves on the planet. But he doesn’t know how to do what we know how to do […]

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The Cold War is dead… and it had better stay dead

| April 15, 2019 | 20 Comments
The Cold War is dead… and it had better stay dead

None of this ever appears in my local newspaper, probably because it’s either posted online or brought up for a one-minute look-see in the rather vapid evening news reports. If the real news is not being published in print, are we required to go searching for it?  Apparently, the answer to that is ‘yes’, because […]

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Finally declassified: Swedish pilots awarded US Air Medals for saving SR-71 spy plane

| December 31, 2018 | 13 Comments
Finally declassified: Swedish pilots awarded US Air Medals for saving SR-71 spy plane

The SR-71, unofficially known as the “Blackbird,” was a long-range, advanced strategic reconnaissance aircraft. (Air Force) By: Kyle Rempfer More than 31 years ago, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union remained icy, and the Berlin Wall had yet to come down. U.S. Air Force pilots were engaged in secret reconnaissance missions […]

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Another Cold War Ghost Story

| December 14, 2018 | 28 Comments
Another Cold War Ghost Story

By Poetrooper Yesterday, in response to Dave’s article, “Ghosts for the Gullible” all of the comments I read were full of sarcasm and scorn for a soldier and his widow because TAH readers have seen and heard it all. But I do know that the best con jobs are always seeded with just enough of […]

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