Pointless blather
A Saturday Morning Diversion
Some songs aren’t musical classics. Yet they have other qualities that make them stick in your mind. What qualities? Well, some songs simply make you feel young again – regardless of your age. IMO, here are two such from the ’80s. And yeah – by today’s standards, the guys in the video look kinda stupid […]
A Weekend “Blast From the Past”
Jagger/Richards. Anyone who knows modern popular music immediately thinks of the Rolling Stones on reading those names. Both are now 70+. So today, most people likely think of them – and the Stones – as tired, aging old rock-n-rollers who still perform hits of yesteryear. And I guess today that’s accurate. It’s also a shame. […]
To Support Our Patriots–Privatize the Military
It occurred to me in the last blog I put together, “Why So Few Choose to Serve,” that the government has a distinct advantage over American patriots, and because we have a Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps talking about why marines should be paid less. The reason for this is that the US government, […]
Mr. Rogers’ Message to Military Fakes
Through the magic of videotape and YouTube, regular TAH reader ChipNASA has discovered a historical artifact of great importance. He has located the late Mr. Fred Rogers’ – of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood fame – message to military fakes and valor thieves of all eras. Let’s just say it looks like Mr. Rogers, an ordained minister, […]
One of the Best “Put-Downs” Ever
Gotta love a company president with a sense of humor. Taco Bell President Says Canada Will Get Breakfast ‘When You Take Justin Bieber Back’ Now I absolutely gotta try Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu. (smile)
Who Might This Be?
I was perusing the Internet, and ran across this video. I must be getting old. It reminds me of someone – one of our fine poser “brethren”, I think. But I can’t quite decide which one. It fits so many of them so well. Can you TAH readers help me out here? (smile) Just remember, […]
Yer Friday Funny – Language and Meaning
I’ve heard it said that the US and British are “two Nations separated by a common language”. IMO, that’s pretty close to 100% correct. And the results are sometimes absolutely hilarious. What follows I believe to be true. It is a second person account, related to me by someone who claimed to have seen the […]
Another Tune for All Our Poser “Friends”
No apologies for this one whatsoever. It’s IMO apropos for the subject. However, do use care when viewing/listening – a term some might find offensive (well, prudes might) and which is probably unsuitable for small children IS present. This one’s for you, Posers. “Enjoy.” Yeah, IMO that kinda sums things up quite well. PS: don’t […]
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