A Thank You and an Introduction

First, a huge thank you to Jonn for letting me post here. I hope that I can occasionally offer something of value in the dialogue. Jonn’s introduction was typical of him, very understated. The following is an excerpt from a Valorous Unit Award that Jonn and I helped to secure: The 41st Infantry was called […]
Welcome, COB and COBers

My old buddy, COB6 emailed me this morning and told me that, sadly, he was shutting down his blog Crotchety Old Bastard. I immediately offered him co-habitation at this URL when he had time and, happily for me, he accepted. Danny and I have known each other since before Desert Storm when we were in […]
Happy Birthday
My only son, Paul, the Air Force Sergeant, turns thirty years old today. Thanks for making your mom and I so proud, son.
Sorry, we had a hiccup (Updated)

I think I got it. I can’t afford those expensive hamsters like Charles at Little Green Footballs has powering his blog – all I have is rubberbands and paperclips. Ooops, it happened again this morning. It doesn’t look like it’s me, though.
Welcome to the new “Ain’t Hell”

For about 5 weeks, the ever-patient Dino at E.Webscapes Design Studio has been slaving away to create this new look for the blog. We’re still shaking out some of the bugs today. I just figured my small, but dedicated band of readers and authors deserved a better visual experience – and I’m told once I […]
Miami Beach bound (Updated)

This time tomorrow, I’ll be stretched out on the beach with a big ol’ cigar on Miami’s South Beach, like I do every year . Don Carl has graciously accepted the reins here at the blog, and we can always count on GI Jane to have something to say. But I’m not sure how the […]
I don’t know what happened

Somehow, my blog dumped everything Don and I have posted after Friday when I had problems with the blog the other day. I’m working on it. Discuss my incompetence among yourselves on this post. Update: I’ve recovered some of it. But I’m working on the latest masterpieces. Looks like yesterday’s and todays might be gone […]
Vote for Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2008

Gay Patriot is hosting a poll for the Blogress Diva for 2008. I’m so torn because three of the ladies have been great friends to this blog this year and they’re in competition with each other; Michele, Pamela and Fausta. But that’s my problem – just go vote.
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