Open thread
Ex-PH2 asked that I start doing more open threads like I did a week or so ago. My two weeks vacation starts today, so, I’m amenable to the suggestion. I’ve got a new receiver for my AR coming today, so I have some other things I could be doing besides waiting for the next Denial […]
TAH on “Vets on Media” at noon (Updated w/video)
The folks at Vets on Media have asked me to be on their show “Vets on Radio” today a little after noon, so you can just go to the link and click “Listen Live” to hear us talk about John Giduck, Phil Monkress (and you know I’m going to sneak in Wickre) and TAH. I’m […]
Sorry about the post count today
Someone tried to kick us off of the internet today with threats to our internet provider, so we’re in the midst of moving to a new server. I already lost one post today and I’m not sure this one will show up here. When we move, you’ll need to clear your DNS cache to get […]
Admin notes
I don’t like doing it, but I’ve moderated several people over the last two days. I’m trying to stay away from starting a registration process – mostly because a few years back when I did have an open registration, a troll broke in and took over the blog. I was on vacation at the time, […]
Spam filter problem
Some of your comments are being sent to the moderation queue, not because of anything you did, but because my spam filter is being an asshole. I’m digging you out as quickly as I can, but I didn’t want anyone to think they’d done anything to offend me (which is almost impossible). Thank you for […]
OK, a couple of times today, someone has asked me to start a recipe page. I know that’s waaaaayyyyy outside my lane. I can cook Ramen soup and reheat pizza slices. And, oh, I can make a mean bowl of instant oatmeal. But, if you guys put several dozen recipes in the comments I’ll start […]
Inbox stuff
Folks think that you guys pay attention to me so they email me stuff. here’s some of the stuff they’ve emailed me this week; Dear John, Would you please add this link to your Red Ribbon Week coverage? National Red Ribbon Week starts tomorrow, Oct. 23. Will you please include a link to the […]
Chicks and cars
Here’s an ad from our buddy, Casey J. Porter for his photog sevices. But it has chicks and cars, and it’s a slow news day so…
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