Looks Like It Wasn’t Just the US Consulate in Benghazi That Got Hit

| October 23, 2012

Fox News is reporting that the “safe house” attacked in Benghazi, Libya, was a little bit more than just a safe place to live.

The Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi targeted more than just a State Department consulate. One of the buildings hit was a covert CIA installation, U.S. officials told Fox News.

The article goes on to say that two of the US dead died defending that “safe house” vice the consulate.  And it adds that evidence suggests they were wounded by indirect fire (mortar round) some 7 hours after the beginning of trouble in Benghazi.

Seven hours.  And we reputedly had a UAV over Benghazi watching events as they happened.

Maybe I’m on the wrong frequency, and like Kenneth I “just don’t understand”.  But it seems like 7 hours is damn well long enough to do decide to do something to support guys on the ground taking fire.


Category: Foreign Policy

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This story just keeps getting weirder.

AW1 Tim

We had a carrier available and even if it was aways off, the Navy could’ve (like it has in the past) coordinated with the Airforce out of Spain for tankers to gas up the fast-movers as needed.

The help was available, but apparently Vegas was on the Resident’s mind and, well, he HAD to make priorities and all that.


Something smells fishy if this happened 7 hours after.


There’s no way this administration can spin their way out of this. None.


Please. The Man behind the Curtain will just lie big and loud and the press will cover for him till after the election.

He let these people die to help his chances for reelection. The elite Geo-political thinking of his ideology view people as expendable assets, its our job to die to make his ass look good.


Yet they have, with some degree of success, been spinning it like crazy. Each spin is more insulting than the last. The most flattering thing I will call it is childish. It is really so much worse.


Sparky, I don’t think they’ll have to spin their way out of it. The MSM shields the Prez like a cup shields a nutsack. Ole Obama will certainly start sweating if someplace other than FNC starts reporting it.


Lucky the House of Rep is Republican or else there would be zero investigations conducted. Due to work of Fox News, Drudge Report, Breitbart etc… has forced reluctant MSM to cover Benghazi fiasco.

Romney should he become President is going to find out the kind of pressure cooker the MSM will apply on daily basis…There would be reporters camped in front of the WH and demands for full press conference had same situation occurred under his watch…it would be treated like rendition/waterboarding, Watergate, and Iran/Contra all wrapped in one…what did you know and when?


Romney would be wiping his butt when an attack would happen and the MSM would spin it to look like he had a more important matter then address the urgency of the situation.



I can see the headlines now. “Romney Shits Himself when facing attack”


I wish I were capable of the cognitive dissonance necessary to see this attack, which was only as destructive as it was because of Republican obstruction of efforts to improve security at diplomatic missions, along with immediate politicization of this tragedy by same Republicans before the bodies of our own American dead were cold, and fault the president for not reacting as if he had perfect knowledge of a chaotic situation still unfolding.


It was being reported on Fox news within a day of the attack that there were actually two separate attacks. The one on the embassy and then the one at the “safe house”. The new information that there was a Drone overhead for 7 hours should have been brought up in the debate last night! Maybe it did not get to two of those involved in last night’s debate in time, but at least one person on that stage knew it was there, or someone on his staff knew and they did nothing. Was the Drone armed, why did they not use aircraft from either the Navy or Air force?
Why the hell were our people even still there, when all others had left because of shitty security?!!?


The questions that should be asked by MSM are:

Who did Stevens have dinner with the evening he was assasinated?
Why did they meet?
What was the topic of discussion?
What is the link between North Afica, Libya, Turkey, and Syria?
What arms programs are in play in North Africa, Libya, Turkey, and Syria?
What does the CIA and WH know about such programs?


Harrison, they testified before Congress that the budget cuts you are alluding to had no effect on the security at the consolate. Care to post anything that the Republican’s did to obstruct any efforts to improve security. The blame it on Republicans game is getting old. I’m sure if you try hard enough you can find a way to blame Republicans for the tsunami that hit Japan.


@10 Hahaha that is pretty close to what would be posted if it happened.

@14 If they can’t come up with the facts they immediately blame the Republicans and Bush for everything. Or just flat out say you’re lying.



Nice strawman. Is it new?

I don’t see anyone here saying Obama should have had the clairvoyance to predict the attack. Post attack, that’s fair game. Seven hours after an attack? Also fair game. No, it’s not easy. No, it’s not simple.

But it’s the fucking job he signed up for and is asking for again.

Further, Biden’s attack on the Republicans re: $300m cut in Diplomatic Security is a falsehood. Some of that money was construction, maintenance, supplies, etc. Show me the line item in the budget where Embassy Security was cut.

Oh. Right. Budget. Something we haven’t had for over 3 years, two of which the Dems held the WH, Senate and House. Wonder what happened there…

2-17 AirCav

Hey, Harrison Ford. It didn’t take a crystal ball to know what had happened. Just check the event at this very site within hours of its occurring. Were we clairvoyant? Moreover, somehow, while the situation was, as you say, chaotic, the administration quickly spoke of the video no one has seen. If they didn’t know what was going on, how irresponsible was that? But they knew and proved it by maintaining the fiction in the face of contrary evidence. One other thing. You truly are a knucklehead. Don’t forget to vote on Wednesday, November 7th!


it was all for the Brotherhood. just like Fast and Furious was not his fault that was an economic decision too. I pray that one day the Asshat will be charged with several crimes again America. and maybe if we are lucky (LOL) they will strip him of all his personal accomplishments and then tell America he was never there. Oh I know there is not a change in hell of that happening. He is not worth the stuff I drop in the toilet….. Just my opinion. (and yes I know we all have one)


This link is for a Reuters news service article on the internet this evening (10/23/12):


It clearly states that there was communication between Washington and the Benghazi embassy during the attack.