MSM white-washing terrorists
Just a few days before the shooting of a Republican congressman and several others, the Washington Post published an article reviewing last year’s shooting in Orlando by a Muslim male in which 49 American citizens died. Would you believe that other than his name there was no mention of the shooter being Muslim or his motive being Islamic? That despite this headline a year ago. Rather, WAPO’s emphasis a year later was on the gay aspects of the shooting, coloring the event in rainbow shades with only one thing left starkly white, the shooter. Not that WAPO said such a thing; oh no, they’d never do that, not now at least. But just wait a few years and see if WAPO, as well as the rest of the liberal media, hasn’t filed away for posterity the Orlando shooting as a white terrorist hate crime against gay people.
Now the liberal media is tap dancing all over the place to minimize the undeniable reality that this latest shooter is a full-on liberal Democrat, a card-carrying, poster-waving loyalist, and sadly, the ultimate product of their violence-tinged resistance operation against the Trump presidential victory which they refuse to accept.
Okay, I’ll grant the liberal media the easy part: the guy is unquestionably white, but how are they going to twist history to move this ultra-liberal, would-be, assassin/mass-killer into the white terrorism column? In future discussions of violence in America, you can be sure the MSM will trot out the numbers regarding white violence and today’s leftist perp will be among them, as will the Muslim killer in Orlando. At that oft-quoted, little backwater, super-left, white racist-exposing outfit down there somewhere in Alabama or Georgia, whose organizational engines are fueled on high octane liberal feelings of self-righteousness, these guys will be very helpful poster boys for demonstrating the huge presence of white supremacy. They may even get their own dots on that infamous map of right wing lunatics.
Think they can’t and won’t do it? Then you simply do not understand the degree of liberal duplicity that exists in our media and their readiness to employ it. Think I’m exaggerating? Then ignore my warning–after all, the most you can lose is your basic freedoms, such as your ability to speak critically of your government and its policies–perhaps, your ability to speak out at all.
Category: Politics
It is scary the number of MSM and DNC folks who are saying the Repubs deserve being shot, calling for the hunting of Republicans, and similar verbiage.
It’s enough to make one start believing the conspiracy theorists are not entirely crazy.
But remember how batshit crazy they went when another liberal wacko shot Gabby Giffords?
Perhaps it’s time some of those blithering idiots found what it’s like to get sued for making public threats like that.
Color me shocked …
All these acronyms are driving me crazy. At my advanced age I can’t remember what they all mean.
MSM- Main Stream Media
DNC- Democratic National Committee
WaPo- Washington Post is your friend.
Antifa, or AntiFa-Neo Communists, the left, Progressives.
Literally and ironically, Anti-Fascists.
“Anti-Fascists” who are, in reality, Fascists.
How in the world can you satirize these people?
Just tell the truth about them. That will expose their baldfaced hypocrisy.
Pointing at them and laughing works well, too.
Greybeard, you need to go back for a refresher course in Newspeak.
Actually, they are using it for “Anti Facist Action”.
“Action” in various Marxist traditions means “the activities of folks who actually bust heads”. Example: “Direct Action” “AntiFA”
Antifa is a play on Intifada. Those poor oppressed South Syrian Goatherding Terrorists. The left can’t even come up with new names for themselves, they just recycle crap year after year
Chooee Lee, age has nothing to do with it. The acronyms change with the weather report.
It’s best to just file them all under ‘Extremists’ and let it go at that, because at the root of it all, they are essentially the same animal, just wearing different stripes.
Mostly these acronyms refer to fucksticks, many of whom are criminal whether by commission or omission.
They have their agenda and their useful idiots and the work as hard as they can to advance their agenda at the expense of the rest of us. What they fail to realize is that a good number of us are wise to the idea they are biased fuckstick jerkoffs…
The local rag here did a story on the anniversary of the shooting. There was a memorial service here in the county as well.
Not one single mention of the motive other than “anti-gay.”
People in the comments posted about the religious aspect of the shooting (I am being polite) and the editors never responded or said anything. They comment on other corrections or comments on the accuracy of the article, but not this one.
Also, in case you missed it, the US National Soccer Teams wore uniforms with the numbers being the “gay pride / rainbow flag.”
I have real issues with the national teams making political statements.
Well, they are playing soccer….
“At that oft-quoted, little backwater, super-left, white racist-exposing outfit down there somewhere in Alabama or Georgia, whose organizational engines are fueled on high octane liberal feelings of self-righteousness, these guys will be very helpful poster boys for demonstrating the huge presence of white supremacy. ”
That little group of liars has already identified Gavin Eugene Long as “right wing”.
Compared to what, Mao-tse Tung or Saul Alinsky?
Seems that bunch was founded by the same folks that started the american communist lawyers union…
The news media’s inclination to bowdlerize stories has been going on for a long time. What tends to change over time is who things are toned down for to least offend. In this case it would be both the LGBTQ community and Islam. It also helps if you’ve established a precursor that all straight white people are, by definition, racist and homophobic in order to have someone to blame.
It’s also no secret that the news media thrives on conflict. Most of the time, unless you have two groups bickering about something, there is no story. What makes the Orlando story different is that the likely actual antagonists have been shifted in order to follow part of an agenda.
My own view is that the larger agenda is globalisation. One might assume from the protections provided by the First Amendment that The Washington Post would, at a fundamental level, hold the best interests of the country as a prime directive. Such an assumption would be false.
While it’s true The Post is willing to enjoy free speech protections, it apparently sees it’s actual target readership now as a global one which may not necessarily want to act in a way that benefits the national welfare.
Still nothing about the London attack on Muslims.
Or the Muslim teenager beat to death by a baseball bat.
Guess these stories do not fit the narrative this board favors.
Because according to the worldview clinged to on this board only Muslims and democrats commit violence.
No, only Muslims commit worldwide acts of violence in order to further their collective goal of ruling the world in the name of their deity.
And I have not heard anything about a Muslim teenager beaten to death WITH a baseball bat anywhere else, either. Must be part of that vast right-wing conspiracy.
If it was done BY a baseball bat, I am sure we would have heard about it.
That is a lot of fake concern about a blog that posts maybe five news stories a day not posting about two stories that almost nothing is known about.
If you know something we don’t feel free to share right now.
I believe Lars is referring to Nabra Hassanen, in Virginia.
I saw news stories about her murder and that the local LEO is not, at this time, considering it a “hate crime” although she was a Muslim girl.
Not being privy to the information the Virginia LEOs have, I’m inclined to go with their assessment until other evidence is uncovered.
Y’know, this is really gonna leave the left conflicted.
A Salvadorian immigrant with a “girlfriend and a 4-year-old child” kills a Muslim.
How do they spin this? Somehow it has to be Trump’s fault ’cause global climate change.
Didn’t he have a history of violence, anyway?
And here I was about to make a post noting the incredible restraint shown, even handedly, about not rushing to judgement in London or pre-judging motivations of this sick evil subhuman fungoid.
Is all this was? a chance to score points? Because if you cant count, all sorts of folks here are gonna tan your hide with scores you seem to ignore.
Yup. Angry shithead loon ran a truck into a crowd. Yup, the folks who always warn of not rushing to judgement, rushed to judgement. “See! See!” And here you are sounding almost gleeful it happened, because now you get to virtue-signal here.
Way to dance on the graves of innocents, dude.
You do understand that if you are going to count coup, you are going to have a -very- hard time coming up with the counterbalance to a an entire community ignoring a large ring of pedophiles, or the simple count of London Bridge versus this particular hateful subhuman thug.
Frightened people lash out. The left is doing exactly nothing to reassure anyone, only to stir the shit until it explodes. On -both-sides.
I lay solid money that Darwin Martinez Torres is not a Republican or a Trumpite. Any takers?
Also he is from El Salvador and does not speak English. Willing to double down on the idea that he entered the country illegally or is here illegally.
Oh and not a hate crime either:
Thank goodness you did not rush to judgment. I mean any more than you already did.
Wow, that is gonna confuse leftists like Lars… an illegal kills a muslim…. gonna be really tough to decide who to back, since they coddle both… I do enjoy the fact that they might hurt themselves with the mental gymnastics involved…
Now look at what you said, you gonna make Babbles McButthead whip out his empirical evidence, just wait and see!
I also didn’t write about the jihadist in Paris. So sue me, pencil dick.
Really? You had to spout off like that?
And here I was thinking you were beginning to engage in reasonable discussions.
You ought to know by now that the theme at TAH is roughly “things that involve the military, often in regards to stolen valor.”
The 17 year old young lady murdered by a Salvadorian is a tragic story, but I don’t see a military slant to it. You might as well complain that Jonn doesn’t post stories about children dying of cancer.
Similarly the guy in London.
But on the other hand, when the worshipers of the pedophile imbecile have repeatedly used vehicles to attack innocents in Europe, and the Europeans’ “progressive” leaders give them empty words and no deeds that make them feel safe, is it any wonder that someone – probably with mental issues – decides to return the favor?
GB, Lars reasonable? you must have missed him throwing in with that window licker Joey the other day
I saw that and was hoping it was only a temporary flight of insanity.
Yeah, I’m an optimist.
It -is- an object lesson form SunTzu: “never press a beaten foe too hard”.
You can, by going medieval on opponents, drive them to desperate alliances with far, far worse.
“Commisar”, who is too non-rational to equate “Commie” and “Soviet Political Apparatchtik”, AKA a “Commi-ssar”, is, nevertheless, demonstrably capable of rational thought.
Which is one reason I rag on him sometimes. He has -demonstrated- better, -numerous- times.
He could have made a -valid- point, that of one is to oppose senseless violence against civilians, one should probably oppose most of it, most of the time. it begs the question, “why is it wrong to do such things?” One can debate, argue, persuade, etc.
“See! See! You all are poop-heads!” PooooooFLING!!!!!!!
When he made the statement to his butt buddy Joey Nutsack questioning us as being veterans, what little credibility (which wasn’t much) he had with me went down the shitter.
He’s no better than his Antifa friends…
Odd I haven’t heard anything about the muslim teenager.. seems the lame stream media would be running with that one.. as for the attack in London, from the initial reports, the dude sounds like a loon… if he is, he needs to be in a padded room for the rest of his life.. if not, and he randomly targeted people because of their religion (sounds familiar?), he should face the same punishment as the others who do that on a regular basis.. fair trial, then hanging… does that make you feel better Lars?
UPDATE: I just saw on the news about the muslim teenager that was killed.. News says it was road rage incident, and that they have NO EVIDENCE that it was a hate crime… no mention about the immigration status of the perp.
Sorry Lars, you fail again…
HEY Babbles McButthead, JUST HOW MANY of the 9/11 hijackers were non-Middle Eastern muzzies?
WHAT was the nationality of the Pulse Club shooter as well as the nationality and religion of the goatfucker who drove a truck into a crowd of innocent people in Paris?
HOW OFTEN do we hear of non-muzzies blowing themselves to confetti in crowds of civilians?
UP YOURS Babbles McButthead, you lose yet again.
“Still nothing about the London attack on Muslims.:
You are perfectly capable of writing something up and submitting it to the site or sending an email.
There was also no mention on this blog of an attack by three Muslim women against a daycare worker in London.
Should we be screaming in protest that Jonn didn’t have a world view that included that attack as well?
Furthermore, you didn’t condemn any of the attacks at all and instead engaged in a logical fallacy that somehow not reporting everything on a blog is acceptance of a “narrative” of some sort.
Applying that standard to your life and posts would lead one to the conclusion that you supported all of the attacks by everyone against everyone.
I would hope that is not the case.
I don’t know of anyone on this board who seems to support the attacks you mention. No one. In fact, I don’t see where anyone supports any of the attacks made against innocent citizens in whatever name or in the furtherance of whatever cause.
Well, except for you that is.
Where is your condemnation of any of the attacks?
Or is the point of your post “they did it too!” which most mature people stop using after 2nd grade.
Your post was trolling and not a very good one at that. Shame on you for not condemning any of the attacks and trying to justify anything in pitting the attacks against the others.
Imagine the lies they’ll be posting decades from now.
“Because according to the worldview clinged to on this board only Muslims and democrats commit violence.”
First of all, this is an incomplete sentence, which means that COMMISSAR Commissar got lousy to bad grades in English. He cannot create simple sentences in proper English, but he thinks he’s superior to the rest of us.
Okay, sure.
Second, he threw that in for the sole purpose of stirring the pot, because there has been ZERO REFERENCE in the news today or yesterday to any muslim teenager being beaten with a baseball bat, ANYWHERE.
This implies that his sole purpose in posting comments on This Ain’t Hell is defined as follows:
A – posting something irrelevant simply to get attention.
B – posting something that he thinks will piss people off.
C – (and this one is important) posting some idiotic comment because he still doesn’t have anything to do except smoke dope and hang out at a coffee shop reading Rolling Stone ragazine, scamming refills out of anyone dumb enough to pay for them, and sneering at everyone around him as inconsequential, irrelevant and beneath him.
D – It’s obvious that no one will talk or respond to him anywhere else.
I’m going back to Karmennedd now. I have cats to herd, and Ophelia is now Ophiuchus.
“First of all, this is an incomplete sentence, which means that COMMISSAR Commissar got lousy to bad grades in English.”
Maybe he got his English Class grade handed to him regardless of his performance in order to boost his self esteem?
I almost left out this part, but it’s important. I said ‘bad grades in English’, and it meant it. Commissar the COMMISSAR used the word ‘clinged’. This is incorrect. It is NOT the past tense of ‘cling’.
What’s the past tense of cling?
Answer: The past tense of cling is clung.
At this point, I declare and affirm, based on this and his prior samples of bad writing, sloppy semantics and just being enormously lazy, that COMMISSAR Commissar is functionally illiterate as well as all those other things.
He’s also boring as hell, self-involved and too lazy to finish what he starts.
YES he is boring, predictable and I see him as a product of “Schools” that hand out passing grades to under-performers and underachievers in order to boost their self esteem.
Nah, he is a self-made sort.
“My Momma didn’t raise no fool, I’m a self-made man!”
Saw on the U.K. daily mail site that the guy had just broken up with his “partner”, as in he is the gay. Now if true won’t that cause liberal bobble heads to explode. This shit is entirely predictable as others have said. If the muslim savages don’t back the truck up, these incidents will will increase and grow in lethality. The muslims need to look in the mirror to see who is responsible. God help us all.
Turns out he is not gay he is a father of four. He stated he was going out to kill Muslims. He is a moron, probably off his meds and now he will be in prison for the rest of his days.
One of the goals of the attacks of the last few weeks was to inspire counter attacks against random Muslim in Europe. This helps with recruitment and feeds a narrative. Unfortunately they succeeded.
“Doing his bit” does not include mowing down random strangers. That is the tool of the other side.
He does share his name with a gay character on UK television.
Well it was the daily mail which gives tabloid press a bad name they suck so bad 😁
I made a comment that “coup counting” from the Left might not end well.
Our Poetrooper delivered the lesson in his post of 20 June.