Spending inauguration day with heroes [TSO]

| January 16, 2009

(NOTE: TSO may have access to a few tix if anyone has some extra scratch to buy them, a tuxedo, and a desire to meet some of these guys. Email us if interested.)

All other things being equal, I don’t really want to leave the house Tuesday. I’d rather lay in bed, watch cartoons, maybe level up my Warcraft characters tailoring skill. Because I like to get crazy like that.

But every 4 years I get to spend a night with my heroes. Literally. It’s the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball” featuring between 50-100 Medal of Honor Recipients. I’ve talked about it here before, and in 2000 I spent the time with Hiroshi Miyamura and Walter Ehlers. This year I have gone through the list of attendees, and the man I most want to meet is this gentleman, Peter C. Lemon.

Should be easy enough to recognize the man, he has no hair, and is the youngest living MoH recipient. The reason I became more interested in his story than in others though is that we’ve been running all these stories about American cowards who have been running away from their voluntary commitment to the Armed Forces, and fleeing to Canada. Well, near as I have been able to determine, Mr Lemon represents the sole living Canadian MoH recipient. Or rather, he was a Canadian. Who knows, since he never once seems to mention Canada anywhere on his website, but rather talks about all the things he has done for this, his adopted country. Somehow I actually feel bad for Canada, they send us Hockey Players and heroes, and we send them cowards and polar bear researchers. That’s a pretty serious trade deficit.

Anyway, he just looks like a very nice, very affable fellow, doesn’t he?

Not to the NVA he didn’t apparently.


Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company E, 2d Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division.

place and date: Tay Ninh province, Republic of Vietnam, 1 April 1970.

Entered service at: Tawas City, Mich.

Born: 5 June 1950, Toronto, Canada.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Lemon (then Sp4c.), Company E, distinguished himself while serving as an assistant machine gunner during the defense of Fire Support Base Illingworth. When the base came under heavy enemy attack, Sgt. Lemon engaged a numerically superior enemy with machine gun and rifle fire from his defensive position until both weapons malfunctioned. He then used hand grenades to fend off the intensified enemy attack launched in his direction. After eliminating all but 1 of the enemy soldiers in the immediate vicinity, he pursued and disposed of the remaining soldier in hand-to-hand combat. Despite fragment wounds from an exploding grenade, Sgt. Lemon regained his position, carried a more seriously wounded comrade to an aid station, and, as he returned, was wounded a second time by enemy fire. Disregarding his personal injuries, he moved to his position through a hail of small arms and grenade fire. Sgt. Lemon immediately realized that the defensive sector was in danger of being overrun by the enemy and unhesitatingly assaulted the enemy soldiers by throwing hand grenades and engaging in hand-to-hand combat. He was wounded yet a third time, but his determined efforts successfully drove the enemy from the position. Securing an operable machine gun, Sgt. Lemon stood atop an embankment fully exposed to enemy fire, and placed effective fire upon the enemy until he collapsed from his multiple wounds and exhaustion. After regaining consciousness at the aid station, he refused medical evacuation until his more seriously wounded comrades had been evacuated. Sgt. Lemon’s gallantry and extraordinary heroism, are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.


Category: Support the troops

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Army Sergeant

God dammit! Now my paperwork craziness has claimed even more. I would have loved to meet that guy-I remember his citation. It was one of those I really loved reading at the MoH museum. Please if you do meet him, TSO, mention that you know someone else who also found him inspiring. It was the “but refused medical treatment until his more seriously wounded comrade had been treated” that really cinched it for me.

Decision of whether or not to add that the individual would be a unicorn-loving fool would of course be up to you…

TSO Wrote: Why do we not yet have a photoshop of AS riding a unicorn?

Are you in this video AS?

The Sniper

Gimme a little while… I’ll see what I can come up with.

The Sniper

I’ll need a good pic of her to start out with. Most unicorn-riders are topless, but I suppose any pic will do in a pinch.

Army Sergeant

With the witch hat, with a rainbow over the horizon? I fear you people. 🙂


@Army Sergeant: [“It was the “but refused medical treatment until his more seriously wounded comrade had been treated” that really cinched it for me.”]

What cinched it for me was his honorable service and the fact that he didn’t run like a chickenshit back to Canada after he elisted.

*cough* IVAW *cough*

Army Sergeant

Funnily enough, it looks from here like I’m typing this from a government built house, staring at an ACU uniform, in a country which is not Canada..


Please if you do meet him, TSO, mention that you know someone else who also found him inspiring.

Thanks for the mention, AS! Of course, TSO will mention me in conversation with this hero, like does attract like.

Army Sergeant


Are you attempting to claim heroism? Did I miss your recent enlistment in the Armed Forces of the United States? I’m so sorry, Skye! Congratulations! Which lucky service has the honor?


Quick, someone get the tub of jello and some popcorn for me. Gather round boys, our dreams be coming true!


MoH hero to cat fight — That there’s some quick degeneration.

TSO Wrote: DO we know our readers or what? I mean, it’s almost scary.


NVA?am i missing something here?

TSO Wrote: North Vietnamese Army.


never mind…


Yeah GN. I was thinking the same thing.

Hey TSO…I hope you do get to meet SGT Lemon. I’ve no doubts you’ll find him and spend a few moments with him. Hoping for a full report (with photos) of the event. Be my eyes and ears, will ya? And please give all of the Heroes my most sincere gratitude.


Ditto what tankerbabe said, give them all my gratitude also.


Are you attempting to claim heroism?

Valiant men like Peter Lemon and women like myself don’t ‘claim’ heroism nor do we feel the need to fake it, like you and the cowards of IVAW.

I work for a Counter Terrorism Unit, where I review SAEDA reports passed to us from the Army and input them into an analyst notebook.

In my spare time, I successfully counter subversives that label themselves VFP and CCPM every week in West Chester, Pa. Due to our efforts, their occupation of West Chester is over.

You can call me hero anytime, sweet cheeks!

ar 381-12


Recently I participated in the funeral of another inductee in the Ranger hall of fame named Gary Lemonds who was the Director of one of the other American Legion Riders Posts here in Georgia. I had met him several times, but only knew him casually. The Director of my post e-mailed what he thought was Gary’s Ranger Hall of Fame page to me, and, I in turn, sent it to Jonn to let him know of the loss of one of our true heroes. Unfortunately my Director had sent me Peter Lemon’s page (they were inducted into the RHOF the same year… Lemon, Lemonds… what are the chances?) and I found myself in the position of spreading unfounded rumors of Peter’s untimely demise. LOL. I am thrilled to see he is well and will be attending the, aptly named, Hero’s Ball.


Well, I’ve never been AWOL, deserted, been court marshalled, or trashed my comrades as baby killers, all of which makes me ineligible for IVAW membership.

richard wheeler

Skye If you think what you do allows you the same honors that Sgt Lemon has earned you are certifiably insane.I’d add that unlike you A.S. has honorably worn the uniform of our country.Wheeler USMCR


Neither have I, Raoul. What will we do without an IVAW membership???


Skye, we could drink their beer and eat their food, but you can’t dance to their music unless you’re having a seizure.

Army Sergeant

Skye, I just find it pretty egotistical that you would try to put yourself in the same class as a MoH awardee. I don’t care how spanky your work in the CTU is, it can never approach that. Just like my work as an intel puke can never approach that no matter how many lives I save or enemies I help to take out of the game. It is not in the same class as being wounded multiple times and keeping going despite overwhelming odds and I am amazed that you can’t see that.

Raoul, I haven’t done any of those things either, yet somehow I’m a member. Skye would be ineligible though, having never worn a uniform. I can’t remember if you have.


“you can’t dance to their music unless you’re having a seizure”. LMAO, Raoul, great line.


Somehow I was under that impression that working in the field of counterterrorism could save a great many more lives potentially than what Sgt. Lemon did (no disrespect to him).

Save a wounded Ranger, the Ranger lives for another day. Stop a major terrorist attack, let thousands of innocent civilians live another day. Forgive me if I’m oversimplifying things.


Skye, I just find it pretty egotistical that you would try to put yourself in the same class as a MoH awardee. I don’t care how spanky your work in the CTU is, it can never approach that.

Obviously, there is no test at the end of your annual SAEDA training, is there?

We share similar traits in character, integrity, honor and dignity. It is clear our career paths have lead us to different places, we both have have made inroads in defending this nation from enemies foreign and domestic. In my case especially, domestic.



“I haven’t done any of those things either”

Give it time. You’re hanging with and defending pukes like Scott Camil and Barry Romo. No good will come of it.



Your VFP buddy Thompson Bradley, with his jaunty signature beret, red scarf, goate and mirrored aviator sunglasses, just admitted that he met with a survior of the Weatherman bomb factory blast twice while she was a Federal fugitive.

That’s the difference between your side and our side. We don’t want to kill you with a nail bomb at your NCO dance.

BTW, ask Tommie The Commie why a RED scarf.


Damn I wish I could have gone to that. My kids are more familliar with MOH recipients than disney cartoons. I attend any event that gives me the possibility of shaking a MOH recipients hand to no avail. hopefully I’ll have enough time to act next time


Ray- Yup, misters Lemon and Lemond (SGT and SSG) were both in the 2nd class of inductees. Mr Lemon seems to have changed his look a bit since then:



Arriving in Quan Loi to serve with C-2/8th Cav I was serving with guys who were on illingworth with Sgt Pete Lemmon.I live 20 miles from where John Illingworth was from.Ill visit his grave,say a prayer on Veterans day and maybe Ill get to meet Pete at the Wall someday. His Honor and Courage is the motto of the 2nd of the 8th.

Skippy Co C 2/8th Cav
1st Air Cav. Vietnam

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