Fidel Castro dead

| November 26, 2016


Fidel Castro, the man personally responsible for the economic destruction of Cuba as well as being responsible for thousands of deaths and the exodus of middle-class Cubans has finally died.

I’m sure Geraldo Rivera is hoping to be buried in Castro’s coffin alongside the criminal who waged war throughout Central America and Africa. Rivera probably isn’t alone in the American media. Fox News reminds us that he outlasted 11 US Presidents.

Strangely enough, our Cuban friends at Babalu Blog are experiencing internet difficulties this morning.

From AFP;

President Raul Castro, who took power after his elder brother Fidel was hospitalized in 2006, announced the news on national television just after midnight Friday (0500 GMT Saturday).

“The commander in chief of the Cuban revolution died at 22:29 hours this evening,” Raul Castro said in a solemn voice.

“In compliance with Comrade Fidel’s expressed will, his remains will be cremated early in the morning” on Saturday.

The government on Saturday decreed nine days of mourning.

From November 26 to December 4, “public activities and shows will cease, the national flag will fly at half-mast on public buildings and military installations,” a statement from the state executive said.

Category: Who knows

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Between Clinton’s defeat and Castro’s death, 2016 is definitely ending on a high note.

I may have to plan a trip to Cuba. Somewhere, there is a grave in desperate need of some urine…




And the Cubs won! Will miracles never cease!


I’d go on that trip with you, but I don’t like standing in long lines.


Who says November is not a month for Thanksgiving.

First the Cubs are world champs, then Hitlery loses, and now that wannabe ball player from Cuba dies.

Lots to be thankful for.

2/17 Air Cav

The C trifecta! Cubs, Clinton, and Castro.




Obama gone and now this ! ! !
There is hope after all


20 January 2017 – Change we can believe in!


This just in, Hampshire College is flying the Cuban flag at half-staff and Trudeau has started a week of mourning in Canada.
(just kidding but am I far off?)
Sic Semper Tyrannis


The snowboard instructor in chief, the hair that walks like a man, the right honorable PM Zoolander has actually issued a statement of condolence regarding Castro’s death (I just read it somewhere else). Obama will likely follow suit soon enough.

Meanwhile, if I can find one of those nice Cuban cigars that were until recently banned I think I may have reason for a celebratory smoke.


I like Trump’s Twitter statement:

“Fidel Castro is dead.”

End of statement.



Hopefully Fidel is occupying the same level of Hell as his buttbuddy Che… and getting dorked in the squeakhole with the Barbed Cock of Satan while stoking the fires with Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others.

I just read the NYT article on Castro – the comments for the dictator are UFB… Lars-type of drivel for the murderer of possibly millions of people.

The Other Whitey

Ah, Che, the world’s most overrated revolutionary failure. Also a sadistic murderer and disgustingly-racist fuck. Now gracing the t-shirts of idiots everywhere. He’s surely being assraped in Hell as we speak.

just some feller

I always thought this was Che Airlines:




Many US citizens of Cuban origin are saying prayers of thanksgiving. On behalf of my friends who were unable to see this day, I offer my prayers.

2/17 Air Cav

Well after the Cuban Missile Crisis, I looked to Fatigues Fidel and Two Pistols Arafat for comic relief. Both assholes. Both murderous bastards. But, brother, they knew how to make an appearance.

The Other Whitey

I always thought “Michael Jackson” Ghadaffi was funnier.

2/17 Air Cav

Another good one. Mallomar.

Silentium Est Aureum

Nah, the Nork family tree with no branches was always a hoot, were it not for the millions they’ve starved and murdered.

Ditto Mao.


Idi Amin had them all beat in the bling competition.


Never say to a political opponent of Idi Amin…

“What’s eating you?”


Will Nobamma be attending the funeral?

2/17 Air Cav

Since Fidel was scheduled to go up in smoke this morning, he’ll probably just invite a few dozen Hollywooders to the White House for a presidential pity party.

The Other Whitey

If he can fit it into his schedule between golf games and bestowing the Nation’s highest civilian honor on Hollywoodites whose main contribution was making campaign ads for him, maybe.

Commissar, on the other hand, is surely wailing with grief.


Yep, Lars “don’t fear the commies” must be in mourning for his poster boy.

Oh well, he still has Zika being a bigger threat than terrorism to hang his hat on…

Commissar Poodle

I am not a communist.

Literally NOBODY in the intelligence community has put communism on a threat list in ten years.

Communism on scares people that have had no intellectual development since McCarthy.

It is literally a non-issue.

There are no communists holding public office above the county level in the entire US. Actually, I can’t find any communist holding office at ANY level of government right now in the US.

Your insistence on using my full name in your posts shows what a cowardly little weasel shitbag troll you are.


Shut up, Lars. You’re full of crap as usual.

Communism is a dictatorship. Try talking to the people who left Cuba the minute Fidel and Che blew into town. Cuba has never been barred from trading with countries other than the US, and the trade embargo was the Kennedy era, which you know nothing about, because nothing existed before you were born.

Before you say there is no threat from communism, pinhead, move to North Korea and stay there a while. Stay a long time.

And stop accusing people like me of not moving beyond McCarthism. I was 4 when Joe McCarthy was getting lots of PR for his antics in the Senate.

You’re a moron. You know nothing about history AT ALL. If communism is no threat, explain the deaths of over 2 million native Cambodians under Pol Pot, a COMMUNIST, and the Khmer Rouge, also COMMUNISTS. Explain the disappearances and mass murders of millions of Russian citizens under Stalin, and millions of Chinese citizens under Mao Tse-Tung.

Otherwise, shut up.

Commissar Poodle

Communism is not a threat to the US.

How the fuck do you not understand that?

We are far far more likely to have an ultranationalist dictatorship than a communist dictatorship.

And technically communism has literally ZERO government at all . But what does it matter? None of the discussion on this board are actually about economics. Just about people trying to act like patriots by bragging about how conservative they are and how much they hate Islam and Communism while disparaging Gold Star families and making excuses for republican politicians who steal valor.

When you guys attacked a Gold Star family because Trump did, when you know damn well you would have lost your collective minds if Clinton or Obama had disparaged a Gold Star family I knew this board was full of shit and most of you put ideology over country and partisanship of patriotism.


Then why do you keep showing up here?

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Commissar, you twit; I am going to agree with you on this one. “Communism is not a threat in our government.” Only because there are enough clear headed conservatives like the majority of us here, who will not allow this to happen. There, I agreed with you.
But, on the other hand, world wide, Communism is a threat to millions of people. A very real, very bad threat, and along with it’s half brother, Socialism, is starving people to death daily, depriving them of adequate medical coverage, denying them the freedom of travel and speech in their own communities. I have been to Cuba, ventured inland in Cuba, and have seen the shit firsthand, not the puke that Micheal Moore handed the liberal/socialist bobbing heads. Communism is a Threat.

Silentium Est Aureum

Communism isn’t a threat?

Then explain why Putin and his butt-buddies, and a goodly chunk of the Russian population, yearns to return to those days.

Maybe it’s that whole KGB Colonel thingy going on. Dunno.

And of course, the Chinese aren’t really commies, right Larsie-poo? Been to Hong Kong of late? No? How about Beijing? Such a lovely place, if you can get Internet access and breathe without choking.


Then there is the Arab version Baathism that ruled Iraq. I quess they all they dispersed in peace.

Denise Williams

Lars, mention what you don’t know about Gold Star families again, please, to further prove you’re an idiot and an intellectual toddler who repeats what he hears those he around him say.

NO ONE on this site has insulted, attacked, dishonored or disrespected a Gold Star except you. LOTS on this site have rightly and properly noted a father who is first and foremost a political tool dishonorably used the Gold Star status bestowed on him because of his son’s heroic sacrifice as a political weapon. Then, he further dishonored that Gold Star by trying to use it as a shield.

I applaud those here and elsewhere who have rightly pointed this out. I thank them and appreciate their defense of what the Gold Star means and how it should never be used for personal gain, as a political tool or weapon, or a defense for indefensible behavior.

Crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from under, lift it as high as the horse you’re trying to ride, and let it drop on your pointy little head, you despicable little runt.

2/17 Air Cav

Careful, Lars. That’s a Gold Star Mom who just put you in your place. Stay silent or apologize and then shut up. Anything else will bring TAH down on you in a way you never imagined.


Your hero Bernie is “Commie Lite”, close enough for me Zika Pony Boy.


Hey Lars! How did he get that money to buy his new home?

Remember his wife, the one that made a questionable real estate deal that closed down the college she was president at:

The motto of the Democrats/socialists/communists – “Do as I say, not as I do”.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, Lars, I’ve crawled into dozens of structure fires, cut open roofs with fire below me, stood on the line of hundreds of running vegetation fires in high wind, climbed into unstable vehicles on steep slopes, etc, but the fact that I don’t post my name, address, and social security number makes me a coward, eh? According to the internet’s most arrogant cocksucker, it apparently does.

As far as trolling, we’ve been over this repeatedly. You answered my attempts at civility by being an asshole, so now I treat you accordingly. You don’t get to cry foul on that.

And given your track record for facts and research, I don’t think you actually know what anybody considers to be a threat.

Sorry to see your hand rejected you again.

Commissar Poodle

Constantly anonymously posting my name just make you a troll, Christopher.


Ha! Ha! Commissar, you were the one who used your own name to start with long ago, having buyers remorse now I see.

Calling others “Trolls” that’s rich, even for you.

Still pissed that Bernie sold out for his 30 pieces of silver?

Commissar Poodle

Not the same fuckwit. I back things I believe and say. And I used my name to show I was not being and anonymous troll.

You use my name to attribute things I never said and usually do not believe, often when I am not even around to refute them.

That is bullshit trolling.


Hell Commissar, you are the master of making comments late at night when everyone is asleep so they can’t immediately respond.
Pot meet Kettle.

You accuse others of making claims on your positions but have no issue in doing the same thing.

You’re a hypocrite of the highest order.

No wonder the troops had no respect for you as an officer.


You’re not using your name now as your screen ID, twit. Does that make you a coward also?

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, it’s EXACTLY the same…read up on some Orwell sometime, numbnuts.

Bernie said you were gonna get a free education. Looks like the lesson hasn’t sunk into your little brain just yet.

The Other Whitey

Then you shouldn’t have been an asshole, Lars. Why are you so butthurt over the use of your name when you spent months proclaiming it without anybody asking for it, you fucking hypocrite?

Commissar Poodle

I used it on MY posts. For two reasons; one to show that my disagreement with much of the politics was sincere and not the act of an anonymous troll, and to put to rest an accusations I was a stolen valor poser which was the go to response by anyone that disagreed with me.

My using MY nam in MY posts is not the same as you shitbags using my name to attribute positions and statements to me I never said and do not hold. Usually when I am not even around to refute them.

That is not hypocritical.

The Other Whitey

Yeah it is, fucker. You tell everybody your name, then get butthurt when we call you by name. That’s hypocrisy, whether you like it or not.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY you little poodle shit, if socialism is SUCH a great way of life then YOU TELL ME why Venezuela is the hunger and poverty-ridden hellhole it is today, o pus-nutted shit-for-brained candyassed booger-eater!

2/17 Air Cav

“I am not a communist.” Commissar

“I am not a crook.” Richard Nixon


No, Poodle, you’re not a Communist. You’re worse. You agree with many if not all of their concepts – whether you will admit it or not. You believe in unlimited state authority; collective over individual; managed economy that doesn’t behave per the principles of market economics; and the silencing of speech with which you find offensive. But you’re “not a communist”. No, you’re not a communist. You don’t have the guts to come right out and actually be a Communist. But you nonetheless support them – and their principles – under the guise of being a “Left-Leaning Progressive”. What you are is worse than being a Communist. A communist who openly declares he or she is such is at least being honest. You are not. You think you can advocate Communist positions, but can somehow “improve on the past” and “avoid the excesses of past Communist regimes” and thus “perfect Socialism”. You can not. The fault is not with the implementation; the fault is in the ideology itself. In fact, Socialism itself – in all forms – is flawed; Communism is merely the most extreme form. All forms of Socialism ignore basic human nature (people are not altruistic; they want to improve their lot in life, even at the expense of others). It also ignores basic economic reality (“a thing is worth what someone is willing to pay”; and the principle of supply and demand being examples). And when Socialist states run out of other people’s money, they fail – often quite spectacularly. You are what Stalin would have called a “useful idiot” or a “fellow traveler”. Those individuals were among the first rounded up and shot by the Communists everywhere they took power. You think yourself infallible. Hardly. Ridiculously gullible is more accurate. Finally, you’re also disgustingly hypocritical. As others noted above and I’ve noted elsewhere, you freely chose to identify yourself by name when you commented here long ago – for weeks. Ergo, you have no reason to be upset when others refer to you by your name when replying to you. Had you wanted anonymity, you could… Read more »

Combat Historian

Rot in hell, asshole !!!


Where he’s going, he’ll have plenty of fire to light his cigar. Trouble is, all the cigars are from Finland.


Now there’s a horrifying vision of hell. You have cigars, but they’re all White Owl.


Are those the ones where they wrap a tobacco leaf around a dead owl?

A Proud Infidel®™

Those, Swisher Sweets and Roi-Tan.

Buckeye Jim

My mother always told me to only say good about dead people……Castro is dead…GOOD

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

I am elated with this news. My morning started off with a great smile, on getting up and finding that on my computer. In April 1961, a 20 year old Paratrooper in the 506/101st, I listened in disbelief as we pulled the promised air cover for the CIA-sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506. JFK leaving those men to themselves during the “Bay of Pigs” phase of the invasion caused me to register to vote as a Republican as soon as I turned 21. A few years later living in the Florida Keys, in the late 60s I came to know many emigres from Cuba. Their stories endeared me to their cause to want to return their country to the people. I was able to offer them some assistance, in providing them with an “out of the way” area to moor their boats, and other help. In the 1997-2004 era, I was able to fish the waters of Hemingway’s “Old Man and the Sea”, taking safe harbor in Hemingway Marina near Mariel. I learned even more about life on the Island that once was known as “The Gem of the Caribbean”. I hope his death was slow and painful; and that Raul follows close behind him.


Can’t wait for Raul to join him.

No, I’m not planning anything.


“But please do take a few moments to revel in this news. fidel castro is dead. Roll the words around in your mouth like a fine wine. Take it in and let it soothe you and warm you and embrace you like a favorite blanket: fidel castro is dead.”


Can I smoke a good non Cuban cigar instead.


Whenever Fidel appeared in the Pogo comic strip, he was drawn as a goat. I always thought it was appropriate.

And now, ding dong, the Goat is dead!


I can’t say fuck off and die anymore. So, just fuck off then.

Green Thumb


The Other Whitey

Burn in Hell, you commie son of a bitch. I’m sure your ass-buddy Hugo will appreciate the company.

Good riddance.

NR Pax

While this is a step in the right direction, Cuba is still enslaved. But for now, I will savor the good news.


I like it!

“Statement: President-elect Donald Trump on death of Fidel Castro: ‘Today, the world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades. Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights. While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve.’ “


Compare Trump’s statement with all the weasel worded statements that really say nothing except “sorry you’re dead.”

Obama’s statement is an excellent example of obfuscation.

Commissar Poodle

Obama’s statement if diplomatic.

Trump’s was a Tweet no different than any other idiots with a Twitter account. Literally thousands posted the exact same message.

Obama recognizes that Cuba is transitioning toward a market economy and is shifting toward democracy so a long term relationship is at stake right now.

Trump thinks its cool when he gets a lot of retweets.


Seriously, Poodle-dick? Cuba is “shifting toward democracy”? What in the world are you smoking, old tennis shoe liners?
Why would the U.S. want a relationship with Cuba? Aside from cigars, what does Cuba have that the U.S. would ever derive any benefit from?

Silentium Est Aureum

“Market economy”, which is a nice way of saying a few oligarchs get rich as fuck while the vast majority starves.

Tell me that isn’t communist ideology in a nutshell, or at least reality versus idealism.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey poodle dick, DOU YOU TRY to be a Kool-Aid headed dildohead or does it come to you naturally? IMHO you’re living proof of the statement “We send young adults off to college and they return as toddlers.”


Wrong again, stupid. Castro’s government was NEVER barred from doing business with any country or government, EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES. He intentionally kept Cuba in a state of poverty the entire time he was in charge, so that it could all be blamed on the USA. He had plenty of support from the Soviet Union under Krushchev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev until Gorbachev realized that the Soviet Union was bankrupt and cut off funding to its satellites like Cuba. Every one of those Cuban taxi drivers who could escape Castro’s regime got the hell out of Cuba and found immediate employment as auto mechanics, because they had to make their own parts for their taxis to keep them running.

You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground about any of it. So shut up.

Forest Green


IS that Bernaths grave?

Semper Idem

Today’s looking pretty good! I woke up early, the weather is nice, the coffee is good, breakfast was delicious, and Castro is dead.

Rot in hell, Fidel.

A Proud Infidel®™

They say that appreciation follows death. Castro is dead, and I appreciate that!!! Maybe it’s time for a road trip into Canada where I can purchase and enjoy a real Cohiba or Montecristo? Aaaah hell, I’ll just enjoy a macanudo while singing “Ding Dong the Bastard’s dead”…
IMHO it’s only a pity he didn’t croak well before B. Hussein 0bama could fly down there and kiss his ass like he did.


“IMHO it’s only a pity he didn’t croak well before B. Hussein 0bama could fly down there and kiss his ass like he did.”

If Dear Leader asks real nice like, maybe Raul will hold off on the cremation so he can.


From what my cigar-aficionado acquaintances tell me, like everything else, Fidel also fouled up the Cuban cigar. The best are now made by ex-Cubans from seed transplanted from Cuba to elsewhere.


Try this store. They sell several varieties of high quality cigars, some of which are made BY Cubans. And they aren’t cheap.

Family-owned business, in operation since 1964.

Support your small business people!

The Other Whitey

How the hell does he say that with a straight face?


Well, he is an idiot, so that helps.

Mark RM1 USN ret.

Hey Jinnah, you, Fidel, Raoul, Barry and Trudeau can suck and swallow a hard one..

Silentium Est Aureum

Cancer really did eat his fucking brain.

Then again, he thought the Venezuelan elections were on the up and up, too.


Here is a link to the top five comment from “American Leaders” about the death of a butcher:

San Fran Nan and Lurch chimed in…

Commissar Poodle

For the record; I despise all dictators. Without a single exception. They all deserve to be strung in a public square by their toes and have their throat slit by an angry mob.

However, I find it interesting that you only hate Castro. But most of you are fine withe Batista. A dictator that literally sold out his people for personal profit.

Both a dictators but Batista was a traitor as well.

Most of you are fine with dictators as long as they exploit their people for profit or target the same groups as you do.

Says a lot. And explain why you are so supportive of Trump.

The Other Whitey

Funny how you make such an assumption without Batista having been discussed. Do you really think Cubans are better off under the Castros than Batista? They weren’t crowding onto rafts made of popsicle sticks to get away from him.

Batista was a self-serving asshole. Castro was a bigger self-serving asshole. Hillary Clinton wants to be a dictator. You’re still full of shit.

Commissar Poodle

They were not better off under either. Batista murdered tens of thousands. At least as many if not more thane Castro in in 1/5th the time.

And much of Cuba’s issues are aggravated by the embargo.

Neither should be admired.

Unlike you I don’t support ANY dictators. You support disctators as long as they target people and ideas you dislike.

The Other Whitey

Never said I supported Batista, just that they replaced one asshole with a worse asshole. You still suck at reading comprehension.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Poodle fart, WTF is a “disctator”, a demented disc jockey?


Fulgencio Batista hasn’t been in power for six decades, and has been dead for four. Do you expect people to condemn him as heartily as the man who has tormented Cuba ever since?

Congratulations on hating all dictators, by the way. That’s so righteous of you.

Commissar Poodle

Castro was a response to Batista and the Batista regime. That is why he is relevant and why it is bullshit to only condemn some dictators and not others.

Trump is a response to our failed politics and the authoritarian “strong man” nature of his personality is typical among politicians people turn to when they are fed up with the status quo.

So when look back at the damage and havoc of the Trump era it will only be understood by looking at the politics that came before it.


Right. Castro jailed and murdered dissidents and enjoyed fine dining while his people starved in 2005 because Fulgencio Batista did similar shit in 1955. That’s totally fair.


Lars, you incredible moron, you know nothing about Castro or the history of Cuba.
Castro could not possibly have made any more progress than annoying the Batista regime without the help of Che Guevara. If Guevara hadn’t shown up at just the right moment, Cuba would never have gone communista, dumbass. Castro was not the guerrilla that Guevara was. Without that, the so-called Cuban revolution would have failed badly. And the biggest mistake Catro made was putting Guevara in charge of the prison system, so that more than 500 people were summarily executed – no trial, just executed – because they were dissidents. Unfortunately for Che, when he went running off to Bolivia to stir up more trouble and got caught by the Bolivian army, Fidel abandoned him and he was executed in 1967. So much for backing up your buddy, right?

If you actually knew anything about any of it, you’d stop making the ignorant statements that you make.

You don’t have a job. You’ve never run a business of any kind. You only know theories with no practical real-world application.

Go on making an ass of yourself. It’s amazing how consistently wrong you are about – well, just about everything.


Lars is showing that strawman what’s what.


Also, since you’re so concerned about Batista’s self-enrichment sixty years ago, do you think Castro lived on $20 a month as he forced his countrymen to do?

The Other Whitey

By the way, Lars, how ’bout that age difference?

Commissar Poodle

Now that I know who you are I retract my assumption about being younger than you.

You just come across as someone that has had no intellectual development since McCarthy.

The Other Whitey

And you come across as a retard with delusions of genius. I wonder why that could be?

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh, *POW!*, right in the kisser! 😀


The declassified Verona intercepts, and other post-collapse Soviet resources, show that Senator McCarty was -right- about almost all he accused.

Yes, he certainly abused his power, like most who are in power. That, however, did not render his entire work false.

By the way, a reminder, he was a -Senator-. It was the -House- committee on un-American activities that did most of the damage, and made most of the wild accusations. You know, from the Democrat-controlled House.

But you will likely overlook that, as surely as the Left overlooks that the Democrats were the party of Slavery, Secession, then Segregation, and now back to Slavery again via Socialism.

Yup, the side -you- champion death-marched a whole bunch of my ancestors to Oklahoma. it also -invented- the corrupt machine political system in play in major cites, since run to ruin.

And now, your perfect Gangster-Machine Lefty candidate got butt-whooped by Trump, mostly by yourselves being yourselves, thank you very much. And now, she is corrupting the only serious left rival party to her Machine, just as she corrupted Bernie.

Ta’ Commissar.

Note: “Zampolit” might be a better handle for you. They were the ones who spewed the Party line for Military people, and who tried to ensure Zeal in the believers, and ape-like repetitive motions from those unconvinced. Largely, this failed, and they were not terribly well regarded.


Yeah, answer that, poodlesniffer. How about that age difference? TOW is some years younger than you are and you think you’re going to outlive him? By how much? An hour and a half? 15 minutes?

This I have to see.


Are you able to comprehend how irrelevant your opinions continue to be? You really are a pitiful (yet hilarious) fool. It makes me sad to observe you and so many others acting so crazy in public. It’s embarrassing.

But, your silliness sounds like freedom to me. Your willful ignorance as well. Too bad that you opt to waste your time in nonsensical pursuits instead of things which contribute to society. Oh, well. Comic relief however accidental seems to be all you are will to give others.

Commissar Poodle

My response was to refute the statements and positions being attributed to me about Castro by people using my name before I even woke up this morning.

I am fine with my opinion being irrelevant but they do not appear to by when you guys choose to share and speculate on what they are or might be when I am not around.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like one of the Fine ladies of TAH®™ said in her comment about young adults going off to college and returning as toddlers, I consider YOU as living proof of how true that is.


You wonder why people call you “Commie”, when your handle includes “Comissar”. Might that be part of it?

I doubt you can find anyone on here that is “fine” with Batista. “Unknowing” certainly a few (as that thug predates most on this forum), “somewhat less critical that Castro”, most definitely. People could at least depart from Battista’s bullshit. Castro turned an island that should be a “tropical paradise” tourist destination into a Gulag-hell-hole on the Soviet model, with extra thuggery. When the Soviets wanted to send a brigade of thugs to aid the local dictator, Castro was all too happy to send what amounted to “Hessian-istas”, for thirty more pices of silver.

Spare me your blather about “the embargo”. Unless you want to admit that a Socialist system cannot exist without massive support from a Capitalist one. Ours specifically, ass we were the only ones apparently embargoing them with any real effort. All of Latin America trafded with them,. Europe, Asia, etc. Maybe Castro wrecked the Cuban economy, all on his own, after all.

But here again, you pop-off half-thought and ill-worded, tossing around what can easily be considered insult and even fighting words, and wonder why you get slammed, again, and again, and again.

As the punchline to the joke goes… The bear said to the hunter “Admit it, you ain’t here for the hunting, are ya?”

Look it up, “commissar”.


Wow. I really cannot proofread when fired up. (Or even relatively calm, apparently.). Too funny, especially the retort-inviting use of “ass” for “as”……

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Commissar, you insufferable twit, when in hell did any person commenting here, suggest that they are all right with Batista? When? You said it, now show us what brought you to say that shit.
In what damned way would Trump be a dictator? Name one. You liberal, democrat, racists are a bunch of two faced pansies. You democrats fought the abolition of slavery. You democrats bred the KKK. You democrats brought on the Jim Crow events. You democrats tossed just enough money at black people to get their dependence and their vote. You DEMOCRATS are the party of LBJ, who famously said, “With this bill we will have those niggers voting Democrat for a hundred years. And you talk of Trump being a dictator, of us being of the wrong party.


Batista or Castro? Hmm. Well, both were bastards. But let’s look at the details, shall we? I’m going to do this “quick and dirty”, using Wikipedia.

The upper limit on those killed during Batista’s regime is 20,000.

During the Angolan Civil War alone – the Communist side of which was supported by Castro – 500,000 Angolan civilians are estimated to have died. And that’s not the only “revolution” Castro supported or exported during his Cuban dictatorship.

Last time I checked, that means Castro was responsible for far more deaths than Batista – by a factor of 25+ to 1.

You tell me which of the two was the bigger thug, Poodle.


From the WaPo – “Life Under Cuban Communism”:

A real “paradise”…


Interesting that he is being cremated so quickly. Almost makes you wonder who wants to avoid any possibilty of an autopsy.


He was in his 90s. It’s a tropical climate. If you don’t bury the corpse quickly, you’d better burn it or POOFF! And you really don’t want the POOFF!

Commissar Poodle

And you guys need to stop pretending to be capitalists.

You oppose immigration which is an anti-capitalist position since controls on labor migration distorts labor markets and leads inefficient allocations of labor. Adam Smith EXPLICITLY opposed controlling migration.

Many of you supported Trump who advocates protectionist trade policies. Which is ANETHEMA to capitalism. In fact the primary reason Adam Smith published wealth of nations was to OPPOSE tarrifs and prove to leaders that they harmed BOTH nations.

We do not live in a Capitalist society. We live in a rigged finance feudalist economy that transfers the majority of public and private wealth to the hands of a tiny fraction of our global population.

Pretending you are capitalists is just delusional.


Perhaps, but at least some of us have enough understanding of math and basic economics to correctly read a chart.


Ha!Ha! I forgot about Lars “Poodle Dick” Taylors issues with chart reading.

His struggle is real…


I am not a capitalist.

I am a right-wing American nationalist who generally favors free-market policies but that support is not absolute. I’m not going into the deep nuances with you, but I am far from a pure capitalist.

For someone who’s so upset about others claiming to know his positions, you sure spend a lot of time ascribing political views to everybody else without any real proof.

2/17 Air Cav

There are no capitalists here, I am pretty confident. With the exception of a few people, we are nearly all supporters of and admirers of capitalism.

Lotta Shit

Uh, oh… der Kommissar Poodleditski is all butthurt. Must not have had his triple shot decaf, non-GMO, fair trade, extra whip, soy latte this morning (the local baristas at the co-op coffee shop must be in mourning).

You don’t know Jack shit, Lars… but I do!


Commissar aka Commissar poodledick DOES NOT know me.


Oh, for Pete’s sake. No one here is anti-immigration, you jackass. ALL of us are descended from immigrants. ALL OF US!!!

Is that clear? Do I have to spell that for you???

We are opposed to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, which is anyone coming into this country through the back door instead of the front door. It IS that simple. Anyone, and that includes you, you simpleton, who thinks that it’s okay for the US to NOT have strict immigration rules has got air where his brains are supposed to be.

If it’s OK for every other country on this planet, including Mexico and Canada, to have very strict rules about immigration and very quickly deport illegal immigrants, why should we be expected to just let anyone slide, including Middle Easterners pretending to be Hispanics? Answer that, you asshole. You don’t have a leg to stand on.

Go to Canada and try to take up resident there illegally and find out just how quickly they dump your sorry ass back across their border. Ditto Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and every Euro-zone country, and you CANNOT move to Japan or Taiwan without their permission, nor are you allowed to own property in either of those countries.

You have just proved again that you are dumber than a porcupine in a bag of corks.

Silentium Est Aureum

Okay, point-by-point fisking of the dipshit:

–We do NOT “oppose immigration”. We oppose uncontrolled immigration where we do not know who or what is coming into our country. You know as well as anyone here that the US has one of the most lax immigration policies, and were we to adopt, say, Mexico’s immigration policies, wall, etc., you’d lose your shit.

–Protectionist trade policies? You mean like not having Canada undercut our lumber and fishing, China violating our trademarks, and pretty much everyone in OPEC undercutting our oil production? Stop. Hurt. Sides. Laughing.

–Our “wealth” is pretty damned good, all things considered. How well would you live on $2/day, as they do in Central America, home to another of your butt-buddies, Daniel Ortega?


What is wrong with regulating immigration, if it is Ok to regulate other aspects of the market? You know, like food safe to eat, cars safe to drive, sped safe to drive.

Flow of new bodies safe to assimilate?

You use the Diadactic to set forth the supposed “capitalist” straw man, then cut away anything not supporting your whatever-you-prefer-to-call-it-ism.

I really rather doubt -you- of all people are genuinely making the mini-archist argument. I can be in favor of laws agains murder, for example, without abandoning Liberty as a motivator. You seem to be arguing that a Capitalist must embrace Anarchy.

Most on this forum strongly favor letting new folks in, for example, fugitives from Soviet-style hell-holes. I, for one, do not object to competitors in my trade. What I object to, is people sneaking in the back door, and shit-heads who exploit them off the books, out of the rules of the game.

Get rid of all this left-wing “free shit”, require assimilation, and the only ones coming here will be people who want to join the team, and -do- join the team. Bravo for them. Bienviendos. There is no place else on earth that -I-want to live. I can certainly understand those elsewhere who agree, and foot-vote themselves out of some “progressive” shit-hole.

The Other Whitey

I get called an anti-immigration racist when my wife is a Southeast Asian immigrant. Isn’t that funny?


YOU know me TOW, that boy doesn’t.

Joseph Williams

Going out on a limb, I say the most of us oppose illegal aliens. As said before WE are a nation of laws. PS, Lars I use my real name, Maybe Joe

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Commissar, you pitiful boor; We do not oppose immigration, not one bit. We are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, large difference.
“Protectionist Trade Policies”? Like having more things Made in America, by raising the duty on imported goods as is done in other countries? We do live in a Capitalist society, where those who work their asses off to learn all they can, have the opportunity to employ citizens, and feed their families, all the while making a profit from their efforts. Hell yes, and any sane, person who is willing to work for a good living enjoys the concept. It is the slacker, the one who depends on a trade union to keep him employed, the one who would sit home using benefits while others work to support them that dislike that this country affords the achiever the opportunity to do well.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And how much money does the socialist pig George Soros have? How much has he given to charity (not his “special interest groups”)?


You really do not have any understanding of ANY part of free-market economics, none at all. If you did, you would know that Fox said at least half of ‘Wealth of Nations’ could be omitted and still get the message across. In fact, the more you bring up the subject of economics, the more convince I am that you don’t know anything at all about the subject other than the pet theories your instructors throw at you.

You’ve never run a business of any kind at all. You don’t even have a job. You’re just sucking up whatever you can get out of the government, and right now, I’m quite convince you do everything you can to get out of paying your fair share of taxes due.

A Proud Infidel®™

If he stays the way he is HE NEVER WILL have a real job in the private sector, he’ll only be just another nameless bureaucrat in a Government job, maybe even a TSA puke.


Will Obama attend the funeral? He skipped Margret Thatcher’s and others. But this might be something special for him. Air Force one landing in Havana it would look good on a book cover.

The Other Whitey

Who will ghostwrite the book?


Can I have more than one guess?


For that, beautiful lady, I will get on my feet:

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

In 2001, while working a private security detail, my dog and I were at Dadeland Mall in Kendall, Florida and Gloria Estefan stopped by us and petted my dog. Notice me? Hell no, just the dog. But, when she bent over to give ol’ Sunny a hug, I got a pretty good view of Gloria’s puppies.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Jerry Rivers… God, every time I hear him and his diarrhea spew out of his cake hole, my head hurts.


Jerry Rivers does not know me.

2/17 Air Cav

Cooba is such a desirable place that every years hundreds of Americans risk their lives to get there by dingy, row boat, you name it. If it floats, they have used it. Many have perished over the decades trying to reach Cooba. The prospect of leaving the miserable USA for a life of freedom, of individual liberty and endless opportunity in Cooba is just too tempting. Yes, leader for life Fidel is gone but the Cooba he created and maintains lives on.

Mike W

He remained in power through torture/imprisonment/murder while we had 11 peaceful exchanges of the Position of POTUS.
Hmmmmmm, OK.


Fidel’s American sister won’t be attending the funeral. Amazing longevity genes in the family w/ 2 other siblings, Ramon living to 91, and Angela to 88.


Jesse Ventura
18 hrs ·
I was sad to hear that Castro died. Castro loved his country very much. He always showed me respect and contacted me to wish me well when I left office. I considered him a friend. The world has lost a man of great courage.


Janos needs to read the article I linked in my article earlier this morning. Or maybe have someone read it to him and explain the big words.

Silentium Est Aureum

Better yet, he needs to go back to Mexico and stay there, like he promised.


Jesus H. Christ. You really are a shitstain, Poodle.


Well, well, well. It appears that M’sieu Trudeau has stepped in a pile of it, and now his schedule is too busy for him to attend the funeral of el Fidel.

Maybe he should think before he opens his mouth. But thinking requires a working brain, which he does not appear to have.