A Public Service Safety Reminder

| February 1, 2016

(With appropriate apologies to the late Harry Edward Nilsson III.)

Fuel Tank

Someone got into de plane, de plane was short on gas
Dey then took off in de plane, ended up in de grass

Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, dey took it right up
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, dey took it right up
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, engine start to sputter
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, call de tower, voice aflutter

Say “Tower – ain’t there nothin’ I can do?”
Dey say “Tower – de runway make it to?”
Dey say “Tower – ain’t there nothin’ I can do?”
Dey say “Tower – de runway make it to?”

“Now lemme get this straight
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, you took it right up?
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, you took it right up?
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, you took it right up?
And when the engine start to sputter, call de tower, woke ’em up?

And say, ‘Tower, ain’t there nothin’ I can do?’
You say ‘Tower, de runway make it to?’
You say ‘Tower, ain’t there nothin’ I can do?’
You say ‘Tower, de runway make it to?’

Next time you check out de plane’s fuel tank, before you take it off!
With enough in de plane’s fuel tank, your landing should be soft.
With no gas in de plane’s fuel tank, you in a world of hurt.
With no gas in de plane’s fuel tank you can end up in the dirt.”


Someone got into de plane, dey took off right away
Not enough in the plane’s fuel tank, took off anyway.

Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, engine start to sputter
Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, call de tower,voice aflutter
And say “Tower, ain’t there nothin’ I can do?’
And say, “Tower, de runway make it to?”
And say, “Tower, ain’t there nothin’ I can do?”

Then say Tower, “Now lemme get this straight –
Not enough in de plane’s fuel tank, but still you did take off?
Not enough in de plane’s fuel tank, and now de engine cough?
Not enough in de plane’s fuel tank, you took it right up
Without enough in de tank? You such a silly doofus!

Enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank and it will fly much better.
Enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, you can land it on a letter.
Enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, you can safely bring her down.
Enough gas in your plane’s fuel tank you won’t end up short of town.”

“Woo, ain’t there nothin’ I can do?”
Dey say,”Woo, de runway make it to?”
Dey say, “Well, woo, ain’t there nothin’ I can can do?”
Dey say, “Woo woo, de runway make it to?”
Dey say, “Yow, ain’t there nothin’ I can do?”
Dey say, “Wow, de runway make it to?”
Dey said “Tower, ain’t there nothing I can do?”
Dey said, “Tower, de runway make it to?”
Dey said, “Tower, ain’t there nothing I can do?”
Dey said, “Tower, I’m in a bad position!”

Check de gas in de plane’s fuel tank before you take it off
Have enough in de plane’s fuel tank and de engine should not cough
Have enough in de plane’s fuel tank it help de plane to land
With enough in de plane’s fuel tank your landing will be grand

You can call de airport gas truck
You call de airport gas truck, dey come and sell you gas
Call de airport gas truck, dey come and sell you gas
Call de airport gas truck, dey come and sell you gas
Call de airport gas truck, dey come and sell you gas
Call de airport gas truck, dey come and sell you gas


OK, time to be serious.  Errors regarding having sufficient fuel to  complete a flight safely are apparently relatively common.  In 2003, there were apparently 132 such aviation incidents   – 91 from fuel exhaustion, and another 41 from fuel starvation.  (There were a few others due to fuel contamination.)  Many of the incidents led to fatalities or serious injuries.  Here are a few other more recent such incidents.









Remeber:  it’s best to always check the gas, oil, and other fluid levels before you travel by privately-owned vehicle.  That’s true if you’re driving, riding – and especially if you’re flying.

Because if you’re flying, the stakes are WAY higher.  Running out of fuel (or breaking down due to low fluid levels) while driving or riding is generally only a major inconvenience.  However, it’s often deadly when you’re flying – for both the careless pilot and other innocent parties.

Hey, I don’t generally much care if someone I don’t know is stupid or careless and ends up offing himself/herself.  But I do care that their stupidity might take me – or someone I care about – with them.

Category: Pointless blather, Reality Check, Who knows

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How many of those 132 pilots landed, checked the fuel level, knew that they were dangerously low, then took off again without refueling?

How many of them tried to take the aircraft manufacturer to court when they didn’t make their planned runway?


Yes, unfortunately, you can’t treat an airplane as badly or as diffidently as you do a car. Dirt is hard when you hit it.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I seem to remember reading about someone being so arrogant about their flying skills that he stated in another online forum that he would never be in a NTSB accident report… and that bit him in the ass!

I heard a pilot on TV last night state that he treats every plane as if it was out to kill him… the plane was not his “friend”.


*wild applause!*

CB SEnior

And what ever you, DO NOT crash near any coconuts. You do not know what is hiding those.

Phonie Boi’s “never was” will fake it everytime, Right Burntnuts.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

It takes one Dumb Sumbbitch to land, check fuel and take off knowing the lowness of the tank level. It takes one Stupid Sumbitch to be able to rationalize that doing it should be blamed on someone else. Much like trying to blame someone else on one’s own photoshop actions. One Really, Really, STUPID SUMBITCH.
The dogs around my place are smarter than that.


Does corn have to be processed into fuel or is it just absorbed thru the roof of the aircraft by osmosis?

Five Beers

I mostly absorb fermented corn by drinking it.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

In Danni’s case it’s anal osmosis…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

When your life is on the line it’s best to spend the extra money and fill ‘er up…

I know people with power boats that do similar things to avoid spending an extra hundred or two…then when weather hits they’re fucked because they suddenly realize they might not be able to motor through the weather at full throttle if needed because of fuel concerns…spend the money and top it off, you can always put stabilizer in if it will sit for a while afterwards but your life should be worth more than a few hundred dollars of fuel.


It takes a special kind of dumb to request to land on a close runway after being told repeatedly by the tower that it’s closed.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

IS there a site that has a recording of that conversation? I remember a link being posted some time ago, but the audio was not there.

I was convinced some time ago that Dickless Dan is going to get into an accident and not just kill himself, but take some poor soul(s) with him.


YES ATAC Tallahassee May 4th.


Maybe 5th …

It is common knowledge in piloting circles … several copies apparently running around the interwebs of the Googlesphere …


Correction: ATC v. ATAC

Silentium Est Aureum

Funny, that second link shows his feet and not a cane or a shadow of any assisted mobility device in sight.

Could he be trying to (gasp!?!) BULLSHIT people about being disabled?


It’s an epidemic, I tell you!! We need more placards in the aircraft to tell us not to run out of fuel! I’ll sue the aircraft manufacture for beaucoup bucks for the good of humanity. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. Ours is a high and lonely destiny. . .

Bernath's Fuel Plan

Upon reading this post, I put my tinfoil wrapped colander on my head. I needed to protect my brains from psy ops. I still got butt hurt from reading that post. Turns out that I ran out of tinfoil to completely wrap the colander’s inner and outer surfaces.

Crash Bernathicoot.

AW1 Tim

I’m honestly surprised that there aren’t more of these incidents in commercial aviation.

The problem is that management listens to the bean counters regarding fuel costs. Pilots are given a specific envelope of fuel range to stay within for each flight and are VERY much pressured by management to use ONLY the recommended amount. If the flight runs into turbulence, higher than expected headwinds, or some other emergency, then an inconvenience can quickly turn into an inflight emergency.

Better to spend the bucks for a full bag of fuel, but in an era where profits are hard to come by and shareholders demand their returns, the company goes by the odds the insurance folks give them and go with that.

I have over 5K hours of aircrew time with the US Navy, and several hundred in general aviation. I really do NOT like flying commercial because of the fuel constraints, AND because almost all maintenance if farmed out these days to subcontractors.


Part of that is maximizing fuel economy… topping off all the tanks for a shorter flight doesn’t make any sense, either. Why lift several thousand pounds of fuel if it won’t be needed? I don’t work in the field, but the margins don’t seem to be too razor-thin – coupla weeks back flying Atlanta-Houston we wound up circling around storms all the way down near Corpus and wound up landing to refuel at Baton Rouge…. plane had at least a 50% margin of extra fuel based on the flight time. When is 50% too little?


The Most Useless Things in Aviation:
Altitude above you.
Runway behind you.
10 seconds ago.
And fuel left in the gas truck!


The only time you shouldn’t be worried about having enough gas is if you’re on fire.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe we need to do away with warning labels and say “DARWIN AKHBAR!”?

Silentium Est Aureum

So what’s next for our intrepid hero?

Coconuts in his fuel tank?

Someone threw a bunch of screws out of a plane so he’d run over them?

Bi-Lo putting a pallet of soil in the airport handicapped spot?


Daniel A. Bernath DOES NOT know me.


Why would your parents name you JACK SHIT?

What kinda of people are they …

Veritas Omnia Vincit

At least they didn’t name him Sue….

Silentium Est Aureum

Sounds like they didn’t even love him enough for that.

When Bernath was a baby, his mother put him in the sandbox at the park, hoping a stray cat would bury him.

Hack Stone

Or Bernath.


French immigrants – originally it was Jacques Merde but was later Anglicized.

Still better than the parents who named their son Penis van Lesbian.


You guys are a way bit out of line here!

You are comparing airplanes and coconuts here …

That is like comparing airplanes and coconuts.

This is from a piloting blog … CT Forum:

Posted 04 June 2014 – 04:53 PM

Tallahassee KTLH May 5th. LiveATC has archive. Around 1400Z. (N 262 Whisky Sierra). Comes in unprofessional and confused. Wants to land on closed (notam’d) runway. Can’t follow ATC directions, including simple requests to fly at a specific heading. At one point, after being given clearance to land, he says “I can’t, I’m way too high, I need to lose altitude”. ATC is frustrated and says “I can’t fly it for you”. You can hear a few times after he lands, he’s told to call a number. I’m guessing he did not call, as the tower tells the FBO to not allow him back on the airport side until he talks with the tower. Confrontation. He slips out the locked door when someone comes in and takes off. LiveATC conversation shows him as confused as ever, trying to taxi around. If the FAA wasn’t looking at him closely before this…. they sure are now.

Note: These are only allegations. Alligators are innocent until found guilty in a court of law.

Silentium Est Aureum

Apparently the FAA now has video of Bernath’s last landing:


Alfred E. Neuman


D.B. Cooper


Clyde Diddit






And will miss him and Grog. I had a wonderful two weeks of fun, but my fingers and hand hurts from shooting his guns.

Thanks for the great time ?

Five Beers

I THINK I’M A PROUD INFIDEL… or something.

Papago Joe

Or If He Has Fire Water. Then I Am

Just Sayn

Silentium Est Aureum

What, me worry about Proud Infidel?

Or Hondo?

Five Beers

Is this who you’re all talking about?


Green Thumb

The real reason Bermaggot was out of fuel was probably because he was huffing it.

That could explain a lot/


Huffing Gas lmao!


Hack Stone

Friends don.’to let friends fly with Daniel Bernath.

Hack Stone

Stupid iPhone. Let me try that again.

Friends don’t let friends fly with Daniel Bernath.

As usual, Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.


I wouldn’t let my enemy fly with Bernath…wait except Assclown…


I never think about fuel on a plane, just the subsequent agonising wait at customs/immigration.

All hail the advent of teleportation; and metaphysics.