So . . . We’re Screening Refugees “Thoroughly”, Eh?

| January 9, 2016

So the       gang of feckless fools and clueless tools running the show in DC today      current Administration tells us. Well, then, “Riddle me this, Batman – how did this happen””?

Yep, you guessed it:  both of those “fine fellows” were reportedly admitted to the US as “refugees” from the Middle East.  In fact, one of them came via Syria – in 2012.  Hell, one of the two reportedly went back to the ME and fought for ISIS after coming to the US as a “refugee” – then freaking returned to the US after doing so.

Both are now currently facing Federal charges related to supporting terrorism.

But don’t worry.  We’re screening those Syrian refugees coming here today “thoroughly”.   According to the      mouthpiece for the clown krewe in charge      current Administration’s spokesman, Josh Earnest, “No one’s allowed to short-circuit this system.”

Yeah, right.  You believe that BS, and I’ll make you a great deal on a bridge.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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How many are here already?

Is there any way to actually track that?

And where have they dispersed to?

Where are they now?

Is anyone really keeping track of that at all?

Nice to see my tax dollars at work.


After a thorough risk assessment, I’m now carrying two spare magazines. Your mileage may vary…..

Roger in Republic

I find carrying two guns not only doubles my firepower, it also negates my need to reload under incoming fire. Extra mags, speed loaders, and loose rounds completes my basic load out.


Do refugees, immigrants, whoever, still come through Ellis Island?


No. That’s been closed for decades. But why not reopen it? (They’d trash it, but you get the drift.)


Oops EX wrong button… Where do they come in from?


When a friend came to America, each family member had to file out a yearly questionair. They stopped sending them to the family when he was 17 and their green cards are MIA…since forever….truth


Gotta admit, “Josh Earnest” is about as perfect a name for a mindless administration media drone as cold be had. “Bullshit Artist” while spot on, is just too much to ask for.




Jonn, how much for the bridge?


Hondo, bridge price please? Thought Jonn was selling it…


I tell you, it’s a warm fuzzy feeling knowing the president has our six. Wow, I mean what if it were Reagan or even Bush? Those poor refugees would be lost and homeless I tell you! /sarc/

B Woodman

Hey! Josh! I gots some prime Florida Real estate for ya, complete with built in sub basement swimmin’ pool! No joshin’.


Just as a side note, there are protests going on in Germany over the New Year’s Eve attacks on women by Syrian refugees.

I think Mrs. Merkel is beginning to regret she ever said ‘Ja’ to it.


just remember this is the last year of destruction think of all the repair work we have in front of us