Another Update on That “Settled Science” Called “Global Warming”

| October 14, 2014

A few more news stories concerning that “global warming”     hooey     propaganda     fairy tale      bullsh!t     that those climatologists keep assuring us is happening (real soon now).

Oh, Great and Magnificent Climatologists, we beseech thee: save us from that horrible scourge called Global Warming!

Which, actually, doesn’t seem to be so damn hot of a theory these days.

Category: Global Warming

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Well, until Al Gore claims we’re all gonna freeze.

Might explain why he ponied up $10 mil for that beach house in Montecito.

Follow the money, people. Follow the money.



The bulletproof protocol for BS detection from political whores, Follow the Money.

B Woodman

Hey! I’m all for a little Glo-bull Warming. Might put us up close to the Medieval Warm Period when they could grow two crops in a year.

AW1 Tim

And even earlier. There’s a reason why folks during the Greco-Roman era rarely wore trousers/wraps/whatever. A toga or tunic of some sort was more than sufficient for daily wear/work.

It wasn’t until the Dark Ages that you start seeing a lot of leggings, pants, and such. Then another warming period starts, then comes the little ice age.

Basically, we’re now coming back to a “normal/average” temperature range after the end of the little ice age.


The last time sunspot activity behaved the way its behaving now, we entered one of those mini ice ages. So far, atmospheric circulation patterns show that we’ve just entered a mini ice age.


This is what I’ve read.

Old Trooper

Just to put it in perspective: There is not a k-12 student that has been alive long enough to have experienced any “global warming”. That’s right; they have only read about it and are being told, by their teachers, it’s happening without it actually happening.

Can we say fraud?

HS Junior



I kept the furnace on until June 5 this year. Never had it going that late. Then the summer was unusually cool. The plants I grew in pots, like radishes, were all stem & leaf, no roots. I turned the furnace back on 9/11/2014: coolest temp on record, coolest that early in 97 years. (Applies to my area.) Basically, it was October weather a month early.

And the weatherman still hasn’t figured out why the jetstream is STILL so off-pattern.

Anyone besides me notice that the Pacific hurricanes are going inland now, instead of back out to sea? And that the typhoons seem worse than they ever have?

I wonder if the canals in Holland will freeze again this winter.


Originally posted by Ex-PH2:

Anyone besides me notice that the Pacific hurricanes are going inland now, instead of back out to sea? And that the typhoons seem worse than they ever have?

Yup, noticed that to. I have family in Arizona, and they had the remnants of one die over them as it moved northeastwards.

I also expected our storms to get worse, from cyclone down to regular rain storm… that has been happening across the country. Last decade, when I started to tell people that our winters were going to get longer, start earlier, last longer, and be colder, as a trend, many thought I was nuts… but they had no problems believing the part of my statements involving storms getting stronger. :mrgreen:


It snowed up in the mountains a month ago. In Las Vegas, Nevada, no less.

Also, a cooler than normal summer. I don’t think we hit 115 degrees once.

Old Trooper

If you want to end the debate, with a warmist, quickly, just ask them what the normal average global temperature is supposed to be.

NR Pax

I’ve been doing exactly that and following it with asking them how they came to that number.

For even more amusement, I ask if we implement everything that they are demanding, will our air magically turn clean and cold with pollution from other countries staying in its borders.

Farflung Wanderer

I dunno about you guys, but it’s cold and rainy over here.

HS Junior

Send some of it our way. My California is in the middle of the worst drought in its history. Still not global warming, though.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Oxygen concentrations are falling, not an alarming rate but the loss of atmospheric O2 is an indicator that fossil fuels have an effect on the atmosphere. The real key is what is that effect long term and what does it do to humans short term. It should be obvious what it will do long term. The simple test of Carbon 13 to Carbon 12 isotope ratio is a clear indicator that burning fossil fuels is a contributor. Plants prefer the lighter Carbon 12 isotope thus their C-13 to C-12 ratio is smaller, as you burn fossil fuels which are primarily plant based fuels there would be an expectation that the concentration of C-13 isotopes would decrease in the atmosphere and that’s exactly what’s been discovered from a point at about 1850 to modern time. C-14 isotopes are also decreasing in atmospheric concentration indicating the preferable to plant life C-12 isotope is growing in concentration which is another indicator fossil fuels contribute to this phenomenon. This not a new “science” as way back in the 1950s (1956) Roger Revell and Hans Suess wrote a paper discussing this very topic. They reference two earlier studies from 1890 and 1902 that discuss the effects of an increase in CO2 on temperature they don’t focus too much on the O2 and spend more time reviewing potential outcomes of increased CO2. While the loss of O2 at this point is of no concern it will be interesting to review what effect less O2 will have ultimately on the climate modeling as the effects of atmospheric O2 are less studied with respect to their effect and control on the climate modeling systems of the past and the future. I’m not suggesting climate science is on track by any means, I just find it interesting the talk is focused on the obvious increase of CO2 from fossil fuels because it’s much easier to track and measure while the O2 reduction is apparently miniscule for the moment. What does all this mean for the future? I am not convinced anyone knows for certain, but it’s clear we humans… Read more »


The temperature to CO2 graph, based on ice core samples, shows that temperature rise precedes CO2 rise.

There’s also an attempt to confuse the public on greenhouse gases versus pollutants… For example, the attempt to confuse Carbon Dioxide (greenhouse gas) with Carbon Monoxide (Pollutant).

Greenhouse gases are natural, with water vapor forming the bulk of our greenhouse gases. Of the total CO2 released into the atmosphere, the majority is natural. These existed in larger concentrations prior to our existence. Without these greenhouse gases, there’s a good chance that we wouldn’t be able to survive.

It’s easier for them to point to the greenhouse gases instead of just the pollutants. It’s also easier for them to point out factory emissions while ignoring volcano emissions.

Those pictures showing air pollution, near a title about CO2, are extremely misleading.

Not advocating for pollution, just pointing out the propaganda campaign that the warmists are perpetrating.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I don’t disagree with you, I just wanted to point out the interesting correlation that many people miss. When carbon is burned it grabs two oxygen molecules to create CO2…the increase in CO2 correlates to a decrease in atmospheric O2.

That is something that appears to be of little concern, perhaps because so far the drop in O2 remains relatively insignificant.

In thinking long term however it’s fairly well know that plants and animals of the dinosaur eras were larger due to a much higher abundance of O2 in the atmosphere. A steady decline over millennia in the O2 concentrations might ultimately prove to have a similar diminishing effect on sizing for the future of life on this planet.


During the Carboniferous era, 600,000,000 years ago, when the atmosphere had an extremely high O2 content, insects like centipedes and dragonflies were enormous. While it is difficult to find their fossils, they do exist, and there are some of dragonflies with 3-foot wingspans.

It’s not that we need a higher 02 content. When plants and animals die and decay, the chemical compounds that make up their live composition break down and return to the soil.

Plants store CO2 and release it when they die or are burned, unless the plant matter is plowed back into the soil. But when they die back, that reduces their return of O2 to the atmosphere.

What I’m referring to is a balance that through the ins and outs of the natural world can be thrown out of kilter on its own (no interference from humans) and subsequently restored on its own.

We may be doing damage now, but it’s on the surface and is not permanent. It’s mostly damage to ourselves, you know, not to the planet.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed I agree the planet is going to be just fine with or without us on the surface.


I’d like to add that I have seldom seen the sky as brilliantly clear and deeply blue as I did this past summer.

And the sunrises and sunsets – wow.

I also notice things like sundogs in the summer, which most people don’t see. Sundogs are sunlight refracted by ice crystals. There have been dozens of them, some of them showing up in photos on the weather reports this summer, which means that the upper atmosphere is colder than usual. I expect a lot of snow again this winter.

All those measurements that were taken during Feliz Baumgartner’s balloon ride, including temperature readings, prior to his record-breaking jump were enlightening.

Global warming, climate change, climate disruption – fiddlesticks! What do those pinheads think weather and climate are? The drive-up window at McDonald’s?


I’ve been noticing the sun dogs in the summer as well.

People flying on international trips could see that on their monitors. During the international trips that I’ve made, I’ve switched the screen to navigation mode. This included a temperature readout for where the plane was at. It’s freezing up there. :mrgreen:

It’s been getting cooler at lower elevations, and lower latitudes, as the years have progressed… with people reporting persistent snow cover through the summer at lower elevations of some mountains.

Noctilucent clouds have been seen at lower latitudes than normal as well.


I’ve seen the noctilucent clouds, too, and wondered why I should be seeing them where I never did before.

It’s something no scientist will admit to: a planet with its own agenda, over which we have NO control.


All the discussion in the world on the topic of anthropogenic atmospheric change is just wasted breath and more exhaled Co2 until and unless the Chinese and Indians buy in, an event about as likely as Al Gore donating all his ill-gotten gains to client research.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I admit to burning charcoal regularly and all of my garbage (including batteries) goes to the dump. That’s something of an improvement, I guess, b/c I used to burn my garbage, despite the unenforced ordinances restricting what and when. I stopped b/c there was too much metal among the ashes in the fire pit and I grew tired of having to pull it out. Plus, the ashes built up and that was a pain. Um, I once had a failing car and determined the issue was the catalytic converter–so, I took it off and ran the car w/o it until the car died altogether. Oh, I have a truck that appears to have an exhaust system b/c a pipe protrudes from the rear–but that’s pretty much all there is. It’s a tad loud but fits in nicely where I live. So, there’s my enviro confession, installment #1. I am not contrite so I can’t ask for forgiveness.


Anyone notice the acorn crop in your area? I never paid attention before, but the Farmer’s Almanac has an article about it. All I know about acorns is that they make squirrels happy.

Here’s their forecast for the 2015 part of the coming winter. Map is included.