Obama warns Putin on Ukraine

The Washington Times reports that the Obama Administration warned Russia to keep their distance from the events unfolding in the Ukraine. Of course. That’s an easy threat because the Russians have shown no outward movements to interfering in the process there.
But with Ukraine’s interim government signaling its desire Sunday to quickly put the nation back on course toward Western integration, it was uncertain how far Mr. Putin would be willing to go to save face in a conflict that he had, until recently, appeared to be winning in the former Soviet republic.
Ms. Rice, who appeared Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” resisted the notion that Moscow and Washington were locked in a kind of Cold War-era standoff over Ukraine. However, other top players in the Obama administration seemed to be working behind the scenes to hammer home a message to Moscow that Washington will not tolerate any Russian aggression in Ukraine.
Yeah, well, then go ahead and poke the bear to get the response you expect and not the one you want. You’d think a smart diplomat would make their druthers known in private rather than publicly challenging the opponent. I’m sure that they can screw this up without half-trying.
Category: Foreign Policy
And if Russia does get involved in the Ukraine, we’ll do . . . what, exactly?
More sound and fury from an administration that has already shown that it is weak. Putin will just tell them to shove it and the Obama administration will cry and bluster but do nothing…
To quote the Dukes of Hazzard movie.. No Balls.
Maybe obamao will use that inestimable line in public again: “…DON’T CALL MY BLUFF…”
Just when you thought they couldn’t fuck up a wet dream any worse….
And Hondo–yeah, exactly. Maybe they’ll trot out Susan Rice and blame the riots on a really bad YouTube copy of the Battleship Potemkin.
Did he draw another red line in the sand?
@3–you can tell Obumbles doesn’t play poker, because if he did, you’d know that you only bluff if 1–you can afford to lose if called, 2–you want to see your opponents hand to gain information, or 3–you make the price high enough they have to fold.
So far, Obumbles is batting a whopping .000.
You better not….or we’ll send John Kerry to talk with you.
RobotWrangler, you give bodaprez and his bunch of sissies far too much credit. ‘Sound and fury’ from that bunch of dinks is more like ‘please, oh please, don’t do that, or we’ll cry’.
Yanukovich was cuddling up to Putin because he got a cheap deal on fuel oil, etc., which he couldn’t get from the EU. Putin is a Communist, we all know that, and he wants the ‘good old days’ of the Cold War back on track. He’s also a control freak. If he weren’t, he wouldn’t be trying for a third term.
I dig the ‘shopped photo of Putin astride the grizzly, but I do wish someone would ‘shop a shurt onto him, for Pete’s sake. Enough of the pecs flex with that dude.
@4: Best thing I’ve read all day. Though I wonder if it’d be worse if it was “War and Peace” or “Alexander Nevsky”…
@8 Well maybe I was being a little too generous, but I stand by the No Balls comment…
It’s rumored that Putin was overheard off camera saying that “Negotiating with 0bama is like playing Chess with a pigeon. The bird knocks the pieces over, defecates on the board, and then struts around like he’s won the game.”.
You know it’s bad when this administration relies upon jagoffs like Biden and Kerry (did you know he was in Vietnam?) to shore up the foreign policy, because Obama’s too much of a soup sandwich in that department, too.
Well, he can warn off Putin all he wants. It’s not like we’ll have a military to back it up after what Hagel just announced during his press conference. Slashing the Army to 440K, getting rid of the A-10 completely, reducing pay and benefits for both active duty and retired personnel. No cuts announced to all the bureaucratic dead weight inside the Pentagon. So yeah Obama can warn Putin all he wants.
@5 Twist,
What is that now….7? 8?
Teddy Roosevelt: Speak softly and carry a big stick
0bama: Shoot your mouth off and then slink away
The Son of a Bitch has went to dropping the A-10. the best air to ground support the services had. Drop the F-35 , it is a money pit. The chairForce has finally got rid of the ugly subsonic A/C.The A-10 was not sexy , so the pilots did not want to fly the A-10. JOE
@16 Man, I LOVE the Warthog. I would have strapped her on in a heartbeat!
@16 If the pilots want “sexy,” they’re working the wrong kind of runway. That’s not what they’re there for.
@9 Farflung-Sparky had it right. The film, Battleship Potemkin, was set in the Ukrainian port of Odessa, something I’ll bet that dumb shit “professor” in the White House couldn’t tell you. On the other hand, with his Marxist upbringing, maybe he could…
@19 I wouldn’t bet on it, Poetrooper. Just because the commies held up the Potemkin mutiny as their ideological example doesn’t mean they actually know a damn thing about it. Just look at everything and everyone else they cherish so much.