An explanation of sorts
A number of you have asked us why all of the Wickre discussions were closed to comments. It wasn’t anything that you guys did, it was Wickre. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. He started using your screen names to post comments, well, here they are, rather than try to explain their content;
You’ll notice all of those comments, screen shot from my “Trash” folder, are from the same IP address, one that we’ve identified as one of the ones Psul uses along with a scad of others.
He started posting them a little after 11 o’clock the other night. I think he was doing it to set us up for a lawsuit because he couldn’t find any comments that y’all have made about in the manner he’d like. But, I didn’t want to stay up all night babysitting his punkass, because unlike Psul, I have job, for a few more months anyway. And then he sent me this email;
I have had it with you. You get your stupid blog off my name or everytingn you thought about will occur.
Lawsuits, damages, court hearings, Va I will haul down your site at IBM get seavey fired from his cush job and turn you over to the VA
Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development
F*cking idiot moron, what does the VA care about what I do? He takes his cues from Wittgenfeld who is going to sic his mental health professional on us. But Wickre didn’t darken our virtual doorstep yesterday. I guess he cried himself to sleep and was nursing the biggest hangover of his life all day yesterday.
Category: Shitbags
I doubt that psul the uncool pustule could write in an even near-normal fashion. I don’t think he knows how.
There’s also the probability that he has this undying NEED to let us know it’s him, no matter what. That way, he can check back to see if his misspellings, typos, and generally bad writing have gotten the attention he so desparately craves.
Officer Huffman@751, it’s nice to see that the West Virginia State Police are professional enough to correspond with people they want to talk to via internet blogs. It probably saves you a bundle on long distance call charges.
Oh, yeah — almost forgot. Whatever happened to that FABULOUS vacation you were going to take on the summertides, while the rest of us would be laboring in factotires, as to labor?
What happened to that, paulieboi the pulltoy? Diddums get booted off a plane for being an obnoxious, disturbing, combative drunk and now you can’t fly anywhere?
Ex- bingo
Diddums get booted off a plane for being an obnoxious, disturbing, combative drunk and now you can’t fly anywhere?
Maybe they restricted his travel based on the very serious criminal complaint.
I still just can’t fathom that level of jacked-uppedness. Completely foreign to me.
It would be like the weakest chicken in the coop constantly picking a fight with the rooster. Doesn’t make sense.
In a rational world, people like that would be kept separate from the normal folks, for their own safety.
You better watch out Jonn. between Officer Huffman@751 and Stayes AttorneyKazdin@768, you are buying a one way ticket on the pain train. I am sure that you will be losing a lot of sleep over that.
“Stayes Attorney” has to go right up their with “Lawer” in TAH folklore.
VI, that’s because you are a normal human being. In fact, the only two people who have posted here in living memory who are NOT normal are (dare I say it?):
Dullas Whipitnflogit, whose acquaintances from when he was assigned to their platoon in Vietnam, said he was batshit crazy then, and (wait for it)
paul k wickre, whose lack of exploits and desperate need for attention have afforded all of us the opportunity to observe someone who is batshit crazy, up close and personal, without any of it getting on us.
Any questions? Let’s move on to the next exhibit.
Since Psul is too effiminate, vile and wuss-tastic to secure his own procreation, I guess that leaves him late nights to troll the web.
Flagwaver@775, that real estate lawyer will be coming in handy in the near future. He is going to help Paul K. Wickre close on a two cot cell near the mess hall of the Montgomery County Detention Center.
People tell me I’m crazy…next time, I’m sending them to the Wickre Files on TAH.
Heidi@789, you violated our ladies and gentlemen’s agreement. The accepted vernaculer is “going full Wickre”.
Tell me, paul k wickre, does your father still call you his bastard?
Does he still steal?
Oh, wait — I forgot. paul wickre, sr., is dead and buried, long since. Can’t get answers to those questions now. What a shame.
Hack so sorry I forgot, hanging head in shame. See Psul what you made me do, grrrr
If Paul is going to buy a new electronic interface device every time Jonn IDs the old one’s MAC address, someone is going to spend his month’s unemployment on computers very quickly.
Does anyone besides me think that Will Arnett’s character, Nelson Biederman IV, in Let’s Go To Prison has to be based on Paul K. Wickre?
And speaking of fictional characters, I was meaning to post that Paul K. Wickre reminds me of George Costanza, regarding anger management. I need to add in a dash of Eric Cartman for his people skills.
I know your unavailable (no surprise). Great Leader/CEO you are. Funneled the money to those offshores yet?
But is your senior staff reading this?
To include Gay Carlos, Laughing at Wolf, The “Lemon Drop” Queen and the “Ethically Challenged” Colonel.
Is the paycheck worth it, turds?
You know, @751 and @768 would probably put me into “dumb little private” mode where I pretend to believe that they’re real.
I’m sure that all State Troopers and State’s Attorneys would love to hear that some idiot is pretending to be them on a blog.
my heartfelt apologies to any idiots I may have offended by putting Psul into their category
I’m sure that Psul has gone from huffing floor cleaner to sniffing his Wife’s hairspray!!
Read your posts. 20-40 Counts of WVA 61-3C-12, all documented and sent 100+ of WVA 61-3C-14a 200+ of MD Crim Code 3-805 (2013) 5000 miscealaneous. Jonn, all sent to WVA Prosecutors. Tomorrow MD. My gosh this litigation and coopertaion with the State Codes certianly is expensive! ( Its Ok we have the money) Here is the Algebra : 1 First Amendement vs. 5000 counts of I can torment anyone at any time and use street language and filth and what any good citizen or jury would see as hate speech, vile speech, denigrate another, interuupt and haraass there most private lives, with made up aspersions, use sexual, violent, and hateful terms, pentrate thier intimate pasts, and interrupt their work lives with Internet tools, all untrue and designed with malice, and negligence. Algebra II: IN the interests of INternet opionion, I can denigrate, castigate, describe horriffic crimes, plant word themes and pictures, cyber bully and drain the emotions of others, as the balance is so offset, that immature, maelovelenet, social outcasts, can just use as the Supreme Court has long held, ” use inciting speech” that would lead to mayhem, because I have a computer and Lilyea and Seavey have some ACLU friends, whom would NEVER let there children hear this speech, but inisist it is part of our religiuos liberties to speak this way. Algebra 1 says you get 5-10 years. Algebra II says 3-5 years Judges?? EHHHH!!! common Law and State Codes WIN 90% of the time!! And what do you have for Johnny? Martinsburg Correctional Center 5-10 on consecutive sentences! Whoa he is 57, so he is out in 62-67, and then 5 years probation? YESSIR, on Common Law counts a Jury of his neighbors. JUdges? What About Marky? EHHHHHHHH! US Penetentiary , Terre Haute, after a plea bargain so he can stay near his fatnerless kids and for violating the Federal Statutes of 47 USC 223, 15 USC Section 1561 , among others. While these Christs go down for old morals laws and violating long held taboos on speech, their apostles, got to act up on the… Read more »
“…sniffing his Wife’s hairspray!!”
That’s the only thing of his wife he is allowed to smell.
It must suck to be Paul K. Wickre.
What a mega class PATHETIC LOSER.
Bad move there, Paulie boi… it’s only a matter of time before your tossin’ salad in jail (electronic threats, impersonating a LEO and a State Attorney, your role in the Fraud that your buddy Phil has been committing for a long, long time). Do you thing that Jonn is that stupid to believe that posts #751 and 768 are anyone else but you? Save everyone in your family the embarrassment and turn your ass in to the local LEOs…
Has anyone started up a pool for how long Paul goes to the hole for? My guess – 7 years. That would make you 64+ years old – and prison is hard on the weak, Paul.
As for #707 ShOrT BuS ReTarD 41 – your just a few miles behind Paul on the same track… just one mistake and the LEOs will be all over your ass. You’ll slip up, Rice Paddy Daddy, and post a threat of violence to someone on the board… it’s just a matter of time.
Word has it that Phildo is paying for this.
Any comments?
Ooooooh! We’re all SHAKIN’ in our collective boots, pustule. Is that the best you can do?
Can you just shut the fuck up and find someone else to bother? We’re busy.
832 Psul,
My God, what you do to the English language should be prosecutable.
Ex – Paulie’s daddy was sued in ’61… by a group that went in and purchased a radio station not too far from me (Longview, WA). Momma was one of those that sued daddy… I came across it and posted the link a few days ago here.
100+ of WVA 61-3C-14a
200+ of MD Crim Code 3-805 (2013)
5000 miscealaneous.
*A whole buncha lies and nonsense.
5-10 for Johny and 3-5 for Marky!!!
Hey spoogebreath, I told you to get a mallet and a spike. Hop to it.
RE #832: Paul K. Wickre, You are a flippin’ joke. Suck snot bitch, (but then that is what you do daily), that drivel above is a joke. You must have started early today. I bet that you would blow about a .28 to .30 on a breathalizer right now. Slow down, dummy before you roll that computer chair. Even a LazyBoy recliner has its limits.
What a mega class PATHETIC LOSER.
Cut, dried, rolled and wrapped.
Word has it that Phildo is paying for this.
Clearly isn’t getting his money’s worth, because his idiot employee got drunk on the job and went full Wickre.
I bet that you would blow about a .28 to .30 on a breathalizer right now.
He’d blow anybody if you ask him nicely.
@841 – bet Phildo is billing his “legal expenses” to one of the government agencies that he is contracted to as a miscellaneous business expense
Psulie-boi, if stupidity was a speed, you just went fucking plaid.
And LEO’s take a REAL dim view when someone tries to impersonate them.
Finally, I’m only 12 hours away–where’s that ninja death hit squad you said was coming after me, dipshit?
“pentrate thier intimate pasts”
My favorite line of the night! you win the interwebz Psul!
The jail commissary sells vaseline, you might want to make it one of your first purchases, for those “intimate futures” you have coming. 🙂
“pentrate thier intimate pasts”
He’s just jealous because he hasn’t penetrated anything since the Ford Administration.
WVA and MD Miscreant@832, just what the f*ck are you trying to say? And for the love of all humanity, please buy some software that has spellcheck!!!!
@838 HMCS – yes, I know. That’s why I posted all that.
GT, word is that beer is worse than vodka and gin for sending people to the ER. A study was done by Johns Hopkins. I disagree with it. Stick to beer.
psul the uncool a/k/a the wickre man a/k/a paul k wickre, for pete’s sake, you sorry jackass, learn to frakking spell and stop murdering the English language.
Do us all a favor. Find a new hobby, something that does not involve using a computer and drinking intoxicating beverages at the same time. Asteroid hunting is good. Collecting stamps is another. Do something constructive with your time, you maroon.
Psulie-boi, some lyrics you might want to familiarize yourself with:
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Help me, I broke apart my insides
Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell
Help me, The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
And I’ll let you listen to the rest yourself, Psulie.
For Psul “Spike” Wickless, I advocate drunken mountain climbing, or python wrestling, or crash test dummy.
He’s got the dummy part down.
Wow, Paul “Pee Wee Herman” Wickre has not only gone full throttle on stupid, he’s kicked in the turbocharger!!
Seems to me that you’re the one guilty of violating those statutes, if anyone is.
I’m not a lawyer, of course, but I fail to see how comments on a blog constitute contacting or emailing anyone other than the blog owner.
His amplifier goes to 11… thousand?
This is getting BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s cause he keeps hitting the sauce so early, Ex-. He’s too plastered to come up with any good material to work with and he’s too plastered to read anything that’s been said.
He needs to enter some sort of program and get off the booze before he can provide any decent entertainment.
“miscealaneous. coopertaion certianly Amendement interuupt haraass pentrate thier INternet opionion, horriffic maelovelenet, inisist religiuos Penetentiary , fatnerless INternet, lifes thier incresingly ”