GI Film Festival to perpetuate “Unclaimed” myth

| May 3, 2013

Even though the film “Unclaimed” has been proven to be a fraudulent piece of crap, the film maker and the GI Film Festival people still plan to show it according to Good Morning, America;

“I am absolutely convinced, 100 percent, that the family is convinced it is him,” [Canadian director Michael Jorgensen] said of Robertson’s sister and brother-in-law. “I never set out to prove his identity. The film was about one Vietnam veteran’s journey to help a guy find this man’s family. … Tom’s story amazing story of what it means to be human.”

As for the director of the GI Film Festival, he says “Unclaimed” is an important film that needs to be screened.

“Whether fact or fiction, “Unclaimed” is a fascinating story about a Vietnam veteran … who dedicates himself to bringing home someone he believes to be an American GI left behind,” said [Brandon L. Millett, co-founder and president of the GI Film Festival].

“Even if he is chasing a myth, we feel his story is compelling and worth telling, as long as it is accompanied by a disclosure to viewers about the controversy surrounding it.”

The director’s intent is clearly not to make Americans look good, since he believes that Dang Tan Ngoc is SGT Robinson and wants to push that mistaken view on American audiences. Earlier today, a commenter wrote on this blog, that Dang Tan Ngoc is well known to him as a fraud and a grifter;

I served as the Commander of the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command Detachment 2 in Hanoi from 2008-2010. This poser is half French and half ethnic Vietnamese. He and his handlers are scam artists well-known to the POW/MIA specialists in country. Bilking tourists, normally veterans, out of money with their nonsense is their specialty. The Defense Prisoner of War Missing Personnel Office first received photographs and video of the man claiming to be Robertson in 2002 and FBI fingerprint analysis subsequently proved that he is NOT Robertson. How a credentialed journalist could fall for this outlandish story without substantiating his claims and producing a worthless documentary to propogate this lie is unconscionable. This is a fraud and the documentary should not be allowed to be shown at the G.I. Film Festival at all. It dishonors the memory of the real John Hartley Robertson, a decorated Special Forces Soldier.

That commenter was also interviewed by our buddy, Robert Johnson at Business Insider yesterday;

Someone else familiar with Ngoc’s story is Lieutenant Colonel Todd Emoto (Ret.)
commander of the Joint Prisoner of War Accounting Command in Hanoi from 2008 to 2010.

“In the two years I oversaw that office there were at least half-a-dozen investigations into the [Ngoc] case,” Emoto told Business Insider in a phone interview from his home in Washington.

Even though a case has already been looked into and found baseless, the U.S. government mandates that a fresh investigation be initiated “every single time, no matter what,” Emoto said.

“I mean this guy was a frequent flier at our office,” the colonel said, his voice rising. “It totally blows my mind that he’s gotten this far. He forgot how to speak English and his kid’s names? Who falls for that?”

Emoto said the ruse of impersonating a missing servicemember is a common guise used in Vietnam to rob tourists of their cash.

Dang Tan Ngoc is known among our folks on the ground there as a fraud, the FBI says Ngoc’s fingerprints, and now his DNA don’t match SGT Robinson’s, so where is there reason to create this film at all? It’s no longer a documentary, but a work of fiction, given the film maker’s commitment to the false premise of the film.

The only thing missing is an interview with Gordon Duff to explain to us how shooting down the aircraft that SGT Robinson rode in was a false flag operation executed by Mossad and a young fighter pilot named George W. Bush.

Category: Shitbags

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2/17 Air Cav

Would that I could pack the place and, 10 minutes into the viewing, have everone stand up and walk the hell out! And they ought not to use “G.I.” any longer but, instead, use the full, unabbreviated term, Gastro Intestinal.


Nominate this film for the Raspberry Award, for the worst documentary fraud committed in a long time.

Old Tanker

Former JPAC Det 2 Cdr….thank you very much Sir…

B Woodman

Who is this director? Mikey Moore in disguise? Or MM’s bastard love child?

Gary Alexander

The Big Lie… repeated often enough, long enough and most will believe it.


What’s the saying? ‘There’s no such thing as bad publicity’? Unfortunately, that’s correct, because people will know and believe exactly what they want, and no more. In the meanwhile, these shitbags will rake in the bucks with their lies. Scam artists everywhere we look these days, it seems.