Michael Moore’s New Years Resolution

| December 31, 2012

Is apparently to continue being a total douche.

Stop saying “I support the troops.” I don’t. I used to. I understand why so many enlisted after 9/11. Sadly, many of them were then trapped and sent off to invade Iraq. I felt for all of them. I understood those who joined because of a lousy economy. But at some point all individuals must answer for their actions, and now that we know our military leaders do things that have nothing to do with defending our lives, why would anyone sign up for this rogue organization?

Yes, I shit you not that was his actual New Years Resolution just emailed to me.

Category: Politics

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Just Plain Jason

That is a cover his ass apology, if he meant it he wouldn’t have said the first. He is a turd who is trying to stay relevant…


Our family has served this country in the military since the Revolutionary War.

A tradition that died with you, lardass. Thank God for small favors. So I wonder how MM feels about LBJ “lying” us into war? Or Truman? Or FDR? Or Wilson’s laughable “neutrality”?

Better yet, hell, let’s get old Mikey to lecture us on how Buchanan was such an incompetent prick he basically dumped the Civil War into Lincoln’s lap–oh wait. Buchanan was a Democrat. Can’t be blaming Democrats, now.

Go choke on a chicken leg already, Mikey. Seriously. You were almost funny for a while, but you’ve jumped the shark–or eaten it.


every time i pinch off a loaf i think of this botched abortion named m moore


@48 LOL. Yeah, I hear he’s lacking in the smarts department.

2-17 Air Cav

Moore is truly a despicable slob. How Twinkies went out of business with him around is beyond me. He says his uncle was killed in WWII. Given that Moore is the sole source, I don’t believe it. If pressed, Moore would probably change that statement to say that his uncle was killed DURING the war. That would most likely turn out to mean that his uncle died in a car accident somewhere in the US during the war years. He also says his family has served this country in the military since the Revolutionary War. I don’t believe that either. If pressed, Moore would probably change that statement to say that his family SERVED THE MILITARY by operating an inn which catered exclusively to Redcoats and Englist loyalists.


Moore is a Communist asshole. Communist assholes always hate the US Military.

He’s just a refreshingly honest Communist asshole, unlike the knobs pushing the “got your six” campaign, after 8 years of backstabbing us when W was CINC.


Notice how he think that because other people he happens to be related to have served in the past, he has the moral authority to shit on people actually serving.

2-17 Air Cav

@57. I agree but would stress that Moore’s unsubstantiated CLAIMS of having UNNAMED blood relatives that served in some unspecified capacity in the military are just that: bald claims lacking any factual support.

Old Trooper

Wait a minute; he says in one part “screw you” to the military and then in the next part “sorry for saying that”? It was written! If he didn’t mean it, he could have just deleted it before continuing on with his list. He’s full of shit and anyone that defends his bullshit is as much of a loser as he is.


Brilliant. Guess what – most of my ancestors who served in the military also didn’t watch Fox News. You know, because, like almost nobody, military or otherwise, prior to 1950 watched or had access to a TV even if there had been such a thing as Fox News then.

Every time this clown opens his mouth he again proves his lack of intellect, ability to put together a cogent thought, or anything that matters. Simply must agree with those who wonder why I should waste any time on him at all.


I’m going to sing a hymn to Mikey. Him. Him. Fuck him


@61 – Up North, Mikey the Large and In Charge has politely asked me to ask you to not take his name in vain. He is NOT related in any way to Mr. Moore and is, well, a bit whisker-hurt that anyone might think there is a connection, however tenuous it may be.

I would like to welcome the New Year by noting that Green Thumb is consistent with his comments, which I echo sincerely.

Every time Moore shows up some place, it’s to get attention and nothing else. He is the only person in the world who thinks he’s interesting. So good at pointing out what’s wrong with everyone else, but never takes a look at himself in the mirror. The words obnoxious, inflated ego, self-serving and tunnel vision describe him pretty well for him.

On top of that, hogs fear him.


Wherever Moore goes, feral hogs fear to tread.


@ #63- Because feral hogs know its open season 😉


Asshole is “withdrawing” his support…. when the hell has he honestly supported the military? Beneath contempt, like most of his mocumovies.


So, can we label Moore the least interesting man in the world?


@66 was me. Sorry. My computer is having hissy fits.


Michael Moore can eat a bowl of dicks. Screw that fat mother-fucker.


Does it really count as a New Year’s resolution when you’ve already been doing it for at least 12 years?

But hey, maybe he’s right. After all, members of the military put themselves in life-and-death situations all the time. That’s nothing compared to being a lazy fat ass inhaling donut shops and making “documentaries.” Eesh, the only brave thing Moore ever did was visit an Occupy rally… though it’s not like he would’ve had much to worry about from passing through the rape fields.


I’ll tell you what bravery is–getting between Moore and the buffet line.

Just say “NO”, Mikey.


Ex-PH2: dunno about the least interesting man in the world – but he’s a lock for the title of “biggest asshole in Hollywood”.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Typical Moore horsesh1t….make an outrageous statement, and then attempt to cover it with a lame ass explanation/apology….the only thing this cynical, lazy self aggrandizing pr1ck is passionate about is fatty foods….he is a disgusting fat body parasite.

Here’s hoping that you continue to stay irrelevant in the future Michael Moore, and that no one ever takes anything you say seriously as long as you live, which if you don’t follow number 10 on your list and walk some of that protective blubber off probably won’t be too much longer.

OIF2 Vet

@62 you beat me to it, although I would say he can eat a bag full of dicks and choke on the leftovers.

OIF2 Vet

err I meant @68 I fatfingered my phone.


[…] Our buddy, Blanka sends us a link from the Huffington Post in which our favorite Orcan American, Michael Moore tries to explain what he meant the other night when he resolved in the New Year to “not support the troops”. […]

SSG Johnny

Mr. Moore is beyond pitiful…Just a scab on the ass of humanity…a dickweed who would fold like a cardtable if ever placed in the situation of going one-on-one with a real person. I would love to have a face to face debate with that piece of work…I’d leave him answerless in 30 seconds..He’d probably try to talk over me or call me names (like most liberal scum do when called on their bullshit), but he would NEVER give a salient response, because there is NONE that supports his fallacious position