In The Navy

| October 23, 2012

In honor of TSO and his particular fixation…

There might be pirates.

Navy To Deploy USS Constitution To Strait Of Hormuz

With the US Navy increasingly stretched trying to meet its commitments in both the Pacific and the Middle East, the Department of the Navy announced today that it will be re-activating its entire mothball fleet for upcoming Middle East deployments, including the USS Constitution.

According to Navy officials, the Constitution, currently celebrating the 200th anniversary of her victory over the British warship HMS Guerriere, will relieve the destroyer USS Porter, which was damaged last month in a collision in the Strait of Hormuz while playing chicken with a lighthouse.

The Duffel Blog and Boston Maggie ruined a perfect afternoon of pain pills and Busch.

Thin ice defined.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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WOWzers….1978. I feel OLD!!

MCPO at a Bar

Yo. Did you have to name the post In the Navy?


The ending to “Up Parascope”, seemed better to me.


That’s “Down Periscope” and yes, it is better.

Zero, you had me going there for just two and one half seconds.

How are you going to top this on April Fool’d Day? And don’t try sending me an executive letter informing me that I have to report for active duty over at Great Lakes because I’ll have the CO call you up and give you more than whatfor.


Now that was some good entertainment there, Zero!


I’m happy to say, that 10 years after initiation, I cannot remember the lyrics to that song….

CTIC(SG) (Ret)

2-17 AirCav

You know, after watching part of the video, I am left to wonder how the Navy got to be so ***. I know those whites are magnets for **** but the funny hats I never did understand. Perhaps one of you Navy guys can explain that one. Of course, as it turns out, the Navy was way ahead of the other services in embracing ***ness or ***hood, whatever it’s called. I guess that’s to your credit, at least in the eyes of the Pentagonals. Still, I just can’t see a Halsey or Nimitz on deck with the Village People or their ilk.


You got there 3 years ahead of me? You turkey!!


You know what they say about the Navy, 400 Sailors go out 200 couples come back. Sorry MCPO I couldn’t help myself, but I can throw in a Spartan reference if you would like.


You guys are SO funny. None of this really bothers me. MOMMY!

tavern knight

“When the ship was finally able to capture a group of pirates whose engine had failed, and because no one had bothered to update the Constitution’s 1853 Navy Regulations prior to sailing, Commander Bonner promptly had them hanged from the yardarm.”

Swift justice, more’s the pity we can’t continue it…


I just watched the Vil Peeps video … for the first time mind you.

Clearly filmed at 32nd Street, Naval Station San Diego onboard FF-1063.

I know that class well. I steamed 1096 and 1055.

USS Reasoner (FF-1063) was a Knox class frigate of the US Navy. Reasoner, originally (DE-1063), was laid down 6 January 1969 by Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company, Seattle, Washington and launched 1 August 1970; cosponsored by Mrs. James C. Curry and Mrs. Robert Svinger. Reasoner was commissioned 31 July 1971, Cmdr. Francisco Velazquez-Suarez, USN, commanding. Reasoner was decommissioned on 28 August 1993, and subsequently leased to Turkey, where the ship was recommissioned as Kocatepe. On 22 February 2002, she was finally purchased by Turkey.

AW1 Tim

Cruise videos are always popular. This one isn’t bad…


Air Cav is talking about funny hats, aren’t you the guys with those big ridiculous cowboy hats while you rub lotion all over each others backs.


Hey, In all fairness it is only our Cavalry that wear the ridiculous cowboy hats and we make fun of them too.


Maybe we should send “Old Ironsides” to the straits of Hormuz, that is definity one ship and crew that knew how to deals with pirates and terrorist. Break loose the brass balls and light the powder.


[…] The Navy – Redux October 24th, 2012 NB: This is satire! It does fit well with my earlier post though. Thanks John […]