Campaign: Aden is a victim of the military industrial complex

| July 5, 2012

Yeah, according to Ken Aden‘s acting campaign manager, since the real campaign manager resigned last weekend, TAH is a tool of the military-industrial complex when we’re not acting as minions of the Republican Party. This is from an interview with our new friend, The Progressive Cop;

Given the fact that you personally believe Mr. Aden, you must feel that someone is behind all the controversy. Do you care to speculate as to who that might be?

A media more interested in a sensationalist story than discussing real issues. A Republican opponent with ties both to military personnel and defense contractors. A Republican Party that has engaged in exactly this sort of smear innumerable times. Independent operatives looking for notoriety and money. Take your pick.

Some media and detractors have accused us of attempting to portray this as some sort of vast conspiracy against us. I don’t see it as being anything of the sort. All it takes is one person with the motivation to do so to take advantage of a situation for their own ends.

Yeah, since this blog is the one that broke this story to the internet and the media picked it up from us, I can tell you that there was nothing motivating me other than getting to the absolute truth, the same thing that motivates me in all stolen valor cases. Yeah, I took “advantage of a situation for [my] own ends” – setting an example for everyone that we don’t tolerate intentional lies about military service.

The only people “behind” me are my fellow co-bloggers and we’ve busted Republicans as well as Democrats. Politics don’t factor in here…only the truth. In fact, just this weekend, Jonathon in Inhaler accused me of supporting the Obama Administration. So if both sides are accusing me of being biased, that’s pretty much proof that I’m not.

However, if someone from the military-industrial complex feels like they should send me a check for nailing this hide to the wall, I’ll happily cash it.

But as far Aden is concerned, after his Sergeant First Class “commanding officer” withdrew his letter of support after finding out that Aden hadn’t been completely honest with him, the campaign has apparently fooled someone else into writing a letter which conflicts with the Army’s version of events;

Another individual Ken served with has submitted a letter to us attesting to Ken’s 18B qualifications; we’re currently waiting to receive a signed and scanned copy. As you well know, not everyone has easy access to a scanner.

However, due to a variety of inconsistencies with this newest order, both in its contradictions of previous statements made by military personnel and its highly irregular dissemination through the news media rather than the veteran himself, we are going to wait until we are satisfied with the validity of the 3 July 2012 order before we make any release.

I’m sure that Special Warfare Center is tired of having to defend themselves from the Aden campaign’s accusations of incompetence and that’s why they sent a copy of the orders to JD at Professional Soldiers concurrently with the orders they sent to Aden. Obviously, if JD hadn’t got the orders, the Aden campaign never would have released them. I have personal experience with that, because the Aden campaign wouldn’t send me a copy of his DD 214 after they released it to whole bunch of other people who couldn’t decipher it properly.

Aden could have nipped this whole thing in the bud right in the beginning by coming clean and apologizing, but apparently, he’s just like all of the other sociopaths who lie about their military service – he thinks eventually he can fool us into believing him. At this point, I don’t think he can find anyone living or dead who can convince me that he’s not a liar.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Wait, if someone lies about their military service, the military is expected to release anything about their service through the veteran that’s lying, and he/she will do the release? What universe does that maroon inhabit?


“Military-CONGRESSIONAL Complex” — what PRES EISENHOWER wrote; it was changed by his staff. — — THE U.S. MILITARY — WHO IS AGAINST IT ?? “Something called “the military-industrial complex” — which is a myth or worse — is being blamed for all of this country’s troubles. Bloody college hoodlums scream demands that R.O.T.C. units be banned from college campuses. Our defense budget is being attacked, denounced and undercut by people who claim that financial priority should be given to ecological rose gardens and to classes in esthetic self-expression for the residents of the slums. . . . “You are attacked, not for any errors or flaws, but for your virtues. You are denounced, not for any weaknesses, but for your strength and your competence. You are penalized for being the protectors of the United States. On a lower level of the same issue, a similar kind of campaign is conducted against the police force. Those who seek to destroy this country, seek to disarm it — intellectually and physically. But it is not a mere political issue; politics is not the cause, but the last consequence of philosophical ideas. It is not a communist conspiracy, though some communists may be involved — as maggots cashing in on a disaster they had no power to originate. The motive of the destroyers is not love for communism, but hatred for America. Why hatred? Because America is the living refutation of a Kantian universe. . . . “Today’s mawkish concern with and compassion for the feeble, the flawed, the suffering, the guilty, is a cover for the profoundly Kantian hatred of the innocent, the strong, the able, the successful, the virtuous, the confident, the happy. A philosophy out to destroy man’s mind is necessarily a philosophy of hatred for man, for man’s life, and for every human value. Hatred of the good for being the good, is the hallmark of the twentieth century. This is the enemy you are facing. . . . ” . . . the United States of America is the greatest, the noblest and, in its original founding principles,… Read more »


No. 2 = DR_BRETT


Quick! Someone call Jesse Ventura, he will get to the bottom of this!


DR_BRETT needs and editor…


Liars lie, and the liars who support them also lie. Seems like that sort of thing has been around much longer than either major US political party or indeed the country itself.

Evidently some people find that simple truth shocking.

When this particular discussion of yet another lying candidate began I had no idea whatever his political leanings. Apparently he is/was running as a Democrat. Truth is – I didn’t care when the discussion began and I still do not care.

I certainly cannot speak for others who post here, but I suspect that few, if any (except maybe a couple of our pet trolls), give any more of a flip than I do if this lying poser calls himself Independent, Dem, Rep, or Green Party.

Liars are scum but generally not much I can do about it. All posers who lie about their military service or claim service which they have not done step into the crosshairs of this bunch of fine folks. And they do so willingly.

It should come as no surprise to them or anyone else that veterans are more than willing to step up to defend the honor of military service.


No. 5:
But I may not hire, the reporter from the Peoria, Illinois newspaper.


While I was only half-joking about his doubling down on teh stoopid, I even find myself shaking my head with his incredible display of chutzpah.

Aden. Give it up son.

AW1 Tim

Like the man says: “You can’t fix stupid”.


Yeah, I figured I gave him an easy way out NHSparky. And he took the low road.

Old Trooper

Sometimes it’s best just to let the chowderheads keep digging. At this point it’s all out there and to now blame some phantom vast right-wing conspiracy for the lies told by your candidate is just in keeping with the usual democrat strategy. “It’s not my fault that I told the world I was a Green Beret; it’s that phantom over there that made me do it”!

Fricken idiots


As you well know, not everyone has easy access to a scanner.” You got to be kidding me! His campaign doesn’t have a scanner? Well that explains everything. I denote a a bit of sarcasm (well played) in the Army’s response.


No. 12:
I noticed that nonsense, too. Even I have a $100 All In One Printer-Copier-Scanner, from probably five years ago !!


Are you sure it’s not the “militaria-industrial-media complex?”


btw: I bought a Kodak fax/copier/scanner at WalMart for under $100. Yeah, I know, not everyone is near a WalMart or can get to one. They are in pretty exclusive, gated communities after all.


$69 at Staples. Hell, I got four between my home office and storage unit. I would be happy to donate one if this could clear up this misunderstanding. I’m thinking this is tax deductible if nothing else.


Not to worry…..Kenny Aden will still be eligible for “American Idol” or “The Bachelor”. Neither of those shows sufficiently vet their contestants, nor will their audiences care if you failed a portion of SFQC 3 times.


Sometimes that is true…..there IS someone with an agenda behind exposing a particular “truth”. But my question is always the same – is it the truth or isn’t it? Does it really matter who exposed it or what their motives were if it is true? If someone is Repub and doesn’t want a Dem like Ken Aden to be elected, are Ken’s lies any less of a lie? No, of course not. Stupid smear monkeys. How about you don’t lie to begin with?

Old Tanker

This guy is trying to go for the win in our Stolen Valor tourney….


“…not everyone is near a WalMart or can get to one…”

Heh – Arkansas politician can’t find a Wal Mart – film at 11.


#20 Arkansas is HOME of Walmart!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@18 I would say “most times” it is someone with an agenda, and that’s a good thing.

Even if the agenda is that of the people on this site, which to my line of thinking is that the truth will out….truth is simple, truth is easy, truth sets the record straight for all to see.

Uncomfortable truths are the most important, I will steal a quote from this year’s Stanford commencement address “If you want to be really a leader, be a truth teller.”

If no one challenges lies, those lies live on in our history. Mr. Aden served our nation honorably at one time, however this action reveals his lack of honor, integrity and fitness to lead. With any luck this will soon result in a loss in the election and a fading into obscurity.


What ??
A GOOD agenda ??
Is that possible ??

– Mr. Anti-Cynic
– Mr. Anti-Cynical Media

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@23, hehehe

I sure hope it is possible, if only more people in our nation demanded truth rather than party or viewpoint affiliation as the primary consideration in casting a vote we might actually find politicians who understand what veterans already know, service to the nation is a high calling and should be honored as such. We might also find a few politicians who weren’t afraid to look us in the eye and tell us it’s time to do some heavy lifting and get our nation back on track financially and educationally.

At least that’s what I keep hoping for…a few honest men in DC with a mission to serve the nation with integrity and responsibility to current and future generations.


No. 24:
I have an Uncomfortable Truth —
that the gov’t-funded schools and colleges have been systematically brain-poisoning millions .

Don’t be offended, but I must quote Mr. Franklin (Benjamin):
“He that lives upon HOPE will die fasting.”


What VOV said in #24. As it is now, I feel like a horse being hazed from one side of the corral to the other, simply because the cowboy feels like twirling his rope.


So, the fool decided to go with the “I’m being persecuted for speaking truth to power” option, eh? Figures. “Stuck on stupid” indeed.

For what it’s worth: mailing a hardcopy costs $0.44 and generally takes a few days at most (unless one is deployed, in which case it’s free but takes longer). And most Office Depots/Office Maxs/Kinkos/similar stores will scan documents to PDF and store on a thumb drive for a relatively low fee. So the “not everybody has access to a scanner” argument is merely more obviously transparent bullshit being offered as a distraction.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Dr. Brett

Not offended at all, thank you for considering that I might be…I am an old school fart these days however and I understand we can both love this nation dearly and still disagree on the best way to move forward without any of that being personal….I can respect your thoughts and words while disagreeing but in this case I agree that we have much to do to restore our education system back to the basic functions of education, to lead our young people to a bright future built on the knowledge of our past and the science and engineering skills needed for the future. Self discipline and self sacrifice are all necessary to create a life that matters, and we need people who believe they are strong enough to do what matters.

This week especially I am reminded of what the signers of the Declaration suffered to bring this nation forth, in Lincoln’s words several of them gave their last full measure and many of them were bankrupted and ruined for daring to support the rebellion….I believe we still have a bright future ahead but it is quickly becoming time to demand more of our leaders and our young leaders especially…men like Aden remind us that charlatans will always try to find their way to leadership roles.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@27 Nicely put sir, even a smart phone will take nice image and let you email it…scanners are quickly becoming ancient technology….the desperate man clutching at straws…

I am still amazed that he felt he needed to embellish in the first place, he had a record that was honorable and would make any soldier proud….I guess I am too dim to understand…


I disagree, Veritas. IMO Aden’s the one who’s too dim to understand. As well as dishonest.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Thank you Hondo, I am at a loss to understanding any of this nonsense…in the case of guys who never served and are committing a fraud it’s clear they are crooks who seek to obtain money or position or whatever….with guys like Aden who have served I don’t get it as the general public doesn’t need you to be some kind of super soldier, they like to vote for veterans they agree with, the branch of service to many is irrelevant…he could run on issues and his existing record and done very well…instead of being outed as a liar and a man who would attempt fraud to seduce his potential constituents…

As an aside, I must admit Hondo I have a lied a bit about my service as well, the way I tell the stories now, in 1978 only super models were allowed to live in Columbus GA…..


No. 28:
I wasn’t disagreeing at all, as far as I realize !!
I think your comments are great !!

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Never took it that we were disagreeing good sir, just making the point that I understand we might not always agree so no need to worry about my tender sensibilities, I can take a beating as needed and appropriate, I tend to be circuitous and perhaps a little torturous in making a point….long winded as my wife might say…

and thank you for the kind words


You are sensitive (meaning not IN-sensitive) and strong-minded.
You NOTICE things (pay attention).
I HOPE you “forgive” — even more kind words !!

(To a very different audience, yes, I do not mind being one man in a Mutual Admiration Society — find fault with that, “Press-Media” !!)


I take you at face value, Doc Brett. Same as I do anyone else, lol.