Gitmo trial to be shown at 4 locations

| April 30, 2012

The Stars & Stripes is reporting that the Pentagon is setting up four screenings of closed circuit TV from the trials this weekend of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four alleged 9/11 accomplices;

Friday, the Pentagon published an order by Army Col. James L. Pohl, the chief of the Guantanamo war court, to open viewing sites for the May 5 arraignment “due to the serious nature of the crimes alleged and the historic nature of military commissions.”

All five are accused of organizing, training and funneling funds to the hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, 2001, and could face the death penalty if convicted at trial.

So, since everything is about me, anyway, I’ve applied to the Pentagon to allow me into the screening at Fort Meade, MD, and even if they don’t let me in, the guy assured me that I’d still get an opportunity to watch it live, so, you’ll get my mostly misinformed opinion of the trial while I “live blog”. There seem to be enough lawyers among the crowd here, they’ll keep me straight, though.

Category: Military issues

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I hope you get into the screening, Jonn. And if you do, or even if you just watch and live blog, would you consider setting up another catagory like you did for TSO so we can keep track of your posts on this?


They should add three more viewing sites: Ground Zero, the Pentagon; Ground Zero NYC; and Ground Zero PA…


Oooh, Oooh, Jonn can you get me in as your legal advisor? If not, and he is going to be back, you might want to see if you can add TSO.


[…] I mentioned the other day, the Pentagon is setting up four venues for closed circuit viewing of the trial, one of them will […]