More terrorist attacks in France

| March 19, 2012

The other day we mentioned the shootings of some French paratroopers near Toulouse, France. Well, today the Washington Post reports that a rabbi and three children were gunned down in the same fashion in the same area;

The victims included a rabbi and his two children along with the daughter of the school principal, according to the local prosecutor. They were standing on the sidewalk at a gathering point near the school, called Ozar HaTorah, when an individual on a motor scooter drove up and began shooting with two weapons, the reports said. A helmet concealed the shooter’s face from onlookers as he sped away down the street.

The paratroopers were shot from the street by two people on a scooter while the troops were in a bank with a .45 cal weapon, like the weapon used to kill the three children and the rabbi.

Yet another case of not having to fight them over there when we can let them attack us on our own soil. The “us” being the infidel crusaders.

This gave rise to speculation that the killer might be motivated by French participation in the Afghan war. But authorities were careful not to assign any motive, saying they had few facts at their disposal.

Yeah, be careful there, authorities. You know how the French riot at every opportunity when they’re attacked by the foreigners they’ve welcomed to their country. Oh, wait that’s the ingrate “Asians” who riot.

Category: Terror War

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First it was French Paratroopers and now it was a Rabbi and two children. So infidels and jews are targets…how is this not connected? (Sarcastic question)


Oh, it can’t be the Islamists. It’s the “Religion of Peace”, their call to prayer is “the most beautiful sound in the world”.
There, got my daily sarcasm out of the way.


France has abolished the death penalty in both peacetime and wartime. I wonder how that’s going to play with the French people if/when the French authorities capture the asswipes responsible for these murders?


Weapon used has been identified as, most likely, an M1911A1. Not a MAC, not an M2 SMG nor any other type of SMG or PDW.

The French Soldiers who were shot were all North Africans (Morocco, Algeria); they were NOT Europeans.

And now an attack on Jews outside a Jewish school.

Yes, it could be a hit by radical Islamists against Jews and “turn coat” Muslims…or it could be an attack by an ultra right wing, violent group that hates both Arab immigrants and Jews.


I wonder if France is still feeling good about their failed immigration policies to let all of the fanatics in?


According to Fox News, this is the third attack, two different ones on paratroopers, and the latest, at the Jewish school.


Ya gotta point, Spigot. I hadn’t heard that the FFL troops were of North African descent.

There are indeed some extremist right-wingers in Europe, and many of those are anti-Semitic. Might have been them.

Or it could have been Muslim terrorists who saw people they presumed to be Muslims serving the enemy. We don’t know at this point.


Jean-Marie Le Pen’s National Front party has been noted for some extremely far right views regarding Jews and Islamic immigration.

Their decidedly anti-Jew POV is inexcusable; they have a point on Islamic immigration and radicalism in France…and the rest of Europe for that matter.


So now it looks like hime grown neo-nazis. So much for the bumper sticker slogan, “fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here”.


“hime” should be “home”

Old Trooper

@9: Are you sure about that? Nice that you can throw that out there with no evidence to back it up.


OT: It’s Joe the Clueless Leftist posting. Don’t expect sense from him.

Oh, and Joe: as I pointed out above (#7): barring additional information it’s equally plausible that Islamic terrorists carried out one or both attacks. They don’t exactly treat collaborators nicely, and they aren’t above attacking people of Jewish faith anywhere.


I guess we’ll see. If I’m wrong I’ll admit it – will you?


And that’s the point. Those types of attacks have been used by both the Neo-Nazis and the Islamists. The authorities will have to get a break in the case before they can lay the blame at anyone’s door.


Joe–when have you ever admitted to being wrong? You’ve had your nose rubbed into your shitpiles on the carpet so many times it’s starting to clog your brain.

Considering there’s about a dollar’s worth of difference between the Neo-Nazis and the Islamists, who really gives two fucks who’s doing it as long as they’re caught?

Oh, and for the record, Joe–NAZI–Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Now GDIAF.


Once again, our resident Clueless Leftist jumps to conclusions and opens mouth without first engaging brain.

Joe: If you’ll read my comment 7 carefully above – or have someone read and explain it to you – you’ll find I haven’t expressed any opinion on who did it. Rather, I’ve clearly indicated that both explanations are plausible, and that I don’t know who did the deed. So either way I’ll have nothing for which to admit being wrong.

Frankly, neither would shock me. Europe has both Islamic radicals and right-wing thugs, as well as organized crime and some few residual radical leftist idiots. Any of them could have done this – though I doubt it was organized crime, as I can’t see any real motive for their involvement.


Joe? You have never admitted when you were wrong here that I can recall. And admitting to missing the mark while couching it in rhetoric designed to cloud your own culpability is not the same as just admitting you’re wrong. Your usual tactic is to just disappear for a few days. I won’t hold my breath waiting for a different outcome.

In either case it wouldn’t disprove the concept of “fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here”. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion.


NHSparky: GDIAF? Must be a Naval acronym. Is that anything like FOAD or ESAD?


GDIAF–Go Die In A Fire.

You really need to get up to speed on your acronyms, boss. First you didn’t know what DP was (and really–we’re talking about Manning–that one SHOULD have been obvious) and now this?





Hey – different backgrounds learn different slang/acronyms/etc . . . . And you can miss a helluva lot at first glance on a bad day – or before having enough coffee. (smile)


@ 9…no, Joey…I never said it “looks like hime grown neo-nazis” or anything like that. I was presenting another, equally likely, possibility based on personal knowledge of those types of activities in France specifically and Europe, generally.

Unlike you, I actually know something about Europe, having lived there for 5 years, and doing work there several times a year over the past few years. Knowing what goes on there politically, militarily and anything related to terrorism fall squarely in my lane…not yours, obviously.

So why don’t you just STFU, and let the Big Boys and Girls discuss the issue…you know…those of us with higher educations, who read, are capable of conducting informed analysis, who travel internationally and who actually know something about the subject at hand.


This just in – “Interior Minister Claude Gueant said the gunman was a French citizen of Algerian origin who had been to Pakistan and Afghanistan and had shot dead the four in revenge for French military involvement abroad. He is also suspected by authorities of killing three soldiers of North African origin last week.”

From a truly questionable source with known white supremacy leanings –


[…] watching BBC which is reporting that the man responsible for the murders in Toulouse, France that we’ve been discussing, has been identified and is now cornered by French police. It seems he was arrested in 2010 in […]


Fox is now also reporting that French government sources indicate that the suspect is an “ultra-Islamist”, claims to have received training from al Qaeda, and was acting “to ‘take revenge for Palestinian children’ killed in the Middle East, and is angry at the French military for its operations abroad.”

French authorities have so far only linked the suspect to the murders at the synagogue. However, I believe I’ve read elsewhere that the same gun was used in all 3 recent murders. If so, I’d guess it’s a good bet he was also involved in the murder of the Legionnaires as well.


Well, now I guess we’ll see if Joe is cut from the same cloth as DUIDave. He’ll either live up to his deal (comment #13 above) or he won’t.


I’ll take a SWAG and say he’ll come in and pontificate about how we don’t have all the facts yet, nothing definitive, etc., etc…

SWAG–Scientific Wild-Assed Guess.

Acronym of the day brought to you by Office of Managed Government Liability and Organized Lawmakers Winning The Future, or OMGLOLWTF.


[…] sentence without a mention of three month vacations and 30-hour work weeks, doesn’t it? The French are already fighting the war against terror in their streets, a war that followed them back from Afghanistan, so I guess they’re comfortable with […]