Phony at Occupy Buffalo

| November 23, 2011

ADDED: There’s a much longer and more damning article at the Buffalo News on this ass munch.

Cakmakli and Ed send us a link to about a braggart by the name of Christopher M. Simmance in Buffalo who claimed to have spent three tours in the War Against Terror, however, his records show that he got out of the Army in january 2001;

Simmance insists his Army records are incomplete. He told The News he stands by his claims of seeing combat.

“Everything I’ve told you is completely true; I’ve got nothing to hide,” Simmance said in one of three interviews.

Yeah, we’ve never heard that before, have we? It seems it’s not the first time Simmancew has pulled this shit. A previous article in which has apparently been pulled (but the cache copy still exists) shows that he was trying to scam the VA;

The 31-year-old entered a free fall in 2006, when he started experiencing service-related mental illness. He lost a $65,000-a-year job, his apartment and his truck while living in Seattle.

When he returned home to Buffalo Niagara and sought help from the local Veterans Affairs office, he said he was told his discharge papers were not in order and he was ineligible for help. Simmance said he was turned down twice for treatment at the VA’s Batavia residential facility for post-traumatic stress disorder.

“The kicker is, I have my official U.S. military passport with all the stamps of the countries I was in overseas, and the Batavia hospital didn’t even want to look at it,” he said. “I served in the Middle East in 2001 with an international peacekeeping force and saw combat.”

I wonder why the hospital didn’t want to look at his “official military passport”. I mean, we all needed a passport to go to combat, right? In fact, when we invaded Iraq in 1991, the whole division had to go through Iraqi customs to make sure we weren’t bringing any plant matter or pets in with us.

Category: Occupy, Phony soldiers

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Speechless. Stunned. “Military passport”? Yeah, the terrorists wouldn’t know who to target that way, would they, you dipshit?

The very reason they started having people on TAD/orders carry passports (the normal kind) is because of Robert Stethem and the whole TWA 847 deal…singled out, tortured, and murdered based on the fact all he had was a military ID.

Jesus, you’re really making it hard for me to have any sort of faith in my fellow man sometimes, Jonn.


That passport bit is what got me laughing, too! That story might sound good to a civilian, but not to anyone who’s been there, done that.

Not quite sure why we even had them. It stayed safely in a file back at the base. Even on routine international flights. They sure didn’t want us to carry them somewhere that they might get lost!

Old Trooper

Passport? We doan need no stinking passport! Fortunately, I was out before the passport thing even came into effect.

2-17 AirCav

Wait for Part II. That’s where, after realizing the official military passport story wasn’t too bright, he is prompted to tell the unvarnished truth. You know what’s coming. Right. Special Ops Secret Squirrel missions.


A military passport? Heh – mine, complete with stamps, is on my last official photo, right above the left pocket.

Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole: best damned recruiters our Military ever had!

Adirondack Patriot

Peacekeeping in the Middle East in 2001? “Peacekeeping” is a U.N. label, and we didn’t have any “peacekeeping” mission in 2001.

We had No-Fly Zone enforcement in Iraq, but that wasn’t combat as he claimed.

Shame on for not picking up on that when they ran his story back in February 2008.


I thought I left something at home when I went to the war zone. My official military passport.


Actually AP, didn’t we have the mission to Sinai Peninsula then? I could be wrong, but I thought we did.


MFO Sinai

I only know that one because some of my dudes did that one, they were on some island and said they just screwed around all day.


Believe there was a brigade on the Kuwait-Iraq border during that time as well. 3/3ID had it in 2002-3.

Adirondack Patriot

TSO: Thanks for the info. I stand corrected.

2-17 AirCav

How to Avoid Combat, Simmance Style

“Your passport, please”

“Gee, I left it in my locker back in the states.”

“Here, take this. It’s your number–16,893. When it’s called, step over to table 3.”


DD-214 screwed up? When I got out, they had me look it over and ASKED many, many times if it was correct. Why does the media fall for this crap?

Bet he was kicked out for drugs or “failure to adapt”.


I was patrolling Rte. Irish in 2004 and some bros from the unit who live in the Buffalo AO are thinking of paying mr. fucktstick a visit. one wants to beat him with his prosthetic leg.


He has to be an outstanding human being, his own mother threw his worthless ass under the bus. I think Joey oughta adopt him and bring him to his house, to fight off the “rednecks in F-350’s”.

John Galt

I showed my civilian passport in when I flew back into Germany in 1987 and caused all kinds of sh#t until I showed my military ID. Status of Forces agreement and all that. 20 years and 6 days, never had a “Military Passport”. But if you were stationed at Fort Living Room and never deployed outside CONUS, you might think you needed a passport.

Enigma 4 You

“The kicker is, I have my official U.S. military passport with all the stamps of the countries I was in overseas, and the Batavia hospital didn’t even want to look at it,” he said. “I served in the Middle East in 2001 with an international peacekeeping force and saw combat.”

Customs- “Sir may I ask, is this a business or Pleasure trip,

Asshat- “Both, you see that’s an official US Military passport, Im here to invade and loot.

Customs- “And how long do you intend to stay?

AssHat-“Till I wake up or the drugs wear off, Im not picky”

Customs-“Enjoy your stay in la la land, keep your hand and feet inside the ride at all times”

Really a passport? Oh well thats proof enough. I think we need to start a fund to send these shit bag. should have been a blow job asshats to the places they pretend to have been. Then when they get home put them at the airports and bus stations to carry the bags of the Real men who have been there done that and have to deal with the real part of coming home and getting ready to go back.

The Sniper

That’s why we lost so many troops on the D-Day landing at Normandy: fucking passport control. See, you thought they were running off those landing craft to storm the beach, but they really just wanted to be first in line at the passport control kiosk because your odds of survival were much higher if you were first in line and had your customs declaration already filled out.

Fucking moron.


He is a POS. I was in Ft Lewis 1/5 with him. He was an ok guy but came up hot on 2 piss tests. He was booted as a PV2 but he had been a SPC. He was dating a 40 something girl who was divorced. We found a pink dildo in his room during a health and wellfare inspection.


[…] Phony in Buffalo still at it November 28th, 2011 You probably remember Christopher M. Simmance who we discussed last week while he was blowing up his military credentials apparently he’s blowing up his creds even […]


If this dickhead was in the Sinai in 2001, I wonder how come I dont know him Since I was in C Co 1-21 Infantry and our Battalion had the Sinai mission in 2001 for the first 6 months and were relieved by the 82nd. What a f*kin loser..23 yrs 5 months and 6 days and I never had a military passport. Must have been something just for super secret squirrels.

INF Teamleader

He left for Egypt in Dec 1999 and returned in June 2000. He came up hot on another piss test after returning and left the Army in 11 Jan 2001.


[…] outright liars we’ve profiled on this very blog as they popped up. Veterans like Jay Polk, Christopher M. Simmance, and Scott Olson, both sides will be disappointed on the […]


I actually know Chris Simmance, I was in a VA medical facility in upstate NY with him(Canandaigua VAMC) he claimed to be an infantryman, I. Asked him where he went to basic he claimed ft. Bragg lol. I’m infantry myself and any fellow grunt knows ft. Benning Is home of the mighty infantry, I asked why bragg???? He said he was part of a “special” selection of soldiers for black ops against Iran… LOL of course I called him on his bullshit and he left the ptsd program that day. Just a little info for you guys about this pos. I served 11B for 10th mountain, 1st brigade “triple deuce!!” I know his number, address… any questions feel free to contact me. bigtymer2267@gmailcom