Say again, Al

| August 11, 2011

If you can translate this Al Sharpton clip, I’d sure appreciate it;

Category: Shitbags

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You need “Booked on Phonics” to help understand that gibberish:

Old Tanker

Bwahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!! holy goat ropin’, tonque twisted, Ebonically challenged, spewing wastematter….

Somewhere an Ebonics Proffesor is saying “watdafukhejussay?”…


We need a place where old, befuddled race profiteers can sit around and mumble to each other, without bothering the thinking public [what little there remains of that group anyway].

Joseph Brown

Rush has a good post about this this morning. Funny thing is MessNBC is preparing him to be one of their show hosts. He’ll fit right in with “thrill up his leg” Matthews and that little Madcow or whatever her name is.

Old Tanker


I can’t dissagree more….the entertainment value alone is priceless!! 😉


Someone suggested the teleprompter guy should have done the “I’m a dumbass” Barkley gag on Al. I’m positive he would have read it and never known it.

The Dead Man

Anyone else wondering what his BAC is?

John Curmudgeon

Translation: I eat bags of dicks daily.

I cant stand that scumbag.

B'emet Or

come on guys! you’re being sooooooooo insensitive!!!
he was having one of those on-air strokes or whatever,much, and, we much and must see that’ve been going around lately……


Thanks. I pulled a stomach muscle laughing. As best I can tell he intends to commit some mulch to something.

Joe Williams

Blah Blah blah and Blah, Whitey’s fault


Being from NYC, I will take a stab at this.

He said, in translation:

“Ello meye phelloe African’s, excuse me American’s”.

“Wee much knot no very must”.

That is all I could translate.

Satire ….


I’ve had toddlers explain things to me better than that unholy gene spliced horse/human head.