Kunis’ Marine Ball date

| July 14, 2011

Some of you have sent em links to a Reuters report that Mila Kuni’s date with Staff Sergeant Scott Moore is off, but Fox says differently;

But a “yes” is a “yes,” especially when the “yes” is to a marine stationed overseas in Afghanistan, right?

According to one report, Kunis will indeed be in production, so she’s trying to meet up with Sgt. Moore for a private get-together at an undisclosed location at an undisclosed time.

But E! Online is reporting that while Kunis does have schedule conflicts, she and her posse are doing all they can to organize her production schedule so that she and Sgt. Moore can attend the highly anticipated ball together.

The video of Mila’s acceptance of the invitation;

Justin Timberlake’s involvement in the whole process may have put him in the same situation;

And if Kunis fulfills her promise, Justin Timberlake may have to as well, as the whole “Asking a celebrity to the Marine Corps Ball on a video” phenomenon has snowballed, and Timberlake now has his own request from a female Marine to answer.

Category: Support the troops

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Wouldn’t a chick asking JT to the ball essentially be a violation of DADT?

John Curmudgeon

That chick has manface. JT looks more like a girl then she does.


I wouldn’t be suprised if there are a hundred of these videos out there by next week.

Sgt. Moore has Timberlake to thank if he ever even gets a sniff of Kunis…Timberlake was pretty much pushing her to do it.


Dumb POG. The first time is cool but common sense would dictate that military members putting celebs on blast like this makes us look desperate. Personally fuck these celebs they don’t give a shit about us anyway.


Anyone else notice in the midst of the conversation, she said “What if he’s?” Curious to know what she was going to say. Personally… I don’t care who you are, celebrity or not, it should be considered an honour to be asked.


@DirtyMick I agree that they the celebretards don’t give a shit about us but look at it from this perspective. Mila Kunis is probably one of the hottest ones on the market right now. Suppose she goes to the Marine Ball with Sgt Moore and by chance has a good time, meets some cool people, and possibly changes her mind about what she’s been told. The next time she’s at one of those super leftist hollywood parties, if she’s brave enough to speak her mind in a room full of people who disagree she might set a few of them straight. It’s a slight chance but a chance none the less. Even possibly there might be a new trend of celebritards going to the Marine Corp Ball and possibly changing a few minds.

As for old Justin there, well if he goes and that young Marine wants some at the end of the night he just better give up that old manginity before that shit gets brutal.


Apparently, Timberlake said yes too…claiming he was flattered that he was flattered to be asked out.

Bubblehead Ray

According to Foxnews, JT has accepted the invitation also. Good for him. Like gschmidt says, maybe they’ll get something from the exposure to a higher class of people.


And to think, Ray–the closest I got to a hot celebabe was when it was rumored that Jamie Curtis was going to be at the Submarine Ball in Pearl about 20 years ago. Sadly, it was just that, rumor, although her father (Tony-a WWII subvet) was a gracious and hell of a nice guy.


[…] 14th, 2011 OND_Soldier sends a link to the story that Justin Timberlake followed through on the invitation he received from a Marine to attend the Marine Corp Ball with her. According to local television station WTVR, the wife of […]