“Killing is a drug” vet turns out to be poser

| January 5, 2011

Paul wrote to tell us that according to Joe Gould at “Outside the Wire” the Army Times did what I didn’t and went to interview that veteran who wrote the “Killing is a drug” paper that got him suspended from his college.

UPDATE: Army records say C.J. Whittington left the Army as an E-4 and his MOS was 92F, which is a petroleum supply specialist, serving with the 27th CS MSB, 4th BCT, 1st Cavalry (now Armored). His record does not reflect he received a Purple Heart or a Combat Action Badge. Army Times has interviewed Whittington, and he said he was not an infantry squad leader, but that he held a dual MOS: 11B and 92F. Thought y’all would want to know.

I guess the article is in the print edition of the Army Times and I can’t get to it (because I don’t want to contribute to Rick Maze’ paycheck). Honestly, I’m getting sick and tired of questioning everybody’s service. Can’t I take anyone at their word anymore? I hope Charles Whittington gets throat punched. And stays supended from college and ends up filling ketchup dispensers at some greasy diner for the rest of his life.

Category: Military issues, Phony soldiers

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Just A Grunt

Just more of the same. Two kinds of people in the world. 11B’s and Wannabees.


I thought it was Artillerists and Targets.


Aaaaand Scott gets the cookie for calling it first:

Scott Says:
November 22nd, 2010 at 11:04 am
Yeah, I don’t think the guy should have been banned from campus, but did you read the essay? It basically contains all the same drivel that anti-war activists regularly spew about the military, veterans, and the war, but without the disparaging intent. Whittington talks about killing people by stabbing them, slicing their throats, about looking into their eyes as they die. Color me skeptical; this is a little too Jesse-Macbethish for my tastes. I’m not saying the dude is a faker, but I don’t believe he was out there with a kabar, hooking and jabbing either. I don’t want to get too down on him, because he probably never intended it to get this wide of publicity when he wrote it, but it’s pretty one-dimensional and over the top.”


DaveO–that’s “submariners and targets.” You can’t kill what you can’t find, brother.


NHSparky: Aren’t Submariners just Artillerists stuck in a boat that sinks?

Based on the quote “..he held a dual MOS: 11B and 92F” I do have a question. In the Army, one can hold two MOS, as an enlisted soldier, in two ways: at SSG/E-6, a second MOS is awarded. This is usually meaningless. The other way was to re-enlist and go through AIT. My question: did this kid re-up and go through a second AIT? If not, even the quote is incorrect.


Ha! Ha!

I called it. On the previous post about Whittington, I wrote:

“It’s possible that he’s lying. I’m not saying that he is. But it does sound like he’s some kind of IVAW faker, claiming that he saw really traumatic stuff, when really was only in country for like three days and he never left the airport. But we don’t know that.”

The part that sounds, really, really fake is here:

“When I stick my knife through his stomach or ribs or slice his throat, it is a feeling that I cannot explain. It feels so good to me, and I feel addicted to seeing and acting out this act of hate and violence against the ragheads that hurt our country. Terrorists will have nowhere to hide because there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers who feel like me, who want their revenge as well.”

That’s the sort of shit IVAW and Old Geezers for Sitting on Our Hands would like you to believe that soldiers say. “Yeah, this is what war does to people”,etc, etc.


His other MOS being 11B. Yeah, right. Some people say that every soldier’s secondary MOS is 11B, but real 11B’s know that isn’t true. This guy is a pogue. Not that I’m knocking pogues, cause I was one too. But I’m not trying to present myself as a hardened combat infantryman when in fact I pumped gas in the military. (I didn’t pump gas in the military, this guy did.)

Complete and total fraud. When it sounds like music to the ears of the “anti-war” Left, when it’s just way too perfect, it’s usually a lie.


Reservists commonly have multiple MOS’s even if they weren’t prior service. However that comes with the geographically based nature of reserve and guard units. So that if you move, you have the option of changing Mos’s when you hook up with a new unit.

Everytime I got shot at, I barely knew where it was coming from most of the time let alone was able to run them down with my crew served rambo knife and stab them in the eyes or what not.


Dave O, not sure I completely understand your question, but soldiers can hold multiple MOSs in the Army.

My own career being an example, I enlisted as a 19E(armor crewman), 4 years later I SQTed into an 88M slot(heavy wheeled vehicle operator), and a few years after that I went to school in two different states for 55M(Fire, Crash & Rescue). For a portion of my career the 88M and the 55M MOSs ran concurrently while the 19E was considered a secondary.

Lots of different combinations are possible, it just depends on the unit you belong to and the needs of the service, re-enlisting isn’t strictly necessary, and AIT is only done once in a standard career that I’ve ever seen.


@Dave O….actually you can hold 2 MOS’s without having to reup or be an E-6. It used to be you could OJT into the new MOS but in todays Army you can work in the MOS Field then when a spot opens attend the AIT/School for that job. Ironically I will be attending school at Fort Pickett VA in March for….wait for it….wait for it…..92F!!!!! This will give me the dual MOS of (oh lord talk about irony) 92F/11B. Technically I actually will hold 3 MOS’s with 25U being the 3rd but I never went to that school. Anyway when you receive a new MOS that one will become your primary, which for me will be 92F, and the old one, 11B, becomes the secondary.


Fucking pussy. I hope this turd is ostracized by his peers.


You TAH guys should write some kind of book about the fakers, liars, and frauds of the Iraq/Afghan War era. I’m sure you’d do a great job.

The reason I mention this is because I sometimes forget these clowns. I noticed in the comments section of the MilitaryTimes article cited above that someone mentioned Scott Beauchamp.

I thought to myself, “Scott Beauchamp…Scott Beauchamp…where have I heard that name before?”

And then it hit me. The Baghdad Diarist! Yes, the incognito soldier who fed the New Republic the “real dirt” on what’s “really going on” in Iraq.

New Republic readers lapped that shit up because it’s what they wanted to hear. The fact that their inside man was liar wasn’t all that important to them.

And yet everytime one of the punks comes out, people automatically take them at face value. We can usually spot a liar when we see one, but plenty of people can’t.


Somebody give Ben a cigar! lol!


Jacobite & Army_Grunt: thanks for the input. I was just wondering about the timeline. The kid is/was a SPC, so between 1 and 8 YOS. Since I don’t know how long the kid served, the range of YOS can reasonably leave enough time for reclass.

Best to stomp on the kid now before his aspirations to be Pseudo-Rambo make him an old, dangerous fool.

Chuck Z

In any case, if combat devolves to fisticuffs and bayonetts, on multiple occasions, I’d say someone either needs better fire disciplne or more range time.

And the only thing most people think when stabbing someone in the chest is “holy crap that’s a lot of blood!” followed immediately by “ew. That really stinks.”


If he’s still here around Hood, I’d be glad to do the throat punching!


I knew that little POS was a faggot liar. Ya bayonetting people. I don’t remember having to do that when I was in Mosul in 05 or in Kunar this past year. I hate this wannabe shit. I really do


Yeah, but the little shitebird got a lot of sympathy from both sides for awhile.

John the Baptist

“Two kinds of people in the world. 11B’s and Wannabees.”

Nope. I was a 91B and spent too much time with the grunts, I don’wannabee one. I went the same places and did most of the same things they did, so I got to have all the fun without the blue disks and cords.

Back at the end of Vietnam and through the 1970s, it wasn’t unusual to have multiple MOS’s. I knew several guys who signed up for one MOS or another, then were offered something else where there was a shortage, right after they graduated from AIT. I want to say that “Skippy” of skippyslist.com did that, IIRC he started off as some sort of journalist or illustrator or something, then transferred over to PsychOps, went ABN, and ended up as a ABN qualified poster maker with SF in the Balkans.

Also, some of the things we did with the same MOS have separate ones today, like ground pounding medics and dustoff medics both were rated as 91B’s.

The Sniper

I think when he said “killing is a drug” he left out that the thing he was killing was time and his credibility which, for most of the left, IVAW, VVAW, etc is pretty much an addiction.

Bubblehead Ray

Post #5, Dave-O,

ANY boat can sink. Only Submarines are designed to sink… quietly sneak up on and kill the bad guys, and then(very important distinction here) surface. LOL

Rich C

Just a Grunt and Davo O You’re both wrong.
The two kinds of people in the world, as everyone knows,
Are Tankers and Crunchies


“I’d rather dig. A moving foxhole attracts th’ eye.” Bill Maudlin


He woke up with an xbox controller in his hand after an all night Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 marathon and decided to put his thoughts on paper…….