Another faker busted.

| December 29, 2010

This info per Military Fakers and POW network.

An Arizona man who faced criminal charges under the nation’s Stolen Valor Act pleaded guilty to lesser crimes Thursday afternoon, just one day after a federal appeals panel ruled that lying about military awards is protected free speech.

Kurt A. Bishop, 42, of Queen Creek, was indicted in April on 34 counts related to fraudulent claims that he was decorated in the Army with a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Ranger Tab and numerous other honors.

This is has been going on for the past few months and it is nice to see that this guy having to answer for what he has done. Except that his excuse if first rate.

“We took into account the 9th Circuit ruling, but the defendant’s guilty pleas speak for themselves,” said Wyn Hornbuckle, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Paladini said questions about the Stolen Valor Act played a role in negotiations leading to the plea agreement because a Colorado court already had ruled the statute unconstitutional, and the 9th Circuit decision was pending.

Paladini said his client comes from a military family and served two decades in the Army, but yielded to “youthful indiscretion” as he tried to impress relatives and colleagues after completing his first tour of duty in 1991. Paladini said the false awards were somehow entered in Bishop’s military personnel file, causing the lie to be repeated over the years.

“It was never done for pecuniary gain,” the attorney said. “Kurt is a man of God who selflessly served his country for more than 20 years. He’s certainly not some seasoned criminal. . . . He was simply looking for acceptance and, unfortunately, it snowballed out of control.”

Except that is not our problem. You started the lies when it was convenient and benefited you. But once you had to face your peers, and answer questions that you did not like you folded. Also I do not care about if you a “Man of God” or what you did in the Military. What I am concerned what you did not do in the military service.

Category: Phony soldiers

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A chaplain? Don’t believe I would be attending his church.


The Lord is my shepherd; he knows what I like, baby!

Adirondack Patriot

A “Man of God” bearing false witness? Yeah, go with that one. It’ll work.


Which part of “Thou shalt not lie” didn’t the alleged chaplain get? And what other commandments did he break?


I take issue with the “served selflessly for 20 years” bit. If he was really that busy “serving,” he wouldn’t have had time to make stuff up. He would have been busy earning all those medals on that uniform.


No integrity as a soldier = no integrity as a chaplain.

Doc Bailey

the Motto of the Chaplin Corps is “Pro Dieu et Patria” For God and Country. this branch above all others, should be selfless. this particular example is disgusting