Armed duo stopped at MacDill gate

| June 15, 2010

Two people without authorization were stopped along with their trunk full of weapons at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida last night, according to Fox News;

Base public affairs officer Senior Airman Katherine B. Holt reports a man and woman were unable to show proper identification Monday evening, and their vehicle was searched. Security found military-style gear and weapons in the sport utility vehicle but no explosives. Holt says she didn’t know how many weapons were removed but they were rifle-type.

The suspects names were not released.

Meanwhile, halfway around the world, Pakistanis picked up an American who was scouring the country side with NVGs, a sword and a pistol looking for bin Laden;

The man was identified as 52-year-old Californian construction worker Gary Brooks Faulkner, said officer Mumtaz Ahmad Khan.

He was picked up in a forest in the Chitral region late on Sunday, he said.

“We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Usama bin Laden,” said Khan. But he said when officers seized the pistol, the sword and night-vision equipment, “our suspicion grew.”

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

I wonder why we already know the name of the dude in Pakistan, but we don’t have the names of the 2 at MacDill?? I’m just sayin……….

B Woodman

I agree. From Pakistan, we know the nationality, name, age, gender, occupation and specific weapons of the man looking for The O.

But nothing other then gender of the two stopped at McDill. Hmmmm. Sounds like another Fort Hood cover-up.

Libtard MSM, inquiring minds want to know. . . . .

Old Trooper

Even Fox isn’t giving up the info, which makes me believe that the military hasn’t disclosed that information, yet. I’m just curious as to why.


From the TV version there looked to be quiet a few loaded mags for a big freckin weapon…and boonie caps.

You can not seriously attack an American Military Base without boonie caps.

just sayin…


Latest is that one of the dudes was a GI on AWOL.