McCain to make GOP in his image
After his stunning victory for Barack Obama last November, John McCain has decided that he needs to prepare the electoral battleground for even more victories for the Democrats by making the GOP more like McCain, writes Politico‘s Alex Isenstadt;
It’s all part of an approach that is at odds with most other recent failed presidential nominees, whose immediate response to defeat was to retreat from the electoral arena. But those familiar with McCain’s thinking say he has expressed serious concern about the direction of the party and is actively seeking out and supporting candidates who can broaden the party’s reach.
In McCain’s case, that means backing conservative pragmatists and moderates.
“I think he’s endorsed people with center-right politics because he has an understanding that the party is in trouble with certain demographics and wants to have a tone that would allow us to grow,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who is McCain’s closest friend and ally in the Senate.
Yeah, nothing like expanding on a losing strategy. McCain’s problem through the whole election is that he tried to be a Democrat which turned off conservative voters. The article goes on to disparage “shrill voices” – but this is the kind of crap that makes voices shrill. Conservatives want someone they can vote for without holding their noses – my nose is still somewhat deformed from posting in support of McCain last year.
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Marc T….
I’m going to end this because I have no idea where you get your information from. Did I say Bush wasn’t smart? NO, I never even mentioned Bush.
Can you read and comprehend a sentence, because it seems like you can’t.
I’ve already said I’m not a Democrat about 4 or 5 times…can you comprehend that?
You hate muslims because they want to kill your children…are you freakin serious? Are you that much of a bigot?
Did Biden say he can see Russia from Alaska, come on dude you got to admit that was really really stupid. Biden does make really stupid remarks but I can bet you a million dollars that Ms. Palin couldn’t name 5 countries in the Middle East. Shit, I bet your ass couldn’t unless you googled it.
Can you explain how Obama is a boy? He sure does look like a man to me but I could be mistaken since he does look young.
Again, your really making what you call “conservative” look really bad. You may want to stop.
Why do my comments await approval while all others go through so quickly?
Are you worried about something?
Amazing? You having a bad week there bud?
amazing, i don’t know what you are but you make it look bad. also you insinuated bush with your stupid comment. when the muslims take over the world because dumb asses like you fail to defend the country because of political correctness, who they going to come for first. you , jew, stupid… then my kids….and saying you can see russia from here, i don’t see whats so wrong with it. i guess you have to be trying to to find something wrong with palin. and she is much more experienced than the boy. so your plan is just to hate beautiful conservative women. and i bet i “been” to more countries than you can name… thing is for sure, you have a lot of hate for rep but none for dems so even if you say you aren’t one you still are one. admit it, your a jew-democrat. with friends like you israel hasn’t got a change.
Hey Scorch, go read Marc T’s comments and then go ask the question again. I’m sorry, I really don’t like racism or bigotry, and worse I hate being labeled as either conservative or liberal, democrat or republican.
This Marc t guy is what is wrong with the party I once belong to. Get rid of moron’s like that dude, and you got me back.
Uh, stuff? You **DO** realize Palin NEVER said she could see Russia from her house, right? That in fact, it was Tina Fey who uttered those words, and the lefties and the media (but I repeat myself) simply ran with it?
Oh, and for your edification: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Kuwait. Those are ME countries solely located on the Arabian peninsula. Would you like me to continue?
Yes, now I’d vote for you NHSparky since it seems you may actually know more than Palin. But maybe just maybe NHSparky “googled it”…hmmm, not sure
amazing , we don’t want you in this party. your not one of us so who needs you. the dems need dummies like you who can throw around the racist bigot garbage. but it don’t work on me, buffalo breath. i ain’t scared of your old worn out rantings. as far as moron, that would be you. remember jew=DEMOCRAP=moron=baby killer=minion of the devil.
dude, how am I throwing around racist/bigot garbage? Your proving my point with your racist rants that you just made.
dude cus thats all you know how to do.
ps things are not racist just because “you say its so”. your side doesn’t get to be the sole decider anymore.
“your side”…are you stupid? Do you not understand english? Why do I have to keep on repeating myself? I’m speaking with a freakin monkey here.
Cold fronts finally making it down to South Texas and I can honestly say after several months of 105 degree days it will be very appreciated. So Amazing, even though I’m really enjoying reading your disgruntled posts I think going out and smelling the aroma of mesquite, which comes down from the ranch country north of us with the first cold front, is more enticing. Lighten up and don’t take yourself so seriously.
like your not voting democrap. your can call yourself anything you want, but if you pull the lever for obama your part of the problem not the solution. remember jew=demonrat=moron. with friends like you israel is lost for sure…..and don’t even bother telling me you didn’t vote for obuttcrack. demonrats lie and deceive. it’s what they do. its all they do. to demonrats the end justfies the means.
Are you an illegal alien? You don’t even write in English.
Jonn, I know you capture ISP’s, can you please report this dude to the Immigration and Naturalization Services.
what the fuck is a demoncrat, obuttcrack? Sorry I just don’t know if those are even words.
Please don’t speak of Israel like your a friend of it, You probably couldn’t even point it out on a map.
Since you can’t believe anyone when they say something. Here you go, believe what you want. But get the hell out of my country or try to speak the fucking language, you fucking moron.
tsk tsk amazing. was it something i said that made you lose your cookies. but ranting doesn’t get you anywhere. now, troll, go back to underground for dummies where you belong.
I lost my cookies? What does that mean…please man or woman or whatever you are, LEARN ENGLISH.
Amazing stuff here,
It’s a pleasure to see another rational person posting on this website. Gotta play the devil’s advocate with thses guys, it’s the only time they hear anything outside of their little echo chamber….
Joe, that’s the second time you’ve mention our “echo chamber”. I’ll remind you that we let you in our “echo chamber” and haven’t deleted or otherwise censored you, so your “echo chamber” charge is fairly unsupported and intellectually vacant.
amazing bag of wind- you need to learn to love america.
Marc t…..did ever say I don’t love America? NO!
I probably love it more than you, since I actually know the language that is used here and can comprehend it. Something your lacking.
Jonn…really, are you serious? You got 99% of the people on your site saying the same exact thing, repeating it over and over and over again.
“One purveyor of information will make a claim, which many like-minded people then repeat, overhear, and repeat again (often in an exaggerated or otherwise distorted form)until most people assume that some extreme variation of the story is true.”
just like a democrap. can’t win an argument on the facts so you try to have the powers that be shut down the “hate talk”. you know like talk radio. i know you think your plenty smart, and i’m not going to argue the point here. but , what you do lack is wisdom. it’s what your side lacks, troll. you come here where your not wanted and spew your leftest garbage, pick a fight, and then cry for mommy when someone fights back…..ok you say your not a dem. name me one high profile rep in the last ten years that you voted for. rino’s don’t count cus their not rep.
Goerge W. Bush
sorry President George W. Bush.
ok i’ll stand corrected on that one, but i really meant to say name a conservative you voted for or name one you would vote for today.
oh today? let’s see, is there an election today. Shit, I got to get down to the election office.
I think I know what you mean, hmmmm let me think.
I know, I know….how about Congressman Ron Paul.
Okay, bring it on….let me hear your attacks on him. Now I get to see if you really know what conservatism means. Try not to bring up war (even though his position on nation building is conservative) and point out anything just anything else that he is not conservative on.
No, stuff, Ron Paul is NOT conservative in that sense. He’s a small-government libertarian who, for purposes of caucusing and fundraising, is allowed to claim he is a Republican, but given his foreign policies and his supporters, he’s unelectable outside the 14th CD of Texas.
I probably love it more than you, since I actually know the language that is used here and can comprehend it. Something your lacking.
Good thing you didn’t include spelling and grammar in that litany of amazing elementary school accomplishments.
Okay, bring it on….let me hear your attacks on him.
I’ll try to type as loudly as I can so you can hear my reply; as Sparky so eloquently stated, Ron Paul couldn’t win anything short of an Ian McKellen lookalike contest outside of his own district. Does he have some interesting ideas? Sure. So do the guys on Mythbusters, but I doubt I’d elect them to high office. But beyond that, one of Ron Paul’s greatest liabilities is his support base. Frankly it resembles what you’d see in the hospitality suite at a Star Trek convention, less the hot chicks dressed as anime characters. Between the ‘birthers’, ‘truthers’, Area-51 believers, the ‘let’s kill the Post Office’ whack-jobs, the ‘and while we’re at it kill any department not specifically listed in the original Constitution’ short-bus riders, and the gang who’ve thrown in with this crowd because they think there’s a chance at electing someone who’ll legalize pot, it would be tough for the average American to hear Ron Paul’s policies on limited government and limited international peacekeeping.
PS: I apologize to all the Star Trek fans out there if I’ve offended you by plunking you in with the Ronulans…q’pla!
So limited government and following the constitution isn’t conservative? did it become liberal or something?
so you don’t like Ron Paul…okay!
How about Kit Bond, Doug Lamborn, and Eric Cantor. Are they conservative enough?
So limited government and following the constitution isn’t conservative? did it become liberal or something?
That’s not what I said. What I said was that Ron Paul and his merry band of whackjobs are not the droids you’re looking for. Move along.
How about Kit Bond, Doug Lamborn, and Eric Cantor. Are they conservative enough?
Define ‘enough’.
go back to what Marc t asked.
Move along? I should obey you?
ok i’ll stand corrected on that one, but i really meant to say name a conservative you voted for or name one you would vote for today.
Herman Cain. Voted for him for US senate and would do so again if he decided to run.
Move along? I should obey you?
Only if Jedi mind tricks work on you.
ok amazing, lets have a conversation. one paragraph at a time. i’ll tell you about myself, you tell me about yourself. to answer your post about ron paul i can’t support him because to be honest i wouldn’t trust the saftey of my country to his “policies and judgments”….. i live in phx, i’m married and i have a 5 year old grandson who lives with me. he is to me the most precious thing on this earth. i have some dogs and some cats and a disabled sister who lives with me. i consider conservatism to mean; conserving what works and getting rid of what doesn’t. feelings and intentions fall short while results matter most in my book. i am fortunate enough to own a small food service business and i want to enjoy the fruits of my labor, not have the govt take a large portion of my earnings and give it to someone else. a safety net is one thing, but this govt spends a whole lot of money on stuff that i deem as unnecessary. it’s more like some people voting themselves a paychech at those that work expense. ok your turn. tell me who you are and what animates you.
Marc t,
Great, and you forgot to write that you judge anyone who disagree’s and label them “democraps”.
Dude, I don’t give a shit about you or your life, and you think your going to bully me into telling you about my life. Screw you, this is conservativism at it’s best. Stay the fuck out of my life, and I don’t give a shit about yours.
i knew right off you were an asshole moron. i guess your lies about voting for bush made me cut you some slack. unwarranted of course. your a dick suck troll like i thought not decent enough to lick the bottom of any conservatives shoe. in other words your liberal left wing scum. from now on you can kiss my ass.
ps thats right your a democrat. remember earlier what i said dems are.
lol…you kill me, dude. You sound like such a bitch. Go cry somewhere else.
its true i tried to be friends with you and got screwed. it wont happen again lier. i have to remember your a democrat and back stabbing is what you do. but all i lost was a few minutes. you never had anything to lose. bite me amazing bag of wind.
and it doesn’t change the fact that your an ignorant dumb ass with no wisdom. just like obuttcrack your president
You know, maybe I am a fool…I just wasted time actually debating a 12 year old. I’m so stupid.
yes you are stupid. i just figured you out. a ron paul supporter. anyone that would support that whacko is a whacko nutcase too. your one beer short of a six pack. the neuron connections are not quite making all the connections. no fixing that. it’s the way you will have to finish your time on earth. i feel sorry for you. you were born a fool and you will die a fool.