IVAW filmmakers don’t like Oath of Enlistment; unilaterally change it to make a point
You can go watch the video over at Army Sergeant’s House of Horrors. (Just teasing, thought it might get her some extra traffic.) According to the filmmakers that are pimping Winter Soldier Fantasies, the Oath of Enlistment reads thusly:
I do solemnly swear that I will defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic; I will bear true faith and allegiance to my country; I will obey the President of the United States of America; so help me God.
Of course, those of us who took the oath may note some alterations. It would seem that IVAW and their brethren forgot to consult with 10 USC 502, which has the actual Oath. So, Let us compare, shall me? IVAW oath in italics, real oath bolded.
I do solemnly swear that I will defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic;
I, XXXXXXXXXX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
What happened to “support”? Well, they can’t in good conscience argue that they are supporting the Constitution, nor bring themselves to state which Constitution. Chalk this one up to rare showing of honesty, or the fact they just felt like taking the Red Pen to our oath.
I will bear true faith and allegiance to my country;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
Service-members bear “true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution, IVAW to “the country” which is I guess some sort of opt-out clause. What with the will of the “country” being open to a more generous reading than the Constitution.
I will obey the President of the United States of America;
and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Those pesky officers and the UCMJ, gone. See how easy that is? No longer must you obey the laws, just the person making them. Ergo George (Chimpy McHitlerBurton) has become a defacto iron-fisted fascist with legions of soldiers at his disposal to thwart Democracy. But, why would they want to do that? Because saying you disobeyed a dictator sounds better than disobeying the orders and officers who the country as a whole (the civilian leadership being our ultimate boss) and taking the UCMJ out exonerates our Congress, since they’re the ones who came up with it.
So help me God.
So help me God.
Eureka! Something which bears a resemblance in each of them. That is Teh Awesome! UPDATE: Army Sergeant just defended the Oath changes on grounds of artistic license and said no one would know this was the oath of enlistment. I assume she did that to crack me up, and for that I thank her. In this video here, different than the one up at her place, they actually put the WRONG quote right up on the screen. Hilarious!
BTW- The whiney little pre-pubescent girl in the beginning is Christine Arendt, famed commander of Camp X-Ray and Delta. It’s also said that she is still waiting to finish the operation to become a man. We wish her all the best with her Addadicktomy. After the jump, a little person dancing with a vacuum cleaner, because if you made it through my entire post, then you have earned this! It’s my way of saying Thank You.
Category: Politics
Ok, the midget pic is just wrong.
BTW, how did you get ahold of that pic of me? I thought I had burned all the copies.
Mr Smiley Vac is Happy, Happy, Happy!
And everyone else (blurry people in the far background) are wondering, “WTF! Quick, call 9-1-1.”
More seriously, what can be done to callout and counteract IVAW’s blatent editing and propagandizing of the Oath of Enlistment?
I would like to point out that while IVAW authorized the filmmakers to make the documentary, we do not have editorial control on things such as the oath of enlistment. It is artisticly edited by Zeiger and crew, probably for a lot of reasons, none of them nefarious and more having to do with length. Also, don’t get me started on the myriad of ways IVAW members support the Constitution, you know I’m a flaming Constitutionalist.
After the “I Will Bear True and Faithful Allegiance To My Country” text,Geoff Millard should have had a line saying “I won’t wear a CIB I didn’t earn.”
Edited for length? Riiight.. That pesky oath takes all of about 18-20 seconds to say, out loud. I can see where saving all of 10 seconds in that piece of crap they call a video would be so important.
And, Christine seems to be coloring his hair.
AS, if IVAW “authorized” the making of this, why wouldn’t they exercise control over what it said, and how it was said?
Winter Soldier? Ok. Where is this guy ? :
He was there. Shouldn’t he be in the new video ?
Screw the constitution.
IVAW are chumps.