The phony soldier protection clause

| January 17, 2008

I got this in an email from Don Carl this morning. Apparently there’s something in the First Amendment of the Constitution that protects lying, butt pirates from facing up to their malfeasance (SFGate link);

An elected official charged with falsely claiming he earned the military’s highest honor has filed a motion to dismiss the federal case against him on free speech grounds.

The motion argues that the Stolen Valor Act of 2005, under which water board member Xavier Alvarez was charged, is incompatible with the First Amendment because it restricts free speech by criminalizing false claims of military honors.

Alvarez, an elected representative to the Three Valleys Municipal Water District, said last year at a water district meeting that he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his deeds as a Marine.

Well, it turns out that Captain Numbnuts has never been in the service, not one day (unlike other phony soldiers like Jesse MacBeth who spent an entire week in the Army before being shooed-off). And now, he claims it’s free speech to claim to be an awardee of the nation’s military’s highest award.

I wonder if he’d think that pounding his little lyin’ ass into the ground like a tent peg could be considered free speech, too. That’s exactly what he’s doing to the men and women throughout our nation’s history who’ve given the last full measure of devotion so that he can claim their honor. The fact that he would even consider this tack with his defense proves he’s never been in the service and he’s never stood shoulder-to-shoulder with real life heroes.

Moonbattery writes that the lawsuit is good news for John Kerry – maybe now he’ll sign his Form 180.

Category: Phony soldiers, Society

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Army Sergeant

I say that we should consider alternate sentencing for him. We hold him, then let the Medal of Honor winners still alive have a talk with him.

Also, as I said elsewhere, it’s a sad day when he can claim something like that and be believed. People don’t know nearly enough about the Medal of Honor these days. I knew more as a gradeschooler.


Who knew that FRAUD is considered “free speech”?

Dinky Dau

I think the IRS should pay that sorry exchuse for a human being a little visit.. If he can lie about something as sacred as the MOH, I guarantee he has been doing the same with his tax returns.. There is more than one way to dispense justice..

Dinky Dau

Thanks John, it’s nice to be back in touch.. Hope you had a great Christmas..


[…] I wrote about Xavier Alvarez more than two years ago. He claimed he was in the Marines and was awarded a Medal of Honor while campaigning for the office of water commissioner. He was not a Marine, so it follows that he wasn’t awarded any medals. […]