Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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Keep this image handy, Chevette. I think you’ll be needing it soon:


So far, we’ve thoroughly established the following: * Dennis Chevalier claimed to be a retired USAF LTC.. * Dennis Chevalier claimed to be a C130 pilot… * Dennis Chevalier claimed to have deployed to Iraq, during the Gulf War, as a C130 pilot by various call signs, including “brasshat”… (remove the “br” and you’ll get his nickname here. * Dennis Chevalier insinuated that he got “ill” as a result of his Gulf War deployment. * Dennis Chevalier had a run in with Jim Parker; who ended up thoroughly discrediting Dennis Chevalier in the investigative world. On or about the same time period, he tried to sue Jim Parker for an alleged computer virus… then he dropped his lawsuit. * Dennis Chevalier told unsuspecting women and his students of his stories about flying C130s, about a Marine that accidentally shot him down in Iraq, and about his USAF LTC rank. * Dennis Chevalier gets called out in front of veterans and their supporters. It’s proven that he never flew C130s, that he never was a retired USAF LTC, and that he never combat deployed to Iraq. * Dennis Chevalier denies that he did the above, he blames a hacker. He points his fingers at “Jay Parker.” * Fedupexwifeofdhc participates on the thread, talking about how Dennis Chevalier claimed to be a C130 pilot, a USAF LTC, and a Gulf War Veteran. She further verifies that Dennis Chevalier likes to blame hackers for his own actions. * Dennis Chevalier’s claims and photos remain up long past the “settlement” date. Dennis Chevalier gets called out on that, and responds by accusing the hacker of not doing a diligent job of removing his comments. * Dennis Chevalier forges a document to fit his argument… it’s a copy of his complaint with the information about a hacker making those claims. Dennis declares “Game Over” as a result. * Posting members accurately point out that Dennis Chevalier added the hacking claims. * Jim Parker, the guy that Dennis blames for the hacking, posts on TAH substantiating the fact that Dennis Chevalier added the “hacking” comments. What… Read more »

Toasty Coastie

Hey Sparkle Pony Phony USAF LTC~

Question for you..when and where did you work for the FBI BAU?

Just curious, but if you could answer that I would be very appreciative and will send you a 7 lb block of your favorite cheese.

Please don’t keep me waiting…cheese gets moldy and we can’t have that you know.


He never worked for the FBI. My sources came back with “who”.

BTW: the inquirey took less than 1 minute. The process is easy, name and press “enter”.

Just like every other bonafide search … Keeps coming back “who”.

However, other inquiries do come back “he is on our radar, we know what he is doing, he is a problem, his number will come up soon, it is only a matter of time etc …”.


Look, everyone – he’s baaaaaaa-aaaaaack!

And it looks like he’s doubling-down on “teh stoopid” – again.


Whenever I am sure that it can not get any more stupid, old cheese head surprises me and brings it to another level.


I like how he thinks he can contol the narrative of this episode by trying to shift the debate to a place where he can control who says what. Just like he does in his abusive, deadbeat marriages.


We don’t play that shit, you cheese eating coward.


I just finished reading that blog post. That’s five minutes of my life I will never get back.

I was really amused at the part where he says he’s never claimed to be a USAF pilot, but yet there are posts from a website where he claims just that.

The TX State Guard must really be hurting for bodies if it allows him to continue to “serve.”

SGM John

He’s long gone.


I thought you said you weren’t coming back? Just another lie in a long list of lies from Dennis “Fromage Fucker” Chevalier.


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier

*Link to Propaganda1234 sewage*

Hmmm… nothing new! The new link that you added there lead to a post indicating that there was nothing there. I highly doubt that naked women from Venus would have anything to do with anything you spew.

Reminds me of this old ’80s commercial…

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Cheavyliar, when you pick a lost cause, you *really* commit!


Cheeze Wiz,

Nice TR quote, fortunately is does not apply to you as you have NEVER been in the fray as compared to us.

Bernath attempted to use TR in his “ode to my great accomplishments” that some how now resides in the Library of Congress. Like you citizen Bernath’s reality is not in line with fact and history.

Keep it up … When we present at the next “Stolen Valor” hearings in Congress … Your own words most probably will be under scrutiny by several Congressmen.

BTW: are you a Ritz or Triscut man?

Toasty Coastie

Master Chief~
he likes both as long as he can put cheese on them.

Doc Savage

wtf was that abortion I just read???

Cheddar boy…please, for the love of god…stop digging….its just getting deeper.


Geeeze, go away for just 1 day and I’m totally behind. New Posers. Same ole Chevy. Where’s Bernasty and Round Ranger?


Holy Batshit Robin! I got mentioned on Chevy’s “Evidence” page. Damn! This makes my day. Sweet!


And BTW, my comment is still in play. CAP and TSG want Chevy to be illustrative of their organizations? Ok then.

OIF '06-'07-'08

What does cheese boy think he is going to accomplish with his blog?


A vain attempt to get somebody, ANYbody to believe his story(ies.)

He’s got a Ph.D alright – His lies are Piled high. Deeper.


Would someone please tell me when I did time in the big house ? Or what it was that I was suppose to have stolen ? I’ll admit, My memory isn’t what it used to be. But I would think that I would remember dramatic events that he is claiming about me. What a freaking ass moron !!


Apparently your incarceration was so traumatic that you’ve blanked it all – arrest, arraignment, trial, sentencing and jail time – from your memory.

Doc Savage

I’ll admit…watching a few minutes of CSPAN has done that to me…


Doc Savage I had to laugh. Anytime I want to blank my memory for a few minutes…CSPAN, never fails me.


I did run across a WV arrest report of a bald guy wearing buckskins, but it turned out not to be you. I am still working the “buckskin” angle though. I’ll hire a Consortium if I have to.


That shit is funny right there GDC.

My track record isn’t clean, I’ll be the first to admit. I enjoyed bar room brawls too much for it to me. Although I usually ended up on the losing end.. Too dumb to run & too drunk to fight.
But no, I’m not a convicted felon, Nor have I served time in prison. Cheese Flake can pound sand.


Remember that time you were drunk and got beat up in a bar, and when you got out to the parking lot in your Marine buckskins, you were so angry thst you grabbed a pistol out of your truck and shot down a C-130H?

If you did not pay the USAF back One-Gazillion Dollars via wage garnishment, then they might have tagged you with a felony. I think this is probably what happened Scotty. It eas just your bad luck that Lt. Col. Cheveliar was at the controls that day…he sure holds a grudge I guess.

the Al

Were I to hazard a guess, I’d say that cheese dick sparkle pony here decided to take what Bernath said on his page as fact, rather than the “satire” that our favorite phony CPO says it is


Cheveliar says on his blog:


And then says:

I will no longer answer to these school-yard bullies on their blog. This is giving them the attention they so desperately crave.

Ergo, Chevy has no balls.

Raise your hand if you are surprised.

2/17 Air Cav

Do cheeseballs count?


… and yet, he comes right back.

Will pingpong balls do? My cats like to chase them.

Pineywoods NCO

Come on….knock off the compliments. It’s a little hard to grow rice grains ping-pong ball size.


Cheeze Wiz should pay close attention to who is taking on who here at TAH.

The difference between POSERS and HUNTERS … POSERS believe they have the upper hand … However it is the HUNTER who the resources, expansive networks and determination.

GFY Cheeze Wiz …


Hey Dumbass,

Why don’t you post your CSIR blog entry from Friday October 17, 2003? I think your loyal fan(s) might like to read it! Is that $1,000.00 reward still in effect? I suspect I know how your computer got infected. Jacking off without a meatshield is my best guess. Did I win?

The GDContractor

PS: When are you going to let Linda come out to play?


That blog of his is a bunch of bullshit piled on top of cow shit! How on God’s green Earth can this idiot look himself in the mirror? He lies and twist the truth to the point it looks like a cheese doodle! At some point he has to know what a complete fool he’s making of himself.

On the plus side my phone now recognizes cuss words and no longer is trying to edit them.


Please see if you can get your phone to spell Sweaden. If it does, then please see if your phone inserts “Lt. COL. USAF” after each time you type your name.

Chevy, this might be your lucky day!


Nope, sorry. But every time I type Cheesequeef’s, name it corrects it with CheeseQueef. See!


Well gosh darnit…thanks for trying!


“Bully terrorists”. Hmmm. I wonder if Chevette here has borrowed a purple, Tiger-striped jumpsuit from anyone lately?

If so, I hope the owner doesn’t mind that suit getting a few cheese stains.


He likes to sniff the crotch of it after he loans it out.


Hondo: great Cliff’s Notes thing awhile back on Chevy’s BS. Salute for wading through all that. I like that he didn’t just say he was a Trash Hauler 130 guy but instead, a Compass Call guy. And, the helmet with “Hollywood” on it as a call sign is a nice touch. (and no Chevy, not for a moment do I believe that FedUp made that up…no one could make shit that up.

What does Chevy do to make money (other than live off 6 wives)? I know folks with PhD’s and they don’t live in apartments that flood and Bates Motels. Kinda low quarters for such a high speed guy.


SJ – thanks should go to thebesig, not me. I found the pic for Cheesy-boi Chevette here. He (thebesig) wrote the summary above.


Originally posted by Hondo:

SJ — thanks should go to thebesig, not me. I found the pic for Cheesy-boi Chevette here. He (thebesig) wrote the summary.

Thanks Hondo. 😀 I got a little “trigger happy” then didn’t realize what I did until it posted. But, it worked out, as the picture that you posted, and my reply, work together to show Dennis Chevalier where he’s headed in this exchange.


thebesig: the subconscious mind is a powerful thing, and sometimes leads to insights and truth far quicker than the conscious mind.

Why, just look at Frankie-boi Visconi and his admission that his “documents” for his BSM and PH was “self-produced”. Cuts right to the heart of the matter. (smile)


Somebody asked a while back if there is a playbook or guidbook these whackamole doodlebugs use.

I’m beginning to think there is.

They’re all boring. They all follow the same basic patterns:

inflated ego
whiny hurtbuttski
footstomper w/threats
concocted pseudo-evidence

and the use of the Invisible Friend and/or Invisible Hacker.

Everything that is wrong is someone else’s fault. They had nothing to do with it.

Yes, Virginia, there is a guidebook for valor thieves. It has illustrations, too, for the illiterate and lazy. It will be available on Amazon in 2999, after the next War to End All Wars, in an exclusive handwritten edition, of course, with a nice plastic gold trophy to put in the bookcase next to it.


Hondo really needs to do that book of his. I want one on my coffee table.


Hi Ltcol(not)PhD(not). Feeling lonely? Must suck. Here you’ve been the Prom Queen for weeks and along comes Frankie and Dukie and you can’t get a mention all day yesterday. We thought of you since Frankie was doing “evidence” also.

Maybe post a photo of you in your Hollywood flight helmet? Maybe take Duke’s SERE course? Hell, maybe offer to teach it? Maybe find wife #7 (and hope she doesn’t know how to use Google). You still in that Bates Motel?

Never fear…you haven’t been forgotten. You and Bernasty are at the top of the excrement heap. We’re just playing with the new chew toys for a bit but we’ll come back to the old ones. The new guys are folding quick.

A Proud Infidel®

Kinda like when a dog digs a chew toy back up and has a ball with it once more?


Yea Duke went down too quick, as much fun as he was. Time to go back to the toys that fight the losing fight again. 🙂


Oh SJ….the Lord works in mysterious ways. Here, chew on this. It’s a WFAA TV style interview!!! And is it compelling!! NOT. Frank, Duke, and Bernath will be so jealous.



That is comedy gold there. I was going to mention some of his comments but there is just too much there. If Chevy would spend the time working that he did creating that, he wouldn’t have to live in a crappy hotel and apartment.

Pineywoods NCO

I am having a very difficult time believing that anyone would want to interview another person over a period of three days.

By the way, who is Robert Quentin??

And don’t answer with WFAA news reporter. It’s already been checked here.

Looks like straw grabbing if you ask me.

A Proud Infidel®

The usual, “Babble, babble, babble,…”.


He lied right out of the gate. He claimed this site was run by the American Legion. Chevyliar couldn’t tell the truth even if it meant getting Bubbas’ cock out of his ass. Not that Chevyliar would want to. He really likes Bubba.

“I am a twice retired CAP officer with the rank Lt. Col.”

How does ne retire from a voluntary civilian organization?

Just more lies from Dennis. More dodging and weaving. More mealy mouthed excuses.


Old funky ass Dennis is now comparing TAH to Al Qaeda….

This guy has a serious spelling problem. Time for Dennis to head to a psych ward.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I don’t think the nut cases in any psych ward would not be able to tolerate Dennis for any length of time.


Another marvelous Dennis comment:

All my life I have helped others by provided services that were needed for those in need. My repayment is hatred, arrogance, narcissism, and viciousness.
Now I’m not able to walk down a street without wondering what wack-job might try to shoot me because of their “wanted” posters.
They want to say it’s the 1st amendment right but it’s not. This is terrorism on a level unprecedented …
This interview is over….

I think it was Valkyrie and a few others who spoke about narcissist trait that is within these losers. Also shows a sign of delusional behavior. Why would anyone shoot this loser?

Also “This interview is over!”, who is interviewing this guy? He is talking to himself?

OIF '06-'07-'08

What, Dennis is afraid of walking down the street because he is afraid that any one that see’s him will die laughing.


Now it is to the point that Dennis is acting like a paranoid schizo.

As Hondo said, cheese is a dangerous drug…well to Denny.

I imagine a 52 yr old man sitting at his computer desk, shitting himself and wreaking havoc on his laptop, pecking away on his evidence blog thinking he told us “fake vets” off.


I read as much of his imaginary interview interview with himself as I could before my head started to hurt. This was may favorite line:
I discovered that half of the cadre never served a day in their life according to their own statements. That and the fact that 1 out of 2 that had actual names you could look up and research were convicts!
Really half never served? Please show us your research that helped you arrive at awesome statistic? Sorry, but I think the only place you researched for that info was your cheese-impacted ass, from which you pulled that BS statement. Well Professor McCheese, you friended my Facebook of of Don Shipley’s. I don’t think you would have tried to be my friend unless you realized I was a veteran(actually still serving at the time you requested to be my friend). Now is everyone on here an operator? No, plenty of people on here who served in support roles, and are still proud of our service. But check out the members gallery. It’s obvious, we’re not fake vets. And please show the background checks you ran to show that we’re all convicts. Sorry Chevy, I’m 100% a real vet, and have other than a few speeding tickets I haven’t been “convicted” of anything. You’re just plain delusional dude.


That is what happens when you are sick and delusional. Never seen such a load of shit in my lifetime from someone who is a coward.

Almost everyone here has served or is currently serving.

He seems to think I am Jonn or Frank. I told him I am air force currently.


Sick and delusional? Perhaps.

I understand that in kidney failure, sometimes toxins build up in the blood that eventually cause mental issues – including confusion and/or seizures.

I guess the same could happen due to impaction caused by massively excessive cheese consumption.


Dennis probably wears diapers.

Guessing all that cheese may have created some kind of evolution in his bowels.


You say you want some evolution,
Well, you know,
That cheese is never gonna pass . . .

You say you’ll get it in solution
Well, you know,
It’s permanently clogged your azzzzzzz

And if you go lookin’ for some of that Metamucil now
It ain’t gonna make any difference anyhow

Don’t you know you’re gonna stay
Plugged tight
Plugged tight
Plugged tight
Plugged tight!

(with due apologies to the shade of the late John Lennon)


I like how several of the supposedly verbal answers contain parenthesis. How does that work? Is there a generally accepted hand gesture for letting the interviewer know that you are now speaking in parenthesis? Do they teach it to you at USAF Elite Sniper Training Correspondence School? What a fucking idiot.


At this point, just have to wonder how far gone is Dennis. Mentally…he is just one tore up guy. He does not realize that the more stupidity he post. The more of an idiot he looks to Texas State Guard or CAP.

From the looks of things, CAP has already banned him from their boards.

I am guessing Texas State Guard people who are backing him up are imaginary folks.

Toasty Coastie

Typos and a fubar link!

My apologies..Its a cheese deficiency I swear!


From Dennis’ Evidence Page.

TV News Interview “style” for easier review of what has happened, in one blog post
As I said last week; there are so many entries on both blog sites, [b] I asked a man that that has been reading both sites to ask me questions he believes are pertinent to both blogs so a clear image of ideas and events could be shown in one post with answers so most can understand what happened without going back over 4000+ entries between TAH and my site. [/b]

Here is the result of that TV type news reporter interview. Robert is an engineer for a company in Allen Texas.
Interrogatives Allen, Texas
Q= Robert Quentin 9/17/xxxx
A=Dennis Chevalier 6/10/xxxx


So from the above I gathered this about Dennis’ “interview”. I go next door to my neighbor, named Bud Schitz. “Hey Bud, how bout I give you a fist full of pages of questions for you to ask me and I’ll answer them.”

Or, better yet, cut the Bud Schitz out of the equation and make all the Bud and the rest of the bullshit up myself.

Dennis you gotta stop this. I am really laughing hard at all this. You talk to David, Linda and now Robert Q. “Q” for Queer or Queef, you pick.


As I said earlier, I tend to judge organizations by whom they endorse or fail to condemn…like Muslims. CAP always seemed legit in my years, kinda like the CG Aux but it had folks who pretended to be real Coasties. Not sure what CAP thinks of Chevy.

Texas State Guard (acronym TXSG per their web site) is already on my BS list based on a presentation by a sister org in VA a few years back. Seems like a group of wannabees with no other real purpose in life except to pretend to be soldiers. The web site doesn’t cite any accomplishments, just BS. Like Chevy. Does Texas provide $ to them? The fact that they haven’t waved the BS flag on Chevy confirms my assessment IMHO. He’s one with them, it seems.


I don’t know about other places. But up here in Mass, there are a lot of wannabes or guys who dream of being Air Force members who are in the organization.

Allegedly, TXSG was checking him out. They still might be going after him judging by his ridiculous blog. He is probably building that to show as evidence to these guys.

I dont know…but with all the evidence piled against him, you think they would act fast.

SGM John

The TXSG has given him the boot. For those who don’t know, the TXSG is the 3rd branch of the Texas Military Forces, but unlike the TX Army National Guard & Air National Guard, we are a state only asset and cannot be federalized. Our primary mission is DSCA (defense support to assist civil authorities) in times of natural disaster or other emergencies, and our accomplishments include response to and assistance during hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Sean, Gustav & Ike. Many of us in the TXSG are prior service who were not yet ready to hang up the uniform and still had a desire to serve. I was prior service 82nd Airborne, medically discharged following injury,but still wanted to serve. I cannot speak for HQ as to why they have not made Chevy a more public example.

Just an Old Dog

I’m pretty sure that the TSG has some legal and moral issues with the way they handle dismissing or firing people.
I’m pretty sure that in a volunteer organization a letter of reprimand, removal from a billet, reduction or complete dismissal are the only options available.
I’m not sure what kind of records the TSG has to keep or what State Freedom of Information acts apply.
The Terd has been flushed, and I dont blame the TSG for just wanted to get on with what they do. The people that exposed Chevaliar to the TSG know what happened, and are glad to know that he was called out and dismissed for what he was.


How convenient Quentin did not ask about Jim Parker, the inquiry into the flightaware posts, the embellished training resume, the multiple fake degrees, the ATP cert claim, and about a million other things. I guess you can’t expect too much out of 1 of many of Dennis’s entities.

Toasty Coastie

Hey Dennis Sparkle Pony Phony USAF LTC Eater of Cheese Blocks in One Sitting Chevelier/LIAR!

Darling Denny Pickle, you really must go see Doctor Schmidt about those voices.

You seem to be manifesting your imaginary puppet friends into real life in your cheese deficiency Fuge State.

This is not good.

I know you really love the Blue and Black Spangly Spandex Suit, but you really must change out of it and put it in the laundry. It’s to the point where it could stand up and walk to the fridge for more cheese on its own.

I promise it will be ok…If you look in the closet there is a lovely Green and Black digital patterned, sequinned jumpsuit there.

Its a bit more snug then what you are used to, but I know you like to look like Tinky Winky Teletubby.

Once you do that, then you can go back to playing IMAGINARY SWAT on the computer.

If you are very good, perhaps, Linda and David will come play with you ‘k?

Now make sure you check in with Dr. Schmidt. We can’t have you hallucinating to long.

Just An Old Dog

Its interesting to know that I am a cadre of an American Legion sponsored site, that is made up of 50% non-veterans and convicted criminals.
I did not know that about myself.
Interesting enough fuck-noodle didnt choose to bring up the topic of his Police Medal of Valor or Purple Heart for being shot in the line of duty, or the clusterfuck of his getting booted from Don Shipley’s Facebook group.
So he is living in a Motel and afraid to waddle down the street. What a crock.


The one and ONLY important question I wanted him to answer, and it wasn’t asked. Damn it Dennis.

“Did you really eat a 7 pound block of cheese in one night?”

That’s really the only thing that really needs to be cleared up…


I am trying to figure out this phony interview. He is talking to this guy and on one of his answers he says “You at the photo below”, this is a sit down talking interview and he is pointing to “evidence” on his blog page magically? He seems to provide his blog pages as answers for “evidence” somehow…

Dennis is one retarded individual. That is one thing that is certain.

He better hope the TXSG or even his employers does not see his page. It is embarrassing at this point.


Cheese Flake back on FaceBook. Why would a poser hide behind a fake name unless they are guilty.



I just asked the same thing on his “evidence” blog. He even admits on his side bar that he got a new account and “we started harrassing him” on facebook.

If he was such a smart guy, why wouldnt he just change his page settings and privacy. Why not just get his chip off the old block to help him set up facebook.

Why would someone make a new page with a fake last name?


C-130 rolling down the strip, Wannabe pilot Dennis Chevalier dreaming he’s going on a trip. Stand up, Buckle up & shuffle to the fridge,Grab seven pounds of cheese and more than a smidge.

If that cheese don’t stretch your ass wide, he got another block by his side..

If that block don’t make it round.. he can eat shit off the ground…

Singing , “I’m a fat poser bastard, fat poser bastard.. a fat poser bastard.. with my dick in the dirt.”

If that block isn’t finished tonight. He’ll double down and eat the rest after day light.

Green Thumb


Pineywoods NCO

LOL…thanks, Scotty…now I have to clean two monitors that got equal amounts of spewing.


Ya know, now that these guys are creating their own “evidence” repositories, the unintended consequence is that they are writing their own involuntary commitment papers. “Delusions-Are-Us”


That is all it is, these guys are just making official statements that they are liars and psychopaths.


Hey Dennis! This should help you out and give you hours of copy/paste enjoyment. Plus it is always a resource for more Cheese! The photos of your favorite food are just too much for your eyes to behold I realize. You are warned though, so if you have a stroke, it’s on you.


Robert Quentin

I see all of your behaviors and its like watching my grand kids.
Chevy was right, you are all nuts!
If you want the odds to be better that TAH being half criminals and non-military people then provide some real credentials of who you all are.

Its pretty old to claim that ANYONE that comes here to defend ANYONE is a sock puppet. Then again maybe all of you ARE sock puppets for the blog moderator.

All you people do is curse, make fun of and just cause bad mojo for people. You aren’t doing anything to protect vets, if anything you using “veteran” status make us REAL vets look bad.

You all need to grow up.
Chevy has acknowledged he isn’t perfect but you just don’t get it. You are either too stupid or too mean.


IP Check Aisle 1: Is it Chevy or Joe?


Sorry, “Robert,” I’m all out of fucks to give about fakes like Chevalier. He made his (motel) bed, now he can sleep in it. Liar, fake, poser.


Robert/Dennis/David/Linda…I agree with LebbenB. I am all out of fucks to give about Dennis. At least this morning anyway! I know Dennis would love it if we would all simply get tired of this and go away. Well Dennis made himself the bell of the ball with his claims. If he wants to make it home from this prom without getting ass screwed, repeatedly, then Robert tell your friend Dennis to do what he’s been told a hundred times here to do. Come clean, admit his wrongs, make apologies to those offended then move on with his cheesy life. Believe me, we don’t like him here any more than he likes being here but then again, his actions and choices brought him here. I’ll stop. it’s still early for me and the more I type and drink coffee, the more of a good “fuck” to give I am working up.

Doc Savage

And as it was said, so it was written.

Not a single fuck was given that day.




You pegged us … You win.

We are exactly what you said … When “Fireroom Qualified Monkeys” fly out of my ass!


From The Mangina Monologues, comments section:

Bob QuentinMon Apr 14, 02:02:00 AM 2014

Chevy I tried to post at TAH the same comment I made here. They removed it. Hippocrates all of them. Fair exchanges of information my ass!
You were right though they will alter or change stuff to suit their views!

Good luck with the fools!

We are all Hippocrates!!! Awesome!!!


We must all have those magic computers that let us read stuff which isn’t there. Yeah, that’s it.

Welcome to “Delusions-Are-Us.”


Non combat United States Marine Corps Veteran here Robert Quentin . Retired/disabled contract Logger/Lumberjack.

I see that you claimed to be a reporter. do you have a company that you work for. Or are you just an independent free lance no body ?

BTW, No fucks given, I’m sure Jonn will find you using the same ” company ” IP address as the rest of cheese flakes trolls.


He went to the trouble of posting from a community center, so it’s likely he’s trying to what we call “war drive” (e.g. map out open wifi) in the most epically dumb way possible.
Given his mental incompetence I am sorry that the folks in the DFW area potentially have this guy flying a big tin can full of cheese over their heads.


I just noticed the hyperlink in your post Jonn. TopGolf is surrounded by low rent subsidized apartments. I bet ‘ol dumbass was either wardriving or seeking subsidized shelter when he poached TopGolf’s WiFi signal. But then again, I am often confused and I make shit up.


That is about the time he updates his blog between 12 and 7 am.

Makes perfect since. He comes here between those times to see what we wrote and responds.


That’s probably where he works as an overnight security guard.


Robert, You are the sock puppet. We are the muppets. See the difference? Chevyliar has his hand up your ass, pulling the strings so you say, “Blah,blah, blah.” We are muppets. You know, those adorable creatures who annoy the hell out of posers like you and Cheeseboi. So fuck off, monkey spunk. Oh yeah, you’re a liar also.


Ugh….Robby, you are not a vet.


Is there a lot of call for lumberjacks in the Dallas, Fort Worth areas, Robert?


And OWB a call for lumberjacks who are disabled? My family were all saw mill people. It’s not a job for the disabled in any fashion, well unless you are mentally disabled and don’t really love all your fingers, hands, arms and so forth.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, I make my living in a paper mill, it’s NOT for the weak or fainthearted, and yeah, there is a lot of machinery that can maim or kill you in the blink of an eye. Logging is a balls-to-the-wall working man’s job, too. If you’re disabled in any way, forget about logging!! I think the only “logs’ Robert Quentin produces are out of his ass the morning after a “pig-out” at some all-you-can-eat buffet!!


Um…. hey guys…. I think Scotty was maybe referring to himself as Logger/Lumberjack.


(Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone, GD! It’s too much fun to mess with them.)


Yea, I’m the Logger/Lumberjack ( 3rd Generation ). And if it wasn’t for Heart Disease, I would still be notching & dropping. It’s not by choice that I’m in front of this computer every day. But I’m going to make use of the time I am here. And bust as many of these lying stolen valor pieces of shit as possible.


Hey Cheveliar,

Yeah, color me skeptical that Quentin is really someone other than yourself. The both of you seem to have been quite busy last night between 0140 and 0215… and on a school night!

In your “WFFA TV Style Interview you said:

Q: What did you do then?
A: I closed all of my sites down to attempt to get a grasp of what was going on. I was getting called from my employers, Guardsmen, CAP friends and so on.
Q: Did anybody attempt to contact you and ask you anything or offer to get this straightened out?
A: From “This Ain’t Hell…”, No they enjoyed inflicting confusion while taunting and cursing me.
Q: Did you answer their questions in their public forum?
A: I tried to but they kept making things up along with taunts while cursing me. It was hell.

Which sounds like on or soon after FEB. 17 you came into the “public forum” to answer questions. So my simple question is, on what date did you enter “their public forum”?

“Linda” entered the public forum on 20FEB.
Of course, she posted from your “work computer” in your moldy apartment.

So next we get David Cooper entering the public forum on 22FEB http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=39855&cpage=7#comment-1141700
And of course, posting from your “work computer” in your moldy apartment.

Still no Chevy though…..

Not until 14MAR does Chevy post while not hiding behind a sockpuppet ID.

So Cheveliar – you either lied in your WFAA Style Interview about entering the public forum to defend yourself, or you have consistently been using fabricated ID’s (Linda, David Coopet, Robert Quentin) in order to try to defend yourself. Which one is it fatboy?

PS: Quentin typing “Hippocrates” instead of “hypocrites” is hilarious…. reminds me of a former MESNA member. Does Quentin have arthritis in one hand and a bullet wound in the other? How does his phone spell “Sweaden”?

OIF '06-'07-'08

With WFAA being a television station out of Dallas-Ft. Worth. Wouldn’t the interview be done on camera?

Pineywoods NCO

They didn’t want to take a video of cheese molding before their very eyes.


Seems he has a new page that has references from friends and co workers.

This should be interesting.



Only 1 later is dated 9 April 2014. The rest are in the early 90s or 2010.

Guess he could only get one person to vouch for him. I think someone needs to call the number he put on that letter. Pretty gutsy move.


*letter…turning into Dennis here.

Just An Old Dog

Does this shitbird ever give up?,,,, Does he think anyone believes him…
Oh and as for your opinion on pretty much anything,, I’ll break it done to you in Olde English

Hail ye, famed destroyer of cheese and meates..
This is the field upon which I plant my fucks..
lay thy eyes upon it, and thou shalt see,,,
it is barren.

Open Channel D

That’s some lyrical shit up in here.


Hey Cheese Flake wanna be Air force Veteran Denny girl . I love how when we find one of your troll accounts on F/B that you automatically block us. You wouldn’t be running from the truth would you? You’re such a tough guy. BTW, I still see you idiot !


Like roaches running from the light.


Since I see on your Mangina Monologues that you answer to the name of “Dumbass” now…

Hey DUMBASS, when are you going to post the google cache FlightAware pages that have all your idiotic posts therein, including the “I flew the C-130H Compass Call in Iraq”? While you are at it, why don’t you change the privacy settings on all of your idiotic YouTube comments so they can be seen by all your other multiple personalities friends.

Still waiting for you and “Quin” to clarify exactly when you came in to this forum shortly after you were made famous, and tried to explain yourself… only to be “cursed at” (you fucking sissy). When was that Dumbass?

I mean in the interests of truth, evidence, and all that you pretend to hold so dear…

PS: I can’t get my phone to spell “purger”. How do you do that?


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: By the way the real definition of a narcissist is: Narcissism definition: Narcissistic Personality Disorder involves arrogant behavior, Dennis Chevalier claims to have flown C130s, to have been a LTC in the USAF (now retired), and to have deployed to Iraq during the Gulf War. When called out on this, with proof that he didn’t do any of this, he claims that he got hacked. He refuses to own up to his mistakes. Fedupexwifeofdhc verifies that Dennis Chevalier blames a hacker whenever he’s caught red handed making comments he later distances himself from. She also verified that he made the above claims, that he has an “I love me” case. Dennis Chevalier gets a phony PhD, then identifies himself as “Doc Chevalier.” He touches this up by wearing a doctor’s smock. Dennis Chevalier creates sock puppets in an attempt to get people to believe that he has “support.” He also tries to rewrite his own history to make it sound that he is being attacked… while at the same time refusing to admit that he was lying all along. Narcissism definition: a lack of empathy for other people, “Our second year of marriage, I was at work and I bent over to put my camera bag in the car and couldn’t get up. The pain was so horrid they had to call the ambulance to come get me. By the time I finally spoke with Dennis was about 7pm.. I’ve already have been admitted into my room and it’s about 7pm. He was wondering were I was.. In the hospital..he said your in good hands, I don’t need to come see you because you sound all drugged up and you won’t remember if I’m there or not.” — fedupexwifeofdhc “We get home, I’m doing good to make it to the bathroom and he wants to know if I’m up to cooking dinner. No you stupid fuck! I was at the doctor every 2 weeks doing spinal injections and I’m on hydrocodine.” — fedupexwifeofdhc “How he took care of me, I was home for 2 days,… Read more »


Narcissism definition: People who are narcissistic are frequently described as cocky, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. Narcissists may concentrate on unlikely personal outcomes (e.g., fame) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment.

“He manipulates and trys to control, let me tell you how bad it was.” — fedupexwifeofdhc

“Dennis will bully and divert and blame everyone for anything that goes wrong in his life. Right now he is blaming me for hacking, if I knew how to hack, I would be a millionaire.” — fedupexwifeofdhc

“Its my payday.. And he wants to pay the bills because he had the time and I didn’t. But, it’s 4:30 or 5 am, I’m not even out of bed and he is wanting me to transfer everything I have into our joint account so he can pay bills… Let me wake the hell up, my damn alarm is not even going off yet. Gawd that piss me off!” — fedupexwifeofdhc

“you told every one of your students you flew c-130′s in Iraq.. how some marine shot you down on accident and how you rolled the plane to yourside of the cockpit and how your ship knocked out the communications with the taliban. That was your mission in Iraq. I asked you for pictures you said you were the one taking pictures. So there was none of you…….oh and the best one… he said that when he was in Iraq his base got hit with explosives.. he said that with all the chaos he ran like a baby and wasnt proud of it.” — fedupexwifeofdhc

Narcissism definition: Related Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic. Narcissism is a less extreme version of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissism involves cockiness, manipulativeness, selfishness, power motives, and vanity-a love of mirrors. Related personality traits include: Psychopathy, Machiavellianism.

See above quotes, as well as Dennis Chevalier’s conduct on the Dennis Chevalier threads, and on his blog.


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: So the difference between that and me is the following: I will not hide and run from my mistakes, I own them and try my best to correct them. I hate mirrors and avoid them and I have a healthy sense of who and what I am but I am confident in what I know and to the timid and meek that comes off as narcissistic. Dennis Chevalier, you only addressed a fraction of that description. You failed to address the rest. So, by declaring what the “difference” was between your attitude and the narcissism description is that small difference, you’re declaring that there’s no difference between the remainder of that definition and you. You’ve shown us that you WILL run from your own mistakes. You spent almost approximately two months blaming a hacker for something that you did. You “hate” mirrors, but like to have videos involving you, and then we have this: originally posted by fedupexwifeofdhc: I seriously question him getting shot, because, it would be news worthy, knowing him he would of kept the news articles because he has a news clipping of him in the paper as a kid….. FYI… getting your name in the paper does NOT MAKE YOU A PUBLIC FIGURE.. If anything, your “hating” to look into the mirror has plenty to do with your disapproval with what’s staring back at you. If you were confident in who you are/were, you never would’ve gone around claiming the things that you deny claiming. You never would’ve portrayed yourself wearing a doctor’s smock. You would not have gone around claiming Gulf War veteran status. If you flew small airplanes, you wouldn’t have claimed to have flown C130s. You also would’ve been satisfied with your CAP performance and status alone… without embellishing the USAF auxiliary part of that organization. Your actions show that you were not happy with what you’ve already accomplish, that you had a big “gap” that you wanted filled in, and that you attempted to do it with the claims that we’re holding you accountable for. You’re still… Read more »

dennis chevalier

You have relied on a woman’s statements that are a confirmed mental case http://evidence1234.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html . What a feather in your cap that is…. You have no knowledge of any actions 1st or 2nd hand events and yet draw conclusions from a faulty premise that assumes the originator is mentally competent and is capable of telling the truth. If she was, there would be some kind of criminal record references yet there is none. There is however lots of criminal evidence on HER actions as recorded by FWPD and in my blog. You attempt to arm-chair diagnosis a condition that you have never witnessed and have less-than the average person’s understanding of, yet it doesn’t keep you from rattling off demands and statements that make you look foolish and incompetent. My blog is gathering people’s interest and comments that for now, at their requests are not being offered publicly but you and your merry band of thugs are starting to attract some really ugly comments on your childish behaviors and moronic thinking. You really are making vets look stupid and so incapable of thinking outside the box (let alone inside the box) that you are harming the good veterans in the world. You’re embarrassment! It’s time for all of you to grow up! One of your “calls” to verify a work reference letter was met with a great deal of anger by the caller when she verified I really was SWAT and a LT. and put you in your place. It along with the others is being setup to play on my blog shortly for all to hear. You demand proof of any claim no matter how distorted you make it out to be, then when it IS verified EVERYONE is either: 1. A sock-puppet 2. Insane or… 3. It never happened. You call anyone that offers a view other than your own a sock-puppet and that alone really screws you to a degree that will have a very real issue for you in the next week. Enjoy the ride fellow its only going to get more uncomfortable from here. I… Read more »

Just An Old Dog

One more time …. give us a place, time and News source for you being awarded a Police Medal of Valor or Purple Heart.
Dont refer back to the letter from Wilmer PD. That letter addressed that you would be allowed to wear those decorations on your uniform, not that you earned them while with the Wilmer PD.
From what I gather from the letter you must have showed the Chief Some sort of evidence or refered him to something that backed up your story. Or He just took your word for it.
So once again What departments awarded you those medals in 1984 and 1986? Where are the news accounts. A shooting and a School Hostage situation don’t happen in a media vacuum.
Are you going to kep ignoring the question?

Doc Savage

Cheddar boy…stop.

You are just making yourself look even more foolish and desperate…even a well digger knows when to stop digging.

What are you simply unable to comprehend or process in that mind of yours?

You hold up your blog as “evidence”, and you know full well that no one believes you, and you continue on portraying yourself as a victim.

Well, I will agree to that; you are a victim…a victim of your own stupidity, arrogance, and underestimation of the people on this forum…these people will not stop, they will not tire, they will not allow you a moments peace to wallow in your fraudulent world, or to continue rocking the lies without countering you at every corner.

The fact that you continue to keep coming back here speaks volumes about your inability to accept reality.

All your straw man arguments, attempts at deflection and redirection, and failure to simply comprehend that you are completely discredited,and that no one believes you, simply highlights your narcissistic personality.

Stick a fork in yourself, Denny…you are done.

Your friends that support you and wish to remain anon?…of course they do….it looks pretty silly to have 30 letters of support coming from the same IP, right?

But…keep strolling yourself in here and continue to post your innocence, and you will keep getting your ego, image, reputation and “manhood” pimp slapped all over the forum, google, and the world wide web.

Its no skin off my nose, and I would rather watch you shoot yourself in the foot over and over, instead of watching sitcom reruns.

The entertainment value you bring to this place?…..priceless.


“I warned you about the criminal stalking…..”

Yeah, publishing your SSN and DOB on a public “Evidence” blog that you continually direct us to go to really strengthens your case DUMBASS.

Tell us how you entered the Wilmer Police Force as a Lieutenant. Was it the bag full of box-top (fake) PhD’s you were sporting? Your plagiarized bullshit dissertations and articles? Was it the white lab coat? Maybe you suck a mean cock(?).


“You have relied on a woman’s statements that are a confirmed mental case” And how would you be able to confirm that? Accessing her medical records without her consent is a violation of federal law. Releasing them to the public (like on your pathetic free blogspot that you managed to mangle into looking like some Geocities reject) may also be a violation of privacy laws. You can ask your poser buddies, Bernath and Visconi for legal advice. More to the point: She’s not the issue. She just provides another angle, some very nice additional background. Even if she didn’t show up, there is still the digital trail of bullshit you’ve left behind, where you’ve claimed the following: 1. A Ph.D. (false: you got it from a diploma mill) 2. Retired Lt. Col USAF (false: you never served in the USAF) 3. Flew missions in DS/DS (false: see #2) 4. Your “illness” was caused by your missions (false: see #2) 5. Wilmer PD SWAT LT (unverified by the Wilmer PD) 6. Awarded for thwarting a school shooting (very likely to be false: school shootings of any scale are instantly national news, and no one can find a mention of this incident) “My blog is gathering people’s interest and comments that..blah blah blah” Hey, “genius”. Writing a really long sentence doesn’t mean you’re smart. It means you are bloviating retard. Let’s face facts: Your blog is a joke. An eyesore. The only ones reading it are us. And we’re doing that to find more examples of your spectacularly poor grasp on the English language to laugh at. For someone who likes posing in a white lab coat, you have no idea what constitutes actual evidence. It’s not, “shit I think sounds good that I’ll put on a site that I control completely”. No, it’s stuff like: The boinc distributed computing forum thread you posted to, where your signature prominently displayed your claimed service in the USAF. That forum is not under our control. It is not under your control. Thus it is a 3rd party. It would be a newspaper article describing… Read more »

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

@ tm~
Re: Wilmer PD claim of SWAT Lt.

It has been confirmed that Sparkle Pony Cheeze Whiz Phony USAF LTC Dennis Chevelier/LIAR, NEVER was a SWAT Lt as Wilmer PD never had a SWAT Team and never will as they are too small.


Originally posted by dennis chevalier: April 16, 2014 at 3:10 am You have relied on a woman’s statements that are a confirmed mental case {link to propaganda 1234} What a feather in your cap that is…. You have no knowledge of any actions 1st or 2nd hand events and yet draw conclusions from a faulty premise that assumes the originator is mentally competent and is capable of telling the truth. If she was, there would be some kind of criminal record references yet there is none. There is however lots of criminal evidence on HER actions as recorded by FWPD and in my blog. First, her statements are consistent with our observations of your behaviors here. I had you slotted into a specific profile. This is based on your attitude here prior to fedupexwifeofdhc’s entrance into the Dennis Chevalier threads. Her statement substantiated what I had you profiled under. Second, other women that have met you have made similar statements to what fedupexwifeofdhch has said. Te wit: “Having dated Dennis for a short period of time, I can understand everything fedupexwife is saying….” – HorseshoesandHandgrenades “I know this isn’t a dating forum but ladies BEWARE!! ….” – HorseshoesandHandgrenades “i ‘met’ “doc” via internet. very personable, engaging fella. had many interesting fb chats. i actually met dhc and fedupexwifeofdhc while on a training trip to dfw. afterward, somehow the entire relationship drama became SHTF. she had serious back issues that required surgery. all of a sudden, HE starts w/ the paranoia drama. when i questioned one of his fb posts, he pm’d me to rag me for daring to question his posting ‘in public’. shortly thereafter, he blocked and deleted me…” -flyonthewall “He would get up in my face or back me up to a wall and try to intimidate me a few times.” – another Dennis Chevalier ex-wife These women’s observations of your attitude are consistent with each other. They’re also consistent with the attitude that you’ve demonstrated on this blog and on your blog. When multiple people are seeing the same thing in you, this isn’t a case of… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: You attempt to arm-chair diagnosis a condition that you have never witnessed and have less-than the average person’s understanding of, yet it doesn’t keep you from rattling off demands and statements that make you look foolish and incompetent. Wrong. You attempted to distance yourself from the definition that we assigned you. People that have known you identified you as narcissistic. Those of us seeing your attitude, as demonstrated by what you say on this blog, and on yours, identify you as being narcissistic. All I had to do was to take that definition that you posted on your blog, take it apart, then show how each part applied to you. All I needed was the first hand observations of you that fedupexwifeofdhc has said about you, and what we’ve noticed with your statements and actions. Your consistently blaming a hacker for things that you’ve done is an example of narcissism. This isn’t a case of trying to “armchair” general anything. This was a simple matter of matching what we’ve noticed about you to the definition that you posted on narcissism. The first hand observations by three different women that have met you match our own observations of your actions on this blog… and yours. Less than average understanding? I disagree. You’ve continued to behave by the profile that I slotted you into. I’ve debated with people like you over the past few years, it’s like you people argue from the same playbook. I have a very good understanding of what I’m talking about. Also, your academic psychology studies only has weight with you. It doesn’t with us, you’ve failed to prove to us that your opinion on psychology has “more” validity than ours. In fact, speaking of academic credentials: “…as a health care professional, i found his claims for having a PhD in psychology a real stretch. there is NO WAY he has a PhD in Psych. most doctoral professionals have lots of educational and training materials for referencing diagnoses. there was nothing of that sort in the house.” -flyonthewall The reason I keep demanding… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: You really are making vets look stupid and so incapable of thinking outside the box (let alone inside the box) that you are harming the good veterans in the world. Your straw men and red herring arguments don’t constitute “thinking outside the box.” Don’t mistake what you want us to think as “inside and outside the box.” What’s really happening is that you’re frustrated that we refuse to stop holding your feet to the fire. You’re identifying us as “looking stupid” because we refuse to accept your strawmen and red herrings. We’re looking “stupid” in your eyes, because we’re not doing what you want us to do. We’re making veterans look good by not giving up on holding you accountable for your actions. You’ve claimed that you were a C130 pilot, you’ve claimed that you deployed to Iraq during the Gulf War as a C130 pilot, and you claimed that you were a retired USAF LTC. You’ve also claimed that you were SWAT, when you never were a SWAT. You’ve claimed local police level valor awards that you can’t substantiate… or you can’t back with sources that we could independently verify. You want this to go away, and we refuse to let it go away. You’re insinuating that we’re thugs, bullies, terrorists, stupid, foolish, etc., because we refuse to let up on you. Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: You’re embarrassment! It’s time for all of you to grow up! From the women that have met you: “…when i questioned one of his fb posts, he pm’d me to rag me for daring to question his posting ‘in public’. shortly thereafter, he blocked and deleted me.” -flyonthewall “He’d get upset if I didn’t like comments he placed on my statuses or pictures… He even went as far as removing everything he’d wrote on my page etc after throwing a hissy fit about the whole thing.” -horseshoesandhandgrenades “He needed validation on just about everything he posted on facebook and got upset if I didn’t “like” a comment. Any time he posted he was ALWAYS the first to… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: One of your “calls” to verify a work reference letter was met with a great deal of anger by the caller when she verified I really was SWAT and a LT. and put you in your place. It along with the others is being setup to play on my blog shortly for all to hear. Dennis Chevalier, do you ever get tired of lying? Someone did call the Wilmer Police Department. They asked if you ever served in their SWAT. The person, working at that station, replied that there never was a SWAT team at that police station. He also said that they’re too small to have a SWAT. A look at the size of Wilmer, TX, and a look at the surrounding areas, shows that the population density decreases the chance that they’d have a SWAT team. Whatever you play on your blog is going to be a staged reproduction that favors an outcome that you want. Nice try, but whatever it is that you post isn’t going to be genuine. Here’s another tidbit of information. It appears that you had a short stay at the Wilmer Police Department. Not only did you have a short stay at the Wilmer Police Department, you had a short stay at the other police departments that you attempted to work for. I’m not surprised that this is the case. Your narcissistic behavior got in the way of you being a valuable cop that operates with the departments, and other cop’s, interests in mind. Your temperament and stubbornness may have put you in bad terms with these other departments. Unlike fedupexwifeofdhc, you seem to have problems permanently holding down a job. Based on your attitude here, had you qualified for military service, your time in the military would’ve been real short. You probably would’ve been another BCT/OSUT washout. Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: You demand proof of any claim no matter how distorted you make it out to be, then when it IS verified EVERYONE is either: 1. A sock-puppet 2. Insane or… 3. It never happened. You… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: Enjoy the ride fellow its only going to get more uncomfortable from here. I warned you about the criminal stalking….. Pounding you into the ground in this argument is really enjoying, you don’t need to tell me to enjoy the ride. 😀 I AM enjoying it, we enjoy destroying your arguments, and exposing you as a fraud and a fool. When it comes to this argument, you don’t even come anywhere near to being in our league. You should call all of us “my superior” because of that. 😀 If you’re talking about the phony lawsuit that you filed, the only person that’ll get uncomfortable is you. Here’s why. Question: By a reasonable person standard, are our actions enough to cause someone to fear bodily injury or death? Answer: NO Question: By a reasonable person standard, are our actions enough to cause someone to fear bodily injury or death for someone’s family member? Answer: NO Question: By a reasonable person standard, are our actions enough to cause someone to fear damage or injury to someone’s property? Answer: NO Question: By a reasonable person standard, are our actions enough to cause someone to fear that one of us will cross state boundaries to do one of the above? Answer: NO Question: By a reasonable person standard, do our comments here constitute “harassment”? Answer: NO Generally speaking, for it to be harassment, it has to be FALSE with the sole purpose of tormenting someone. A reasonable person would look at the Dennis Chevalier threads, and at your blog, and see that we’re not harassing you. A reasonable person won’t interpret a fact based logical argument as “harassment” or “stalking.” These questions, and following statements, are based on researching both Texas and Federal law regarding stalking. It also is based on additional research on cyber stalking and harassment. Since you’re not a real investigator, it doesn’t surprise me that you didn’t do your research prior to submitting your lawsuit. Since you’re not a reasonable person, it doesn’t surprise me that you don’t see that if this lawsuit is… Read more »


Coming soon… rebuttal to Dennis Chevalier’s and Robert Quentin’s Q and A… using Q and A format. 😈

Just An Old Dog

Oh by the way you fat cheese eat twunt, you are one hypocritical piece of shit having the nerve to try to chastise someone for using a screenname when you have used so many different facebook accounts to hide your asshattery.
If I ever get called to task about my Military service by any Legit member on this board or the blog regulators I will gladly contact them with my information. They can do an FOIA act on me and find I am 100% legit.
I’m not the one making crazy ass claims fat-boy, you are.
People here that matter know my real name and service. There are some flat out crazy fucks… even worse than you that like to use personal information to email fabricated news stories to multiple organizations claiming people are child molestors. They post pictures of family members up with very nasty accusations.
If I gave my personal info to you, all you would find out is that I lost a house to foreclosure in 2009, and have 3 speeding tickets, a moving violation and failure to have an updated registration. Thats it buddy. So run with that.
Military Service? A lot longer than you. 20 years active duty. Military Rank? Higher than your TSG billet. Your CAP rank does mean shit. Military Schooling? You would never have been able to pass any of the several I went through,even in your prime, because you are a fat-ass who would be a PT drop.
Oh, and all your bulshit coorespondence CAP courses combined, you know the ones you won all the awards for?. There accademic hours don’t equate to a single one of the Leadership Courses I have been through.
Training people in weapons and tactics? I would venture to say that if you combined every bullshit garage, living room and 6 person class you ever taught in your pathetic life it wouldnt add up to the numbers I taught in one month when I was an instructor.
I would venture to say the vast majority of veterans here have the same advantage over you, shitbird.

Just An Old Dog

By the way shitbag, its a bit past the top of the hour, you might want to call in/ check in with your superior. Most low rent security companies find it neccessary to keep tabs on the lesser employees. They frown on them using the internet, sleeping or consuming mass quantities of cheese whie they are supposed to be watching over those strip malls and parking garages.


A Proud Infidel®

I make my living in a manufacturing facility, and I was once a Trucker. Trust me that I AM NOT impressed with the vast majority of “rent-a-fuzzes” I have come across, most are big time underachievers!!


Thank goodness! He’s back! I was afraid he was doing a Round Ranger and going silent. But noooo, LtCol(not)/Doc(not)isn’t going to surrender his Fecal 4 seeding. Mention of his “evidence(not)” blog is getting a bit tiresome though.


Evidence he can’t spell for shit and he answers to “Dumbass”. There was evidence there that he was a member of MESNA, but Dumbass finally corrected that.

A Proud Infidel®

So will Dildohead Cheeseslayer come in second or third place behind Bernutless?


I agree that the tournament is Crash and Bernie’s to lose. As wacky and fun as Chevy “Easy Cheese” Chevalier is, I think Frank “Don’t Call Me Francis” Visconi is the clear runner up.


Dunno. But if they end up in different regions, my money is on a Fecal Four composed of Bernie-boi, Cheeseslayer, Waddlin’ Willie, and Frankie-boi.

If so, that quartet will indeed be aptly named. IMO, of course.


I’d replace the Wound Wanger with Chris “Duck of Death” Duke. The kid’s got the moxie to make a deep run to the Fecal Four. And Willie has faded into obscurity.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I have to agree with you on that, LebbenB, teh stoopid®™ is VERY STRONG in that flabbyassed, doughnut-guzzling, Brony-fellating Sparkle Pony glitter-farting tinsel mouse fart!!

Pineywoods NCO

In other words, Willie did the right thing…and got lost.


Dumbass won’t answer any of my questions. He just wants to talk about his ex-wife. Between his crazy ex-wife and the evil hacker, he thinks he can account for everything that he has embellished. Wrong, Mr. Elite Sniper wannabe. Very wrong.


Has he changed his claim from C130 pilot to sniper? Or does he claim them both now?

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he/it will claim to have been a C130 Pilot/Sniper, a real Sniper Bud of mine told me of a barroom poser he came across that claimed to be a Helicopter Sniper!


I’ve ridden in helicopters. And I was armed while I was in that helicopter. That makes me a helicopter sniper, too doesn’t it?

In all seriousness, I have shot wild pigs from a bird. Talk about FUN!


Hypocritical much there, Denny Penny? Dang, the fuzzy cheesehead is beyond hilarious with his demonstration of the word.

Let’s see: he demands that we take his word for events, any events, just because he says it’s so, but we are not to do the same for others? How’s about we do neither, Denny Penny? Show us actual evidence. Provide things which are verifiable. So far, absolutely nothing you have claimed can be verified. Things that others have claimed can be verified, and often have been verified by you, Denny Penny. Based on that fact alone, guess whose claims automatically become more believable.

You have been told many times that you saying something is evidence only of your saying something. The same applies to all of us.

What’s with your fixation upon someone with whom you are no longer married anyway? That alone gives weight to her statements. Her claims are verifiable. Yours are not. Not that it really matters anyway – your claims are all bogus so far.

Is that why you will not provide dates and places for the alleged shooting and hero stuff you did? We can guess that those claims are also bogus, but unlike you, we like to actually verify things as being true or not.

Grow up

Just an old dog, you stated “if I ever get called to task about my military service by any (laughing) legit member on this board it the blog regulators I will gladly contact them with my information” so why don’t all of you bloggers post your information? No Ssn or dob or residence, black those out but why not post your dd-214’s? Stop hiding behind those screen names. Be a soldier man up, make a section with screen name and dd-214.

Wait you all want people you accused to send you their dd-214’s why not look and be legit by posting yours? Unless you’re hiding something, thought you guys were the stolen valor police, taking care of business and calling out legitimate phonies?


Nice try, Denny. Answer the questions put to you. Then STFU.

the Al

Gee, Dennis/Chevy/Linda/Robert/David- maybe because some of them already have posted proof plenty of times, but you on the other hand haven’t proven anything?

A Proud Infidel®™

*BUUUUURRRRP!* IN YOUR FACE, Dennis Cheesealiar!!

OIF '06-'07-'08

Dennis-Boi, I can send John or any other admin here about a ton of paper work dealing with my pre-mob, deployment, and post-mob paper work, and believe me there is a lot of it.

The reason I go by a screen name is because of all the people like you that have been busted for your lies and embellishments. See Dennis-Boi, no one here has ever threatened you in any way, shape, or form, but when it comes to all of the poser’s that have been busted here, you included, have one thing in common and John has said it the best regarding stolen valor as being “A rotten cherry on top of a shit sundae” If anything, it is the family of TAH that has more to fear from you.
You can keep coming here with you incoherent grammar of a three year old, but just like Frank Visconi whom just had his fantasy world tore down by the U.S. 6th Circuit Court, you yourself will not be able to change or alter reality to fit your fantasies.


I’m hurt, OIF ’06-’07-’08. The concept was Jonn’s (Stolen Valor, like the tip of the iceberg, is usually only part of an individual’s questionable behavior). But I’m pretty sure the “Rotten cherry” phrasing was mine.

I was kinda proud of that one, actually. (smile)

OIF '06-'07-'08

My sincerest apologies Hondo, and I am wondering if maybe that phrase could actually be apart of the page header at the top!

Just An Old Dog

You are a fucking idiot.. Poser playbook page 6. Accuse those that question you of being posers.
I noticed you completely ignored my instructions about how to clear up one of the many questions people ave about your background, your medals for valor and wounds recieved as an LEO.
Shitstain, I dont see why Jonn would waste the space posting up scores of our DD214s. No one here, or anywhere else has questioned my background or experience. I’m not the one who was such a lying shitbag that I was bought to the attention of people that look into Stolen Valor.
I suppose if I really wanted to I could make up a dumb ass “evidence blog” and post a few thousand pages of documents. But all of mine would be legit.
fuck off

OIF '06-'07-'08

Oh, one ? for you Dennis-Boi. Having a hard time trying to find another gullible woman to go out with you? Because the more I think about your past SIX divorces. This is what this is all about, isn’t it “CheeseHead”?

Grow up

So basically you guys team up and know each other but this Dennis/chevy/Linda/Robert/David doesn’t know yous from a hole in the ground and you expect him to turn over his dd-214 to you? Yea real smart, what statue is on the books stating “must turn dd-214, military records to a bunch of no body’s?” Maybe mark can tell us where it is or what court case that involved



Pattern recognition anyone?


In Den-Den’s case it would be a statuette.


A bald, quite thick statuette.


Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the wheel of cheese in the Cheez-Its commercial.


Hondo make that “A bald, quite thick statuette.” WITH gigantic blowjob handles for ears. His “men” friends surely love those easy to grip, easy to hold, control flaps.


You forgot COPY WRITE 😉


Coffee meet screen

Just An Old Dog

In Cheeslayers case an image of Bhudda would be appropriate to put his non-existent DD214 under.


Yeah, that’s it, growup/throwup/whatever. Am I’m sitting here holding my breath, slowly turning blue. Uh-huh.

(That’s called sarcasm, by the way. May even be a touch of the sardonic in there somewhere.)

Just An Old Dog

“this Dennis/chevy/Linda/Robert/David doesn’t know yous from a hole in the ground and you expect him to turn over his dd-214 to you?”

So you admit that these are all the same person/ sockpuppet?


Kinda sounds that way to me, Just An Old Dog.


Dennis/chevy/Linda/Robert/David can’t turn over what they don’t have . Unless of course it was self produced by Francis, Verified & witnessed by ShOrTbUsPaTrOl 41 , Modifed by chevy cheese flake. And they are represented by counsel bird brain bernath.


Dennis AKA Grow up, how could you turn over your DD-214? You don’t have one.


That’s a VERY good point, Sparks. Maybe he could get Visconi to throw something together for him.

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