An admin announcement thing
In case you missed the weekend post about our battle against spam, I was averaging more than 50,000 spam comments/day, and some of you were getting caught up in the spam filter and I got tired of reading all of the spam comments to find yours so I changed the settings on the blog to require that you use an email address when you make your comment – and you have to have a previously approved comment to make it to the forum. I also closed all posts over ten days old to comments. I hated to do that, but I’ll probably turn it all off after the holidays when the spam lightens up a bit.
If you’re having trouble getting the blog to accept your email address or sign in name, like MCPO and Pinto Nag, just email me the email address you’re trying to use and the screen name you want and I’ll set up a profile for you – that seems to cure the problem. But, you’ll still have to get your first comment approved. I’m sorry that we have to do this, but I was overwhelmed Friday and Saturday and had to do something drastic.
I hope you all understand.
Category: Administrative
I left out the cold beer, Sparks. Sorry!
Only Satan himself is evil enough to spam somebody with Justin Beiber.
I bet the Phildo has a life-size pinup poster (or doll) of JB on his bedroom wall.
Hey NHSparky. That is not fair. We are talking boilers here.
(A moment later)
Oh, that’s right Nuc Steam Gens are boilers.
I was talking about man boilers. You know, coal, bunker C, DFM burnig boilers.
How did we go from talking about the best meat product ever made to the worst piece of meat ever to cross our northern border?
@108. Um, that “your comment is awaiting moderation” notice accompanies the first new use (since the changes were made) and everybody gets it. The victimization schtick of your really never ends, dies it?
Jeez. I swear he was there. Who? Nobody worth mentioning.
@100, Wx-PH2, that sounds good, too! Another college dish that I could still get away with serving is mac & Cheese with skillet-fried spam cubes, and just enough diced fresh red chili & jalapeno pepper to give it some zest! Lately, I’ve also enjoyed experimenting with different blends of jalapeno, cayenne, habanero, and datil pepper sauces, you’d be amazed at the difference in tastes. To me, pepper isn’t just to add heat, each type has its own zest.
All kidding aside, spam ISN’T the worst food to ever be mass produced, it’s far from it. Anyone ever have to suffer eating an Army omelet MRE? I heard the bean burrito one has been banned, just one of those and I could level a city block myself!
Proud, Hormel has announced it will be marketing a teriyaki Spam soon. Not kidding, directly from Hormel. I have to hit the grocery store tomorrow. I may get some Spam while I’m there.
Spam, red potatoes, red onions, slice, dice, pat together in a pile, put in a non-stick skillet, cook until nice and crispy, serve with sliced tomatoes and your preferred condiment, choice of beverage on the side, and cornbread or corn muffins.
Well, I wonder who could be sending all that spam. Someone with nothing better to with his life than make a total dillweed of himself.
Any guesses, everyone?
Proud Infidel: you mentioned MREs? I’ll just leave this here:
@113 Hondo,
Who ever made that photoshop image of that MRE should have included the following language on the packaging;
WARNING: After consuming this MRE, please ensure to yell-out BACKBLAST AREA ALL CLEAR!!!
@107–While the “Beebs” may be a douchetastic assclown, let’s visit some of the equally douchetastic “talent” which has oozed down from north of the border, shall we? Such luminaries including:
–Celine Dion
–Bryan Adams
–Snow (he of “Informer” fame)
–Alanis Morrisette
–Our Lady Peace
Go ahead, I can keep this up all day.
@113 Hondo, yeah, I love that comic strip!!
Ex-PH2, teriyaki does sound good, I think they’d get more sales from jalapeño and Cajun-spiced flavors, I’d buy some in a heartbeat!
Proud, you could make your own Cajun seasoning or buy it, and cook the Spam with it.
Hey, you boilermakers, did I give the right answer to your question about steam production? Or is that a GUY thing?