Weekend open thread

| June 15, 2018

June 15, 2018

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A blue shark follows a scuba diver in the waters of the Azores, Portugal. Male blue sharks typically weigh between 60-120 pounds, with female blue sharks more than doubling that.

Category: Open thread

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Way to go HMC Ret!!!




Wilted Willy

Congrats HMC!
I wish a happy weekend to all my friends at TAH!


Yes, Sir. You are correct.

It’s now been one year since I started recording the entries into The Coveted Book of WOT Firsts, and as I scan those hallowed three pages, your First is the very first time I have entered your name.


Carlton G. Long

top 5


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Wha wha hwah zzzzzzzz (head pops up!!)
LATE…but here.
I was diddling around in other threads.

2/17 Air Cav

You diddle?

2/17 Air Cav

When do we start on the IG’s report on the SOBs in the FBI, late and current?

“Salivating here, Boss.”
“Salivate, Luke.”

2/17 Air Cav

That’s quite a gap between Numero Uno and the next few posts. What gives?


New time stamp that started yesterday and jet lag/body clock confusion.


Noticed that as well, Claw…😉

It’s all SP5 Richard Hollingsworth’s fault.

Or his new sidekick, Grace “HRC Bosnia/ Brian Williams” Jacobson AKA “Gulf War Jan Spann”…😎

🎶C-130 Rolling Down the Strip…the Air Force Got Lost On Jacobson’s Trip…🎵🎵


But, But, it can’t be Stolen Valor Thief Spec5 Richard Hollingsworth fault.

Since he was elected (not yet confirmed) this past week to be the new Idaho District 7 Commander, all his sins are washed away and he gets to start all over again with a clean slate./smile

Next pop-up target is Gulf War Jan Spann when she becomes the new Post 735 Commander.


Hmmm, delete/belay my (not yet confirmed) comment about Stolen Valor Act violator Richard Hollingsworth being elected the new VFW District 7 Commander.

Just checked the picture again that is posted to the Post 735 Book of the Face and the comment alluding to his election has been edited to confirm he has, I say again, has been elected to be the new District 7 Commander.

I believe the comments are being made by the Post Quartermaster/Adjutant John Dumbassio, oops that should be Dannunzio, who made his appearance here on TAH the other day to Sockpuppet defend Hollingsworth.

Anyway, next up after Gulf War Jan Spann will be Dumbassio, he of the 14 medals and ribbons in his “I Love Me” box of which seven of the 14 ribbons he wears are strictly after-market commemorative items relating to Korea and the Cold War Service Medal.

Stand by for other updates as they become available.


Claw, this is so disgusting. Don’t understand what is going on at VFW National HQs. Contacted them about Hollingsworth and they replied they would touch base with Idaho.

STILL laughing about Sockpuppet John Dannunzio explaining SP5 Richard Hollingsworth went before a 2 Hour Board and got his DD214 “amended”. Boy, talk about a Dummkolf! And “amended” to what? For SP5 Richard Hollingsworth to wear the Blue Rope of Doom, the CIB,11B Brass, SGT stripes and those awards he is not entitled to? (Rhetorical question)..

Yep, ole Gulf War Jan Spann in now in the limelight. She must have not heard about HRC’s and Brian Williams’ war stories and how they were caught rocking those lies…wait a second, HRC seems to rock ALOT of lies. 😉


Happy Father’s Day to all you “Mothers” out there and in my case as a Single Dad, I’m both.



Happy Father’s day to you as well. I became a single Dad when my 16 year old daughter was only 5 months old. I spent quite some time learning how to do girls hair and showing up to work with painted nails, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was hell being the only single man in an Infantry Brigade trying to figure out how to do a family care plan.


And I, for one am very glad you did it.
Our American future depends on the ones we raise to take our place as we get to the end of the line…
It must have been hard, I admire you for what you did.
I have similar circumstances, and I am so happy that I did it as we just spent three days in Corpus Christi and toured the USS Lexington.
My baby girl, 17, asked how did the thing float as big as it is !!!!
I told her that it’s the magic of the substance water and to ask her chemistry teacher about it !!!
What a beautiful ship. The original “Lex” CV2 was sunk in the first Aircraft Carrier Battle in History at the Battle of the Coral Sea.
The first battle in history where the two combatant ships never saw each other.


No! Work, again!
Have a good weekend y’all!


Can’t believe I am this early in the threads at 1:15 CDT. 6th poster and decidedly not trying.
Happy Father’s Day to all!


NOT FIRST!!!!! (F5,F5,F5,F5,…..)


Have a great weekend, Dickweeds! (smile)


Not even close again

and to think I got off the highway
Trying to be first


2/17 Air Cav

Okay, thanks for asking. I’ll start. The G report is out and, in my view, the recommendations were soft and kind. The current director of the BFI (no typo) says that there was no bias in any case under investigation and the bad conduct involved few of the hard-working agents and support staff…blah…blah…blah and bullshit! Stop Trump? Gotta take days off to recover from Clinton’s loss? I swear I’d dismantle the place if I could and, if a BFI is needed, start fresh. Sure cases will be lost but, hell, in my book they are all suspect now anyway.

Combat Historian

FBI used to stand for the Fucking Bunch of Idiots; it is now amended to stand for the Fucking Bunch of Ideologues…

A Proud Infidel®™

Or the Federal Bureau of Indifference.


They allegedly showed no signs of bias while speaking and conducting themselves in a biased manner. Right. Seems to me like the IG is trying to downplay this all to make the DOJ/FBI not look so crooked. Unfortunately, it just shows the double standard of how the laws are enforced.


Sure, I’ll grant you it’s possible the IG wants to downplay things…

But it’s also very possible that, like here, you have people who have strong opinions about stuff, but when it comes to their job… they do their job. In my job, I go wherever the facts lead – regardless of my personal opinions of things, or people that I’m working with or for, .. I do my job. I’m inclined to think most people do the same.

Do people in the military half-ass or fabricate stuff in their jobs depending on the politics of the President? Or do they do their job, period, and then bitch about things they don’t like in their private time?


I’ll agree with you that the worker bees can have political opinions and not allow that to affect their work.

These were not worker bees. These were political appointees or career agents with political appointee aspirations. As much as everyone would like to think that the appointees running these organizations are impartial, they can’t afford to be. They have to be politicians if they want to move up or retain their job. Nobody believes that federal judges are non-partisan, but officially, they are.

Comey said that he made announcements when he did to protect Hillary because he (and everyone else really) expected her to win.


Just remember this, 2/17 Air Cav:

Karma is such a female dog.


2/17 Air Cav

Yes, yes it is. I’ll tell you my great disappointment when it comes to that: Benghazi. Wide Load was never forced to pay for that, and I have not forgotten.

2/17 Air Cav

Remember when Trump’s immediate predecessor in office told the country that he only heard about Wide Load’s personal server when the rest of us did, through the media? Well, turns out that POS was emailing Wide Load to her at clintonemail.com. Guess he didn’t notice the address wasn’t government. Right. Sure. And there’s that stellar BFI Deputy Assistant Director by the name of Strzok. He was an investigator on the Clinton case. “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” he was asked in an email by Special Counsel to the Deputy Director Lisa Page. And Strzok replied, “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” What bias? I don’t see bias. What I see is strong suggestion of collusion and conspiracy. “We’ll stop it.” And all the while these mealy-mouthed pieces of crap from the BFI were fanning the flames of collusion regarding Russia and the Trump campaign. This is rock-the-foundation-of-the-country type of stuff and everyone but a handful of field agents should resign or be fired. Phukers.


Looks like some of that intent Comey invented to justify not prosecuting your fave former SoS. Well, maybe your second fave given who preceded her. Or did he follow her. They are all interchangeable.


Dan Bongino pointed out today that every email to 0bama had to be vetted through the White House communications office before it could go to his Blackberry, so they and 0bama knew he was communicating to her private email account.


In fact,0bama was so totally aware of her illegal server/email account that he used a pseudonym to email the Hildabeast.

A. Young

Just a new guy. Don’t understand the rules of the game.

Lurker Curt

Easy- just be first to comment “First” on the WOT. Shoot, boo, ain’t no thang…


It’s rigged until you hit the donate button.

Lurker Curt

Well played sir! I forgot that detail 😉


So THAT’S how come I got to be first. Hit da kitty, bro.

A. Young

soooo….how much we talking here?


A. Young:

Donate what you can…from the heart…and what you can afford. Jonn’s bill for this site is due next month, so even loose change you find in your couch helps pay for us minions to continue to come together as a family (yes, Yef, even you😉) and have fun on WOT.


I’ve heard fine bourbon works but the exact brand escapes me. Anybody know?


Nobody else does either. Some of us even make no effort to play the game, whatever it is.

In other words, if you ever figure it out, be assured that you are wrong. Just because.


If you figure it out, we change the rules. We’re dickweeds that way.

2/17 Air Cav

Claw will have you up on charges for that! Remember. Someone is always watching–and taking notes.

2/17 Air Cav

New Guy?

A. Young

Haha, I love that movie.


Never saw it. Was it better than the TV show?

Sorry about that, chief.

A. Young

Dunno….didn’t know it was based on a tv show

A. Young

Gives me an idea about what to do this weekend though.


Shave your junk… it’ll may your posts on the WOT show up faster!


Just don’t shave your chest and get a bikini tan. That is frowned upon.


Welcome, A. Young. Hope you will visit frequently and post. Friday WOT is announced about 1130-1330 each Friday. WOT is kinda a free-for-all, where you can comment on pretty much anything on your mind.


I’ve been here for about 8 years and I don’t either. But its fun.




Happy Father’s Day to all my fellow Dads in my TAH family.

Frankie Cee

I have had a couple of nice Communiques from fellow, (and fellowette), commenters. Both are doing well it seems. One of them had me teeheeing a bit when he told me that the wino of the puke stained, purple jump suit; the one who was ordered to rehab by a judge, has once again falsely named someone as him. I long for the day when one of those innocent people take serious offense and put a “Country Assed ass whooping” on him, and his cohorts.


“The female is twice the size of the male” is this government housing?

Dennis - not chevy

I kept thinking about dependapotamuses, bremaloes, and grotonasaureses when I read that.


Recently saw a post of a photo of Lena Dunham where the commenter affectionately referred to her as a “hoglodyte.” Great new term is apparently a combo of hog and proglodyte. Personally, I would prefer “proghoglodyte,” as it adds some clarification of political views.


Hello all. This is going to be a though one. My father-in-law is a medically retired Navy commander, and my mother-in-law is currently in home hospice care. She’s probably not going to make it to the end of the month. If your so inclined, can you please keep them in your prayers? She’s been medically fragile for years since her first heart attack but this is like the other shoe falling for my husband.


Done, Aysel, and my sympathies to you and your family. I hope her passing is easy on her, as well as the rest of you.


Prayers up for you and yours. Just be assured that you (and they) are not alone on this journey. Use the hospice services, if they fit you, and lean on a few close friends to help get over the roughest times.

Some of us have even survived the loss of a spouse and found the support here to be incredible. Even if we didn’t want to announce it to the whole world when it happened.


Prayers sent, along with best wishes!


Prayers lifted for your In-Laws, Aysel, as well as for you and your husband.

Combat Historian

Know that your mother-in-law is going home to be with the Lord in a wonderful Kingdom. We are praying for you and yours…


You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers, Aysel.


My prayers for you and yours. Please take solace in knowing the Lord knows all things and, yes, there is a far better home than what we have on Earth. I know it’s an old cliche, but it’s one that often gets me through the day.

Blessings and prayers

Commissioner Wretched

My prayers, Aysel. You and your family are in my thoughts.


Consider it done!

Lurker Curt

All wet and accounted for! (rain showers forecast in my A.O. this weekend…)

Happy weekend, fellow Dickweeds!

Frankie Cee

In my weekly update on Serial Poser Kyle Christopher Barwan, never a Green Beret, never Airborne, never Ranger, never an officer, and never an upstanding citizen; I would like to remind all of you, that to really do your civic duty, when you comment on him, or any of the many poaers here that it is much more effective if you will mention the actual name of the phony. You can add any descriptive feature that you see, but mentioning a name will help those who might blindly accept the dope’s stories. By Jonn posting, and us commenting, we have saved many potential victims from falling prey to these users of people. May they rot from within.


You’re referring to serial poser, convicted criminal and all-around worthless bum Kyle Christopher Barwan? Consider it done.

Frankie Cee

I began the above comment to update the status of Kyle Christopher Barwan, that dimunitive, 5 ft 6 in, 138 pound walking cum bucket, but forgot to leave the Florida Department of Corrections link about his status as an inmate at the Gainesville Florida Work Camp. That is one hot, mosquito infested area, especially the state land that is known as “Paine’s Prairie”.


When I was at U of F near there they often had to close the highway that goes through the Prairie (301?) on cold nights because bazillions of snakes would get on the pavement for warmth. They’d get squished by vehicles and it would get too slippery to pass.


Now THAT is a great story, sj.


Heard about a guy wrecking a car near Twin Falls Idaho, skidded on jackrabbits.


Out here in LaJunta colorado, it’s tarantulas, during their migration..


I believe it.

I was at prototype April-October. Students were not allowed to drive.

Well, a couple of staff guys left a little early and rounded up/killed a shitload of rabbits, enough to make a significant size barrier across Hwy. 20.

Student buses come by…squish.

Nobody ever cleared or cleaned them off. The streak in the road just got flatter and wider as the summer went along.


NHSparky, are you talking about the great Jefferson County/Mud Lake jack rabbit clubbing massacre of 81-82?

My barber in Rigby is telling that story to somebody every time I go there for my haircut.


Nope. I was there a few years after that.

But I will say I knew better than to walk into The Hub in IF and holler, “I smell sheep shit!”


Is that place still there? I grew up outside of Driggs ID. Used to love all you nuke types trying to drive on Ski Hill Road. I could pick up a couple hundred bucks on a good winter weekend pulling Sailors out of the ditch. Good times.


Frankie, I’m totally going to rip off that remark, “May they rot from within.” Best I’ve heard in a while.



We need a new, more improved, stronger Cockroach exterminator. A REPEAT Offender from Mexico who illegally entered the US FOUR times has been sentenced to 8 years in Virginia. He will most likely only serve a few years, then sent back to Mexico…and will show up here again in the next decade. He has been doing this since 1992 and for some reason, likes Virginia so much that he keeps returning:


Forgot how to spell “Cucaracha”….😠


Ranked choice voting in Maine last Tuesday.
Still no idea who won the Dimocrat vote.
They need to keep counting and moving ballots around by couriers. Might be next week until we find out another round of counting is needed.
One person one vote is now dead in Maine.

But it is a really nice June day for working outside in the sun so there’s that.


But you can still have guns, right?

I hear moose gang violence is on the rise. I mean it seriously: without a gun, how will you defend yourself from random moose gang attacks?

SSG Kane

Your vote still counts. Just not as much. or more depending on who you voted for.



Have they started resurrecting the dead to vote D in Maine?

Typical Western Washington move when it looks like an R might actually win…


The actual paper ballots travel by courier to the State House after already being counted by the towns because nobody had a majority and they need to be counted again.
No need for the dead vote here, just keep counting the ballots and move them around the state and then count them again. Count until you win!
The law suits are going to go on forever.
Oh, and the Republican primary was decided that day. Simple majority.

Haywire Angel

Here, and hoping to find a good fishing spot this weekend!


Well, I was busy doing stuff for my house and yard, like mowing the yard at 6AM so that I didn’t have to do it in the “heat of the day”, so your scrambles for first place are on the order of watching toy blocks fall.

There are days, however, when I would give my eye teeth to have a Staley ball (hard rubber, bounced like a tennis ball, used in corn and soybean processing) and a set of jacks so that I could play that sidewalk game again.

I thought maybe one of these days, I could get some sidewalk chalk and spread it among the kids, who are out of school to see for themselves what they could do with it. When you’re a kid, you think time never passes at all. Then you grow up, and somehow, it has begun to move far too fast.

Anyway, happy Father’s Day to all you Pops in the hinterlands of TAH.


Interesting. Did not realize Staley balls orginated from Decatur, IL.

Have a friend who lives there. Will have to contact him or his wife and ask about that. Always remembered playing jacks with a solid, red rubbered ball (hey, that’s a song!). Or a good game of marbles, with everyone coveting the cat’s eye.

Have fun with the kids and sidewalk chalk, Ex-PH2.😊


I think that’s the reason they were produced. It’s been a LONG, long time but they were great for playing jacks on the sidewalk.

The town to the north of me is having their nostalgia weekend this weekend. When I went up there this morning to pay a visit to the geese, I stopped at the McD’s on the way back and saw a 1961 Chevy Impala in the parking lot, all chromed up and shiny.

That really took me back.


Now you really got my curiousity on those Staley balls…and after research, found the news article about the Staley Museum in Decatur, where they have one of those balls displayed:


“..saw a 1961 Chevy Impala in the parking lot..” Oh, yes, I can relate. Get all worked up when I see a 1964 Blue Dodge Dart, Push Button type. With the same interior. Nice memories with cars, yes?

Well, we have Claw, the TAH Supply Daddy, so am betting he can find a Staley Ball on E-Bay. After all, Claw DID find on E-Bay for Richard Hollingsworth some SP5 stripes to sew on his button- popping Class A’s..but Hollingsworth forgot to bring a can of coffee for trade (whoops, I let out an Army secret)..

Enjoy nostalgia weekend tomorrow & Sunday, Ex-PH2!😊


Well, finding Staley Balls on E-Bay is gonna be tough cause the Googly-Thingy thinks a Staley Ball is that thing Miley Cyrus swings around on or a Stanley Ball Peen Hammer.

But I’m up for a good challenge. Just give me a little time.


No Staley Balls anywhere for sale. Extensive research conducted. Last manufactured during the late 60s/early 70s. New technology has eliminated their purpose. Unless one could be found having been stored in a vacuum somewhere it may still be good, as they tend to lose their “bounciness” after exposure to the elements.

Bottom line: No-Go for an actual red or yellow Staley Ball.


No wonder Staley balls are in a museum. Thank you for looking, Claw! 👍


Early car history:

61 Buick Electra
66 Rambler Ambassador
69 VW Squareback
71 VW Squareback
77 Chevy Truck
81 Pontiac Phoenix (ugh)
Bunches more.


HMC, – 77 Chevy Truck

Came back to the states in July 1977 after doing my first tour in Germany.

Went to the GM dealer in Monticello, IN. (My little town up north didn’t have a new vehicle dealer)

Bought a spanking, brand new 1977 3/4 Ton, 4WD Chevy Truck.

Paid $5,568.00 spot cash on the barrel head for it.

Try paying that these days./smile

Thanks for the memory.


I bought a brand spanking new Buick Wildcat in 1964 (on a 2LT base pay of $222.30 and jump pay). I barely got it home and came out on orders for Italy and no jump pay. Could not get rid of it. Imagine driving that boat in Italian villages. Interesting. But a year or 2 later PCS’d to Germany. That beauty would roll on the autobahn!


Learned to shift three on a tree in a 61 Impala ragtop. Auto on a 63 Catalina ragtop, 4 speed on a 67 GTO. Ran through a ’61 Econoline, 67 Ghia, ’68 2002, ’45 Willys, ’68 Beetle, ’57 Beetle, and ’61 F100 in succession after.

A Proud Infidel®™

I learned how to drive a stick shift on a 1946 Willys CJ2A, very fun to drive!


Learned shifting on grandpa’s early 50s Ford truck. Pretty soon he had we driving his tractor, his truck taking chow to the cows, etc. Wow, how I miss him. Taught me how to raise cows, pigs, slaughter them, etc. Grow all manner of crops. There was virtually nothing grandparents couldn’t do on their own.


61 Impala?

Boo, Yuck./Smile – Still had that 348CI boat anchor/door stop in it.

Now the 62 with a 409, horse of a different color. Especially a 62 Bubble Top.


My first one was a 68 dark green Dodge Charger with a 383.. dad bought it at the PX in the Philippines while on leave from Vietnam, and had it delivered to NY where Grandpa picked it up for him… Hell of a first car for a 16 y/o… I may have gotten into some trouble with it..


Frankie, I’m totally going to rip off that remark, “May they rot from within.” Best I’ve heard in a while.


Remember, Another Pat, you’re not the only starfish in the sea.
I see what you did there. Good old song. Probably from the 60s, I think.


“Red Rubber Ball”, by the Crycle, released in April 66.


Correction – Crykle, not Crycle.

Mea Culpa


Learned to shift three on a tree in a 61 Impala ragtop. Auto on a 63 Catalina ragtop, 4 speed on a 67 GTO. Ran through a ’61 Econoline, 67 Ghia, ’68 2002, ’45 Willys, ’70 GT6+, 68 Beetle, ’57 Beetle, and ’61 F100 in succession after.


Apologies to all for my wtf? double post.

I see I forgot the 70 Triumph, too…getting old.


Congrats on getting FIRST! again, HMC Ret!

And you & Claw nailed it on the song…which I now can’t get out of my head…durnit…😊

Last, one knows they are getting a wee bit older when one remembers driving a Datsen Hatchback or riding in a Studabaker Stationwagon..🚗


Well, then here’s another song to get stuck in your head:

Beep, Beep (Little Nash Rambler) by the Playmates from 1958.




Noooooo!!!!! (Covering ears with hands)

I remembered that song…I still have the 45…durnit, it went from ” Red Rubber Ball” to ” Beep-Beep”…*groan*…Oh, dear Lord, please have “Beep-Beep” leave my head before I go nigh-nigh…😉



I want it stuck in your head like an Arkansas Tick./smile

“While riding in my Cadillac, what, to my surprise,

A little Nash Rambler was following me, about one-third my size —

Beep, beep (Beep, beep)

Beep, beep (Beep, beep)

C’mon, somebody with posting You-Tube smarts help Pat out – he needs to hear the song, not just read about it.


Noooo! I knew you would recommend that- posting the You-Tube Video of that song..
Have Mercy on a fellow Soldier..pleeaaassee..😉


Well, I went ahead and tortued myself and pulled up a You Tube video of ” Beep!-Beep!”


Warning to others: You may not be able to get that “Beeo! Beep!” out of your head! Lesson learned: Never mess around with a Supply SGT…NEVER! 😎


Ahhhhhhhh …. the “fragrent” down-wind smell of Staley’s!!! In 1971 my father got a job in Decatur and we lived at 1712 N. Union in Decatur and remember the smell …. sort of like the paper processing plant in Charleston, SC.

Hmmmm …. I just Google-mapped that location and Google places me at the Hospital. But a manual trip south brought me to the correct location — it’s still there! The houses were built in the 1930s and our next door neighbor lived in her house since it was new (she was 70 or 80 at the time).

My father thought our relatives would not talk to us. We’re from Georgia — my great grandmother really did call Northerners “damyankees” as one word. I know that has become a joke, but it is true.

Anyway, here were a bunch of Rebels living on “North Union” up in Illinois.

I went to Florida soon after that. (^_^)


Present! fitythreed or so.


Need to find a good ribbon rack maker that includes state ribbons. There used to be one in Austin, but long ago forgot the name.

Yeah, this aging thing is getting more than a little tiresome.

And, yeah, I want one of those slim ones, and should have done it a very long time ago. But didn’t. I’m so cheap that I’ve been waiting to make sure that nothing more will ever be added – those suckers are expensive!

Found several places that make them, but no luck so far in finding one that includes state ribbons.

Thanks! And have a great weekend, all.


Have never ordered on line for ribbon racks, OWB, but this site/store from Oklahoma caught my eye…and they advertised ultra-thin ribbons as well as State ribbons:


Hope that helps!


Thanks! The best deal I’ve found so far without the state ribbons is at militaryribbons.net.


You are welcome, OWB! Did not look at the prices on this site. Thought it may fit your needs with the State ribbons and the slimness.

And no, you are not cheap. You are smart when shopping.😊

SSG Kane

So I have a stolen valor confession to make…

Its not easy for me to admit this. But its time. I’ve lived the lie for far too long and this is as good of a place to come clean as any.

Back in the 1990’s…wow…this is hard…

I was young and foolish. And I worked as a ski tech at a ski resort in Utah.

Or at least, that’s what I tell people. I mean I did. On occasion. But that wasn’t the job the resort hired me for.

No, they hired me to work “basket check”. You know, the people you handed your stuff too, and they put it in a basket in the back room? That was my main job.

But it just isn’t sexy enough. It started simply enough, I’d just talk about the times I “tech’ed Carrie Fisher’s skis” and got a tip from Bruce Willis for recommending he try longer ski’s on our routes…and before I knew it everyone thought I was a ski tech full time and I just went with it.

So too all the real ski techs out there, I apologize and I will start saying I worked “part-time as a ski tech”.


Don’t feel bad about it, SSG Kane. I once pretended to be Tonya Harding at a skating competition, just so that I could win a trophy. I did such a good job, including that part with the booted foot on the rail, and weeping over it, that everyone thought I was her. And I got a first place for it.

I never once tried to disillusion anyone by saying I was not Tonya Harding.

It has stayed with me all these years… and I still laugh myself silly over it.

Combat Historian

I imagine you to be a more of a Dorothy Hamill type…


I could only wish to have been that good.


On the old 8ft tactical satellite dishes (AS-3036A/TSC), there was a short stabilizing bar, cast aluminum, about 2 ft long. It was generally known as the Nancy Kerrigan.


I was a liftie, a ski tech, and plowed snow at a couple of ski areas in WY and UT. We all serve how we can. All is forgiven.


This.Is.Just.So.Wrong (when you open the link, you will understand): 🤔



Guy needs groucho glasses.
And a rope.


Saw this once already- don’t need to see it again.


Not the purse! SFW, unfortunately.



Dan hasn’t been heard from in awhile. Wonder where he is?


Not just where, but how?

Still at room temperature as far as I know./smile



Dan’s location courtesy of the VA:

DATE OF BIRTH: 09/29/1949
DATE OF DEATH: 01/22/2018


Think they used his “honorary rank” on the rock?


Good question, Sapper3307. Found this info on VA Grave Locator; it had more info than Find A Grave. Sarasota National is a Veterans Cemetary.

VA Grave Locator gives some of the info provided by the headstone, i.e. rank, service, period of service, no awards. Bernath’s VA headstone has PH2.


Usually the family can put something like “devoted father” on the stone. Guess “Flaming Asshole” wasn’t permitted?


Good one, sj.😊

Sarasota National Cemetary participates in Wreaths Across America. So guess who may be getting a wreath this year…perhaps the PuRpLe SuIt DuDE will channel that particular gravrsite and donate $$$ for that wreath.

If only folks knew the havoc he created on other folk’s live.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, but it will be a special wreath, made from organic material, produced by a dog. It will also be a magical wreath, changing from brown to white in short order.


If folks are going to place a wreath on his gravesite, they should “honor” him more by playing🎵 ” I Fall To Pieces”…🎶

A Proud Infidel®™

For all we know he could STILL be six feet under!


Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy reportedly under IG investigation for alleged toxic leadership. MCPON Giordano was busted from E-6 to E-5 in the 90s for extramarital affair, but recovered from that setback.



Uh-Oh. I guess his shot at becoming the 4th SEAC just went to shit./smile


Hmmmm… rotten tempers frequently hide incompetence. Bluster covers a lot of faults because it scares people. I freelanced in graphics for a while, and ran into someone whose printing company was sliding into oblivion because he pissed off so many people that the skilled printers went elsewhere to find work, ditto the graphics people. No one wanted to work for him. I think that company went belly up about 25 years go.

There is the possibility that maybe This MCPO will blow a cranial blood vessel and have a stroke that will leave him and his warped, oversized ego unable to utter any sounds at all. Imagine the frustration….

It’s a shame, but if he destroys his career, he has only himself to blame.


Shame, because Gio was a CT, which gives me a lot of pian. But, when you have hissy fits, especially in that position, you lose the faith of a lot of the junior Sailors. But, at least he did reverse Stevens destruction of the Navy rating system.

George (CTIC(SG)(Ret))


First Mike Stevens and now this shitbird. I hated cocksuckers like those two when I was in, and hate them even more now.

Fucking cocksucking prima-donnas…


Which makes me wonder how (or why) his shit was tolerated before he got to that position.

Leadership failure on a lot of levels.


That’s the question right there, NHSparky. Can’t imagine this wasn’t a well known “personality trait”.


I think the question as to why he was tolerated previously was brought up in the column, and it almost sounds as if others were afraid of him.

I’m wondering what kind of eval he is writing those who leave him?
This guy could literally be a cancer to the careers of some really squared away sailors. That is troublesome.

Sounds as if he is doing great harm to the enlisted Navy, including the CPO Mess.


Once as an HM1 I reported to a relatively small command that had 8 (count them … eight) Master Chiefs. It was total chaos and hatred. It resulted in them being assigned to functions that should have been done by lesser pay grades. Who would be the Command Master Chief was almost warfare. It was toxic to the entire enlisted community and a source to entertainment to all. Glad I was just passing through.

Commissioner Wretched

Wow … nobody noticed that I haven’t posted the weekly trivia/humor column yet? I’m offended. (Not really, of course.) Without further ado – and what the heck is ado, anyway? – here ’tis … this week’s column. Enjoy. Or not. As you please. DID YOU KNOW…? Is it really a crime to let someone else use your Netflix account? By Commissioner Wretched I’ve done a lot of different things in my life, but writing this column is one of the best things. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons. One, it’s fun. And I firmly believe we should do things in life that are fun. For another, it’s educational. I may have been a teacher for a long (LONG) time, and I may have a high degree or two, but I still love learning. Researching the things I put here for your weekly consumption is a learning experience that ties back into reason number one, that it’s fun. And third, I get paid for it. The icing on the cake, so to speak. The money isn’t great, but you can live on it quite comfortably, and that’s what really matters, anyway, right? Right? Well, anyway, I do quite well. So there. Finally, this column is one of the best things I’ve done because it’s given me an opportunity to interact with a lot of you, my readers. When you let me know how you like (or don’t like) an item I find, it means a lot to me. (Primarily it means you’re reading this.) Interacting with me is easy, too. Just send an e-mail to didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I’ll reply. So, for fun … education … interaction … and yes, money … let’s get to this week’s trivia! Did you know … … you actually have four nostrils? Two are external, at the bottom of your nose. The other two are in the back of the nasal cavity inside your head. (If you’re me, that’s all you have inside your head.) … Luxembourg, one of the world’s smallest countries, is the world’s largest per capita meat consumer? Luxembourgers eat, on… Read more »


“…nobody noticed that I haven’t posted the weekly trivia/humor column yet?”

Am raising my hand, CW…because I noticed, but figured you would eventually show up😊

And now I have to ask. How in the world do folks know fish have dreams? Sure hope my tax dollars weren’t use for a study “Do Fish Dream In Color or Black and White”…😉


I, too, noticed, but said naught because I figured you were busy, Commish.

I have no exciting news myself. Yours is refreshing.


Here’s something for you, Commish:

Hannah Glasse’s The Art of Cookery. Originally written and published in 1747, and is still selling as both OCR reproductions and as a modern typeset edition.
The original Fanny Farmer 1896 Cookbook is also still in print.

A Proud Infidel®™

110st and Honorary First yet once again.


Hack Stone

Hack Stone just got another “final notification on your car warranty” call. So of course he pressed 1 to speak with a representative. Apparently this company will not provide a warranty on a 1963 Studebaker.

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet it’s even worse for an early 80’s Jag!



Did you let Yef know the 1SG gave him a weekend pass so he can recover from buffing those floors…or do you think he is still buffing away…😉

Admit it…a day without Yef is a day without (fill in the blank)…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Weekend Pass? I heard he had Weekend Police Call!


I’ve had friends who got those third party extended warranties and were unable to have them fulfill their end of the bargain when the vehicle broke down. Just try having your car fixed and leaving the facility w/o forking over the money for the repair.

Seriously, has anyone here had any personal experience with a third party auto repair company? Would LOVE to hear of your experiences.


No personal experience but I’ve talked to plenty of people who have. The fewer claims these companies pay, the more money they make. I’d never buy one of these plans.


I tell them my name is Palmer of the Ballsack…


On the language side, here is why language training is important.

Hack Stone

Any of the Usual Suspects plan on attending the Beer Borbona & BBQ at National Harbor Maryland tomorrow? Hack will be attending with a few of his NCR miscreant associates. We plan to pour out 4 ounces in memory of the recently departed Daniel Bernath.



Looks like a couple of Walmart shoppers used their firearms to fend off a would be carjacker !!!
Not all people of Walmart are stupid…..


“According to an arrest report, Hill told police, “The reason I was running and did this was because somebody was after me.””

Yeah, that’s called your shadow

2/17 Air Cav

Congratulations to the Illinois taxpayers. The Monument to Socialism and Imaginary Red Lines will cost them an estimated 200+ million dollars. Now, if he would only move back there and stay there.


But it comes with two turntables and a microphone.
Not included are book’s, college transcripts, tax records, birth certificate, E-mails and employment records from his mosque hoping days with the CIA,


Still haven’t got funding for it yet, but the roadway to it will cost $175 million all by itself. No one seems to be interested in donating to the mausoleum, however. It’s supposed to be supported by mostly private donations.

Yeah, if I had a stinking lot of money, I’d spend it in more sensible ways.


Don’t really see the whole point of these presidential libraries. That millions in taxpayer money is spent to stroke the ego of a former president just don’t sit right. They’re essentially our version of pyramids, with each one becoming bigger and fancier than the last.

Now if they want to do it ALL with private money, more power to ya. We’ve got better things to spend money on than a library to flaunt your “greatness”.

P.S. Can you imagine the one Trump will build? Right in AC or Vegas, 110 stories high, covered in gold leaf and diamonds.


Limbaugh refers to the Clinton Library as “and massage parlor”.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s funny. Is there an x-rated section in the library? Can you believe that lying SOB actually endorsed that #MeToo movement for women who have been sexually assaulted? Cripes. His type is the very reason it exists!


I did enjoy watching Colbert tell him that he was the biggest example of a powerful man sexually behaving in the workplace.

Next week Colbert might suddenly commit suicide, be “mugged” and killed, or have a totally accidental gas leak in his house.


Hillary showed her support of women when, several years ago, she referred as trash women who would chase a $50 bill being pulled through a trailer park. That entire Clinton clan is trash. I don’t know how in the world the NOW doesn’t come down on their asses for their treatment of women.


Because they are politically powerful D-rats. I loved Billy Jeff’s recent comment to the effect that nowadays one can’t sexually assault women “against their will” and get away with it. Like that was acceptable behavior before 2000.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself find it VERY interesting how liberal media TARDOs will as say, Ivanka Trump about her Father’s treatment of Women while they HAVE NEVER asked Chelsea Clinton the same question!

2/17 Air Cav

Kansas City’s Antoine Fielder was twice tried for the murder of a 22 yr old woman. Video showed them together in a car in several places before the murder and testimony established that the bullets that killed her were obtained by Fielder. A hung jury resulted, not once but twice, and he walked. Prosecutors claimed juror intimidation was the reson for the mistrials. They were probably right. Not long afterward, he was charged with a new killing and the wounding of someone else. And that’s why he was being transported from jail to court yesterday when he managed to overpower or outwit at least one of his two deputy escorts and get a gun, which he used to kill both. He’s alive, although wounded. Doctors saved his miserable life.

A Proud Infidel®™

So now tacpayers are on the hook not only for his food, clothing and housing but his medical bills as well, WHAT A WASTE!


He should be dragged out of his cell and taught how to wear the hemp necktie.


Yep. The schizophrenia of the left is showing once again. They can’t seem to make up their minds if we who support our president are rich, privileged, selfish, corporate bigots who wish to control somebody for some reason, or not. They are recycling the old meme about us all being uneducated hicks. The only way both accusations seem to agree is on the bigot front.

Looks from here that the Trump supporters are just a broad spectrum of US citizens. Yes, some are probably even bigots because there are some out there who vote – for both major parties and some of the lesser ones.

It’s all so confusing but apparently more so for those haters who can’t seem to accept the will of the people.



“Like hot sauce in your face, the Army’s newest non-lethal weapon is spicy!”



Surprised the army is only now buying it. That product has been around for well over a decade. Good for dispersing a crowd but CS is better. For that matter, I hear a fire hose works pretty well too.


Mason: Exactly!! 👌

That is why I thought it was verrrryyy interesting…😉


Here I am…a day late but not a dollar short…LOL

I have a question for my Navy brothers and sisters who may have some familiarity…

My nephew says he wants to join up to be nuke mechanic…

He assumed I might know about the job, but of course, I have no idea what he is really talking about.

As close as I can determine from his description it is MM(N), but I may be wrong about that.

Can any of you set a brother hip to some good advice for him?


One word:


well, obviously I prefer he join the Army–just because I know the Army–but there are no nuke jobs in the Army so USN it is.

however, I don’t want him to get shafted on the deal and end up making a bad choice.


I had a professor in college that taught a power engineering course in my senior year. The course was heavy on Nukes because the guy was in charge of the Enterprise reactor while serving (so said he). I believed him because he would put the chalk in his mouth and puff on it like a cigarette while lecturing in front of the blackboard.

2/17 Air Cav

In gardening news, a 54 yr old woman was tending to her home garden in Indonesia. When she didn’t return, her sandals, a machete, and another item or two or hers were found at the garden, but there was no sign of her. A search of the immediate area resulted in the finding of a very large and bloated python about 50 feet from the garden. Yep. The snake was not a vegetarian.

Perry Gaskill

I’d be tempted to put one in a petting zoo and send Hillary free tickets…


Sweet!! I’d pay to watch the video of her visit to that zoo. But the animal would need to figure out how to spit out that thoracic brace.


But that poor snake!

Oh shit. I’m commenting on last weeks WOT.

Prease to forgive…

Green Thumb

To bad that photo is not of Phildo doing his underwater training….


Ah. Lone Ranger episode currently running has a very young James Arness playing a green, goofy deputy. Fun to watch.


James Arness. An American Soldier. Infantry. 3rd ID. WW2. Salute.

Clayton Moore. Army Air Corps. WW2.Salute.

Jay Silverheels. Canadian Military. WW2.Salute.

Hi-Ho, Silver!

Thank you for sharing, OWB.


Bulgogi over lemon and ginger rice for dinner tonight- AKA Korean BBQ.

Thin strips of beef marinated in soy, pear juice, sesame oil, with some garlic and pepper, grilled hot over live coals.

One of my fonder memories of Pohang.


Save some for the rest of us! 🍽🍴🥄


Won’t be any left to share!

I can, however, with a suitable amount of single barrel bourbon, be bribed into making more.



And I thought the groceries here were pretty good today. Can of Ranch Style beans (zesty red pepper variety) with 4 slices of Canadian bacon kinda sliced and cross cut added, heated well. Half of it in a bowl with a couple of over easy eggs on top. Probably not as good as your beef, but plenty good. And easy.


Last night I gave my dog a bath. Keep in mind that I have the only lab on the planet that hates water. After the struggle of getting him clean and keeping him in the tub I shut the shower curtain to let him shake off without spraying the entire bathroom with water. After he shook I let him out of the tub to dry him off at which point he decided to roll around, shake what seemed like a thousand times more and he considered getting dryed off with the towel a game. Long story short, after this event it looked like a black lab exploded in my bathroom, dog hair everywhere. Unknown to me my kids were outside the door recording the girlish screams, laughter, shock, and all around good “clean” fun we were having and saving it for posterity. I can only imagine what my great great grandkids will think 100 years from now when they are researching family history and hear this audio.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone would frequently bathe his lovable Okinawa mutt. He always used Shampoodle.


I have nothing important to report, other than the store had potatoes (russets) in 10 pound bags, which I will never use up, so I split it with my neighbors.

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


What’s up with the time stamp off by an hour?
I noticed WOT was an hour late on Friday but others had posted as normal. 7 am here.


Yep, time stamp says 6:02.


Well, The owner of the blog isn’t really obligated to post anything at any designated time. Maybe he’s doing things as they work best for his schedule in spite of our being Pavlovian in our response to any changes.

Or, the autopost function may have slipped to a different time zone.

Neither of those is also a good possibility.

2/17 Air Cav

Trenton’s all-night arts festival (which included live graffiti!) didn’t work out. Just before 3 a.m., a fight erupted, shots were fired, and some number (USA Today reports 16) were shot, and others hurt in the stampede. Some artists just can’t handle criticism, I guess.

A Proud Infidel®™

By Trenton I ass-u-me you mean Nooh Joizey which would likely be the root of the problem!