Woman fails Special Forces Assessment and Selection

| September 15, 2016

The Washington Times reports that the first woman to attend Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), the initial training for Special Forces soldiers, has been dropped from the course;

The [enlisted] female soldier, whom Army officials did not identify by name, had reported to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on Sept. 2. She passed the physical fitness test and the first half of the grueling, 21-day weeding-out process, during which 10 percent to 15 percent of her classmates dropped out.

During this week’s “Land Navigation” phase of the training, she either withdrew voluntarily, was medically dropped or was administratively removed for not meeting standards, three sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity told The Times. Pending review boards, she may try again. Historically, 1-in-3 candidates pass the entire course.

It appears that the Army is trying to maintain the tried and true standards, but I’m thinking that the social justice warriors aren’t going to tolerate many more failures.

Thanks to Bobo for the link.

Category: Army News

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2/17 Air Cav

Maybe she had a baby.

Commissar Poodledick

I would have been surprised if she had made it. It is pretty brutal.

I have only met two woman that I think would have had a chance and even then I would have but their odds at no better than a small statured man of their same weight. Which is less than average odds since the course frequently requires carrying a great deal of weight for pretty significant distances.



In 30 years, I met maybe 2 women in the Army (active or reserve) who I’d have thought might have a decent chance of passing. Both were physically much larger than the average woman – in the 5′ 10′ to 6′ height range – and both were quite a bit stronger than the average lady. Both were also pretty sharp mentally.

Best I can recall, neither had any desire to attend.

Commissar Poodledick

I know one of the women I met wanted to attend. She eventually became an Air Assault instructor and her husband went to Delta/CAG selection.

Not sure what happened to them I know she served as an instructor but do not know if her husband ever served as an operator.



This sort of thing is gonna be settled by quotas, then?

I’m breathlessly awaiting the day when a 5’2″ 150lbs thunder thighs with only enough upper body strength to hoist a jelly filled donut to her feed hole and enough endurance to make it from her desk chair to the toilet facilities twice daily, becomes the first genuine Lady SEAL…

because quota.

SJW makes free!

Commissar Poodledick

SF officially never selects by quotas. But hear it is debatable wether some years were easier than others to be selected.

I doubt there will ever be a quota requirement for females in Special Forces.


IMHO there has been much higher volatility in completion/selection (not the same thing), than at Ranger school. To a certain extent the output is based on requirements. If there is a greater need for more output, perhaps the cadre step off the gas pedal, when there less need for folks to start training the standards might be a little more stringent.

Also, with such a short course anything can happen, weather and sickness moving through a class can wipe out a significant share of participants making all the tasks harder for everyone remaining.


You’re speaking about things you don’t fully understand. If you’ve not earned a tab, or worked at SWCS, your just making assumptions. This comment is not meant to be disrespectful, just educational.


“or worked at SWCS”

I work at SWCS…there are people foaming at the mouth to get a woman through this. They are of course people that haven’t been through SFAS themselves, but possess rank and position.


Why am I not surprised?

Yes, the question was rhetorical.


This is what I see from my position as well. The pressure to integrate women into the community is huge, and comes largely from the top.


When the dropout rate is 30% to 50% of participants in the initial phase of a training course (SFAS, e.g.), it means that the initial phase is probably a 10% difficulty level of the rest of the course. That’s not something I would take lightly.

The fact that the dropouts may have a chance to try again later says a lot, especially if they do try again.


“then I would have but their odds at no better than a small statured man of their same weight.”

There are physiological differences in men and women of the same weight that mean the male has an advantage physically with less effort. The amount of muscle a man of the same weight carries and where, bone density, thickness of ligaments, cartilage, critical angles of movement at key joints, strength differences and cardiopulmonary efficiency all work in the male’s favor.


^^that comment is made with the assumption the weights are are not due to either being especially corpulent or slight for their respective height. Weight alone gives a limited perspective on exactly what kind of anthropometrics we’re talking about.


How many times do I have to say this?

A pound is a pound. It is a WEIGHT, not a volume.

2 pounds of muscle weigh exactly the same as 2 pounds of fat.\

Muscle tissue is densely-packed protein, bundled into strings called FIBERS. It contains a LOW percentage of water.

Fat is mostly water. Adipose tissue is far less dense that muscle tissue because it contains a higher volume of water than muscle.

So someone who is 5’2″ weighing 150 pounds can be a normal size or morbidly obese, but it depends on the amount of muscle tissue as opposed to fat.

It’s the very reason you guys who gripe about being ‘taped’ are told you’re overweight when you’re extremely fit when you’re solid muscle and lot volume fat.

A pound of fat takes up MORE ROOM than a pound of muscle. So a 5’2″ woman who weighs 150 lbs can be a size 10 or a size 20, depending on the amount of adipose tissue she’s dragging around.

I’d appreciate it if you’d stop assuming that weight has anything at all to do with size. It does NOT.


“I’d appreciate it if you’d stop assuming that weight has anything at all to do with size. It does NOT.”

I was using the context of the statement to make my comments. All you point out is true, but given the situation of a male and female engaged in the activity we were talking about, the composition of the bodies can be at least with some degree of reliability assumed.

We aren’t talking about taking the first male and female of the same weight that walked through the door of a Walmart. The extremes you cite are possible, but not probable in this scenario.


..and my comment about anthropometrics is in agreement with your statement overall….because you’re correct.


Sorry, Doc, my aim was more at people like Grimmy, who assume that weight equals volume, as he indicates here.


When I was (considerably) younger and was extremely fit, I wore a size 10 in 1967, which is now well below size 00. I also weighed 128 pounds and I could life my own weight. There is a very unfortunate assumption now that if you are over a certain weight or dress size, you’re fat, and it has to stop.

I see women and men both who look like toothpicks on legs. It is unattractive and unhealthy and these people will cost more in medical needs when they reach my age than I ever will.

Just want be clear here.


Got it…you can still spank me though.


I never whack a friend or a lover.



Green Thumb

Surprised they are not pushing her through….

Commissar Poodledick

I am not.


“Surprised they are not pushing her through….”

tick tock tick tock…..they’re gonna get someone through…just a matter of time. They’ll do it even if they have to send their own cadre and evaluators to make sure it’s “fair”


…unless the administration becomes more concerned with readiness rather than SJW milestones


Heretic! You speak blasphemy!


Who are “they” I was in JFKCSW (many yrs ago, in the G-3 TNG) is that who “they” are, or is this coming from the CG level?


Next …

2/17 Air Cav

She filled out her I QUIT form or was invited to exit during the land navigation segment. Is brute physical strength (as opposed to skill, perseverance, and good decision making) a factor in that?

Commissar Poodledick

Not exactly. The distances are pretty substantial, especially when all the points are added together over the week, the tines require a brisk pace, and they carry at least 65lbs with their ruck, rifle and equipment and get little sleep.

So it takes perseverance and a great deal of endurance.

A lot of men fail out of this phase.

If you are small statured the ruck and equipment may sap your strength much earlier than it would for an average size fit male.


IIRC there are different return criteria depending on where/how/why one exits the course. If you quit without any other issue (sickness/observed injury) you generally are done forever. It is for medical or physical reasons you can generally come back after a year or six months.

Its not called the School For Advanced Suffering for no reason. As the Commissar states, it sucks and it sucks a hell of a lot more if you are shorter and lighter.


She tried, she didn’t make it. No shame in that. I couldn’t have done it. I’m just hoping the SJW Howler Monkeys (thank you Nicki) don’t scream about how it was unfair and gender biased. But they will.



Commissar Poodledick

Yeah, nobody should disparage someone for trying to do this course.

It is a very respectable thing to try to do.


There is no shame in trying and failing if one is simply not good enough, for whatever reason.

However, there is shame in changing the standards merely because someone failed vice for valid operational reasons. That is precisely what many of us here fear may happen due to political pressure.

Should that happen, we’ll pay dearly for that manifestly foolish decision in the future. In blood.


FWIW, she probably made it further than I would have.

No shame in trying.


It is gender biased….but it’s nature that created the bias, not the U.S. Army.lol


G.I Jane was allowed to return.


In other reports, “She had her monthly visitor show up and left sign in the bush an enemy could find. Therefore, she was dropped for giving away her team’s position.”

I crack myself up sometimes. 😀 😀 😀


You’re going to hell for that, Sparks. I’ll save you a seat.


Yeah, I’m going too……..

A Proud Infidel®™

Save ME a seat, willya?


“… a sign in the BUSH…”

Did you even realize you did that? 🙂


In a word…yea!


well done!

Commissar Poodledick

I do not understand why someone would be a sexist ass to a service member that volunteered attempted to do something extremely difficult that so few are willing to try to do.

The whole “get a sense of humor” nonsense is bullshit too.

Why is it ok to make jokes about this service member for being a female?

2/17 Air Cav

It’s a guy thing. You wouldn’t understand.

Commissar Poodledick

No it is an asshat thing.

Being a guy does not mean being a sexist prick to women serving their country.


Wait a minute! For my entire enlistment, the dick jokes and “teen boy” humor was non-stop. Officer, enlisted, warrant, whatever.

On what planet is it “sexist” to subject women to the -same- rough humor that graces armies since a guy named Ceasar was around?

One or the other:

The girls are just as rough and tough as boys, and their Egos can tolerate bodily porportion/function/appearance jokes like men do.


They are fragile wallflowers that can’t abide icky-poo or blue-word savagery.

I call bullshit! I have heard worse wisecracks from ladies!

If you are protecting them, or coddling them, from -dirty jokes- you don’t see them as -equals-!

…meat gazer…
…no balls…

Yeah, guys never hear that shit, so the girls shouldn’t hear such things, period.


Thank you, 11BMailclerk.

Most women can and should defend themselves, and if they don’t know how, they should learn if they wish to survive.
The real world is not nice. It wants to kill you. We’ve seen that in the Middle East repeatedly. Any prissy little shit with boobs who thinks otherwise is in for a rude awakening.

And frankly, you guys are too damn easy on us girls. We may be the only thing standing between you and death, as Army nurses found out the hard way in Vietnam.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a damned fool.


Ex, the world needs more ladies like you and fewer like the commissar.




Awesome, I’m a deplorable asshat now! What a great day to be alive!


Comrade Poodle Dik…please do NOT forget to add my name to your asshat list.
Why is it you always come on and have to start calling people names because they don’t agree with you? By any chance are you leaving your monthly mark on a bush this week? Can’t smell it from here, but your writing speaks volumes as you suffer from PMS. Get a life, get a sense of humor, and get the fuck out of the wrong rest room.

Commissar Poodledick

It was a sexist asshat thing to do.

Not because he disagreed with me.

People disagree with me constantly on this board.

I only think a handful of you are asshats.


Comrade Poodle Dik..if you are suggesting the number of asshats you know are similar to the number of friends one truly has; by your comment it appears you do include me on that one hand. Thank you so much! Please have my name on the middle finger and look at it saluting you every so often.


Lars hasn’t called me an asshat…yet. I feel so left out.


Swormy…always remember the old saying, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Make a statement he disagrees with, and can’t stomach…he will pour his heart out to you in an effort to make you realize HE is RIGHT and YOU are WRONG. You’ll be on his list pronto!

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars, am I still in your Top Five List of the biggest asshats here?


API..of COURSE you are! You da man when it comes to Comrade Poodle Dik’s asshat list. We all look up to your top listing. You are the ELVIS of Comrade Poodle Dik offenders.


Ol’ poodle pee has no understanding, just some self-righteous posturing.

I feel for the real men and women who have to put up with his diarrhea in person.


Spew alert, please, 2/17.


‘Lighten up Frances”.

A Proud Infidel®™

LIGHTEN UP, you vapid pile of parakeet poop!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Butthurts gotta butthurt.

Just An Old Dog

Every dog within a mile would be howling his ass off.


And she never met the sand man.

Commissar Poodledick

When I heard she was going that is the event I thought about first.

If she had made it through that there is little question she had the heart and committed she needed.

RGR 4-78

“and committed she needed.”

What makes you think she needs to be committed?


Outstanding, RGR!


And Poodle is looking around going “Huh? What? I don’ un’erstaaand.”

Some Guy

Volunteering for SFAS in the first place is a pretty good indicator, no? 😉

RGR 4-78

Shhhhhsh, there are many of us that have been fooling people for years. 🙂

RGR 4-78

Sorry, in an effort to be funny this comment may be misconstrued.
I have never attempted SFAS or Q.

2/17 Air Cav

What we have here is a genuine American hero, about whom enough great things cannot be said. She didn’t cut it but, by God, she wanted to. She didn’t cut it but, by God, one day, thanks to her willingness and example, some female will. She is an inspiration! She deserves to be recognized by Congress, maybe invited to the Rose Garden! Mabus may want to name a ship after her: the USS Ms. Anonymous. Cripes. This shit will never stop, will it? (BTW, the average height of a US Ranger–best I could do–is 5’9″. I suck at math but, to me, that means that for every 6 foot Ranger there is a 5 1/2 foot Ranger. It may not work out that way, but that stature bullshit had to be addressed.)


I see a Beer Summit in her future.

No, no, I’m not banging her. (See what I did there?)

She tried and didn’t make it. Shit I couldn’t do it back in the day when I could run 20 miles. Props to her. Maybe try again?

2/17 Air Cav

Stevie Wonder could see what you did there. No more locker room humor. It’s so, so icky.

Just An Old Dog

More like a Zima summit.


I thought gender was a thing of the past? Why would the Washington Times care to report on it either way?

What if a current active duty male special forces soldier announces tomorrow that he identifies as a she?

Would the media retro announce that the first female special forces soldier is actively serving in the sf? Or would they say it is of no significance because “it” was a male during sfas and Q-course?

This is all such horseshit!

Commissar Poodledick

It is inevitable that it will happen.

We already have a SEAL that gender transitioned who is now a woman and by all accounts she was a very good operator when she was serving (she was still male at the time).



You don’t say.


However, as you pointed out: the individual was a SEAL pre-transition and while male. Slightly different situation.

Commissar Poodledick

It is not much different than the situation that Old Manchu described. If the rules in place now existed then she may very well of wanted to transition while still serving.


Sorry, thought you were referring to the difference between Beck serving as a SEAL and a lady qualifying to serve with SF by completing SFQC. If you weren’t, my error.

That said: I’m not enough of an expert to be sure, but I believe that the hormonal treatments required for male-to-female transition dramatically reduce the individual’s testosterone levels. You do know that an individual’s testosterone level is directly linked to muscle mass and recovery time, right? That’s why use of synthetic testosterone is banned in virtually all professional and high-level amateur sporting competitions.

So no, I don’t think it’s a given that Beck would have wanted to transition while on active duty and remain an operator. Or that he’d have been equally as effective afterwards, were he allowed to do so. Last time I checked, that job generally requires a substantial degree of physical strength and endurance. Anything that lowers either substantially would very likely make SEAL operator less effective.

Commissar Poodledick

I am not sure he would be able to function as a SEAL 6 member after transition either. At least no where near the level he did prior.

However, he was at the top tier of special operations. So I suspect he would have remained very capable.


You missed my point poodle dick.

Earlier in the comments you said:

“Why is it ok to make jokes about this service member for being a female?”

Good question. Why is it ok to act as if she is something special? Is it anymore worthy to write about a female’s attempt than it is to write about the few who actually passed / were selected?

Is that not sexist? Is she more noble than the rest of the sfas group she was with just because she has a va-jay-jay? I mean… if we are to have equal standards and opportunities, then why not write about the other penis endowed participants who didn’t make it?

Why should she be singled out in an article? What makes her more special than the next service member?


Who is WE, ppoodle? You got a mouse in your pocket?

SEALs are N-A-V-Y. Can you say Nayvee?

And for your lamebrained late-to-the-party info, that SEAL served to retirement, produced several children AS A MAN, and did NOT make the sex change until he retired.

Sometimes, Poodlepuss, I think your mother should have smacked your father silly for not getting a vasectomy.

Commissar Poodledick

I know seals are Navy. I did not say otherwise in my post.

It does not make a difference.

You pedantic “corrections” are weird and nonsensical most of the time.


Trying to throw down the glove, are you?


Navy SEALs are not seals.

Seals come in a variety of species from leopard seals to harbor seals. Some of them have been members of the circus. Occasionally, one ends up in the belly of a shark. Those are ocean-going pinniped mammals whose feet became flippers long, long ago, when the Earth was still young and you were a molecule.

The Navy’s SEALs are not circus animals, not pinnipeds, and not people whose feet and hands have been surgically altered to resemble flippers. The team name SEAL stands for SEa, Air and Land force. Every SEAL Team has several subteams in its group housing, in addition to as many as 40 logistics people, and that includes women. ALL of the Navy’s rates are eligible to try out for BUD/s, but when/if they graduate after a year++ of extremely intensive training, they get a change in rate to SO.

If you cannot do these men and women the courtesy of showing them enough respect to spell their group name correctly, then shut your Goddam fucking shitass mouth right now.

They, and all the other Spec Ops groups, can do more in one hour than you’ve done in your worthless, useless, contemptuous waste life.

Your contempt for the military and for women in particular is blatnatly obvious in everything you post and every comment you crank out. You’re wrong about a lot of things. A fucking huge lot of things. That’s not the worst thing about you.

The best thing you can do right now is find some place else to post your shit, you dried-up, oozing, pus-bleeding canker sore on Satan’s hairy ass.

I hope that some day, you’re stupid enough to go to McP’s when the teams are there.

Commissar Poodledick

I have trained and worked with teams before.

The Other Whitey

Then why can’t you get it right? It’s really simple, after all.

Assuming, of course, that you’re not lying out your ass. Again.


Of course he’s lying out his ass off, TOW. He always just has to say something.

Checkers and canasta and bridge don’t really count as SpecOps teams.


Sure you have, Sport. Sure you have.

We aren’t talking about 7th girls’ grade volleyball here, y’know.

Commissar Poodledick

Though I am not sure how this is horseshit.

If they maintain the standards and she makes it she is qualified to serve.

There are special operations missions that benefit from having a female on the team. Better to have a female trained to to the same standards than simply attach one that lacks the same level of training as the other team members.

A Proud Infidel®™



“There are special operations missions that benefit from having a female on the team.”

Okay I give up. Please expand on your above statement. What kind of “special operations” missions are you speaking of and how would they benefit, exactly, more than the current males are succeeding at doing?


He can’t, Sparks, because he’s just mouthing off again. It’s just air.

He never backs up anything unless he’s forced to do so at the tip of a spear.

Commissar Poodledick

I can and did.

I know for a fact there are teams that would benefit from having a female. I know this for an absolute fact.


Then as I asked, please share the details of these facts you absolutely have.

Commissar Poodledick

I gave some details above. Further than that would not be ok in open source.


Ok, please tell us “in the shadows then”…..
Jack Ryan!


What he’s really saying, Sparks, is that he does not have any info that cannot be found by any of us online with a minimum of effort.

Wilted Willy

This ass clown is really red on the head like the dick on a dog!


There have been passing mentions in books & newspapers that alleges Delta/ST6 have employed females for a “husband & wife” team posing as academics, journalists, etc..in order to collect intel in a foreign nation.

Commissar Poodledick

There are various forms of reconnaissance that special operators conduct that would benefit from a female team members.

And in one of their key missions sets of developing, training, and leading an insurgency force a female would be beneficial since many insurgents are females.

Additionally, there is a great deal of information collection that was hindered in Muslim countries due to the inability for male service members to effectively develop working relationships with the females in the communities they operated. Which is why the concept of the Female Engagement Team was developed.


Those examples were at the very least, a far stretch of the imagination. Give it some more think and reconsider.

Commissar Poodledick

They were not a far stretch. Not even close.


I agree with you. When the real operators need sammiches, it would be awesome to have “her” on the team.
BLT please!!?!

2/17 Air Cav

Mata Hari in combat boots beats Klinger in drag.

2/17 Air Cav

In other words, women who use their sex appeal or gender to mingle with other women to collect intel or to make contacts are valuable. That’s news?

A Proud Infidel®™

SHIT, next thing we know ‘ol CP will be telling us about the tactic called a “Honey Trap” like it was just invented.

Commissar Poodledick

No. Not even close. They use the access to information that a woman has because of either cultural barriers that men face or because they draw less attention than a man might trying to recon the same location.

2/17 Air Cav

In other words, the woman’s gender is the ticket and nothing more. Like I said, Mata Hari in combat boots is better than Klinger in drag.



Are you comparing Navy Seals to Female Engagement Teams?

FET is not “Special Operations”.

You are a fucking moron.


lol….yeah and any of us in the loop know what happened within the implementation of the Female Engagement Teams. Woo boi!


And by recon, you mean those chicks doing the “hearts and minds” sh!+ in the -stan. Haven’t read of much real, actionable intel being soaked up by befriending the subservient half of their society. Maybe simple observances, but being a b!+ch’s friend for 5 minutes and handing over a key fact at the risk getting mauled by your Chief-Slap-A-Ho Muslim husband doesn’t sound like a sturdy intel collection methodology.


Dude, someone cracked a slightly off-color joke, and you went ape-shit like someone was stalking your pre-teen sister.

I would bet a dolalr that the soldier in question woudl look at you like a lunatic for thinking someone who could get into SFAS would either a) be even slightly offended by such a minor wisecrack or b) that she needed -your- protection from the meanies.

Either or! She is as tough as the rest of us, or you think she is weak and needs shielding from bad words!


Most likely, 11B, she’d be counting the number of rounds in the magazine while she’s staring at the poodle – counting OUT LOUD.


It’s just humor. Not intended to disrespect. As a Corpsman we called it gallows humor. Those in infantry almost certainly do it for similar reasons. Those folks need a relief valve. So do probably most/all military members. That stuff can wear on one. Even after service, that stuff stays with us. I thought the ‘cut’ was funny. I think female veterans for the most part feel the same. Yeah, there are some who will get into a kerfuffle. But screw them. Thanks, Chief, I think I will.


She wouldn’t have to count. She’d already know.


It’s the sound of bullets clicking into the magazine while she counts out loud that creates the effect, SFC D.


She’d only need one round, or three – depending on whether she ascribes to the one-shot one-kill philosophy, or the two-center-mass+one-cranial philosophy.

Either way, Poodle would be returned to useful protoplasm…


One for each knee, one center mass, one for each elbow.


Nothing like a good old fashioned Irish kneecapping!

Commissar Poodledick

Nobody is ape shit. You guys reacting more ape shit about me calling it sexist than I was about it being sexist.

A Proud Infidel®™



CPdk: I thought the original joke by Sparks was in poor taste, and might have been a bit over the top and unnecessary. But soldiers do that from time to time in their humor.

However, I also thought you overreacted. Bigtime.

IMO a simple, “Dude, that was effed up and unnecessary. Would you want someone talking about your sister that way?” would have been far more effective than calling someone a sexist asshat – as you chose to do – when at most they were guilty of making a crude joke.

Commissar Poodledick

I think this board over-reacts to bad words.


Who overreacted to bad words? Who???

Well…YOU started the overreaction. We just finished it.

The Other Whitey

I was just thinking of a female captain I worked for as a young firefighter who, displeased with our performance on a training evolution, called me and the rest of the crew “A bunch of broke-dick pussy faggot shit stain cocksuckers who couldn’t find our own dicks with both hands.”

Just the thought of Lars hearing such words from female lips and the damage his tender sensibilities would undoubtedly suffer from it warms the very cockles of me black Irish heart!


See the stuff at the bottom of this comment: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=67963&cpage=1#comment-2900334

If that’s insufficient, let me know.


One of your most poetic compositions, Ex-PH2!


My thanks, SFC D


I had a female platoon sergeant that could equal that, SFC Allen was one tough broad!

2/17 Air Cav

Either that or it would give him a boner.

2/17 Air Cav

That boner thingy was in response to TOW’s tale.

The Other Whitey

Comrade Dickless lacks the necessary appliance.


I think this board over-reacts to bad words.

Do you realize the irony of that statement given your chosen screen name?

What many object to here is being told that anything not PC is forbidden; to being told what they must and must not say; to being fed unsupported opinion as Gospel; to someone acting superior who decidedly isn’t; and to hypocrisy.

Take that to heart, or ignore it. Just remember that ignoring the truth doesn’t change the truth; it merely marks one as a fool.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well fuckety, fuck, fuck whatever do you mean?


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, cocksucker, fuck.


My sisters would laugh at Sparks’ joke and retort with something harsher!

A Proud Infidel®™

DITTO with my youngest Sister, she could also claw someone to shreds right alongside Ex-PH2 and the rest of the TAH Lionesses.

The Other Whitey

My little sister would cut Comrade Dickless’s nuts off with her chainsaw, if he had any to lose.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Are we not supposed to stalk his teenage sister? Did I miss a memo?


I don’t know, VOV. I thought it was just Sparks making his usual brain farts.


Sorry Old Manchu, completely fat fingered while scrolling on phone. And damn straight, er, uhm, yeah… Dipshittery hits again!


Well, I commend this WOMAN for what she’s done so far. If she dropped for medical/physical reasons and can return to try again, fine. If it was for other reasons and she can’t have another go-round, she still tried and made it through a large part of the training course before dropping.

What’s the problem again? Are you guys checking your pants again to see if your equipment is still intact? (snerk!)

I didn’t see anything that said she asked for ‘special’ treatment. As someone else said somewhere else, suck it up, Buttercup. Eventually, some GURRRLL will make it all the way through under the regular standards, not ‘special’ standards and this won’t be an issue. MmmmmkaaaY? Then you’ll really be doing pecker checks.


Thanks for making my point for me. Girls who belong in the service can punk right back like the boys. No one needs to buffer their feelings.

Someone female sorta made it through back in 1981, but the overall effort appears to be somewhat… Controversial. I defer to those who earned their places to judge those who aspire to join them.



You’re welcome, and I’m just waiting for the poodlepuffish to stick his oar in again… except it’s probably too short. (snerk!!)


Ex-PH2…This is why I love you m’lady! A true sister in arms.


“Soldier Fails SFAS”

Why is this news? With all MOSs open to all sexes, there should no longer be male or female Soldiers – only “Soldiers”.

RGR 4-78

Great point, many have always tried, 1/3 to 1/2 have always failed, why is this news?


“One hundred men will test today 
But only three win the Green Beret”

Reckon they’ll need to update the lyrics….

A Proud Infidel®™

“… 1/3 to 1/2 have always failed, why is this news?”

My SWAG is that the ONE Female Troop either popped smoke or washed out so thus it’s the Army’s fault in the eyes of the SJW Howler Monkeys which makes them leap around screeching while throwing their poop all over the place in their attempt to seek attention for themselves.


And once again Commissar the Commissar of Poodledicks has highjacked another thread…for a brief moment he seemed he got his meds dosage right.


Yep. The effects of Nick the Dick having the correct medication dosage lasted all of two hours and 31 minutes before we miscreants once again became sexist asshats.

Commissar Poodledick

It was a pretty sexist comment and how the fuck do you know my name from childhood?

A Proud Infidel®™

Thy vapid petulant pleas for reck art getting aggravating yet erst more, o vapid little packet of parakeet poop!

Commissar Poodledick

Going through the page and making a troll comment on all of my posts?

Why don’t you do something more constructive like go outside, sit on you ass, and watch some trains pass by.

A Proud Infidel®™

BTDT, Swee’pea!! I just thought I’d also chime in about the aroma and aura left in the air by your SJW Howler Monkey droppings.


Why don’t YOU shut the fuck up and go find a busy highway and stand there buck nekkid. Maybe a trucker will give you a ride.


“and how the fuck do you know my name from childhood?”

That’s easy. I’m just like Brylcreem when it comes to using da GoogleFu.

Alles Klar, Herr Kommissar?

Commissar Poodledick

Yeah, I understand. Forgot I put that in my Facebook tag so people from childhood could find me.


Aaaaand just why would they want to find you? One more swirly, for old time’s sake?


Not to mention using Nick as your Christian name under your Senior picture in the 1989 Oxnard HS Yearbook.

Facebook? What’s that?

2/17 Air Cav

People put the craziest stuff on line. Hey, where’s the Berserkly mention?


Old Manchu:

“I thought gender was a thing of the past? Why would the Washington Times care to report on it either way?”

If it bleeds, it leads.

(Standing by as heads explode)


Bleeds it Leads? But we were talking about awoman in SFAS, not Ranger School.


HMC Ret…


Now that, made my day.

Commissar Poodledick

How did I hijack the thread?

I am commenting and responding to a topic I am interested in.

A Proud Infidel®™

NOW Y’ALL DONE IT, he’s gonna go tell the Teacher on us!!!


Fuck. Detention again.

A Proud Infidel®™

Save me a seat in the back of the room next to you!


If you bring the beer.


Well, I would love to stay and play with you lovely people, but my pussies are nagging me for food and stuff, and I have to stock the larder, too.

Adieu, mes amis. Jusqu’a nous recontrons!


PH: Only think you should be doing is thinking about my sammich for tomorrow. That other stuff isn’t important.


Sounds like something IDC SARC would say….


No stock-up, no sammich, Chief. It’s the law of the land.

IDC SARC is just a tease.


Ex…..we (or should I say I?) had no idea you had a Siamese twin. Four tits..dare I ask? You know this is going to make me twice as fond of you.


Real cowgirls have 4….


I was referring to my 4-leggers, Jarhead, not to myself. No twins. I am a single edition.


That’s what I’m talkin’ bout. F@ck a Delta and DEVGRU full of the most qualified warriors busting into the airplane to save my a$$. I want the most racially, ethnically, and sexually diverse group deciding my fate. As a possible future hostage, I relish the chance for my life to hang in the balance while a less qualified but much more diverse group may get the drop on the bad guy… if they insert with their beard f@cking up a re-breather seal, or with menstrual cramping throwing off aim (hitting an 8.5 x 11 sheet will take a tango down as easy as hitting that 3×5 card under stress, right?), or with the delay that less-that-perfect English could cause across the comms (That’s right. I’m talking about all you f@ckers that use a bit of Ebonics in your comm speak.). But being dead at the feet of a diverse crowd is just as satisfying as being alive with a qualified team of rescuers, right? We won’t even go deeper into policy execution stemming from lowering standards for diversity.

Commissar Poodledick

SFAS is not CAG selection.

And if you want the most qualified that why would you remove 50% of the population from even trying out?


No sh!+. But a large portion of the CAG input comes from the blanketheads.

Who said anything about preventing anyone from trying out? Did you respond to the correct post? Hit control “f” and type “lowering standards”.


PYC, the Navy announced last year that anyone who wants to try out for BUD/s can do so at the Service Schools Command at NAVSTA Great Lakes. No one is being blocked from the audition.


Yep. Read about that. And I don’t have any issue with anyone trying out. But the standards are the issue. As one previous poster noted, it is a function of time before someone screams there aren’t enough X on the Teams. So quotas and/or handicapping of standards will occur. Such groups aren’t the Post Office. These are the tip of the spear and those who put foot to ass when no one else can/will. They prove that there are some winning formulas that should never be diluted. Ever. As, in these cases, it will cost lives and fail mission objectives.


I have more issues with the standards being lowered than you do. The SJW howler monkeys do not understand standards, and don’t want to. They’ve done a lot of damage to other areas, not just the military, and it won’t stop until someone say ‘Enough!’. They are worse tyrants than you can possibly imagine.


It is absolutely frustrating to see the way this is highly likely to go. Like a slow motion car wreck. But till a mission is botched or a shooter proven substandard after wacking a civilian, there will be no acknowledgement of how lowered standards will harm the fighting effectiveness of these units.

The Other Whitey

In fairness, I wouldn’t necessarily object to getting my ass saved by Grace Park, Katee Sackhoff, and/or the brunette chick from the new season of “The Last Ship.”


No argument here.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Meanwhile… in West “By God” Virginia, Jonn probably sits there and reads all this and laughs his ass off.

I’m headed home on the VRE at the moment and laughing my ass off.

2/17 Air Cav

When he’s not pondering waterboarding one or more of us.


He can be bribed with rum and expensive cigars.


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I’m glad standards are being enforced. I will never support females on an ODA. That being said she has done more toward earning a tab than Cuckold Cockholster Colt Bulot.