Lindsey Stone revisited

| February 25, 2015

Lindsey Stone the douche

You probably remember the photo above from back in November 2012 when we made Lindsey Stone a household name for a week or so when she was being Facebook stupid. The UK’s Daily Mail caught up with her to see what she’s been up to since the hoopla died down.

As part of an experiment in reputation management services, Ronson set up Stone with the company to rehabilitate Stone’s online image.

‘They call me every week, week after week,’ according to Stone, and submit social media posts for her approval intended to improve the neutral pages that show up under her Google searches.

After almost a year of sending resumes to employers and receiving no response for employment, Stone says she was hired to work with autistic children.

‘But I’m terrified’ of her employers finding the photo, Stone said, and feels trapped because she can’t simply ask whether they’ve seen it and simply don’t care.


‘Since it happened, I haven’t tried to date anybody. How much do you let a new person into your life? Do they already know?’

Honestly, I just threw the picture up on the blog, along with her comments and I never expected it to go viral like it did. I never expected, nor wanted, her to get fired. Reporters I talked to after she was fired were disappointed that I felt that way and scores of interviews that I did afterward were not published when the reporters discovered that I wasn’t some wild-eyed lunatic calling for her blood or demanding that she be burned at the stake. There are certainly more people on our Stolen Valor page that need more attention than some ditz trying to be funny on her Facebook page.

I feel the same way about the Secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department and Brian Williams – they don’t need to lose their jobs. We now know their nature and that’s more useful to us than their firings. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know. But, your mileage may vary.

I hope Ms. Stone gets her life back together and I hope her pride in being a self-described douchebag has been tempered.

Thanks to Dave for the link.

Category: Who knows

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So now she’s getting an extra 30 seconds of fame.

Have fun.

15 minutes and 30 seconds.

/don’t go away mad, just go away.


Well after the web cleaning job she got for free. She will be on page one again and not three Lol…

doug culp

well i hope the fat bitch never gets a job.

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And, once again, where were the 40 or so special-needs adults that she was escorting/supervising at the time she was pulling this stunt?

And does anyone remember how unapologetic she was in the begging

I do.

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“We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.”

Jordan Rott

I know it wasn’t your intention to get her fired but you can just look at that picture and tell what type of person she must be. She deserves whatever happens to her if she was the type of person to take a picture like that.






Sometimes your purpose in life is to just serve as a warning to others.


Roger That!

B Woodman

Sometimes you can serve as a bad example.


If you can’t be a good role model, at least be a good “bad example”.

2/17 Air Cav

^^^^^I am so stealing that^^^^^


Time to let it go.



NJP served and completed.

i’d argue we can’t be vindicitive. Just as with our units when someones steps out of line, gets correction, it’s done and over.

repeat offenders?

well…different story.


Totally agree, and hope she learned her lesson. Still, why she agreed to do a story and bring this back up sure is a head scratcher. A beter reply when contacted would be ‘I’m doing fine and don’t want another article written, please.’


Good point and I agree with you. I hope she leaned her lesson if not. Ouch it pains me to think of it


I agree, but the point is that she still wants attention.

She could have turned down the interview with the Daily Mail, but she did not do so. She chose this route and all that crap she created when the pot got stirred has come right back to the surface.

Nowhere does she say she acted in an irresponsible manner by posting that stuff, or doing it in the first place.

So if she doesn’t want this brought up again, why did she do the Daily Mail interview? All she had to do was turn it down.

It is not vindictive to tell her to be an adult when chronologically, she is one. Instead, she still presents herself as an immature, irresponsible twit.


Holy crapola maybe I should have read the whole story OOP’s you are right she appears to be a attention junkie or she has something up her four point of contact… It would be so easy for her to do a sincere apology but her low development (aka) pee size brain seems to get In the way,, if that’s the way she want to play ! ! ! ! then she picked the wrong bunch to fuck with bahahaha

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh well, for every action there is a consequence, and one needs to be ready to accept that. She thought she was being cute, and didn’t think past “Right here right now!”, thus she’s still doing a terrific job at being an example of WHAT NOT TO DO on social media!

Former 11B

Exactly, just like those Marines who pissed on those corpses.

A Proud Infidel®™

Given what the taliban does, I have NO quips or qualms with them pissing on their corpses, I have an issue with them posting it online!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right, when they stop sawing heads off or roasting people in cages then maybe, but most likely not, I’ll worry about some guys pissing on a corpse…

Former 11B

Hey API said the girl was an example of what not do on social media, and I agreed. Those Marines are also an example of what not to do on social media. The girl suffered the the totally proportional (/sarc) and not at all excessive response and so did those Marines (/sarc).

A Proud Infidel®™

Every time I think about the Marines pissing on taliban corpses, i just think “There but for the grace of God go I.”. My unit did Convoy Escorts over there, and if i was a door-kicking Ground Pounder that had just lost some buddies to them, I’d piss on them as well and I wouldn’t let anyone record me doing so!


Damn right…idiot was trying to kill me a few minutes before, but I win the day? I think I deserve to let my joy and youthful enthusiasm flow (See what I did there?)…but yeah, no pictures.

Former 11B

I’m not saying that I care that some Marines disrespected the bodies of dead Taliban. I don’t. Pissing on a corpse is disgusting, and I personally wouldn’t do it, but they could have done much worse.

What bothers me is that those Marines got bounced out of the Corps, and one of them just died of a drug overdose that may or may not have been intentional.

This kid had his career ruined because of a photo/video he took that offended some people.

Instead of some NJP, and at worst, a reduction in rank, which would have been more proportional to what he did, we’ve got dead, disgraced former Marine.


There was an interesting article published a few weeks ago that discussed people who had been publically shamed as a result of tweets or Facebook posts that went viral. Stone was one of the focuses. Apparently she and her friend made a habit of posting “funny” pictures of themselves disobeying signs (smoking next to a no smoking sign, standing next to a no loitering sign, etc.). This was just another of the pictures. Unfortunately, she was too juvenile to understand the inherent disrespect of her actions, and the folks who piled on (myself included) didn’t know the context.

Years ago, this would have been something that would be forgotten in a few days and she could get on with her life, but now in the Internet era, everything is forever. The Internet also gives everyone an immediate “voice” to scream for someone’s head to anyone who has some perceived control over the offender. So, instead of her parents, friends, or employer giving her a good ass chewing and letting it go, they now feel compelled to provide a public flogging so the folks who never the desire or intent to be their patrons will stop making threats.

Demanding heads should be done for more that the stupid, young, and immature. If some of the things that I did as a teenager and young adult were done in the Internet era, I’d be unemployed and broke for the rest of my life. I have no problem with putting the pikes out for the military fakers because they are intent upon lying and defrauding, but acts of political incorrectness committed by youth need to be dealt with in a less permanent way.


Bobo, she’s over 30. There’s no excuse for her behavior.

Former 11B

Totally agree. She got what she deserved just like Marines who pissed on those corpses. In no way were the consequences of either action at all out of proportion. /Sarc


I actually thought this recent Guardian article (found the link from the Army WTF page) was interesting beyond Ms. Stone’s current life. The article describes businesses who seek to mitigate clients’ online reputation-for example, creating numerous innocuous pages/links/tumblr/blogs that push the negative stuff down to Google page 2 or lower. The writer got Stone hooked up with the company for free and apparently it helped salvage her online presence. I doubt this service is cheap, but don’t be surprised if some of our “better heeled” stolen valor friends a sycophants ie Phil Monkress, Wickre, etc start to take advantage.


Unfortunately, it is articles like that that reignite the original problem when people start to google her old photos again.

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I think Phildo is already using it.

If you Google his name, all sorts of weird, off beat professional pages and the such pop up.

All of them failing to mention SEAL, Native American and LEO claims. That why you just need to just keep reminding folks.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

He’s trying, but have you seen some of his attempts to “rebrand” himself? Same generic BS and he has “Psul Syndrome” – can’t figure out how to proofread/edit his stuff so it doesn’t sound like a rant…


TAH still comes up # 3 when you Google Phil Monkress.

Phil Monkress?

Yes Phil Monkress.

Ah, Phil Monkress.
I get it. It’s all about Phil Monkress.

Right, I know, I said Phil Monkress in the beginning.

OK OK. Phil Monkress it is.
Sheesh. You don’t’ have to yell Phil Monkress at me. I heard Phil Monkress the *FIRST* time.

Yes, I’m glad you acknowledged that I said Phil Monkress. Good. I didn’t want to have to say Phil Monkress again.

/Phil Monkress

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And when you call down there asking about his Native American, SEAL and LEO claims, the operator and his senior staff at All-Points Logistics claim that they do not know who he is.

Powerful leader. Maybe he needs to work on that rebranding effort a little more.

Green Thumb

A great example published less that two weeks ago.

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But I do not think I would be associating with WWP.

Hell, with their standards, Phildo is probably a member.

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WWP taking money from a known poser.

I am surprised…….not.

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And still using those taxpayer dollars to clear the slate….


Well, I have commented on the article, I wish Phil Monkress the Native American, Seal, LEO al the best in his attempts to hide his stolon valor. I really hope I helped him /sarc.


This is for Lindsey Stone:

GROW UP. You are over 30 years old, but you act like a 12-year-old who just heard Daddy using dirty words and thinks it’s okay, so you do it, too. And what does that make you?

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, but I owned up to them. Everyone has, but the majority of us don’t make asses of ourselves in public, as you did, and then post pictures of ourselves being asses, which you did.

You can do whatever you want to in life as long as you are willing to accept the consequences for it. You have only yourself to blame for all of this.


For the love of Mike, move the hell out of your parents’ house and be an adult. I couldn’t wait to leave home. I left at 21, and never looked back. I was happy to be an independent, self-sufficient ADULT. Find a different job and move 500 miles away from your parents, like I did.


Pinto Nag

That respect door swings both ways. She had to learn it by having that door hit her squarely between the eyes.

Next lesson.

B Woodman

Hit her between the eyes, or between the ass cheeks?

Pinto Nag

Good point.

Silentium Est Aureum

Both. And the door only had to swing once.


‘Since it happened, I haven’t tried to date anybody. How much do you let a new person into your life? Do they already know?’

Well Lindsey, try Match.Com or one of the other sites since you seem hyper aware of what people may or may not know of you. Then again, you did post the picture yourself. But you do need some self evaluation of where your behavior has gotten you and if it was worth it. Being a clown in 5th grade is okay, at your age and with the added zinger of you posting it for the universe to see, not so much. I wish you no malice and hope you learned a lesson and can get this behind you. Again though, all these are your choices to make and then act upon.


Green Thumb

Heavy Chevy is out their and probably available…..



A Proud Infidel®™

I hope “Blobfish” Chevalier hooks up with and marries my ex-wife!!! 😈


Not if I get mine to him first…

The Other Whitey

Boo-freakin’-hoo. She brought this on herself by acting like an ill-behaved 6-year-old and flaunting it for all the world to see.

Do I demand that she be pilloried for life? No. But she’s barking up the wrong tree if she expects sympathy from me. This little stunt of hers wasn’t cute, wasn’t funny, wasn’t innocent. It was her being a cunt. Then she doubled down and said she was proud of being a cunt. Now she has learned the hard way that actions have consequences.

Well, tough shit, darlin’. I learned that lesson in preschool. What’s your excuse? Disproportionate or not, she brought this entirely on herself.


Looks like she would be above her pay grade no matter where she applies. Duh!

Actions, meet consequences. Act stupid then whine about people calling your stupid actions stupid? Yeah, sure, that’s just what every employer is looking for. Uh-huh.

Colleen posey

I think her last name is very fitting to what has happened to her in a justice and injustice sense. She has been stoned by society and it hasn’t stopped. I think justice was served in the shaming but does it end? And why has it not? I believe at the beginning of this shaming process, she got what we all would hope would happen to the disrespectful of our fallen soldiers. But as the hate for her continues, does it not manifest something far darker in us than this women’s stupidity? As I look at this scenario of internet slinging as an objective party(and not the veteran that I am), I see the manifestations of hate, pride and self righteousness, and unforgiveness beating down a woman who has been beat down enough. In a nation that lacks the guidance of TRUE Christianity, I see the outcome of the overalls prideful who hide behind titles of Patriot & American to justify their lack of christian behavior. If you consider yourself a christian which a very familiar amount of Americans do, then not only should the convictions of bad behavior be directed towards this woman, but towards ourselves as well.

Jordan Rott

I am not religious, however, I don’t intend to insult your religion in any way. That being said, religion has nothing to do with this in my opinion. Shes a 30 something year old woman, and even though she liked to post pictures of her “disobeying signs” there is a big difference between smoking next to a no smoking sign and flipping off and screaming at a silence and respect sign at a cemetery of people who gave more to this country than any of us veterans who can write a comment on here right now ever have. If she wants to change her image, maybe she should post some pictures of her helping out at the VA or helping out wounded vets or something. Until that moment, this picture is her image and it represents her opinion of people that gave everything for this country. If I owned some kind of Company, I would absolutely not want this kind of person working for me.




Jordan Rott…Thank you and well said.

To Colleen posey…we say “Amen” instead of “Awomen” because we sing “hymns” instead of “hers”. 😀

Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Colleen Posey

I agree with your posts that she should want to make a cleaner image for herself. However, I will respectfully disagree on the religious part. My God is part of everyday life and has EVERYTHING to do with our(Christians) behaviors, mercies, and “vengeance” that we portray on another person. Religion is just a word but faith is a way of life. And as a way of life that many here in America maintain, I speak to that audience that should indeed feel their convictions for their own malicious behaviors. If someone does not live that life of faith, then their actions are based off of what? I don’t know and don’t care to address “them”. I don’t deny her grossly mistreatment of a national memorial nor do I deny that shaming was not appropriate. The address is towards the “Christians” and the hypocrisy of such self righteous group of people that have given this woman too much attention both negative and media wise. And this picture of her does not represent her to me for I am well aware she is more than just her stupidity in which all of us share some stupid act in one way or another. She was just stupid enough to take a picture of it. With that being said, as a Christian, I would not mind her working for me if I saw true repentance and the prodigal daughter returning from the life of dumbness. But that is what forgiveness does. And forgiveness is DIVINE and in every aspect of my life, not because of religion but because of a relationship that I have with Jesus Christ whose own goodness reminds me that I too am wretched. If you are not of Christian background, then my post does not address you. Carry on brother. 🙂


Colleen, you pompous ass. Stuff it! Go stare down your nose at the bums in the alley, those disgusting creatures you wouldn’t lift a finger to help on a cold, frozen day. You REEK of an inflated ego.

You know that old saying: ‘pride goeth before a fall’. Watch out, now! You just tripped yourself up.



Jordan Rott

You say you don’t care to address “them,” but if anyone in the “them” group then started to follow Christianity and became a Christian they would fall out of this elusive, dark, evil “Them” group and would then become a Christian, and no matter what they did they are forgiven if they are truly sorry? This girl is sorry about what she did and BOOM Christ forgives her? What above all those Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines, whoever else I am leaving out buried in that cemetery they just all forgive her? I wouldn’t follow that system of belief to the gas station to get cigarettes.

“People who expect the most tolerance for their behaviors (in your case hate and vengeance), give the very least to others (who speak of love and forgiveness.) ”

That is your quote, that applies directly to this girl. She thought everyone should just take this as some sort of taking a shit next to the no dumping sign type of thing she was into. She didn’t give one thought to how those bodies ended up in that cemetery nor did she give a fuck. That forgiveness isn’t for Jesus or anyone alive to give, because the people that she disrespected and the only ones who could truly ever forgive her for that act of disrespect are all in those graves.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

In my belief system and religion, forgiveness is EARNED and NEVER given lightly. We also never forget.

Toasty Coastie

@ Colleen Posey~

You are a hypocrite. Please take your Christian rant some place else…There are VERY few people who actually behave as a true and loving “Christian”. As a Veteran, I will not chastise you for your feelings, but this is a mil blog and the picture of that transdimentional space goat disrespecting our fallen brother and sisters deserves every single thing she gets. Why don’t you take her to the families of those fallen heroes and explain to them how it was all in good fun and no offense meant and in the spirit of loving christianity, they should forgive her for the disrespect she flung at those that lost their lives protecting her right to be an a-hole.

Until you do that, do not come here preaching at us about how we must forgive…because we don’t and won’t.

Colleen Posey

I am a member of the fallen and have family that are buried where this woman chose to disrespect and dishonor. I however, do not carry the hatred and malicious attitude that you carry in your outward rant against a woman speaking to a Christian community who understand we are held accountable to each other. As an American who EARNED her freedom of speech by serving in the U.S. Navy, I will FREELY speak of my faith with little regard to those who do not understand nor respect Christianity and its meaning to me. People who expect the most tolerance for their behaviors (in your case hate and vengeance), give the very least to others (who speak of love and forgiveness.) You are entitled to your cold heart and I am entitled to my freedom of speech says the Constitution and my God.

Toasty Coastie

Judge much there Colleen?


You know nothing about me, my life or my heart….so your JUDGEMENT about me is out of line and not very “CHRISTIAN”.

Thanks for proving my point.

Toasty Coastie

Oh and by the way, not everyone here on this blog or in this Country or in this world are Christians and believe as you, so take your broad brush and shove it up your bung hole.

Toasty Coastie

lol Almost missed this one..Where is your love and tolerance huh? With Waldo?

“I will FREELY speak of my faith with little regard to those who do not understand nor respect Christianity and its meaning to me. People who expect the most tolerance for their behaviors (in your case hate and vengeance), give the very least to others (who speak of love and forgiveness.)”


Pinto Nag

You’re supposed to carry that cross, not wave it in people’s faces. But you’re deliberately teasing the dog pack so you can be the good little Christian martyr, suffering for Jesus when we finally get tired of you and dogpile you, right? I grew up with you insufferable bastards. So listen up, Colleen…either change the subject or get lost. And if you really want to throw your service in here for our consideration, why don’t you fax a copy of your service record over to Jonn, the owner and administrator of this site. You certainly wouldn’t mind an ‘atta girl’ for your service now, would you?

Around here, it’s put up or shut up, gal. Believe it.


Lesson of the Day:


Now that oughta deserve an AMEN.

A Proud Infidel®™

“WOMEN OF THE TAH NATION” – Not bad, but I genuinely think “The Lionesses of TAH” is much more fitting, I truly think they pounce like a Pride of Lionesses on a prey animal! 😀




Colleen says: “I am a member of the fallen…”

Apparently we have a zombie on our hands here folks.

Do you know how old I was when I last acted up in a cemetery? I was 6. The smack that I got upside my bratty little head sounded like a gunshot.

Ms. Stone was a full grown adult when she pulled this stunt. You want to talk about Christian values? Where were hers? Where was her respect for the fallen? You know what, I’ll forgive Ms. Stone…I’ll forgive her the day after she finishes apologizing to each and every gravestone at Arlington.

Until then…


Maybe she’s saying she’s a fallen woman – 😉


Colleen, she is an irresponsible, immature, self-centered twit.

She is 30+ years old and has no concept of the consequences of doing stupid things and letting everyone in the entire world know that she did them.

She thought she was being. She wasn’t.

And lest you forget, when this first surface last year, her employer was on the receiving end of a multitude of phone calls about HER and the way SHE misbehaved, and whether or not the LIFE Center really gave a damn about their residents, who are disabled adults.

You can’t whitewash something like that. I would be seriously concerned, too. The effect that her behavior had on her employer was damned serious, but she never once gave a thought to that.

There is NO hate in what I siad, if you bothered to read my previous post.

I said she needs to grow up. She’s 30+ years old. She has the maturity of a 12-year-old and she presents herself as a spoiled brat.

Do YOU want that kind of person looking after your family members?


Ick. ‘being’ should be ‘being funny’.

Colleen Posey

You act as if you know her sir? And my main argument with you was my stand in Faith, not her piss poor actions in the past.

Colleen Posey

Oops…posted to wrong person. Thanks for sharing your comments under mine. Your comment was noted sir.


So, none of your response was about Stone’s bad behavior. It was all about YOU.

You are SO transparent, Posey.

Toasty Coastie

No one here gives a sliced spam damn about your faith Hypocrite. The topic and thread is about a moron who disrespected our fallen heroes.

Stay on topic or go to church…

Better yet go find Waldo…he apparently has taken off with your bible and all those rules about not judging lest ye be judge that you have forgotten.


Here’s the thing, Jonn – this is not about retribution, although I will admit to getting a certain amount of satisfaction to see her puerile, disrespectful behavior biting her in the ass!

This (along with Brian Williams and the VA Secretary) it reflects poorly on her employer. What news organization really wants to employ a journalist who lied about his experiences? As if NBC didn’t have enough credibility problems? What agency would want to hire a woman who was viral on the Internet doing something so unspeakable?

The employer’s credibility is at stake here, so it’s not surprising and certainly to be expected that no one would want to hire an insensitive, disrespectful sow to work with disabled people!

It’s not about revenge. It’s about credibility and the employer’s reputation.

Climb to Glory

I’m glad her love life sucks. That thing should not breed. The last thing we need is for that swamp donkey to contaminate the gene pool with her fucktardery.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Memo for Lindsey – how about staying away from social media, period? You were stupid enough to use it to post pics of you being stupid and it got you fired from your job and you became a recluse.

If you don’t want the heat for being “less than mature”, don’t post it on the ‘net…


Ms. Stone should consider herself lucky to live in a relatively tolerant society. What she did was the US equivalent of speaking ill of Mohammed in Mecca, or of publicly urinating into the sacred Ganges River in Benares – the city of Shiva, and holiest place for the Hindu religion.

Here, all she lost was her job. In the other two scenarios I mentioned above, I’m relatively sure that losing her job would be the least of her worries.

Actions indeed have consequences. But being publicly disrespectful towards beloved icons has far greater consequences than many other forms of aberrant behavior.


I am in agreement with Jordan here.
Instead of doing the right thing she hired an internet company to fix the stupidity she continues to have as evidenced by the fact that she is stupid enough to think that some company can bail her out of the dumbass stunt she pulled.
The money she spent on that company would get her several Honor Flight rides as they take well deserving Veterans to the monuments that they created…
If she really wanted to get the forgiveness angle she would be volunteering at the VA or some other place that serves the people she was stupid enough to denigrate in the first place.
So I have to disagree with you Jonn, she deserves all the ridicule she is still receiving and until she does her community service work with Veterans or Active Duty Military she asked for it.
She would probably enjoy it, I know my kids did and still do without being shamed to go do it…
There are tons of things she could do to make her whole again, but she has doubled down on stupid and is stuck on stupid…
For me, she is a victim of the culture she helped create and is continuing to support that kind of public shaming.
The ball is in her court, she is just still in denial…
Poor girl, I wonder how long it will be before she pulls her head out of her ass…


Poor girl, I wonder how long it will be before she pulls her head out of her ass…

I believe the life expectancy of an American female who’s 30 years old today is on the order of 80 years, Thunderstixx.

So maybe you shouldn’t hold your breath.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

But ‘stixx… that would be a reach for her. She figures that the Internet caused her problem, therefore, the Internet can fix her problem (and there are people out there that are looking to take advantage of her and other like her).

I agree with you about her working with vets to help with her “rehabilitation”, but she should also pull the plug on her Facebook, Twitter, etc accounts because she doesn’t have the common sense to see how it can be used is a positive way.


“It takes a village…”


Every village has an idiot.



Problem is, there are a lot of villages who are missing their idiots.

Not too hard to find them though, all they have to do is google map “Washington DC”.


So there are employment opportunities for her after all…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You should rot in hell,’ read another. ‘Just pure Evil,’ said yet another, in addition to rape and death threats, and demands that she be sent to prison.

Not sure the punishment really fits the crime here…

I hope she learns to mitigate her stupidity with some positive effort as others have pointed out, but I won’t be joining any calls for her to never find a job or never find a partner or always be miserable. If someone thinks that’s appropriate for the actions shown in the photo, there’s something really wrong with your world view.

The lesson is there are legions of people with nothing better to do than pile on in some orgy of self righteousness whenever something like this occurs, whether it’s an actual stupid moment like this one was or a semi-stupid moment for a child.

The internet is indeed forever which is great for lying, thieving valor posers, I’m not certain it’s so great when somebody who worked with handicapped adults can’t find a job because of a moment’s stupidity. Because the internet is forever even if she does do some wonderful things for veterans the original photo will always be there so hate filled turds can continue to pile on.

She was stupid to be sure, and having that pointed out is fine, but rape and death threats, calls for a life of poverty and misery without friends or partners?


This is what we’ve become? Any current or ex-military or anyone else for that matter using the safety of internet anonymity and calling for her rape or murder should be incarcerated for the rest of their miserable shit bag lives and any site leaving those kind of comments up for continued review are despicable examples of mob stupidity as well.

I’m not interested in joining that level of hatred towards a dumbass…I find her actions reprehensible but they hardly rise to the level of a life of misery as the Karmic reward for that stupidity.


Her actions brought embarrassment and discredit to her *employer* hence her firing and the situation she’s in now. I have zero sympathy and I do believe the punishment (her firing and public shaming) did in fact fit the crime.

I would tend to agree with you about an overreaction if her actions had been solo and only applied to her reputation alone. Or, if she made an honest attempt to apologize and make amends at the very outset. Unfortunately for her- neither was the case. The moment she did that on company time, the situation changed.

Instead of giving people passes for jackassery, we should take a good, hard look at what said jackassery costs those who employ them. In a business where a company’s livelihood depends on the *trust* of customers to believe that staffers are taking care of their loved ones and treating them with respect, what Ms Stone did created a huge hit in that regard.

So, yeah- life is kind of tough these days for Lindsey Stone, but what did she do to pay back her employers after literally biting the hand that fed her in the name of being a doofus?


*figuratively* biting that hand that fed her…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I get that part about being fired from the position she had at the time.

I’m stupid, but not quite that stupid.

My point was the rage exhibited by the mob, most of whom in the mob are liars themselves and not without stupidity at some point in their lives.

I’ve no problem with the job loss, I’m not so interested in piling on for the rest of her life regardless of her stupidity.

If stupid was punished with a lifetime of suffering most people in America would be truly miserable.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

By mob I don’t mean here at TAH…I don’t recall seeing rape or death threats at TAH nor would I ever imply that is what I meant.


Good points and I probably should have clarified that I didn’t think you were giving her a pass.

The only addendum I would add is that based on the new article- she’s essentially bringing attention on herself by even participating/laying out her own tale of woe.

That tells me that:

1. She hasn’t really learned her lesson after all.

2. She may or may not be at all contrite about how her actions led to her predicament.

3. Maybe some of the “mob” (those not issuing death threats or calling for her rape- reprehensible and totally uncalled for) are onto something. She seems to crave attention and perhaps piling on for the rest of her life is the only way she’ll figure out that actions have consequences.

Oh well. She’s part of our case study on how not to behave in social media when we give those classes tot he troops and will continue to be a big part of our cautionary tale.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Perhaps you are correct, this merits some consideration.

Thank you for a pleasant exchange of viewpoints. Always appreciate the wisdom of my compatriots here at TAH.

Former 11B

If you bothered to read the article you would have seen that this episode made her avoid leaving the house and engaging further on social media. You didn’t read it because you’re too busy being a sanctimonious asshole about something stupid someone did two and half years ago. Get the fuck over yourself and move the fuck on.


What’s up with you? I for one will never forgive her. She might try going to every Marker in Arlington and apologizing to all of our men and women there one by one. I might reconsider after that.

A Proud Infidel®™

It wouldn’t have been so bad if she was say, a clueless ignorant pre-teen or teenybopper, but she was THIRTY DAMNED YEARS OLD when she did it, and it appears that she’s only sorry there were consequences. If she had shown even the least sign of repentance, I might have some sympathy for her, but to me she’s acting like Jane Fonda every time she gets reminded of her past!


It was Ms Stone’s flippant response when first called out about the photo that led to the situation going viral. Had she simply removed the photo from her Facebook and apologized for not realizing the level of offense she caused a lot of folks, she pushed back hard.

That was my big issue with her– I didn’t really want her to be fired, but as someone who works in PR and crisis communications, I also recognized immediately that her self-absorbed actions hurt her employer.

As I recall- she was on a work trip and supposed to be caring for the people with disabilities under her charge during their trip/visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Instead, she was off screwing around taking happy snaps with her pal for purpose of social media hijinks.

In effect, she put her employers in a tough spot by causing damage to their own brand and reputation- she doesn’t have the right to do that and then keep her job on top of it. That’s what the people who argued her free speech was being violated didn’t get. Sure- she absolutely has the freedom to take that photo and be a dumbass in the process- just like she has the freedom to be held accountable for her actions by her private employer. How much business did her actions cost her company, who may or may not have lost the support of customers who pulled their loved ones out of that care because of what she did?

I don’t know that she learned her lesson based on this latest article. I hope she did. She could have avoided all of this by taking a different action- never forget that she caused the photo to go viral because she wasn’t interested in doing the right thing the first time. It sounds like she still seems to think that “mean” people caused her downfall as opposed to her own poor judgment/subsequent “screw you” attitude to those who initially called her out before the pics caught fire.

Says a lot about her own character and lack thereof than anything else.


Whoops- I meant to say “Instead of simply removing the photo from her Facebook and apologizing…” in the opening graf. Sloppy editing on my part there.


Hey,I see Commissar is up there running his piehole on FB again, ’cause we’re all a bunch of sexist, racist, ignorant trash. Can we have a thread where we can pound on him?

There’s more snow coming. I might get bored.

Former 11B

You know, I normally love to read your posts but you’re being pretty unbearable today. A lot of stuff that you say on this message board is highly un-PC, and could easily offend certain demographics of our society. Your response to that accusation would likely be the same as Lindsey’s, that you don’t GAF if you offend someone. But if someone had your contact info and a large group of your more inflammatory posts, they could probably form some piece of shit internet lynch mob to ruin your life too. And for what? Because you OFFENDED them.

I’m no exception. After I came home from Iraq, I nearly got hit by a cab, and I flipped him off and yelled “Fuck you Achmed!” It’s a good thing youtube wasn’t what it was back them because someone with a camera phone could have uploaded video of me doing that and tried to paint me as some kind of white supremacist vet who wants to kill Arabs, all because I said something OFFENSIVE.

Social media affords people the right to be complete assholes from behind their keyboards, and that goes both ways. I guarantee if one of those vets that initially objected to the Lindsey’s photo had confronted her about in person or by phone and not over the internet they would have gotten a more serious response, explaining the nature of the “joke” and they in turn could have told her that joke or not, it was still something that many people would be deeply bothered by. At that point she probably would have apologized and removed the photo.

It’s funny how much more civil people are when they actually have to talk things out without a fucking keyboard and monitor in the way.

Toasty Coastie

@ Former 11B

Not sure if you are being facetious or not regarding your “UN-PC” comment, but if you are being serious, I would respectfully suggest you check yourself before you wreck yourself.

I’ve read all your posts in this thread and you are dangerously close to sailing off the edge of the flat Earth.

This is a mil blog where being PC is not required or demanded. If you want PC discussion then you should probably find a different blog to hang out on.

I hope I am wrong in reading your intent, but if I’m not than you have just lost a boat load of respect.

Former 11B

Go back and I read the comment again. I didn’t say that people should only say PC things. I said the opposite. People should say what they want, and shouldn’t be crucified or have their lives ruined when somebody gets offended by what they say or do.

If somebody says something that offends you, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with saying something offensive back.

When you cross that line from simply responding to offensiveness with offensiveness of your own, and actually start trying to fuck with somebody’s livelihood and personal life then you are crossing into asshole-land and are doing things that make you a bigger piece of shit than someone who simply said something offensive.

A Proud Infidel®™

I looked at the farcebook comments and noticed that Commissar’s Mommy gave him his internet privileges back!


I get in an accident, injure someone lightly, but it’s a DUI – I probably lose my job, my driver’s license, my insurance will go up for years, I will be restricted in the kinds of jobs I will be able to obtain, because I foolishly chose to do something stupid for a few brief moments in my life. How is her situation different from my hypothetical example?

Former 11B

Are you like an actual retarded person? You do realize the difference between negligently doing something that offends people, and negligently doing something that you’ve been told over and over again is dangerous and could result in injury or death.

Toasty Coastie

@Former 11B

Did your cheese slide off its cracker into the great ether?

You have the audacity to chastise EX-PH2 on her post than post something like this?



It’s okay, TC, there is something else going on there with 11B, who may certainly send me a message privately via the admin, if he wishes to do so.

Toasty Coastie

I think you are right Ex, that there is something else going on with 11B. He’s not usually so ham fisted to the regulars here…

I hope whatever is bothering you settles its self out…If you need a shoulder or an ear, we are here for you.


“Are you like an actual retarded person? ”

Civility sure would come in handy right now.

I would hope that after being on the forum long enough, and posting around others who served as you have, that perhaps you could point out your disagreements with what some of us are saying without resorting to the base insults and belligerence.

If you’re just having a bad day, I’ll chalk it up to that and accept that you don’t care for my views on the subject.


Pretty sure I am not ‘retarded’, but was trying to make the point that actions have consequences – and that her wanting to avoid the societal consequences of her actions was about as futile as avoiding the legal consequences of a DUI (which was carefully phrased NOT to result in major injury or death.) As Hondo mentioned recently, making something clear to all is not necessarily an easy task.


DUI is illegal. Unfortunately, being a idiot on social media is not.

That is the difference.


The consequences for DUI are legal, and are enforced by the Government.

The consequences here are social, and enforced by the public.

That is the difference.

The operative principle here is that the mere fact that something is legal does not automatically make it either the correct thing to or socially acceptable.

Former 11B

“Unfortunately, being a idiot on social media is not.”

Unfortunately? I think you mean “fortunately”. If you really want to see people locked up or fined for saying stupid shit on the internet then you really need to consider how much you actually support the US Constitution.


“‘But I’m terrified’ of her employers finding the photo, Stone said”

How’s that saying go? “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” or something like that?


Dennis - not chevy

This is just another example of how apologies without atonement are wastes of words. Had she posted “OMG I can’t believe how stupidly I behaved” and then sentenced herself to some form of community service, this would have probably been fogotten long before now. A sincere act of atonement may have lead to a new job and some respect in the community.
It’s not yet a George Lucas world where one may blow up a planet, just apologize, not atone for it, and all’s forgiven.




Thoughts to ponder:
Some people have pointed out that it was one, stupid thing that she did and caught all of the flak for it.
In reality it was one, stupid thing that became public. How many other stupid things has she done that haven’t gone public? Usually where there is smoke, there is fire. We’ve seen that with many posers…

Former 11B

How many stupid things have you done that haven’t gone public. Or me? Or anyone else here? Between all of us it would probably be what the kids call a metric fuck-ton. Possibly several metric fuck-tons.


When was the last time you publicly disrespected your fallen Brothers-in-Arms?
There’s stupid and then there’s STUPID.
I’ll just leave a smoking Monkress on your parent’s graves and we’ll see how you feel then.


Right now, we live in a society of voyeurism that can and does frequently turn bleepin’ nasty, depending on the nature of the subject being viewed. People who, in a different time before the internet, would not normally have warranted a glance from anyone for engaging in doing mischief or doing great good, find themselves under the magnifying glass called ‘social media’.

Some people do stupid things, post them on social media, and catch hell for it.

The majority of people who do this realize that they made a mistake and make amends.

And then there is that percentage so desperate for attention of any kind that, when they ge it in the form of angry reactions to their stupidity, blame the people who are angry with them instead of taking responsibility for what they did.

My advice to Ms. Stone is simple:

1 – Grow the hell up now.

2 – Be an adult and move out of your parent’s home right now. Start your own home.

3 – Get your silly ass off social media, for good. If you don’t, this will haunt you forever.

4 – Get some serious counseling about your problem. Learn to take responsibility for your mistakes.

5 – You’re over 30 now. I had been on my own for 9 years by the time I was 30. GROW THE HELL UP NOW AND LEAVE HOME.


Hope she learned her lesson, if not, she never will.

I wish there was a better way to enforce respectful behavior, actions, and dress at Arlington. For many visitors it’s just another site to see, just another stop on the bus tour. Civilians often don’t understand, and there are way more of them than there are Veterans.

Still, not a fan of internet mob vigilantism. But whatever, if it floats your boat, so be it.


Former 11B, do you mind letting me know what is at the basis of your anger? You don’t usually stomp on everyone around you. What’s going on?


Not likely to happen, PH. This is not the first time for this sort of scenario with Former 11-B, or someone/several someones calling themselves Former 11-B. There are several possibilities which work for most of us, and which are very forgivable. Others, not so much.

Anyway, until proven otherwise, I suggest we take it with the proverbial grain of salt, assume someone is just having a bad day.

Can only add that I don’t recall there being any explanations forthcoming from previous episodes.

Now, Former 11-B, if you do get to read this – pc or not, this is an expression of actual concern for a younger brother in arms.


Sadly, OWB, I concur.

Former 11B

I don’t like lynch-mobs. I don’t like piling on. That sort of behavior leads to people going overboard and harassing their targets in ways that are totally out of line.

Ms. Stone deserved some of the grief she got. She absolutely deserved to be called an asshole and lectured on proper respect in a sacred place like Arlington.

She did not deserve people pressuring her employer to fire her. She did not deserve rape threats. Or death threats. She did not deserve to be unable to get a job for two years. She made a joke in extraordinarily poor taste, that’s not a fucking capital offense.

You can sit here and talk about the social consequences for her actions, but just remember if you want to hold people to those kinds of standards then you’re opening yourself up to the same. I’ve seen people say some stuff here about gays that could easily be used by some LGBT group to drum up a mob to treat those people the same way as Ms. Stone was treated. Is that the kind of society you want to live in?

You might respond that that’s already the society we live in and that people like Stone should have known that, but that’s weak tea. The internet is still pretty new. All these lessons about internet gaffes are just being learned. A racial or religious joke that you said in public twenty years ago would have gotten you some laughs and also some people calling you an asshole, but it would be forgotten in two days. Now people can use it to ruin your life.


No one here has been in the lynch mob mentality toward this silly, and very juvenile twit.

Maybe YOU should review some of the things SHE said about HERSELF AND HER FRIENDS, e.g., they wanted to be known as ‘douchies’. Well, now, they are and they will be known by that for a very long time.

It is THEIR behavior, and HERS in particular, that came under scrutiny. SHE wanted attention for the wrong reasons, and she got what SHE aksed for. That was over a year ago. SHE revived it by agreeing to an interview that she could have turned down. And SHE still accepts NO responsiblity for what SHE DID. The bad things that happened because of what SHE dide are all someone else’s fault.

Is that clear enough? Do I have to spell it for you?

No one here wanted her to get fired. No one here has acted as part of a lynch mob. A genuine apology from her would have been enough for us, but SHE never did that. SHE restarted this crap with the Daily Mail interview.

This is not a lynch mob and never has been, so YOU get over yourself, Jack.


“Everyone should get a second chance”…uh..nope. Some things you can never come back from.

I hope her life is a living hell until she meets our maker. Douchbag


Freedom of speech does not absolve you of being responsible for what you say.

In the real world people do give a shit.


This is a good example of something being blown out of proportion. There are certainly more important battles to fight then one woman acting silly.


Actually I think all was just about forgotten until she herself popped back onto the scene with her “whoa, poor pitiful me” interview. I think she likes the attention, so we’re giving her some. She’s a soft target that doesn’t take much of our time or effort.

Joe Williams

C.Long,it wasn’t only the Arlington incent that turned me against her. In her facebook pictures she mocking the Special Olympics kids. The same ones she is supposed to be seeing to their care. Not off somewhere else making fun of them. If I was there and saw her doing that I would have went MOAB on her sorry ass.Then I would report her to company. How would have one of the kid’s parents felt if they saw her actions? Joe

Silentium Est Aureum

Actions, consequences, shit like that.

All apply equally. More so in an “instant information” age.


I just realized something. I really did not understand this until reading this thread.

There are people who really, truly, have no (bleep)ing idea why that picture bothers us.

Lame of me? Probably. Excusing her? Nope.

But all I can do is try, when the opportunity presents itself, to explain to those who are merely uninformed why that place is so painfully important “hallowed ground” to us.

There are those, willfully ignorant, who are beyond such conversation.

Dealing with the inane mewlings of willfully ignorant idiots is a price of a free country. But, that free speech thing cuts both ways…

What would possess someone to take that particular pose, open mouthed and finger extended? Ignore the setting for a moment. That looks like something on a street corner just a little ways off base in the low-rent section of Hinesville, Georgia.

What, not funny? Hm.


Here is to another 15 minutes (or more) of fame.


More like 15 minutes of LAME!

Dave Hardin

Sorry, I have been busy most of the day. This one really believes she is the victim here. There is no indication from her that she has changed, she only whats her ‘image’ changed.

She is as constitutionally incapable of grasping the concept of making amends. Let me help the poor creature. May I suggest the following response when an employer of potential partner comes into her life:

“I need to tell you about a terrible mistake I have made in my life. There is this picture of me doing an unbelievably stupid and immature act at a sacred Veterans monument. In that moment I offended the service and sacrifice of so many people I would do anything to take it back. Because I can not, I have quietly worked for (fill in veteran organizations here) in an earnest effort to make amends. It was a mistake for which I will forever seek forgiveness.”

She is incapable of grasping that kind of humble honesty on her own. She has not been hiding anywhere or not dating because of this incident. Her actions speak so loudly I can not hear a word she is saying.

As much as this woman sickens me, I will be the first to stand at her defense if she is threatened with harm. I know most here would as well. It pisses me off when I see someone burn the flag, but I will defend their right to do it. They have a right to piss me off. I also have a right to humiliate the shit out of them.

Semper Fi.

Dave Hardin

I can find no finer example of how precious the graves of our dead are or how humility should be emulated. Could a father be more proud of his son?

Dave Hardin

One last thing before I go back to my usual grabasstic bullshit. I never mention this kind of stuff publicly because it just isn’t my way. I spent part of my day working on the funeral of a Brother Marine and Beirut Veteran who died very suddenly. May I suggest she do the same thing in a quiet way, it makes one humble.


Well said, Dave!


TO those of you that continue to say that she was just being an Idiot of she had made picture like this before.

The very fact that she made the picture is enough to show that she has no respect for the most sacred place in our nation.

Arlington is not a theme park, it is not a tourist trap, the Tomb is not there to earn money and the Guards are not there for the benefit of any one still living.

What most children understand she failed to grasp.

I wish her no harm, but I cant find an ounce of sympathy. She Desecrated Hallowed Ground, she did so with malice and intent.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

agreed x42


Agreed E4U.

IIRC, she and her friends wanted to be known as “douchies” or something to that effect. They claimed that name on facebook. Anyone who is 30 years old and wants to be known as a douche bag must expect to reap what they sow.

Sorry. No pity.